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Less than a year before the end of World War II, then U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau drew up a nightmarish plan to punish postwar Germany.
After the serial 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian War, World War I, and World War II—along with the failed Versailles peace treaty of 1919—the Allies in World War II wanted to ensure there would never again be an aggressive Germany powerful enough to invade its neighbors.
When the so-called Morgenthau Plan was leaked to the press in September 1944, at first it was widely praised. After all, it would supposedly render Germany incapable of ever starting another world war in Europe.
Morgenthau certainly envisioned a Carthaginian peace, designed to ensure a permanently deindustrialized, unarmed, and pastoral Germany.
Postwar Germany would have resembled something akin to the ancient, pre-civilized frontier that the first-century AD historian Tacitus wrote about in his Germania.
The plan would have ensured that within six months of Germany’s surrender, all of its industrial plants and equipment were to be dismantled.
The Ruhr, the renowned center of European industrial strength, was to be permanently neutered, starved of its energy, raw materials, and infrastructure.
After the war, the plan demanded virtual complete disarmament of Germany. Its once-feared armed forces were to be rendered nonexistent.
There were also promised massive reductions in Germany’s borders. Various countries, such as the Soviet Union, Poland, and France, were to be given large slices of the old Third Reich.
Future German security would hinge only on the power and goodwill of the victorious United States and its allies.
When the dying Nazi Party got wind of the plan, Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels had a field day. He screamed to Germans that they were all doomed to oblivion if they lost the war, even growing opponents of the Nazi Party.
Even many Americans were aghast at the plan.
Gen. George Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff, warned that its mere mention had galvanized German troops to fight to the end, increasing American casualties as they closed in on the German homeland.
Ex-president Herbert Hoover blasted the plan as inhumane. He feared mass starvation of the German people if they were reduced to a premodern, rural peasantry.
But once the victorious allies occupied a devastated Germany, witnessed its moonscape ruined by massive bombing and house-to-house fighting, and discovered that their “ally” Russia’s Joseph Stalin was ruthless and hellbent on turning all of Europe communist, the Truman administration backed off the plan.
There is a tragic footnote to the aborted horrors of the Morgenthau Plan. Currently, Germany is doing to itself almost everything Morgenthau once dreamed of.
Its green delusions have shut down far too many of its nuclear, coal, and gas electrical generation plants.
Erratic solar and wind “sustainable energy” means that power costs are four times higher than on average in the United States.
Once-dominant European giants Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes are now bleeding customers and profits. Their own government’s green and electric vehicle mandates ensure they will become globally uncompetitive.
The German economy actually shrank in 2023. And the diminished Ruhr can no longer save the German economy from its own utopian politicians.
The German military is all but disarmed and short thousands of recruits.
German industries do not produce enough ammunition, tanks, ships, and aircraft to equip even its diminished army, navy, and air force.
Just a few hundred miles from Germany in Ukraine, more than a million Ukrainians and Russians are dead, wounded, or missing—in the costliest European battle since the horrors of Stalingrad.
Yet the once postwar German dynamo nation now lacks the manpower, munitions, and money to aid Ukraine in any meaningful way against an ascendant Russian invader.
More than 1 million immigrants have entered the country illegally, the vast majority of them from the Middle East. Many of them are hostile to European values and culture, as recent terrorist killings have shown. One-fifth of the population was not born in Germany.
The shrinking German people are growing angry, divided, and depressed. Their 1.4 percent fertility rate is one of the lowest in the Western world.
A tragic irony now abounds.
After World War II, the Truman administration rejected the notion of a pastoral, deindustrialized, and insecure Germany as a cruel prescription for poverty, hunger, and depopulation.
But now the German people themselves voted for their own updated version of Morgenthau’s plan—as they willingly reduced factory hours, curtailed power and fuel supplies, and struggled with millions of illegal aliens and porous borders.
Germans accept that they have no military to speak of that could protect their insecure borders—without a United States-led NATO.
Eighty years ago, Germany’s former conquerors rejected wrecking the defeated nation as too harsh. But now Germany is willfully pastoralizing, disarming, deindustrializing—and destroying—itself.
TruthLaser says
Germany is ruled by the totalitarian impulses of central planners and occupied by enemy migrants,
Jeff Bargholz says
I’m glad I don’t live in Germany. America is more than self destructive enough, in my opinion. At least we won’t allow islamopithecines to take over and ruin everything.
Maha says
Not take over everywhere at least. I hope if the FBI ever get’s its head out of its ass, it returns to keeping a weather eye on places like Dearborn, and “recent converts”, instead of soccer moms at school board meetings.
Joseph Heartland says
Narratives are ALWAYS false narratives. This one is no different. I would like to offer my own. German decline is due to the average German being unconcerned about the future of Germany. Pleasure is taken today at the expense of tomorrow. Family is designed to insure the future based upon expenditures of energy today. Men and women who don’t care, don’t have children or mistreat those that arrive. Check out the work of Lloyd Demause, psychohistorian, who studied the German family as it related to the ability to carry out the Holocaust. Large numbers of Germans were raised without affection. This coldness percolates up the generations until today. The hope is that Germany will reconstitute itself on the families that have children because they want them. It is oh-so-much better not to have children that you have no idea how to love.
David Sugarman says
Assume Exodus is real. What an amazing coincidence there is between Egypt and Germany. Egypt was horrendous to GCP, God’s Chosen People (slavery, infantacide). She gets punished. She went from the heights of civilization to the wreck it is today. And what was God’s instrument? Ishmael [Genesis 16:12 And he [Ishmael] will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him;]. After an invasion by God’s Chosen Wrecking Ball, Egypt (for real) became bereft of its Language, its Culture, its Religion, and even its Genetics.
Germany is in the process of repeating this. It too was at the height of civilization and it too was horrendous to GCP. It is now suffering under the same Hand that crushed the Egyptians. Using the same instrument. We humans cannot comprehend in this scope. We live eight decades, God lives forever. What is Death to God? Time means nothing to Him. We don’t understand but He left us a clue. DON’T FUCK WITH JEWS!
Matt says
“Assume Exodus is real.” No need to assume. Exodus is true.
“Egypt was horrendous to GCP, God’s chosen people.”
True, however, God put Israel there. Why? Because Egypt was Satan’s seat of power. And while Israel grew in Egypt, Satan worked on occupying Canaan. He knew God would bring Israel up and into their land. And so, when the time came, Joshua worked on evicting the inhabitants. God was evicting Satan from His land. That was what was going on. As far as Satan was concerned, the Earth was his. Recall in Job 1:7 “…the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”
It was an act of possession.
The battle between God and Satan up to the cross was a battle of rights over rulership of the earth. God will use Israel to accomplish that purpose. A purpose which, right now, is temporarily on hold.
“Germany…is now suffering under the same Hand that crushed the Egyptians.”
No. Absolutely not. God is dispensing grace today. Through the sacrificial work of the Lord Jesus Christ, God has “reconciled” the world. Not saved it, but reconciled it. The status of the world and God, as far as God is concerned, is a state of peace.
2 Corinthians 5:19 “…God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.”
And so, based on the reconciliation His Son made possible, God offers the “gift” of salvation to all who will receive it.
However, this time of amnesty God offers, will last only so long. When the world by consensus rejects God’s grace, THEN, God will judge and make war.
Revelation 19:11 “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.”
What’s going on in Germany and elsewhere is man’s sinfulness in a fallen Christ rejecting world.
skam says
“More than 1 million immigrants have entered the country illegally, ”
I believe that is inaccurate, didn’t Merkel invite them to Germany on some kind of German post-Holocaust guilt trip?
Bob says
She certainly did.
Arthur G Foster says
Apt context. (but I still can’t read my print, FP!).
Stephen says
Merkel is the leftist idiot that killed old style Germany
Merkel ruined the good life for all those Germans now stuck in Germany.
German woman now unable to walk in their own country unaccompanied.,, unsafe
German males protesting, arrested and prosicuted for objecting to the disscusting result of Merkel’s “I want”
My German girlfriend has just returned from there, the natives hate what has happened, 70% of the crime is perpetrated by 5% of the population,
Muslims cluster in No-go Zones (unsafe for normal people)
Custers of Sharia law, how could a politican (only after her own gratification) think that this was going to end.
As Trump sez about Washington, “the country is being run by stupid people”
Andrew Blackadder says
The USA should take ALL US Troops and equipment out of Germany as well as Italy, Spain,UK and every other country across the entire World and let these countries defend themselves from their enemies and not have young Americans fight for them.
Why is America defend Japan… From WHOM?.
Why is there US Army in Germany, defend them from WHOM and can they not afford to defend themselves.
Why is their US Air Force in England and US Nuclear Submarines in Scotland, to defend them from WHOM?
Why are there US Navy in both Italy and Spain, Air Force in Morocco, Marines and Army in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain to defend them from WHOM and why can they not defend themselves from THEIR enemies rather than using young Americans as their cannon fodder… Herr Prick Cheney seriously disagrees with me on that score.
Mark Sochor says
Marxism and Islam are incompatible with western civilization. The German people have been their own government’ This is the kind of despair and desperation that led to the rise of Hitler after the First World War. Do they have the spirit to rise and reclaim their country while avoiding the demons of the past?