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This election year marks the eighth anniversary of unhinged NeverTrump invective, and Trump Derangement Syndrome swamp-fevers. Just as mothers in England during the Napoleonic Wars frightened their wayward children with threats of “Boney” coming to get them, the Dems are revving up Trump’s “threats to our democracy,” “autocratic” ambitions, and schemes to take away our freedom and unalienable rights. Arguments ad Hitlerum soon will be flying fast and thick, and the slavish corporate media have loaded up on “big lies” and sharpened their poison pens.
If you think 2016-23 was bad, this year the Democrats are desperate for many reasons: their catatonic candidate, his son Hunter’s white-trash sleazy vices and international grifting, multiple policy failures at home and abroad, and underwater polls numbers––for 76% of voters Biden is “too old to effectively serve another term.” All these problems will abet the Democrats’ patent lies, suborning of federal agencies and courts, fake horror stories about the January 6 “insurrection,” and shameless projections of their own autocratic inclinations and lust for power onto their political opponents.
This last Dem bad habit is particularly mendacious and dripping with hypocrisy. In last week’s January 6 anniversary speech at Valley Forge, Biden read, “Democracy means having the freedom to speak your mind.” But Donald Trump is “willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power.”
What better example of the brazen shamelessness that Adolf Hitler said typifies the “big lie”? The “grossly impudent lie” and “colossal untruths” are so preposterous that listeners “would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” We all know which faction censors speech, shouts down speakers, punishes dissidents with personal and professional “cancellation” and smears, and keeps an index librorum prohibitorum cataloguing which thoughts, ideas, persons, and words cannot be written or spoken.
And we also know who are “willing to sacrifice our democracy” for power, who live by the amoral creed of “any means necessary,” who demonize dissidents and political opponents as “bitter clingers,” “basket of deplorables,” “smelly Walmart shoppers,” and all the “sexists,” “racists,” “homophobes,” “transphobes,” “Islamophobes,” “xenophobes,” and “semi-fascists”––in other words, Americans who comprise Trump’s some 70 million supporters.
Nor is it conservatives who have unleashed federal and state prosecutors––who have charged Trump with 91 crimes–– on a political opponent who is leading his party’s nomination for president. And don’t forget the state officials waging lawfare to kick Trump off state ballot and destroy the voting rights of millions of Trump supporters. “Election interference” doesn’t get any more blatantly corrupt than that.
Or take the capital crime of questioning the integrity of an election, a charge that the Dems have been flogging relentlessly for nearly eight years. Have we forgotten the Gore v. Bush decision that settled the contested 2000 election? And the smears of George W. Bush that he was “selected, not elected”? Most shameless are the years of Hillary Clinton’s obsessive narrative that Vladimir Putin––the same bogeyman Barack Obama promised “flexibility” once he had been reelected––interfered in our election and engineered Trump’s victory. This charge is particularly shameless, given that Hillary’s campaign paid for the preposterous kompromat at the center of the Russia collusion hoax.
For the “woke,” not accepting the outcome of elections is for me, but not for thee.
As for lurid threats to “our democracy,” it’s not Republicans or conservatives who have serially undermined and cancelled one of the most important foundation stones of our democratic republic–– the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equality under law. Nothing Trump has ever done is as constitutionally heinous as the Dems’ mobilization of the DOJ and the FBI to hound and pummel Trump’s presidency with the preposterous “Russia collusion” lie.
Meanwhile, both agencies brushed off Hillary’s mishandling of classified documents, destruction of evidence, and pay-to-play family foundation. And these agencies continue to shield the influence peddling and international grifting of the Biden crime family, especially the crack-addled, tax-cheating, whoremongering son Hunter, and his laptop sequestered by the FBI, even as it bulges with evidence of numerous actionable felonies.
Such invective and double-standards have long appeared in American political contests. But they have especially characterized the postwar Democrats. Richard Nixon was despised as a war-monger who bombed Vietnamese children, and mocked as a “used car salesman”; bumbling stumbling Gerald Ford bartered a pardon of Nixon for the Oval Office; Ronald Reagan was labeled a rabid red-baiter, mediocre B actor, and “amiable dunce”; George H.W. Bush was an entitled, out-of-touch plutocrat who’d never even seen a supermarket scanner; and his son W. was smeared as a sketchily educate draft-dodger who started the “unnecessary” war against Iraq because Saddam Hussein had plotted to assassinate his Daddy, and W. needed to enrich his corporate minders who lusted after Iraq’s oil.
In contrast, one of the worst presidents in postwar history, Barack Obama, was treated with kid gloves even by some Republicans, especially during the 2008 and 2012 campaigns and his ensuing presidencies. And when he was criticized, the Dems and their media lackeys would cry “racism!”
Remember Obama’s pastor, Reverend “God damn America!” Wright? Obama’s 2008 opponent John McCain, who gloried in the moniker “maverick,” spent his campaign preemptively cringing, as when he disavowed using the racist anti-American Wright against Obama, and then suspended his campaign while the Democrats demonized and bullied his VP pick Sarah Palin who had energized McCain’s campaign.
And during the 2012 race, who could forget the uber nice guy Mitt Romney? His company Bain Capital had closed a steel plant, so the Dems accused Romney of causing the death of a laid-off steel worker’s wife from cancer. Or how about the silly slurs that Romney had bullied a fellow prep school student, or tied his dog to the roof of his car? Or in a perfect example of the corrupt media/Democrat complex, debate moderator Candy Crowley contradicted Romney’s correct statement that Obama did not specifically call the murders of four Americans in the Benghazi fiasco an act of terrorism?
As the saying goes, politics ain’t beanball. But seemingly Donald Trump alone is subject to condemnation for violating sacred “norms” and “decorum” that strike ordinary people as the status-totems of one social class––the Acela corridor, college educated, bipartisan political guild that dominates our government.
But such politesse isn’t as important as effective policies that improve the citizens’ lives, as Trump’s did during his term. Even arch NeverTrumper Bret Stephens last week admitted in––mirabile dictu!–– the New York Times Trump’s achievements in addressing problems that cognitive elites during the Obama years didn’t seem to care about, and that Biden’s term has worsened: the dangerous crisis on the border, the sluggish economy, stubborn inflation, rising death-rates for the middle and working classes, lower labor participation rates, the dangerously partisan media shilling for the “woke,” the so-called government “experts” at the CDC badly botching and politicizing the Covid pandemic, malfunctioning schools and universities captured by “woke” hacks and illiberal ideologies, ruinous “green energy” policies, and the foreign policy of retreat and appeasement brimming with moral hazards.
“Trump and his supporters,” Stevens writes, “called all this out. For this they were called idiots, liars and bigots by people who think of themselves as enlightened and empathetic and hold the commanding cultural heights in the national culture. The scorn only served to harden the sense among millions of Americans that liberal elites are self-infatuated, imperious, hysterical, and hopelessly out of touch — or, to use one of Trump’s favorite words, ‘disgusting.’”
Finally, the real issue is the NeverTrump Republicans. In 2016, attacking Trump during the primaries was not the problem. That’s what primaries are for. But once Trump had secured the nomination, there was no sane argument for continuing to attack him when the alternative would have been Hillary Clinton, a hyper-partisan, nasty progressive who would have continued the failures of Obama’s two terms. When the choice is between the bad and the worse, you have to choose the bad, not carry water for the worse.
The unmitigated disaster of the last four years makes this realism even more necessary. The nation can’t afford another four years of Biden’s cognitive decline, and his puppet-masters’ further attempts to “fundamentally transform” the U.S. from a Republic founded on the Constitution and its rights and freedoms, to a technocratic, illiberal ruling caste that prioritizes its own power and privilege.
And we certainly can’t tolerate another round of Republican NeverTrump follies that support and strengthen the pernicious ambitions and political skullduggery of the “woke” Dems. Now more than ever we need conservatives, to paraphrase William F. Buckley, to “stand athwart history, yelling Hell no! at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.”
If we want to keep our Republic, it’s time to close the Republican NeverTrump Follies.
Useful idiots lots of Useful Idiots these people take the prize for being the most Useful Idiots around
The single most important action that is required is the most radical of all. Reduce the damn feral government. Over 90% of what is does in unconstitutional. The more than 600+ alphabet agencies must be closed. We do not need a nanny state.
There are lots of other steps to take but this single action allows the rest to happen
Hear, hear! 🍻🇺🇸
Also cut salaries of House, Senate, and staff members until budget is balanced.
They used the poison pen to the point that even most idiots have built an immunity.
They will be brown shirting in the streets non stop. These people always default to violence,
they are going to light this country on fire like never before.
You are probably right.
There is a real bona fide power struggle going on in America.
It will all go one way or the other very soon.
Guess it’s a good thing, I’ve acquired lots more 12 gauge shells.
The deception and lies will get more prevalent to deny the truth by the left and the globalist elites. People know how they are affected by adverse policies, and they aren’t going to listen to mindless robots anymore.
Classic projection, right out of a Psych 101 textbook. To paraphrase the famous line at the top of the page, totalitarians screaming to break free of their progressive shells.
We’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, should be the battle cry of MAGA, or as Vivek eloquently said “we’re in a 1776 revolution moment.”
If they don’t think they can fix the election results to their liking, they just might create a pretext to cancel it. Naturally, the pretext would be some action they would blame on Republicans.
They already have the pretext in place. The vaccine deaths are slowly but surely coming into the legacy media and they will blame Trumps warp speed development that big pharma and the World pHarma Organisation duped him into. It’s Trump who allowed this death injection and they have that up their sleeves.
However, the Dems mandated the vaccine or careers, livelihoods were ruined. Dems apparently don’t look in the mirror much
A judge has put a stay on Maine Blocking Trump now to Colorado
Fat faced slimeball never Trump George Conway pulled the slutty nut Carroll aside at a party, suggested she sue Trump for defamation, and offered a recommendation for a lawyer. What the hag was doing at a party conway was at must be an interesting story,
After Trump Trounced the other candidates in Iowa, Mittens said, “I think a lot of people in this country are out of touch with reality and will accept anything Donald Trump tells them. You had a jury that said that Donald Trump raped a woman. And that doesn’t seem to be moving the needle. There’s a lot of things about today’s electorate that I have a hard time understanding.”
So there’s two of the never Trump rinos working for the dems. A jury didn’t say Trump raped anybody. Maybe mittens is due for a defamation suit.