“No credible scientific body,” wrote energy and environmental researcher Michael Shellenberger in 2019, “has ever said climate change threatens the collapse of civilization much less the extinction of the human species.” In fact, the whole idea that temperatures are rising to catastrophic levels is based on circular reasoning. But the Biden regime is all in on the climate change myth, and as always, ordinary Americans are the ones who have to pay the price. The latest manifestation of this comes in the form of new regulations for washing machines that make them work less well. Ready to stink to save the planet? You may have no choice.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that Old Joe Biden’s Energy Department “last month proposed new efficiency standards for washing machines that would require new appliances to use considerably less water, all in an effort to ‘confront the global climate crisis.’ Those mandates would force manufacturers to reduce cleaning performance to ensure their machines comply, leading industry giants such as Whirlpool said in public comments on the rule. They’ll also make the appliances more expensive and laundry day a headache—each cycle will take longer, the detergent will cost more, and in the end, the clothes will be less clean, the manufacturers say.” America, welcome to managed decline.
The idea that this is a sacrifice that we all have to make for a green future is preposterous, not only because the planet will not be saved by Americans suffering less efficient washing machines, but because many people are likely to deal with their new, poorly working machines by running the clothes through again. Thus washing clothes will not only take longer because the machines don’t work as well as older machines, but because people will wash their clothes twice. Thus more water will end up being used, and the net benefit to the climate will be less than zero. But all this really isn’t about saving energy anyway.
Washing machine manufacturers are apparently already implementing the Biden regime’s new regulations. The Free Beacon recounts that a firefighter in Cincinnati “bought a high efficiency Whirlpool washing machine” but quickly discovered that “high efficiency” in 2023 doesn’t mean what it did even just a few years ago. He “came to regret the decision almost immediately,” because “the machine used less water,” in fact, so much less that his work clothes didn’t end up clean. “His colleagues at the firehouse quickly took notice. ‘I walked past my guys and they say, “Dude, you stink!” I smelled myself, and yeah, that’s me stinking.’” Truer words have rarely been spoken: “Dude, you stink!” could be the epitaph of the entire Biden administration.
Washing machines aren’t the only appliances that Biden’s handlers have targeted in their never-ending quest to make Americans’ lives miserable. The Free Beacon noted that “last month, the Energy Department published an analysis of its proposed cooking appliance efficiency regulations, which it found would effectively ban half of all gas stoves on the U.S. market from being sold.” That one gained widespread public notice and caused some controversy, but hardly anyone has noticed that “the department has also proposed new efficiency standards for refrigerators, which could come into effect in 2027.” So you’re going to be standing there in your stinking, half-washed clothes, looking into your refrigerator and seeing your spoiled meat and melted ice cream, courtesy of your green fridge that doesn’t keep anything cold.
The Energy Department, firmly committed to the climate mythology, actually wants us to believe that descending to Third-World living standards will change the climate sufficiently to allow for the continued existence of human life on this planet: “Collectively these energy efficiency actions … support President Biden’s ambitious clean energy agenda to combat the climate crisis.” Yeah, and if we just weigh down the accused witches with heavy stones and lower them into this pool of water, the ones who aren’t really witches will miraculously be prevented from sinking.
Biden’s handlers are playing the usual shell game, trying to hoodwink Americans into thinking that these new, less efficient appliances will be just as good as the old ones that actually worked. The Energy Department admitted that “maintaining acceptable cleaning performance can be more difficult as energy and water levels are reduced,” but according to the Free Beacon, “it expressed confidence that Whirlpool and other appliance manufacturers can comply with its regulations without sacrificing stain removal and other performance standards.” Yeah, sure they can. What could be easier than reducing one’s resources and yet producing the same result?
In this, as in so much else regarding the Biden regime, you have to wonder: do they really believe their own nonsense, or do they just want to reduce America to Third-World status to satisfy some socialist, globalist imperative?
You could have been writing about Australia! We have a minister for the environment who is determined to make himself famous for saving the nation by implementing ridiculous rules for power generation. If he gets his way, all our coal and gas generators will be shut down ( to save the planet ) before there is enough solar and wind power generators to replace them.. Stupidity is obviously an essential characteristic if you want to be a politician these days.
First you lost your right to keep arms (dates from Glorious Revolution if not earlier), then free speech was trammeled during Covid, and now you’re being sentenced to the Dark Ages. In spite of all this you keep voting the morons into office,
There’s abundant vote fraud. There’s a mainstream media and university system that feeds lies to the public. Therefore, there are abundant brainwashed virtue signaling idiots out there. The country needs a major repair to the media and education and vote fraud machine.
Not everyone is as smart as you and I!
The politicians tend to be nothing more than figureheads these days, it’s the massive government bureaucracy that is the problem. They are all spouting the UN Agenda 2030 message but don’t say “we’re going to cull the population”
Once a regulation is passed that guarantees the jobs of the government bureaucrats.
This is an example of “Time Stealing.”
Hey, Robert, they’ve already screwed up the appliances. At our previous home, I had a brand new Bosch which took an hour to wash clothes. Now I have a 1994 Maytag made in Iowa that I am doing everything to keep going. It takes less than twenty minutes a load.
We had a HVAC guy in last week to evaluate our upstairs AC which was put in in 1995. He told us to leave it alone because the new AC systems are burning out, many within two years, due to all the new energy saving electronics. Power surges blow them out.
Hey, we are living under a marxist regime who stole the 2020 election. The real question is, why aren’t we s h oo t ing?
What’s going to happen is people are going to have to wash their clothes for 2 or more cylces instead of one, for a net loss of water, energy, detergent, and time. That’s what I have to do with my ‘he’ washer now to adequately clean my clothes, two cycles.
Apparently, I’ll be washing them for three or more cycles in the future, and we may come to a point where washers are so ‘efficient’ that no number of cycles in their mandated washers will clean clothes. Then the formerly wonderful labor saving device will be useless, and we’ll be back, er, have ‘progressed’ back to tubs and washboards(which had devolved into a bluegrass musical instrument or decor by the time I was born, over half a century ago).
My nieces finally understood this dynamic when I explained that it takes X amount of energy to dry your hair. You can arbitrarily reduce the wattage of the heating element and/or power of the fan in the hair dryer, but that will only mean it takes longer to dry your hair. It’ll still require the same ammount of energy to dry your hair, negating most or all of the value of your labor saving device. And that, just so so a bureaucrat can claim to be saving energy, and have people ignorant of physics believe them. I have pretty sharp nieces, they picked up on it.
Some famous ‘enviromentalist’ once quipped, “The only physics I ever took was ex-lax.” And it shows.
Yup, these people are delusional AND stupid and are making regulations that effect us all. What could go wrong? FWIW, since regulations such as these obviously make no sense as they will increase energy and water use from having to run each load multiple times, one can only assume they are being considered for another reason, e.g., to immiserate the population and demonstrate that the government controls your life and you are simply a subject.
We shall return to pounding our clothing on stones in the creek.
Or a better idea – pound THEM on stones in the creek . . . preferably before we’re reduced to serfdom.
Wash your clothes twice? That’s like the low flush toilets that use more water because you have to flush them two or more times..
They’ve finally come out with low flush toilets that actually work, but it took almost three decades since they mandated them and God knows how much wasted water and wasted time.
The Biden administration & the clowns that operate him are sick & evil they know exactly what they are doing.
The Elites just lust & love their power over the “Bio Mass” (that’s you & me)
The only thing that makes them Happy is seeing us live in Misery.
Kick them out of office.
Rolling Blackouts and energy efficient appliances… because the grid can’t handle the population…
Meanwhile… let’s let millions of illegals into America and stress the system even more…
Yes… the satanic American government is screwing over Americans…
Back to the old Scrubbing Board like they did. Biden the Stupid proving you don’t need Brains to run a whole Nation into the ground over a totally false threat. Biden is going t o hit the bottom by next years election
Joe Bidet (not a typo) doesn’t give a rat’s a** because he’ll never have to wash his own clothes.
As the man said here, “C’mon stink!”
Where does the Federal Government get this power to control washing machines?
From the unelected agency bureau-craps, and politicians that steal elections, of course and the so called woke scientists that live on government grants.!
Liberal Democrats are like Daipers they need changing every once often
The Deep State at work.
We did not elect these people. They rule over us without fear because the American people have become stupid and weak and servile.
If 1/10th of America took to the streets and behaved as BLM and Antifa did in their Portland riots but in opposition to the Communist Biden Regime Washington might take notice. There are not enough jail cells for 30 million patriots. But there are enough at Fort Leavenworth for the Communist Biden Regime.
That’s where they belong, Leavenworth, not Gitmo.
These new washing machines will be like the mandated low-water-use toilets: You need to flush them twice to “make the world go away”; you’ll have to wash your clothes twice to make the stink go away.
PROGRESS, government style!
Realize that electricity will be cut back so that you can’t wash as many cycles as it takes
needed a new washer during obama admin, could only get a non agitator hardly any water to wash my clothes, so called energy efficient one out of the basically different brands but same choices available,
threw it away in perfectly working condition when i bought a new one under the Trump administration. Never did that before. Thank God they haven’t been able to enforce their “waterless toilet” in other words, the out house for your house. But who knows these people are whacked
btw no one wanted the “climate change” hardly any water functioning washer I threw away. Couldn’t give it away. Useless environmental waste due to stupid green design. just like the wind mills.
I love that overpriced and overcomplicated leftist mandated gas can design, that’s supposed prevent fume pollution. Whatever it saves is more than lost in the gas spilled trying to pour with that short, straight nozzle, while holding the two stage valve open.. It spills gas all over the mower deck, defeating the purpose of the mandated design. It used to bother the environmental conservation and thrifty part of me, but I no longer.
Bad as that design is, the patent holder is incredibly rich, because he or she got the government to mandate their design for every gas can in the country, and prohibit all others. The politicians, or rather, the government bureaucrats that made the decision are almost certainly getting some kind of kickback in the leftist pay to play system we now have.
I can’t even use my dish washer machine anymore because it doesn’t clean dishes, might as well add permanently dirty clothes to the mix, let’s call it progress!