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This new Glazov Gang episode features Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His new book is . Follow him on Twitter here.
Robert discusses How Obama Enabled Hamas’ Terror Attack on Israel, unveiling The dark consequences of the Left’s love affair with terror.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch our 2-Part Special Series with Robert Spencer on Why Hamas Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and Why Hamas Beheads Israeli Children:
[1] Why Hamas Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar!’ – Why the media will never tell you what it really means.
[2] Hamas Beheads Israeli Children. The real – and taboo – reason why Islamic terrorists do it.
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Of course, he did. He’s a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer. He lied about everything.
Bareback Hasbeen Osama. What a half a sissy little bitch. And he’s ugly.
The jug-eared bitch grew up marinating in hatred of America & hating hard work (his poor grades reflected it.)
The smug low-octane atheist was mentored by Marshall Davis & Saul Alinsky. The damage that Alinsky inflicted on this nation cannot be overstated.
The smug prick has his vices: white powder & white queers.
He’s a lackluster, lazy punk who quickly realized he could skate by on white guilt & suck-up white reporters who’ve blown him more than Larry Sinclair.
Much as I despise Obama, he was not “mentored by Saul Alinsky.” Alinsky died in the spring of 1972, when Obama was only 10 years old. Obama had no personal interaction with Alinsky had no personal interactions, and probably did not have the faintest idea who he was.
Obama says in a book that Alinsky’s teachings had more impact on him in his youth than any other teachings. Throw that in with his doctrinaire Marxist parents and I say…close enough.
He had a mentor in his formative years, i.e., age 10 to 18. He acknowledged that in his first book, ‘Dreams.’ That mentor was Frank Marshall Davis. Davis was a pornographer and newspaper writer. If I were to explain some of his habits, it would spoil your dinner. When his mother returned from Indonesia, she told her parents to “send him to Frank.” Davis raised him when his mother had had enough of him.
Don’t blame the left for implementing Alinsky’s rules.
Fault the right for not being smart enough to realize the value of alinsky’s work.
Alinsky’s rules are a blueprint for getting anything done, regardless of the political bend.
How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic
has anyone ever wondered why a saudi billionaire paid for barack’s education at harvard? obviously we all know what the saudis got out of it once obama became president.
There is no way that the son of a Muslim man with a Muslim stepfather, raised primarily in what is the most populous Muslim nation (Indonesia) could have been considered anything but a Muslim. Under Sharia law, children follow the religion of their fathers (which is why Muslim men may marry infidels while Muslim women may not) and the fact that Barack Obama Sr. later espoused atheism is irrelevant- in Islam apostasy is forbidden and punishable by death. In any case, Obama clearly sympathizes with the Palestinians and is reflexively hostile toward Israel. He also hates the United States almost as much as he hates Israel. “Michelle” Obama was signaling their true feelings when she said his nomination as a presidential candidate of the Democratic Party was the first time in her life she felt any pride in being an American. It’s one of those truths that slipped out in an unguarded moment- like “You can open a coal burning power plant, but it’ll bankrupt you” and “Small town, blue collar whites who’ve turn to God and guns out of bitterness”
BHO has most probably done more damage, covertly and overtly, to the USA and the U.S. Constitution than any political figure in the history of this nation. And unfortunately, he was aided & abetted by both political parties of the Washington, D. C. swamp; while, the remaining fringe element(s) of all political parties were simply complicit in his efforts.
However, none of this damage could have been inflicted by Barry Obama, if he had been properly vetted by a responsible party prior to being installed in the Office of President of the United States, Had proper vetting been accomplished, it would have indeed revealed that Barry was not qualified to serve as either POTUS or VP – given that he fails to meet the minimum qualification requirement of the U.S. Constitution, as stipulated within Article II, i.e., that of being a “natural born citizen of the U.S. Moreover, it now appears that this constitutional requirement has been diluted even further, given that we now have a de facto sitting VP of Democratic leaning who is no more qualified than Barry was; and, we now have two (2) 2024 Republican candidates [Haley & Ramaswamy] who by all available public records fail to meet this same constitution standard -the requirement to be a “natural born citizen”.
It is nothing less than an affront to our Constitution and an outright fraud on the American people that this egregious transgression against the Constitution is currently allowed to continue unabated. Someone of authority needs to step-up and demand that these miscreants provide bona fide proof of their eligibility, or failing to do so… they should be immediately disqualified as candidates -PERIOD.
“the minimum qualification requirement of the U.S. Constitution, as stipulated within Article II, i.e., that of being a ‘natural born citizen of the U.S’.”
With that narrow interpretation of the Constitution (that happily prohibits both Republican as well as Soviet Democrat politicians you despise), there’s a much greater group which are excluded from the presidency.
That includes every single child borne to American servicemen while they were deployed to live outside of America to serve their country. Their sin (not unlike the sin of being born a Jew) being they were born in Italy, in Germany, in England, in Canada, etc. Not in America.
Ditto the children of Americans who were born all over the world while their parents were working for American companies who sent them to work there.
That’s a whole lot of Americans to claim just aren’t American enough to meet that interpretation’s test of citizenry.
Islam has been on the road to destroying Israel and America for many years. You can blame the voters too some will always vote liberal until they are overcome themselves. The radicals always said, “once they catch on to the real plans and agenda, it will be too late. “
Very enjoyable brief discussion—two wise men stating truths simply, clearly, and peacefully.