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This new Glazov Gang episode features Jack Cashill, a writer, producer and the author of his most recent book, ASHLI: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6.
Jack discusses The Fate of Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 Case, reflecting on How a debate and a Supreme Court decision put a fraudulent case on the ropes.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch our Special 10-Part Series on The Bolshevik Coup in America and The Hidden Agenda Behind the Plandemic.
[1] Jamie Glazov: The Left’s Seductive Siren & the Killing Fields – How the socialist hypnotic fairy tale leads to mass murder every time.
[2] Jamie Glazov: The Triumph of the Human Spirit in the Battle Against Evil.
[3] Freedom Center President Mike Finch Introduces Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov.
[4] Attendees Speak at Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov’s Evening – Heartfelt Words From Supporters.
[5] Jack Cashill: The Autopsy Threat that Doomed Derek Chauvin – When a chief medical examiner was warned to change his findings.
[6] Jamie Glazov’s talk on his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.
[7] Ivan Raiklin: ‘Hey Deep State, We’re Coming For You’ – How the leftist powers-that-be are digging their own graves.
[8] Roger Stone: The Man Who Killed Kennedy – 60 years later it still urgently matters.
[9] Dr. Naomi Wolf: Covid Vax & Sexual Intercourse: The horror that Pfizer knew – and tried to hide.
[10] Dr. Carrie Madej: Horror – Covid ‘Vaccine’ Vials Under the Microscope.
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Just to think of a the national politically correct outrage and even riots that would occur if a White Capital police officer had shot dead a BLM rioter , for any reason ,no matter how valid that reason was.
It’s a outright affront and travesty to justice and everything that is good ,decent and right to give that vicious murderer of Ashli Babbitt, a promotion what he m Michael Byrd should actually be in prison for murder.
This is leftist, politically correct evil and madness combined into one large hideous abomination.
This is completely and wrong. Not only to not arrest and imprison that malicious murderer, Michael Byrd, for the cold blood murder of the patriot Ashli Babbitt but now to even give that villain a promotion is a wickedness beyond reason.
It’s taking the wicked horrible man, Michael Byrd, and falsely making him out to be some kind of “outstanding good man” and in contrast making the good decent righteous patriot ,Ashli Babbitt out to be some kind of lawless terrorist. She was before Byrd murder her ,talking with other Capital police and attempting to stop all the mayhem that was going on at that time.
This is reflection of what the Bible reads in Isaiah 5:20. “Woe to those who call good evil and evil good…” [N.K.J.V.]
What about the human rights of the person murdered in cold blood by the name of Ashli Babbitt ?
On January 6th 2021 at Washington DC the patriots were waved in that government building by the Capital police. What a setup. That was totally unconscionable of those politically correct fiendish villains.
It’s been discovered and proven that the Capital police officer had viciously shot dead Ashli Babbitt thorough a closed then she was not engaging in any type of violence and the Capital officer who shot her was a Black man which is part of the cover up. Later that murderous Capital officer was “cleared” as in he escaped punishment because of the heinous influence and power in those politically correct leftist in the US government. So that awful man literally got away with murder.
That murderous escaped justice. This country is no longer a nation of “Justice for all”
The point in mentioning that is to think of a the national politically correct outrage and even riots that would occur if a White Capital police officer had shot dead a BLM rioter , for any reason ,no matter how valid that reason was.
That among other hideous unconscionable affront by Joe Biden reveals now more than ever before
that Biden is not a genuine US President but an actual criminal.
The ancient Roman statesman lawyer scholar and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero had very wisely wrote that “Law is built on justice; where there’s no justice there’s no law.”
So there no genuine law in American anymore because that despicable malicious vicious murderer. Michael Byrd , had escaped the punishment that he truly deserves for his malicious deadly shooting of the unarmed ,peaceful , non -hostile Ashli Babbitt.
With that sinister and insidious politically correct far left- wing in power in the United States is country is. now lawless.
That despicable fiendish villain who is posing as a real US President ,Joe Biden ,who is so extremely evil that he takes a large part in a heinous cover-up in the blatant murder of Ashli Babbitt, a non-violent ,unarmed peaceful patriot protestor who shot and murdered , though a closed door by a US Capital “police officer..” The words “police officer” referring to murderous character, who viciously killed Ashil in cold blood.
After she and other American patriots had actually been waved in that Federal government building by some “Capital police officers” . That was a real, actual “set up” in the most horrendous, wicked insidious kind there could possibly be.
Then Biden after he officially entered the Office of the US Presidency abused that power as a Chief Executive to hide that grisly murder of this young patriot from the public, the ,law courts , and helped get that murderous off with complete impunity.
This among other hideous unconscionable affront by Joe Biden reveals now more than ever before that Biden is not a genuine US President but an actual criminal.
That among other hideous unconscionable affront by Joe Biden reveals now more than ever before
that Biden is not a genuine US President but an actual criminal.
The ancient Roman statesman lawyer scholar and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero had very wisely wrote that “Law is built on justice; where there’s no justice there’s no law.”
So there no genuine law in American anymore because that despicable malicious vicious murderer. Michael Byrd , had escaped the punishment that he truly deserves for his malicious deadly shooting of the unarmed ,peaceful , non -hostile Ashli Babbitt.
With that sinister and insidious politically correct far left- wing in power in the United States is country is. now lawless.