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This new Glazov Gang episode features Anni Cyrus, Leo Hohmann and Jamie Glazov discussing When Muslims Say They Believe in Jesus, reflecting on Who exactly is the character ‘Isa’ in the Qur’an? Is he Jesus Christ?
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch our 10-Part Special Series on “I’ll Put You Six Feet Deep” and Why Hamas Beheads Israeli Children:
[1] Masked Hamas Supporters Scream: “I’ll Put You Six Feet Deep.”
[2] Destroying Israel’s Greenhouses in Gaza – Why exactly did the Palestinians do it?
[3] Candace, Israel, Apartheid and Genocide – The myths and facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
[4] Why Hamas Beheads Israeli Children. The real – and taboo – reason why Islamic terrorists do it.
[5] Why Hamas Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar!’ – Why the media will never tell you what it really means.
[6] Mapping Jews Project USA. The dark forces that are identifying every Jew in the Boston area – and why.
[7] Edwin Black: Kristallnacht 2.0 – The dark road ahead.
[8] Lovers of Life vs. Lovers of Death – Who will prevail?
[9] Biden Voters Have Blood on their Hands.
[10] How Obama Enabled Hamas’ Terror Attack on Israel – The dark consequences of the Left’s love affair with Jihad.
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Many Muslims claim that they “Also believe in Jesus .” Nevertheless, it’s very important for Christians to understand that “jesus” of Islam is not the Jesus of the Bible and Christianity. For the “jesus ” of Islam and the Qu ‘ran is not God.
By strong contrast the Jesus of Christianity and the Bible is God. Meaning God the Son of God the Father. Matthew 3:16. Hebrews 1:6-8.
That Jesus is God many be seen in John 1:1-3. 20:28 Romans 9:6. First John 5:20.
Furthermore by comparing John 5:22 with Romans 14:12. Reveals that Jesus is God.
.In addition, by comparing the Old Testament with the New Testament shows that Jesus is God. As in comparing Psalm 89:8,9 .with Matthew 8:23-27. Proves Jesus is God.
Likewise by comparing Isaiah 46:22,23. With Philippians 2::5-11 shows that Jesus is God. Also
Daniel 7:13,14. Compared with John 5:25, 26 clearly reveals Jesus to be God.
In conclusion, .the “jesus” that Muslims believe is not the same Jesus Who Christians believe in.
Jesus is not religion. He is far better than religion, which includes Islam.
The Bible gives its reader very important information about what Jesus did for every person by being the Supreme Ransom for the sinner by taking his or her place on the cross on behalf of that human being.
In other words, Jesus made Himself Absolute Sacrifice for sinners in place of each one of them.
For God the Father gave Jesus, the, John 3:16, for a person who is willing to accept His work, he Total and Complete Atoning Sacrifice, for him or her.
As the Bible informs its reader, “For He made Him who knew no sin for us, to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Second Corinthians 5:21. [N.K.J.V.]
Which is why no one has to perform sacrifices any more for the remission of sins…
Which is why the Temple was destroyed…
The Jesus that satanic islam looks forward to coming is… The False Prophet of the Holy Bible…
The Ad Dajjal or satan which satanic islam prophecies of coming are the Two Witnesses of the Holy Bible…
On “allahu akbar”, given that an akbar is a mouse in Hebrew, I sometimes wonder if the IDF are tempted to laugh when they hear of Hamas operatives crowing, in effect, that their god is a mouse.
In a way, this is evidence against any sort of divine inspiration of the Koran, because we are told that this phrase will strike fear into the hearts of unbelievers, but if it had been God who had inspired this idea, then He would have known about the Hebrew meaning of the word, which is particularly relevant given the Koranic animus against Jewish people.