Sorry, I know. The propaganda has been updated.
After the Left stopped claiming that a new ice age was coming for us (which was a pity because at least that was a very cinematic hoax with lots of dramatic potential), next up was global warming. Once people began noticing that scam, the eco-hoaxers switched to ‘climate change’ which is another way of saying weather.
The weather now is not particularly warm. It’s so ‘un-warm’ that a 300-page CNN story about the weather never gets around to mentioning climate change. Someone will have to be fired for that one by MinTruth.
This week, more than 80% of the Lower 48 will experience temperatures below freezing. Places as far south as Houston; Austin, Texas; Atlanta and even Orlando are currently included on that list. And some in the Midwest could also experience their coldest Christmas Day in nearly 40 years.
Update: Someone at CNN noticed and inserted this link into the story.
“A white Christmas is less likely for many due to climate change.”
It comes right above this paragraph.
“This major storm is upping the chances of a white Christmas for millions across the country. Some areas were already a given, considering there was snow already on the ground and the cold temperatures keeping it there.”
This is Pravda-level clunkiness.
Bad news. Climate change has been canceled until the next time it’s unseasonably warm and then there’ll be a horde of stories attributing it to climate change.
Intrepid says
Is the World Meteorological Organization a woke cabal of climate leftists trying to turn everyone into mindless WEFers content to eat bugs, own nothing and pray at the alter of Klaus Schwab and Barack Obama? While Barack lives in his beach front property on Martha’s Vinyard, and Klause flies around to Davos in his carbon polluting private jet
The climate freaks have been saying the data about the world RIGHT NOW (love the all caps for emphasis) is incontrovertible. Except that it isn’t because science is never really settled is it. Don’tcha just love cafeteria climate change? So sell it to the paying customers.
You are a fraud. Enjoy your EVs with no charging stations, your dilapidated windfarms, your cricket sandwiches, and everyone being herded into unlivable quarters in what passes for cities. Remember, Soylent Green is people.
Meanwhile, I’ll be having a juicy steak and baked potato for dinner tonight, sans you
dani says
save your crap for gullible losers like you. I’m sure most of the posters on this side do what I do – get BOTH sides of the ‘global warming”. oooops, “climate change” argument. Educate yourself, putz, and read a little of what Joe Bastardi, Mike thompson, John Cook, Scot MacIntosh – the list goes on but I don’t want your tiny brain to explode.
Cat says
How can anyone take this climate BS seriously when it required an awkward name change from “global warming” to “climate change.?” Change as in “weather” which always changes, at least where I live.
And sure, yeah, I can forget you said used to say warming in case its actually cooling….if I’m brain dead, that is.
commonsense says
A millennium ago, Vikings established permanent self-sufficient settlements in southern Greenland. Crops were grown and livestock was raised. Today, the areas where these colonies once existed have virtually no growing season; agriculture is no longer possible. The climate grew colder and the Viking settlers, who had lost their maritime skills over generations, perished., as they could no longer sail away to more hospitable areas.. Climate changes – always has, always will. Human activity is a minor contributor; geothermal energy, ocean currents, fluctuations in the amount of heat radiated by the sun, variations in Earth’s orbit and axial tilt are all far more important factors influencing climate change. Somehow, all of this falls on deaf ears.
Spurwing Plover says
So much for all this load of Poppycock about Children not knowing what snow was when their home gets snowed in and father threw away the snow shovels over all this Global Warming/Climate Change malarkey
CowboyUp says
“World Meteorological Organization,” is like the World Health Organization, who lied repeatedly about covid and the shots. Nice try, lol.
“…the damage human-induced global warming has caused to billions of people around the world.” – BS. That’s just a shakedown for money. That and control of people is what this scam is all about, separating the ignorant and gullible Westerners from our money.
“Prognostication is not an exact science..” – Yea, no vaccine is 100% effective either, but some aren’t effective at all, like the covid shots. The hoaxers’ climate models are the same, and they lost all credibility decades ago.
CowboyUp says
This was supposed to be posted on the thread for the biden housing article.
CowboyUp says
I guess I posted that post into oblivion, comments are a little wonky, I’m a little wonky, or all of the above.
junkyard_infidel says
go ahead and do your part to save the planet by self-euthanizing today ya pathetic, limey wanker!
CowboyUp says
Where are the giant bugs from “Mimic” or the Humanoids from “C.H.U.D.,” when you need them?
It might be time to start a homeless nonprofit. The biden administration will probably be about as efficient at homeless housing as California, and they’ll blow tens or hundreds of billions on it.
Invest in a dozen tents for $50-100 each, then charge the government $3000 a month each to rent them to homeless people for free. That’s $36K a month rolling in, a 3500% profit in the first month. I could quit my day job and tour the world to attend conferences, stay in 5 star hotels and resorts, and *cough* see how other cities and countries handle homelessness.
CowboyUp says
Ah, here it is, lol.
Kit_Jefferson says
Humanity has been talking about the weather for centuries and there’s only one irrefutable truth. There’s not a blasted thing any of us can do about it but accept what comes and to hopefully be prepared for it.
Tex the Mockingbird says
What ever happened with those Africanized Killer Bees we were suppost to be getting back in the 1970’s? It generated some movies like The Swarm and Killer Bees but nothing happened no killer bees stinging people to death
Dan Foster says
“What ever happened with those Africanized Killer Bees we were suppost [sic] to be getting back in the 1970’s?”
You can’t tell the difference between a media scare and actual science. Hell, it’s not even on topic. This is very telling and doesn’t offer any confidence in your ability to reason.
valyria starstorm says
Most climate scientists lie thru their teeth to support the climate agenda, they get a lot of MONEY from it. The globalists want them to keep lying so they can enact their Agenda.. you know.. massive population reduction + enslavement of the survivors + making massive amounts of money in the process.
I can tell you, there have been many many times when I have caught the weather guys at NOAA lying and fudging data. Times after time on the weather radar a “severe’ thunderstorm has passed over my house, DIRECTLY OVER IT, on the weather radar but it was only clouds. There was no severe storm despite what it said on the weather radar.. they turn the sensitivity of the radar up so high they can make it look on the radar screen like clouds are severe storms so they can have another data point that supports the climate change hoax.
Then in the early 2000’s there was CLIMATE GATE where the liars and bamboozlers who founded the global warming hoax were having trouble supporting their lie with data that actually showed a warming trend (because there wasn’t one) and they emailed other climatologists asking them to fickle around with their data to make it look like globla warming was occuring whent it actually wasn’t.
So tired of you lying scumbags. Go get another Covid booster.
Ozzonelayyer says
The “Hockey Stick Graph” was the bedrock of the modern global warming/climate change hysteria. A fake graph. Triggering a fake agenda.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Come to think about it, the Hockey Stick graph was dubious mathematically.
Phillip Lloyd Jones says
Climategate was debunked scientifically illiterate twit! And calling all climate scientists liar who only care about money is an ad hominem attack!
Pam Pollenkoff says
“Is the World Meteorological Organization an Islamist woke cabal of Nazi Trotskyites trying to turn everyone into a lesbian sheep?”
Wouldn’t doubt it if there was a chance it could promote their agenda.
ChezzUno says
We know <.00005% of earths climatological history. This is a FACT.
Ozzonelayyer says
In 2006, Al Gore was joined by “acclaimed climate scientist” James Hanson predicted in 10 years the earth would reach the POINT OF NO RETURN (emphasis mine) and shortly after sea levels would rise 20 feet.
“An Inconvenient Truth” won two Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and Best Original Song but came in last in Best Factual Documentary. It was loaded with nothing but projections and predictions. The infamous “Hockey Stick Graph” in 1999 was used as the primary source of data which was later found out to be totally fabricated by modifying the data criteria. When totally random data was inputted into their program, it also generated an almost identical graph. In other words their graph was a total fakery and the entire climate hysteria community bought into the lie.
That was in 2006. 16 years later we’ve already reached the POINT OF NO RETURN six years ago yet governments around the world are still convinced we haven’t and we can still play catch up only if we spend enough trillions (mostly from the USA of course) while countries like India and China, the true CO2 pumpers continue to build coal plants because they are still considered “Developing Nations” so they get a pass. Not the U.S. We’re supposed to destroy our economy to do something that is 6 years too late anyway.
Dan Foster says
“In 2006, Al Gore…”
Gonna stop you right there. Gore isn’t a scientist he was a politician so what he says isn’t an expert opinion.
“…was joined by “acclaimed climate scientist” James Hanson [sic] predicted in 10 years the earth would reach the POINT OF NO RETURN (emphasis mine) and shortly after sea levels would rise 20 feet.”
Now, HansEn does have some expertise. Your issue is that more information can be gathered and this can effect people’s opinions. That is how reason, logic and (more specifically) science works so it doesn’t say good things about you. It’s also very telling that you are literally decades behind in the debate but expect to be taken seriously.
Dan Foster says
“The infamous “Hockey Stick Graph” in 1999 was used as the primary source of data which was later found out to be totally fabricated by modifying the data criteria.”
How and when was it debunked? Name of debunkers, how they did it and links are the only legit response.
Then we come to the last paragraph when we find out your actual motivation. Your petty and spiteful nationalism rooted in your inability to separate your ego from the flag.
Dean R. Anniballi says
In the Northern Hemisphere, the average area covered by each reporting station is the size of South Carolina. In the Southern Hemisphere the average area covered by each reporting station is the size of California. There is nowhere near enough data to be able to determine the average temperatuer of the Earth, and the computer models predicting the future don’t accurately match what we’re told are historical temperatures. AWG is a scam to 1) instill fear into the populace in order to more easily control them, and 2) to redistribute the wealth of successful countries to those who are not successful. You[‘re more than welcome to buy into the BS, Nearly all of the model predictiions have failed to come to fruition, and putting stock into a theory that is disproven by real world events takes a leap of faith those of us with reasoning brains simply refuse to do.