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Chicago celebrated ‘Juneteenth’ with 40 shootings. The Windy City kept up a Father’s Day weekend in which 71 people were shot by fatherless young men in a city where 8 out of 10 black children are born to single mothers. And in which it’s all the fault of “systemic racism”.
Over in Daley Plaza, Mayor Brandon Johnson (pictured above) raised the ‘Juneteenth flag’ created by an activist who wanted the black parts of Boston to secede and form a new city named ‘Mandela’.
But who needs Mandela, when you’ve got Chicago?
“God bless the blackest city in the world,” Johnson, a radical who has presided over massive crime and enjoys an approval rating of 28%, declared.
With a 28% black population, Chicago isn’t even the blackest city in Illinois, let alone the U.S. or the world. And the black population has fallen by 400,000 since the 80s. Hispanics are actually the second largest group in Chicago, but since 60% of them disapprove of him, it’s understandable why he didn’t want to mention them. Or the 68% of white people who oppose the former teachers’ union operative.
Mayor Johnson is so hated that he’s barely breaking even with black voters. And so he announced that Chicago, which has over $50 billion in pension debt, will be spending $500,000 to study racial reparations.
The mayor picked Carla Kupe, a Congolese immigrant from Luxembourg who only came to America in 1997, to be the new Chief Equity Officer. Kupe, a graduate of the Lycee Classique de Diekirch in Luxembourg, a Certified Diversity Professional, a board member of the Illinois Diversity Council, a Dean’s Diversity Council Member at Loyola, and the Director of DEI at the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General where she created “27 racial equity action plans for city departments”, will play a major role in the new reparations program that will finally end “systemic racism” in Chicago.
2 black mayors, 3 black police chiefs, and 23 black aldermen haven’t done it, but DEI will.
Meanwhile, two dozen people were shot in 5 hours. There were two mass shootings in 1 hour. After the Juneteenth event, a 4-year-old was shot and taken to the hospital in critical condition.
“It is now the time to deliver good on reparations for the people of Chicago, particularly black people,” Mayor Johnson rambled, claiming he was “committed to driving reparations home”.
Johnson is a former teacher in a public school system where only 25% of students passed the English Language Arts exam, but teacher salaries now top a princely $100,000. Current contract demands by Johnson’s CTU union include $145,000 salaries, 45 days off, free weight loss surgery and abortions. And none of them, including the mayor, know basic grammar.
At Daley Plaza, Johnson blamed everything on the “legacy of slavery” even though the Illinois constitution banned slavery and was the birthplace of a man named Abe who ended slavery.
Johnson’s examples included closing “black schools”, shutting down “public housing”.
Mayor Johnson then announced, “I apologize for the historic wrongs committed against black people in Chicago. On behalf of the city of Chicago, we apologize.” Reparations will “unlock the doors of prosperity to fully flow through the neighborhoods that have been disinvested in.”
What does that look like? More criminals roaming the streets.
The $500,000 reparations commission (in a city where children go hungry) will conduct “a comprehensive study and examination of all policies that have harmed black Chicagoans from slavery era to present day” and “develop educational tools to build capacity within the City of Chicago and the public for reparations.”
Like what? In a city suffering from mass murders on a weekly basis, the answer will be to once again unleash the criminals. Core areas targeted by the reparations committee will include “mass incarceration and over-policing.”
While Mayor Johnson promotes his pro-crime agenda, on the South Side of Chicago, Alderman David Moore set up a tent in boiling hot weather and announced that he was camping out on the street to bring attention to the drug dealing in his community.
Moore was streaming his one-man protest on Facebook until someone opened fire nearby. “Shots were just fired on the block. Threats were made to us.”
“We’ve got to un-cuff the hands of the police,” Moore argued. “We can’t take the tools away from CPD, and I encourage this administration not to.”
Who has a better answer to help black people in Chicago: Mayor Johnson or Alderman Moore?
Would the black people of Chicago benefit from “underpolicing” or “overpolicing”? What’s better: mass incarceration or two mass shootings in one hour?
Does Carla Kupe, the new Chief Equity Officer (She/Sie/Elle/Ella) “Anti-Racism/Coloniality, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Expert”, have an answer to 4-year-olds being shot?
Slavery reparations continue to be pursued in places like San Francisco, Detroit and Chicago, where the local laws always banned slavery, and the problem isn’t the “legacy of slavery”, but the everyday reality of violent crime unleashed and empowered by pro-crime politicians.
Children are being shot while a commission will study the entire history of Chicago when it would be far more useful to study the drug dealers and gunmen roaming the city today.
“Chicago still bears the scars of systemic racism and injustices that have been inflicted on our communities,” Mayor Johnson conspiratorially claimed. “The disinvestment in our communities have been intentional.” Who was responsible for Johnson’s illiteracy except his own profession?
To quote another Chicago politician, “we are the ones we have been waiting for.”
The scars aren’t from systemic racism, they’re bullet scars.
227 people have already been murdered and 1,175 were wounded in Chicago so far this year. (The Johnson administration hailed this as good news.) There were over 800 sexual assaults, over 4,000 robberies and over 3,000 aggravated batteries as part of over 14,415 violent crime victimizations. This isn’t systemic racism, it’s good old-fashioned human evil.
A look at the Victims Equity dashboard shows who’s bleeding.
71% of the victims in shootings (in a 28% black city) are black.
78% of murder victims are black. Only 3.5% are white.
49% of sexual assault victims are black. Only 16% are white.
56% of aggravated assault victims are black. 45% of carjacking victims are black. 50% of human trafficking victims are black. And in most of these cases so are the perpetrators.
How will Diversity, Equity and Inclusion fix this?
Corrupt radicals like Mayor Brandon Johnson feed the poison of hate, pride and victimhood to disguise their role in this state of misery. DEI isn’t the solution, it’s the problem. When people are led to believe that they can’t and shouldn’t control themselves, they won’t.
That is the real Chicago way.
Wait until he discovers his policies, and those of his predecessor Ms Mayor Forehead, are driving out taxpayers and the businesses which provide employment to them. My son and his wife moved out about a year ago. So who is going to put up with and fund racial grifters like these who are destroying what used to be one of the best cities in America?
Too funny on Mayor Forehead. Unfortunately for the once great city, Mayor Forehead had little to no forethought.
Here around Tucson, one often sees many cars from former Mayor Forehead’s city and state.
I can only pray they learned the lesson of that formerly great city and do not bring their stupidity down here.
Sad to note, eventally they will invade the totality of America. . even the “elite” areas. This idiocy will destroy America.
Sad there are so few who will realize what has been lost.
Over my unalived body. And not even then.
Don’t worry. They seem to fleeing here to Texas. Chicago shrinks. Houston (and the other Texas cities, except leftie Austin), grow.
Actually, Austin is growing too. A ride down I-35 past downtown will reveal a forest of construction cranes helping to build a number of rather tall (by Austin standards) new buildings. Yes, the Austin city government is left-wing , reflecting the constituency of a college town with a lot of government bureaucrats thrown in, but the presence of a conservative state government (Austin is the capital of Texas) limits their ability to do too much damage. Austin’s suburbs tend to be conservative. In spite of all the growth, Austin remains a pleasant place to live and magnet for new residents.
Good points. However, a growing number of Austinites are fleeing their bright blue city for the suburbs and voting like they are still in Austin. Too expensive in Austin so they moved here and are working to make this city more like the one they fled… And they are proud of doing this!
I liked Chicago better when it was a lot more Polish, Irish and Italian. Blacks? The Windy City needs a lot less of them.
Middle TN is due south of Chicago; our grocery store parking lots reveal the IL newcomers and some from as far away as California!
Johnson’s M.O. is to holler, threaten and strike for more taxpayer money. It’s the public union way!
I think the “Mayor Forehead” is a little off the mark. It was more like a “Sixhead,” or an “Eighthead.”
The Hispanics are great fighters at that level of combat. Been reading about what they did to the French in Spain and Portugal during Napoleon’s rule.
Wellington’s British army helped out, also.
I expect that our illegal ‘newcomers’ gaining footholds in blk hoods will take out a bunch of the ‘problem’….
Well, yes. But they will replace it with a new and worse one.
Which, in and of itself, will be quite funny. Hilarious infact.
Not to the innocents. There are always innocent children and people apart from this gang life world who didn’t start this crap.
They werent Hispanics then, but rather just Spanics.
As long as they keep electing Democrats nothing will ever change in the Windy City of Democrat Windheads
I agree in general but not entirely. As long as Chicago is ran by feckless democrats the murder rate in Chicago will continue to change asymptotically upwards for the foreseeable future until and unless democrats are tossed out en masse.
Good grief, “asymptotically.” I had to look that one up.
The content of the character of the abstraction of black people is an embarrassment now.
MLK has gone from “Reverend” to “Doctor” as the abstraction has rejected Church.
The few churches left are mostly political, and rarely address the soul.
And Soul Music is now moribund.
The “reverends” Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson contributed greatly to the fundamental change as did Obama’s mentor.
Frank Marshall Davis.
You misspelled mentor. It’s spelled f-a-t-h-e-r. As in Frank Marshall Davis.
LOOK at and compare the photos for crying out loud!
The Rev. Dr. wasn’t so reverent as it turns out. FBI tapes coming soon.
He was a social justice liberation theology kinda thinker. And quite the philanderer. The ‘reverand’ was not who we think he was.
DEI means Didn’t Earn It and is rooted in anti American anti Semitic and Marxist thought
Or divisiveness, elitism and insincerity/
Damn! Did I miss Juneteenth…………………………..again?
Shoulda been in Oakland, CA. Juneteenth. Lotso fun!!
I would have missed it there too.
On a recent tour, I was warned not to go to many areas as a sightseer. One morning I did wondering what could be wrong. A few blocks into my journey, I saw that something NM doesn’t have except for the football and basketball teams. I did get a few looks but then I began to see what their warnings were about. Smashed windows in businesses and cars, also with sliced tires. Porn shops. Liquor stores. Small grocery stores, only three people allowed at a time, no backpacks or large purses. Weird… a McDonald’s drive-thru only and no walk-ups. I asked at the menu board and then saw, No Cash.
After the concert, we went downtown and lots of people. We parked in a lot, $45 an hour. Since I had a van, (“It’s taller than cars.”) $60 which didn’t make sense. Lots of lines to eat so we went to a coffee/pastry shop. Tea was $8, no refills.
On the morning news, the daily count of wounded and killed. BLACK ON BLACK! They have a No Snitching policy which is strict even though your own family member is killed. THEN THE REVENGE KILLINS which most of these are. “You killed my brother! I’m killing your brother and sister!” ON AND ON IT GOES. Street Justice.
WHERE IS OBAMA, THE CHICAGO BULLS-HITTER? Where is Oprah? Where is Michael Jordan? Where is Rev. Wright?
AND TO THINK CHICAGO IS NOT THE WORST CITY… BUT ALL THE WORST ONES ARE RUN BY DEMOCRATS! Albuquerque, Believe it or Not, is #2 in crime, up from #1. Heroin addiction #1 in Espanola, a city of 10,000. (I performed in nearby Chimayo, across the street from the famous church, for a festival of former addicts trying to convince the youth to not start it. I had a neighbor from there and he was addicted at ELEVEN-YEARS OLD, now forty-two and still an addict. Dealers are Mexican ILLEGALS selling Black Tar Heroin. Two were busted a few months ago, two others took their place. NM Legislature ruled by (D) for ninety-years!
New Mexico is such a beautiful state. I considered moving there when I retired, but there are too many ingrained problems. Very sad state of affairs.
Johnson is a self absorbed goofball in a position of great responsibility. The result will be that the situation in Chicago will get much much worse.
The great philosopher Eric Hoffer said what I believe is the second wisest thing anyone has ever said:
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business,
and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
The great economist Thomas Sowell, who happens to be black, said what I believe is the wisest thing anyone has ever said:
“The important question is not what is good. The important question is who decides what is good.”
People who were not slaves demanding money from people who were not slave owners.
What could possibly go wrong?
Hmm, California?
I’ll see your Hoffer quote and raise you a Corneille, “When the patient loves his disease, how unwilling he is to allow a remedy to be applied.” – Pierre Corneille
It was the Southern Democrats who FOUGHT for SLAVERY, and who RESISTED Abraham Lincoln and his REPUBLICAN citizens who fought for the elimination of slavery in America. If the LEFTIST DEMOCRATS insist on reparations, it should be the Democrats who fought for SLAVERY, JIM CROW LAWS, and Lyndon B. Johnson’s GREAT SOCIETY whereby a Black woman could NOT RECIEVE FREE government aid/support for her children if a man (PERHAPS their FATHER) lived with his “wife” (the woman who bore the children!) who should PAY THOSE REPARATIONS!
Read the full Webster v Haynes debates from 1830. Therein lies the truth and reasons for the War of Northern Aggression. It is in their own words.
I’d rather prefer reading about Beauregard’s justification for ending all peaceful diplomacy over the Charleston Forts and rejecting even Sumter’s commander’s offer to surrender the fort and evacuate unless either reinforced or told not to, just before the separatist traitors opened fire.
But hey, apparently we’re supposed to ignore dyed in the wool, utterly criminal looting, aggression, and treason by separatist, Democrat lead paramilitaries because of the Webster v Haynes debates in 1830, more than a quarter of a century ago and involving none of the key decision makers in 1860-1 directly, when US unity and faith in the constitution were far more united across the spectrum, because reasons.
The war was a war of Confederate Aggression, and there is a reason the actual Spirit of San Jacinto wanted nothing to do with it, which is why he was imprisoned.
I have heard the claims of criminal looting by Confederates, but never seen any primary sources. I have seen the eye-witness testimony and diaries of Northern looting, murder, rape, etc.
As for the actual spirit of SanJacinto, that was the decisive battle for the Republic of Texas. I’m guessing you are referring to Sam Houston, but that moniker was not attributed to him. The only time I know that Sam Houston was arrested, was by Antonio-Lopez de Santa Anna in Mexico.
You’re thinking of Stephen F. Austin, who was imprisoned in Mexico City for almost a year.
I stand corrected.
“I have heard the claims of criminal looting by Confederates, but never seen any primary sources. “
So you’re a terrible, poor researcher or a dishonest idiot. Or both.
Robert Bunch was one of the major British sources on the American Civil War in the South and he was absolutely scathing about separatist pillaging even in South Carolina, starting with Federal property and that of other states and going on.
This was echoed by civilian assessments of Confederate atrocities, some of which shaped history like the decision to march on Gettysburg for both for resources and control.
I think you can find both testimony alas easily.
You also pointedly ignore the Confederate lineage of many outlaws such as the James family gang and Bleeding Missouri.
All of these primarh sources, richly documented, and indeed the first ones predated the first elements of Unionist pillage, and were not even the worst such as the genocidal Blood on the Ice campaign where the Confederate governments and Texas state aligned with Pro Confederate Amerindians to persecute their tribal enemies, including the wanton murder of women and children fleeing. Likewise the Nueces Massacre against German-Americans for their Unionism.
I think you can research these names and see, if you truly are interested.
As for Sam Houston, look closer. His “retirement” during the war was essentially house arrest, complete with guards overseen by the Governorship. It was a kind of genteel Southern house arrest to be sure, but that was still what it was.
The separatists were NOT traitors, and they were NOT treated as traitors at the end of the war. At the insistence of President Lincoln, they were treated as REBELS – as persons engaged in an armed and unlawful rebellion against the lawful authority of the United States. Had they been traitors, they could have been executed on the battlefield.
The very purpose of the Union war effort was to force the rebels to surrender and submit to the lawful authority of the United States.
That’s why President Lincoln ordered military commanders to refer to the Confederates as “REBELS,” and not to refer to them as the “enemy” or as “traitors.” Though they often did, they never did in Lincoln’s presence.
“The separatists were NOT traitors,”
At a minimum those that had sworn an oath to
The Union and its Constitution and then broke it were, as almost all Confederate leaders had.
And they were punished as such. Marked as traitors and removed from the franchise for a long time for levying war on the Union.
“and they were NOT treated as traitors at the end of the war. At the insistence of President Lincoln, they were treated as REBELS – as persons engaged in an armed and unlawful rebellion against the lawful authority of the United States. Had they been traitors, they could have been executed on the battlefield.”
This is circular logic. They were traitors that were not summarily executed due to Lincoln and most Americans trying to limit the scale of the bloodshed, in large part due to the large number of Unionists in Confederate captivity and the fear that the Confeds might start killing them if the Union did to Confed prisoners. Which still periodically happened, like in Missouri.
By this “logic” the American Patriots were not traitors in the eyes of Britain because the British did not summarily execute all prisoners they captured in the Revolution.
“The very purpose of the Union war effort was to force the rebels to surrender and submit to the lawful authority of the United States.”
Because said rebels had engaged in illegal revolt against the elected and constitutional government. Usually breaking oaths to do so.
“That’s why President Lincoln ordered military commanders to refer to the Confederates as “REBELS,” and not to refer to them as the “enemy” or as “traitors.” Though they often did, they never did in Lincoln’s presence.”
Abject nonsense as shown by the language of various standing orders of Union Armies and Departments, which had to be accepted by Lincoln. As well as Proclamation 92, which was directly authored by him and is both scathing and explicit.
A. Lincoln said they weren’t traitors. They were rebels.
No, Lincoln explicitly said they were traitors.
“AN ACT to suppress insurection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of rebels, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every person who shall hereafter commit the crime of treason against the United States, and shall be adjudged guilty thereof, shall suffer death, and all his slaves, if any, shall be declared and made free; or, at the discretion of the court, he shall be imprisoned for not less than five years and fined not less than $10,000, and all his slaves, if any, shall be declared and made free; said fine shall be levied and collected on any or all of the property, real and personal, excluding slaves, of which the said person so convicted was the owner at the time of committing the said crime, any sale or conveyance to the contrary notwithstanding.…”
– Excerpt from Proclamation 92.
Chicago, and most of America, has turned away from the God of the Bible. The belief has become ” eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die”. And, “do unto others before they do unto you.”
“Only slavery reparations can save Chicago..” Exactly like when Apartheid saved South Africa.
Hmmmm… oh wait. Maybe ‘saved’ is the wrong word.
So if people can change/claim they are now the opposite sex, I will call myself black when the reparation checks are mailed out.
WHy is it that so many blacks will vote for the color of someone’s skin?
Do they ever think about how bad things have become under black leadership.
They can’t be that ignorant.
Oh yes they can…
Of course they’re that ignorant. The public school system makes certain of that.
I wonder how far a $200,000 grant in reparations with full Social Security retirement benefits would go conditioned upon 1) permanent loss of U.S. citizenship; and 2) Free travel to any African country of choice.
The first two bennies must first be conditioned on arrival on African Continent soil without a means of returning to America. 2nd possibility would be a one-way flight to the Outback of Australia and settlement in a Aborigen camp. The problem is those Aborigens are too smart to allow him residence.
Jeez, don’t wish that on us, the Abos are bad enough as it is.
Mind you, the booze, drugs, rapes, and other assorted violence would make them feel right at home in many of those outback settlements.
EEEeeewwwwwww… Chicago.
Its a shame we can’t face the black “problem race” and their violence against everyone. Its my opinion that this will be a major cause of America’s ruin.
“Will be’?
Already is and has been for a very long time now.
Really tired of hearing sh!t like this. There is only one race: the Human race. The only difference between all of us is the amount of melanin in our skin. We are all made in the image of God. There in lies the problem: we have rejected God.When you reject Him sin is rampant. It’s not Reparations we need, it’s Restoration & Revival. Only God can heal an ailing nation.
Begin with the truth about the grifter, MLK, Jr. Then BHO.
The blacker the better, goes the “reasoning”. “Blackest” is best!
It all sounds like a monumental waste of time and money. Diversity morons putting forth idiotic DEI plans that only make grifters rich, but solve no problems. I’m willing to bet money that no prosperity flows through any neighborhood while that same cast of imbeciles run Chicago. And with all the black on black crime, they owe each other reparations. I wonder if they have a plan for that?
Reparations for slavery? That’s all Black America needs! The problems of the inner-city black neighborhoods can be traced largely to the welfare check and no need for a father in the household – no protector or provider, no one to teach boys such things as responsibility or self-reliance. Three generations (at least) of African-Americans have been raised getting government money they didn’t earn or create on their own, or need an education to get. “Mo’ Money” is not going to give them back their dignity or make them safer. Nor will it make them take responsibility for their own communities. When your illigitimacy rate hoovers around 70%, you are feral, and until you face that problem, money will do nothing. In fact, free money is damned corrosive. Just ask a trust fund kid.
That’s what happens when you allow Democrats to define a “Great Society”. Why isn’t anyone asking “Great” for who?
How did this delusional man with his race-hate obsessions get elected? Only 28% black and he became mayor? Many whites must have voted for him.
Same way Sandy Cortez did: He’s racial. They’re racial. He’s racial …
For a moment, I thought you were talking about BHO, Jr., Frank Marshall Davis’s son.
I’m old enough to remember studying and admiring Carl Sandburg’s famous, lyrical celebration of the City of the Big Shoulders, “Chicago.”
And as a young stockbroker, some 4 decades ago, I often recommended and sold municipal bonds–especially the General Obligations of California, New Jersey, Chicago, and a few other cities and states, which were then rated AAA (the highest rating of creditworthiness) by S&P and Fitch,
Now none of those bonds from any of those issuers would even qualify as “Investment Grade.” They’re “junk bonds,” either already in default, or at serious risk of defaulting: speculations as to the issuers’ financial ability (and willingness) to pay timely interest and redeem at full face value upon maturity. Not “investments” for widows, orphans, or pension funds.
Guess why that might be? This excellent article explains why it’s self-evident that they’re not “Investment Grade” any more.
Hell, even Hugh Hefner moved out of his famous “Playboy Mansion” in Chicago to relocate to another “Mansion” in L.A. (which has also become a Democrat landfill). I can’t help imagining him turning over in his grave, in the plot he bought next to Marilyn Monroe’s, to look up from Hell and see what both cities have become.
Negroes in America need to learn that success is the best revenge and stop blaming everybody else for the problems they have created within their own communities.
”First we have to clean up the neighborhood”… Malcolm X… and look what they did to him…
Um, who was it who said, “If they bring a knife, you bring a gun?” I can’t now remember.
The mayor’s hairdo is indicative of the brain below it: Bless its pointy little head.
That’s not a hairdo. He’s a pinhead.
That is the Real Chicago way. Just think when the whole United States becomes just like Chicago..
Reparations for Chicago is nothing more than a bailout for blacks in Chicago. Then the Dems can go big city by big city, which are their supporters and give more reparations to most of their supporters.
Somehow the Dem pols will get the feds to fund this reparation payoffs when it should be city and state funds.
Feds (tax payers) shouldn’t fund it, Cities and states should not fund it. There should be none handed over to them. Period.
But think of all of the nail salons, braid salons, jewelers, and all those other businesses that will make money off reparations… not to mention the drug dealers. Good for business, right?
Not only that. Cadillac had better ramp-up production of the Escalade if reparations are approved.
He looks like a mandrill. I bet he has blue or red buttocks..
Very kissable buttocks. Mmmmmmmm….
I do not agree with reparations, but I do agree that slavers should be punished so IMHO all African tribes who were the ones who actually DID the original enslaving (and not whitey) in Africa and sold them, mostly to the Middle east and only later to whites, should be punished.
If whites are going to be the ones targeted, then EVERY ME and Nth African country bar Israel should also be targeted as islam dominated world slavery up until the late 19th century and still DOES.
The whole current slavery is dominated now by ignorance, stupidity and lies all compounded by greed and my previously non-existent contempt for those who push for it is now snowballing. Next, they will be claiming land rights as supposed ancestors lived there before whitey (Toltec statues)
Giles Milton, “White Gold.”
A book about White slavery in northern Africa.
Three-quarters of my ancestors arrived from Scandinavia around 1900. They were loggers in northern Wisconsin. They had NOTHING to do with slavery.
Of the other quarter, one perished in Andersonville; another returned to Wisconsin profoundly disabled from Civil War injuries.
No black has ever thanked me. No reparations were ever offered.
8 July 2024
Lets see, you have two self perpetuating problems here:
1. Schools that cannot teach kids to read, much less be able to reason logically. The problem is that when these kids grow up to be voters, they cannot seem to realize that the politicians that keep promising prosperity and failing to delvier are promising something THEY CANNOT DELIVER. Until they deal affirmatively with the crime problem, Chicago will continue to become more uninhabitable by the day.
Until the public figures out that politicians cannot promise anything and are only seeking to extend their power and influence at the detriment of all others in Chicago, they will continue to elect the wrong people.
2. The second problem is the radicial racist politicians who have figured out that politics is their ticket out of the Ghetto. Promise the people much, deliver nothing, blame whitey! Same song twenty third verse. Same thing every election cycle. . ensuring the kids are ignorant is the ticket to perpetual power, and the downfall of their “people” in Chicago, as a result.
For example, who do the people think are going to come up with these free millions of dollars the city is going to give them in “Reperations?” That is the problem, they don’t think. They hear FREE MONEY and run faster than a hungry animal to a feeding trough. They fail to realize that Chicago is all but bankrupt, and even the study to “fund reperations” is essentially bogus. Payment will be eternally pushed off into the future, unless federal funds are offered.
And by the way. . . why is this generation alone entitled to reperations? Should’nt the 50’s generations have gotten it, after all they suffered serious racism? What about the current children? Shouldn’t they and their grand kids also get reperations? WHY IS THIS GENERATION ENTITLED TO REPERATIONS, BUT NONE OTHER?
Again, failure to conceptualize and realize the fallacy of the problem. . due to idoit teachers, like Slick Johnson here. . I bet his kids can read, and probably went to a private school. . another problem the TEACHERS UNIONS are great at avoiding, and the citizens never seem to conceptualize.
Indeed the founders were correct, The electorate MUST be educated and ethical. Chicago is just the hell they envisioned, and where all of America is headed.
Wes. Federal Funds? The Feds (our nation) is BROKE! My wife and I (retired) we do not want to pay the reparations bill. Nor do want my grandkids stuck with it.
I have followed Chicago and Illinois politics for decades. All the city and the state does is tax and spend. Both are functionally broke. Their pension system is over-generous and woefully underfunded. (Northern neighbor Wisconsin does not have this pension problem.)
One day Illinois will demand the nation to bail them out. I say NO!
Federal funds are of course the unstated goal of such wonderful cities as Chicago. It is always about “other people’s money!”
Funny though, as I re-read the article sometime later. What would a reasonably intelligent black person do after receiving “reparations” money? LEAVE CHICAGO IMMEDIANTLY!
I fear we have passed a point where anyone can put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Fixing “Black housing” will do nothing but perpetuate the problem. The real fix is to put the black family back together again AND reform education. Kids need to understand HOW government works AND why America is a special place. No more of this “taking a knee at professional sporting events!” Even if one can put the family back together, what is the portion of young black men who would make decent fathers at this point? What is the contemporary mindset? Marriage, family, kids and a home with a Pickett fence does not seem to be the current desire. We have to fix that too.
Which is why I use the Humpty Dumpty analysis. . .It cannot be fixed, or at least even finding a remotely decent work around is exceedingly difficult. The mindset of a gang member is on personal enrichment at any cost. If innocents are hurt, who cares? Their wants and needs precede any considerations about the advancement of their collective race. They care nothing about the history of racism IF it does not somehow personally benefit them personally. Why would they even remotely care about having and raising children to become decent adults?
I dare say the world will likely experience another extinction level event, before the demographic again becomes socially complaint, and the pathologies are eliminated.
True, but government has no fix for those problems.
we have been paying “reparations” since LBJ’s “Great Society” bravo sierra, and the “problem” has only gotten worse, decade by decade by decade. Demonrats and RINO cowards….
1,500,000 white Europeans were held and traded into slavery by the Ottoman Empire’s Barbary Pirates during the 18th and 19th Centuries. What about reparation from Turkey for the descendent of those kidnapped by the pirates?
Mayor Johnson should be talking to the Arab League about reparations for the Transatlantic slave trade as well, because it was the Arab slave markets in Africa that sold their African captives to the white slave traders who transported them to the US. See Raymond Ibrahim’s article on this topic, which can be accessed on his website.
and how many honkies died fighting to “free the slaves”????? The slaves could NOT free themselves, ever, without honky acquiesce. I am personally tired of their whining bs and really don’t give one rats fanny at all. They reap what they sow..
He was too busy shilling for Gaza to do that. BTW, the common term for a black person in Arabic is “abeed” which means “slave”.
Where do they get and keep voting for these black crackers, it just don’t make sense. Their racist hate keep’s them in a box that will be hard to escape…
Despite being the most privileged, pampered, protected, celebrated, and entitled race of people in the U.S., blacks still refuse to abandon their culture of hate, racism, violence, crime, disrespect, and tribalism in favor of a culture of respect, hard work, and prosperity. Instead of looking inward, they blame Whites for their failures.
Whites do not control Chicago, New York, St. Louis. New Orleans. Oakland CA, San Francisco, CA and all the other big cities that have fallen into ruin under black leadership.
Blacks are the mayors, the city councils, the chiefs of police, and the district attorneys who spend their time accusing White people of holding them down instead of spending their time making their cities habitable for the residents.
For myself, I’d rather have a family of illegal Hispanic aliens living next door to me than a family of blacks. Infinitely safer.
Bad news for why-T. Fani Willis was reelected on Tuesday.
Daniel, actually, Chicago has had four black mayors, not two: Harold Washington; Eugene Sawyer, who was appointed to the office when Harold Washington died; Lori Lightfoot; and now Brandon Johnson.
I was going to add only one. I didn’t know about Sawyer since I only arrived in 1990 at the beginning of the era of Daley the younger. How we had fun with his use of language.
So the teachers want free abortions? What will the male teachers demand? I bet it won’t be vasectomies.
But, but, but, but… Ray Nagin, the Mayor of the “Chocolate City”….
Slavery*did* exist in Illinois regardless of the clear language of both the Northwest Ordinance and the first constitution of the state.
It was practiced near Harrisburg Illinois in salt mines in beautiful Saline County. Not too far from a terribly misnamed national park called ‘Garden of the Gods”, where the Michigan River once flowed.
There was a very nice big red brick)I think) house with slave quarters right behind it.
There’s a book titled “Salt, Slavery and Sex” (not sure about the order, but the words are right) that records the history.
Slavery was tolerated because the salt tax revenue was too good to miss out on.
What happened to Naginville?
Oh, Danny! Say it ain’t so. Did you REALLY write that Honest Abe was born in Illinois? And did your savvy and patriotic proof readers let that howler pass muster?
ANY well-schooled patriot knows that The Great Emancipator was born in …. Kentucky.
SO depressing.
If the payoff is that the ‘community’ no longer can complain about racism I’m for it, The ‘community’ will have to reap its own consequences without blaming anyone but themselves. No more affirmative action, freedom marches, or any other cliche’ born of the civil rights scam. At last, real equality is achieved.
No politician or community organizer claptrap, no race cards played, its all in the past… reparations and be done with the entire snake oil race industry.
Blackmailers (pun intended) are never satisfied. They always come back for more. There will be no such thing as “one time” reparations.
I went to Navy boot camp at Great Lakes, just north of Chicago, in 1979. Chicago was a really great city in those days. Those who have destroyed it should be arrested and charged with treason.
Abe was not born in IL
Lincoln was born in Kentucky
Wow. Hits a nerve. Has to be record for FP comments.
I nominate my ex POS city Atlanta for most Black (African American).. After all they now have more AAs than Chicongo.
As for reparations, all for it!
“Chicago, which has over $50 billion in pension debt, will be spending $500,000 to study racial reparations.” This reparations quest is not only a waste of money. It is a fool’s errand. Further, a government granting people cash money from the property of taxpayers for past perceived injustices based upon those peoples’ skin color is inherently unconstitutional. The political reasons behind this reparations plot is really retribution against white people.
LOL, and IL was always a free state too.
Duh, reparations for what? Illinois was always a free state? Do any of these blacktards even have a GED holder’s grasp of history?