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Six years ago, the David Horowitz Freedom Center invited the then little-known Candace Owens to its annual Restoration Weekend gathering of conservative movers and shakers.
“This really is the conference where everything started for me,” Candace later said. “I started my career, my political career on YouTube making just funny, satirical videos, and I got an email from David Horowitz inviting me to this conference, and let me just tell you what a big deal it was for me. I had no connections whatsoever.”
At this conference she met Charlie Kirk, and connected with his nationwide student organization Turning Point USA, and became a national figure.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center went on promoting Candace, honored her with an Annie Taylor Award for Courage in 2018, and hosted her at multiple events.
That’s why we are so disappointed in what she has become.
Back then she laid out an ambitious plan to “move the black vote 20 points by 2020”. It’s not clear what happened to that. Instead of liberating the black community, Candace began giving platforms to anti-Israel voices like Andrew Tate, a Muslim convert who said that “ISIS are the real Muslims because ISIS do exactly what the book says.”
The David Horowitz Freedom Center has previously criticized Candace’s promotion of Tate. But because of our history with Candace and our hope that she would pull out of this spiral, we did not make an issue of it.
The atrocities of October 7, the appearance of ignorant mobs in the U.S. chanting “Hitler was right” and supporting the Hamas terrorists, and Candace’s moral equivalence about these neo-Nazis have changed the stakes. We have decided to issue the present statement because of her recent promotion of Hamas’ genocidal lies.
For example, she has falsely compared Israel to the “segregated South.” This is the sort of ignorant ‘Apartheid State” slander that we expect from Black Lives Matter – and the Jew-killers of the Middle East.
When Candace implied that Israel was engaged in “genocide” for defending itself against the atrocities committed by Hamas, that’s the kind of genocidal lie we expect to hear from Hamas.
And when she suggested that to remove the Hamas auxiliary — Students for Justice in Palestine — from campuses would increase antisemitism, that’s what we expect to hear from the New York Times.
It’s not what we at the Freedom Center stand for and it’s not what the patriotic movement we have been helping to build over the last 35 years represents.
Instead of focusing on the meaningful activism and defense of American values that brought her to our attention, Candace Owens has become obsessed with her own fame, stirring up drama to compensate for a lack of real achievement. Her comments about Israel and her promotion of people like Andrew Tate are part of a pattern. Candace tackles a subject she knows nothing about, never bothers to learn anything about it, and then rides the backlash by playing the victim to generate more fame and money.
What a tragic misuse of talents.
In 2018, Candace tweeted that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was clueless. She’s “programmed to hate Israel and she has no idea why.” Now she has become AOC. Candace hates Israel for the same reason that AOC does. Fame. She proved that she knows as little about Israel as AOC does when she falsely claimed that the Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem is the only place that Muslims are allowed to live, thus “proving” the Hamas canard that Israel practices apartheid. It does not.
But this is not just about Israel. It’s about the survival of western civilization which the Islamic jihadis have been working to destroy. And it’s about the sad caricature that Candace has become, and the end of the promise we saw in her.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center wishes to express its deep disappointment with Candace’s ignorant, hateful and morally obtuse remarks about Israel and the Jews. But, of course, it’s not just about the Jews. The Jews are the canaries in the mine. The West is next and America above all.
It’s one thing to have been alive in the Thirties and not realize where the Nazis were heading. It is quite another to be alive during a 75-year campaign by Islamic jihadis to “finish the job that Hitler started,” and fail to stand against their open campaign to create a second Holocaust.
Here is the irony that the so-called pro-Palestinian left and Candace fail to grasp. For nearly two decades Israel and the West sent millions in humanitarian aid to Gaza, which was used instead by the Hamas government to build 300 miles of terrorist tunnels and turn Gaza into a military base, sending thousands of rockets into civilian areas in Israel – war crimes. Where were the protests in Gaza and on college campuses then? They were demonstrating in behalf of the war criminals.
We are in a civilizational war and Candace is either on the sidelines or actively supporting the crusade against the West.
We at the Freedom Center remain committed to finding and supporting the activists who will do the work, rather than chase the clicks, who will stand up for freedom and the sanctity of human life, who will refuse to compromise with evil and retreat into a delusional isolationism that says if the evil doesn’t affect me immediately, I don’t really care about its victims or the future that it intends.
Goodbye Candace, we will continue to support those who truly strive to raise up the movement for liberty and life, not selfishly tear it apart.
I’m sorry to hear about this. She doesn’t even look like the same person she was before this pitiful transition to what.? A person that is more interested in clicks than conscience.
She has a very good record of supporting Israel. I don’t think we should cancel people just because they have an opinion about Israel that differs from ours.
Please give some examples of her supporting Israel. I’m not aware of any
She attended when the embassy was moved to Jerusalem.
Please. She went to the embassy opening becauseshe wanted to kiss Trumpʼs ass and thought it would help her get ahead; she couldn’t care less about Israel.
So? She wanted clicks.
I imagine there were quite a few cameras there whatcha reckon?
She went to suck up to Trump. If he had moved the embassy in Ouagadougou, she would have gone there.
That was in support of Trump, not Israel. Her recent comments lack any thought and seem to be purely 100% said for attention. She seems to have been trying to goad DW into a wrongful termination suit.
I generally agree w Candice. I’m an anti war. BUT, When it comes to raping women, dragging them through the streets – cutting the babies out of pregnant women and laughing about it – putting babies in ovens – I think there is a difference between killing civilians in war and intentionally torturing, mutilating them and laughing about it on social media. It’s up there w Manson murders & mass shootings at Newtown and Columbine. It is unacceptable barbarism. Our only hope for victory begins w ending lies & telling the truth. Candice is a morally corrupt coward on this issue & seems to just be a spotlight seeker.
How does that show support? She just wants to be on stage, wherever that may be.
There are many Americans who believe the story that the Palestinian civilians are
innocent damage in the war against Hamas. Do they see the brain washing that
children go through from the time they can talk? TV shows, school, religious meetings,
camps all teach children to “kill Jews; retake OUR land; avenge our ancestors; become
martyrs.”‘ Couple that with making parents proud and PAYING families of martyrs, and
you have a society that has very little innocence or blamelessness. Americans need to
look at that more carefully–especially those in the media who may have a good heart
but don’t know what they are talking about.
This shows the opposite. If she was in Israel, she knows that Jews and Arabs live everywhere and not only in the Arab quarter. Either she is playing dumb or plain lying.
Examples are in the article.
Actually i really do not see any benefit in the massive support the United States has constantly given to Israel .
Look at the Facts , Look at Reality , To the Muslim World we are all infidels , and there holy book commands them to Convert is to Islam . CONVERT or DIE.
On the other hand the Jews Believe that they , and only they, Are Gods Chosen .
And Christians are GOYUM ! To be Spat Upon and driven away .
Both of these fossilized religious cults are no friends of Christianity . And never have been.
We Christians support Israel bc our God told us to do that.. And He curses those who curse them.
You are wrong, the Bible says G_d has chosen the JEWISH ppl as his OWN people, he doesn’t change his words ever, G_d does not approve of jealousy in which u sound.. and there are messianic Jews who worship along with Christians under a synagogue every day.. open your eyes.. you are part of the ANTISEMETIC problem and any Jews who don’t care for particular Christian are because the ones such as yourself.. Shame on you!!
Maybe you are not a Christian, maybe you’ve not been taught, or perhaps you are a victim of the teaching of Preterism (the erroneous belief that the Church has replaced Israel as the recipient of the promises of God to His Chosen People). Yes, they are indeed God’s Chosen people from ancient times. The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. God never changes. Even when Israel fell into disobedience in the Old Testament, the promises of God to them is permanent and was, is and will be fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah. The Jewish Messiah is Jesus Christ; Yeshua Hamashiach. They just haven’t realized it yet, but indeed they will (read the Bible OT & NT and the Book of Revelation specifically.
In any event Jesus the Messiah will prove to Israel that He has not finished with them as a people. The whole world will see Jesus when He comes and the remnant of the Jewish nation worldwide will behold Him, believe on Him and realize that they have made a tremendous error in refusal to believe the words and claims of Jesus when he walked the earth. The LORD loves the Jew and the Gentile and calls us all to believe on Him and believe that His shed blood is the price He paid to redeem us all from our sins. The sin of unbelief is the only sin He cannot redeem.
Don’t refuse the gift of God in Christ Jesus and die in your sins.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit is not done with Israel. He will yet choose the Jew, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
‘I will bless him who blesses thee and curse him who curses thee,..” Genesis 12: 2-5
May God bless you as you believe on the Name of Jesus Christ.
This comment is moronic. Study Judaism, genius. The Torah doesn’t say Jews are chosen to harm or do away with anyone – Muslim or Christian – but rather to help lead mankind to a best version of itself. Since you are obviously perplexed – read Rambam’s Guide For the Perplexed and get a life.
The Jewish people are the chosen ones of God, through whom He sent His Son Jesus, offering salvation and eternal life to all. Without the Jews, there would be no Christianity. God’s promises to humanity began in the book of Genesis. The Jesus and the his followers were Jews and spread his message to the non-Jews . Some Jews associate Christians primarily with Catholicism due to a history of anti-Semitism by the Catholic Church in the past.
The Tanakh and the New Testament both foretell the experiences and challenges faced by the Jewish people. Those who follow Jesus stand in support of the Jewish people and recognize the promises made to them regarding their land. They have a shared belief in Yahweh, as their God is also the God of Christians. The teachings of the Prophets in the Tanakh, the words spoken by Jesus about the Jewish people, and the writings found in the New Testament form the foundation of their faith. It is important to refrain from using language that labels the Jewish religion as “fossilized,” as this is considered to be anti-Semitic.
Jewish people believe that God chose them to bring the word of God to the pagan world. Being “chosen” means that and not that they believe they are the lords of the world. Unfortunately people misunderstand this.
I no longer believe that Jews believe they are the ONLY chosen people. Many Jews are Christians. The Jews were persecuted by Hiler and his followers in horrific ways. They deserved a place to feel free. It atonishes me how Hitler and Muslims (and so many others) feel the same way about the Jews. I hope Israel will continue to fight until they have rid the world of Hamas. Unfortunately that will only be the tip of the iceberg. Western countries were shamed into letting Muslims into their countries. Seeing the violent protestors is a late wakeup call. With our weak and greedy government, do we stand a chance against the vile, evil Middle East and people like Soros?
God does have particular promises He has made to Israel and the Jewish people. He chose the Jewish people as those to whom He came in the flesh in order to die for many others and make both groups into one. He is not finished making both into one group yet. He is NOT finished with the Jewish people and Israel. They will come to know that Jesus was their Messiah 2000 years ago, and they will believe. But they will also understand that the way things happened was orchestrated by God to accomplish His purposes in His overall plan. If Jesus had not died on the cross no one could have any forgiveness for sin. God in Christ will come back to earth again but next time in a different way. Not as an infant Child but as an almighty conquering God and King. He will arrive on the scene in Israel just as they think the battle is lost with all the nations against them. He will arrive with the saints of God with Him. The battle of Armageddon will be taking place with Israel against the worlds armies of immense size, but God will wipe them out completely. The Bible says that the slaughter of those against Israel will be so great that the blood will flow in the valley at a depth of up to the horses bridle and for a distance of 200 miles. Then God’s work to make the Jew and the Gentile one in Jesus Christ will have been finished. They will both make up the church. In the meantime, those who bless Israel will receive a blessing for it, and those who curse them are fighting against God Himself. Don’t do it!
If you cannot see the benefit, then I will show you. God says in his word that I will bless those who bless Israel, and I will curse those who curse Israel.
The Jews are God’s chosen people and the Apple of His eye. God has blessed America beyond words and His Grace and mercies as well as His long suffering has been amazing. We as a nation have turned away from Him and it is way past time for us to turn back to Him.
We have been grafted into the olive tree only by the amazing grace of God and if Israel fails (but they won’t falil due to God’s
Intervention) then what hope do we have?
amen to that, Israel is a morally bankrupt nation
There is nothing in Judaism about spitting on goyim. It is about worshipping one G-d and not getting distracted from that. The lengths that Israel has gone to for a peaceful 2 state solution is not accepted by Islam because it IS about annhilation of Jews. And you Christians are next. THAT is IN THEIR HOLY BOOK!
The “genocide” in Gaza is a complete lie because their popluation has grown 5 times in the 20 years they lived under theri own authority, from 1 miilion to 5 million. They have to rely on Israel for water because they took the water pipes and turned it into pipes for BOMBS .
The United States calls Israel a friend as a trading partner and a SAFE HAVEN that includes other nice tourist places like Qatar and UAE. compared to the rest of the VIOLENT ME.
Your contempt for Jews is palpable. Jesus was Jewish. Most of his sermons were preaching Judaism. That is why Christians have an OLD TESTAMENT., which is the Jewish bible. Please find some love in your heart for your own slavation.
And somehow you think your religion saves?. just by accepting A human sacrifice which the Torah prohibits?. And you ignorant fool.. Goyim simply means ‘Nation; Hebrew does not write in hebrew and then suddenly pick and use an english word to make the goyim happy.
And.. You know who first said the nation of Israel is chosen?. Hashem G-d. Your just A idol worshipper who thinks your man boy jesus can save you.. He will do nothing for you. He is on same level as buddah, krishna,
and the democrats whom worship barrack obama.
Notice how all the christian countries except for A couple are obessed with s-x, mutilation of children, climate change garbage, and liberalism.. jesus does nothing.
Your stereotypical description is simply not accurate: I have been to Israel 7 times and one of my dear friends is a Holocaust survivor. She knows that I am a believer and to her I am one with Israel. Hardly as you describe.
Anyone can convert to Judaism(and be “a chosen one”,) but since Judaism is strictly against proselytizing all Rabbis are required to reject a persons request to convert three times. if they come back a fourth time the Rabbi’s will be willing to start the conversion process. My wife went through it before we were married. As for spitting on non Jews, you are looking through a microscope at the micro fraction of a percent of ultra religious Jews living in Jerusalem, and no mainstream Jew supports them To claim they represent mainstream Judaism is a lie. You are unfortunately totally ignorant of Judaism and simply a bigot.
“the erroneous belief that the Church has replaced Israel as the recipient of the promises of God to His Chosen People”
Pope Francis has publicly rejected that theology. So have several liberal Protestant churches. The basis is a verse in the New Testament that most Christians long ignored.
Support Israel, fight terrorism, pray for their salvation and an end to lies or Islam., also pray for them to accept Jesus as lord.
You really don’t know what you’re talking about. The promise that came to the Jews was that through them shall all the world be blessed. Long story short our Savior is a Jew. Jesus Christ is a Jew. Israel does not hate Christians.
Respectfully, I disagree. “The Jewish people are the civilizers of the world..” And I agree with that quote, which is from my former Lutheran Pastor, James Lindemann, who told us this during Old Testament Bible study.
“to be spat upon”? Where on earth did you get that from? It’s preposterous and patently false.
On the surface it appears that Islam and Israel are the same in the generalized way you stated, however, Brother, please read the Word of God to get the whole picture. The Jewish people didn’t choose.themdelves, GOD did. There is a bigger picture here at work and you’ll miss the Truth of who to stand with if you lean to your own inderstanding and not on the Word of GOD.
Goy means “Nation” and Goyim is plural “Nations”. It refera to the 70 nations or families in the bible. It isn’t an insult as the bible also speaks of Yisrael as a Goy “nation” as well, but in your context it means the “other nations ” or not from our family – the Jewish people. Maybee you should learn Hebrew before spouting your anti-Semitic canards loser. By the way we are the Chosen People. G-d said that (in your Christian bible as well,) we didn’t.
The Lord says to bless Israel, who is Israel? Soros? Netanyahu? Golda? Harvey Weinstein? Jeffrey Epstein?… is it any Jew who wants to do whatever they please whether it’s of God or not? Is it their state government? or is Israel: those who Keep the Commandments of the Lord? Those Jews who carry out the desire of the Lord and are children of the COVENANT with Abraham? God can “raise children of Abraham from stones…” Who is Israel and what is not Israel?
That said, all peoples have a right to their own defense…. not murder.., but no one should suffer their neighbors to be raped and their children murdered without a fight. On any side. Christians are commanded to pray for their enemies and to do good to those who wish us ill, that means Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, etc. Americans have very little concept of the complications, customs, and attitudes in the middle east and should stay out of this. If they think any of this is “black hat” and “white hat”, they are just going to make things worse. If you understand what is actually going on then go over there and help, otherwise you are uselessly kicking up dust in a truly horrible situation. The only thing any individual AMERICAN owes any other country or people group is their desire for a good relationship and peace as far as it is up to us. If you want to fight your neighbor for whatever righteous and or unrighteous reason, that’s on you. We have plenty of our own problems starting with our Border that I’m pretty sure no other country is going to bother helping us out with.
Scripture does not say that Jews are the chosen people of God, but Israel. And modern Israel is not old testament Israel. The Jews killed Christ and were the first persecutors of his Church, and they are defined by rejection of Christ. Saint Paul said they are enemies of all people and that the wrath of God is upon them to the end. Christ in the book of Revelation called them the synagogue of Satan. They have been revolutionaries and subversives ever since they condemned Christ who is Logos (rationality, wisdom, moral law, the order of the universe) and called for the release of Barabbas who was a revolutionary. They promoted the early heresies against Church teaching, practiced usury (which is a sin) and cheating on Catholics and drove them into debt, instigated the bolshevik revolution, promoted sexual immorality, started the sexual revolution, broke the Hollywood production code that was imposed by Catholics, worked for the overturning of laws against obscenity and the legalization of abortion and pornography and sodomite marriage, promoted libertarianism, neoconservatism and zionism, got the American government to serve the interests of Israel and wage war and drop bombs on Muslim countries, promoted political correctness and hate speech codes, slandered Christians and conservatives and Trump as racists and white supremacists and antisemites (most jews aren’t even semitic but japhetic).
According to scripture they are God’s chosen people but they missed their Messiah when they nailed Him to the cross, but many are accepting Him as their Lord and Savior. GOD also tells us that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed. I want to
be on the blessed side.
You’re misinformed, as an observant Jewish woman, I can testify that Judaism teaches to care about all of humanity and what Rabbi Hillel taught thousands of years ago, To love your fellow as you love yourself and not to do anything to another that you would not want done to you”.. is in our daily morning prayers. I’m sorry you were taught otherwise. Please research and learn the truth about the true teachings in Judaism. You can google,
You have just proven that you have very little understanding of the Jewish faith.
Just because some minority extremists have spat at Christians, doesn‘t mean they all agreed with what they did. Infect , Netanyahu made a statement about it, condemning the action, along with other Jewish leaders.
The history of Christianity is littered with ‚Christians‘ killing Jews, we don‘t hear much about this history, but they do.
Christianity has deep roots in the Jewish Bible. Both faiths have missed out by separating. Much to learn from one another.
Yup, everywhere you look in America, Christians like Gary claim they’re seeing the Christ Killers spitting on them! Driving Christians like Gary away. You can’t miss seeing it happening every hour of every day on America’s streets!
Gary’s another victim just like Candace – coated in spit from the Christ Killers his version of Christianity talks about.
Poor baby, Jews don’t want to be Christians and some ultra Orthodox spit on the ground at people constantly harassing them to convert.
So what? Do you like Judaism? Do you have Jews constantly harassing you to change your religion? I can guarantee NO.
If you or your religion are so fragile that a few people who dislike it or you causes you to blubber you have more than few problems.
Isn’t she American? Why must US citizens support any foreign natio ?
Amen. Indeed, Cite examples where, when Candace supported Israel..
I don’t think it’s about Israel. It seems to be about the wars we all fell for like Iraq and Afghanistan. The neocons fooled us into supporting these wars. She’s conflicted about war.
No. She refused to attack Kanye’s hate -filled diatribe. I thought she was going to lap dance on Andrew Tate, Her Iill-informed lies that Israel segregates Palestinians., and her attack on comedian for not caring more about white men than about Israel—all show a bend toward the arc of hatred of Jews and the only Jewish nation. Shame on her for being such a self-serving hypocrite. Shame on us for not seeing it earlier.
It took seeing an old debate she did on the Rubin Report that had me reflect on past interactions where she appeared to be opportunistic, thin-skinned, and vindictive. Her attacks against Ben Shapiro (she called him “unhinged”) and Megyn Kelly (she made a catty comment about her age) cinched it for me. She’s just a grifter whom I hope more on the right will begin to recognize.
Actually she just wants to be in a parade… any parades. She is clueless and z I’m glad she is outed!
If Hamas hadn’t committed the massacres, fired 3500 rockets into Israel and kidnapped 200 + people none of this would be happening now.
This was terrorism, the past 36 years of Hamas in Gaza have been about terrorism, not a “war” like Iraq or Afghanistan.
Oh, you mean the “war” in Iraq for the U.S. to take the oil? Gotcha! Yeah, that was a war alright. “What’s mine is mine and what’s your’s is mine.”
Typical Jewish sap. You’d sell America out in a flash for a pat on the head.
Typical leftist trash talk.
Do you know what the “Judenrat” was in the Ghetto’s of WWII? He’s the committee head. Typical. He’d have a postage stamp with his likeness printed on it if he could. Tegeedlo l’echo chara.
Ms Owens should watch what she says she’s touching the Apple of God’s eye
It’s understandable. Discussing anything with a liberal is much like explaining a train schedule to a dog. It may sit there, wagging its tail, lolling its tongue, and appearing to be paying attention. But at the end of the day, the capacity for cogent thought just doesn’t exist. It’s not its fault. It’s just the way its brain is wired. Then it will go off into a corner and lick its own rear end.
It’s no different with the dog.
You are too funny…hilarious in fact🤣😂🤣
My morning laugh and it’s an accurate representation of the mindset of the enemy. Well done.
A great analogy! My laugh for the day. Thanks.
Ahhh, Noah, I’m going to ‘borrow’ your words. They are just too good to stay on Front Page 😉
Well said!
Though the brain wiring bit is too empathetic in my opinion.
Hope you don’t mind, but that is too good to not repeat often.
Got one for you. Last 4 letters of American, I can. Last 4 letters of Republican, I ca. Last 4 letters o Democrats, RATS. In the 60s-70s, we would say. Right On meaning agreement or good
The only thing with Left is left off
I would only change one thing in your comment, they are not liberals, they are leftists. Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz are examples of liberals, sounding much like conservatives (pro-Americans) today in contrast. As David Horowitz knows, today the democrap party is the operable communist party in the United States. Since that party became one with the American Communist Party (CPUSA) the old party doesn’t even run it’s own candidates anymore, they just instruct their ‘comrades’ to vote the democrap ticket.
What an awful and insulting thing to say…about dogs! Some of my best friends are Canine Americans and they do not behave with such self-serving and deliberate ignorance.
…mommy, I want to be a liberal when I grow up. No dear, you have to choose one or the other…it’s impossible to be both.
If only Candace was that flexible.
>>4 32
“Jews are just like everyone else, only more so”.
Focus on the more so while we go down in demographic oblivion, empowering every Marxist as we go…and v’tochloo chara.
You post nonsense but it is my posts that are going through the moderators censorship.
What does that even mean? Koos eema shelach, zona.
When the terrorists come for you, don’t whine and cry about it.
They hate you as much as they have hated Jews.
Ani yehudi. Tshtom et ha pe shelcha.
You don’t make any sense. She has a good record of supporting Israel? Even if that was true, and I doubt it, now she supports Hamas and the “palestinians.” She has lost any credibility. She really just want the clicks. She is the demonstration that antisemitism is rampant in the black community. She won’t last long.
Not the only example from the Right. See Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk for some current examples. Or Nick Fuentes, who seems to have long been basically a Nazi.
Meanwhile we have people on the Left like Ritchie Torres who are defending Israel nonstop. Oh, he is Black and Latino. And Gay. Another is John Fetterman, a White politician who was mayor of a mostly Black borough in Pennsylvania.
There is antisemitism in every part of the political spectrum and we need to stop pretending it is just lefitists who are anti-Semitic, or that all leftists are awful. We need to call all the anti-Semites out and defend those who are defending us.
Start by sending contributions to the primary opponents of the Squad but don’t let the Owens’s and Carlson’s and Kirk’s off the hook.
Different opinion???? So Jihadis that she is ignorant of, just think differently???? So some think the Holocaust was okay, it’s just a different opinion. That’s way beyond a different opinion buddy.
Don’t forget, we have freedom of speech unless it’s inciting violence (not defending yourself as what Israel is doing), not constitutionally protected speech. Kill the Jews is inciting violence, don’t ya think?
Hamas is just modern day Nazis. It needs to be destroyed. Period.
NOT when such viewpoints from a high-profile personality serve to further fan the already-raging antisemitism/anti-Israel fires.
As Rachel Goldberg succinctly stated: “… Do I aspire to be human? Or am I swept up in the enticing, delicious world of hatred? This is not a phenomenon unique to Israel or Gaza; this is everywhere on our planet. I understand that hatred of the other, whoever we decide that other is, is seductive, sensuous and most importantly it’s easy. Hatred is easy,”
For the record, I’ve personally had Jew hate directed at me over the decades, The most recent incident was in late September — a week before Hamas — when a surgical oncologist (referred by my endocrinologist for my recurrent cancer!) snapped at me, “Once a Jew, always a Jew.” Would you want HIM wielding a scalpel over your Jewish neck?
You should definitely find a different oncologist.
Did you ask him what exactly did he mean by that? I know I sure would have.
She does not. She’s an evil grifting manipulator. As the article said she’s AOC. She has the same brain power. There is no middle ground. If you spread apartheid state lies about Israel, no matter what you might have said in the past, you are not a friend…you have become a useful idiot, exactly like the Hamas Caucus. True conservative – Christians and Jews – do as the article states, say goodby to Candace. Do not ever support her in anything she does, for the rest of her diminishing career.
When someone’s “opinion about Israel” is that it should cease to exist and the Jews living there should be exterminated, which is what supporting Hamas means, then yes, it’s time for us to disassociate with that person.
What record of support. She has not only doubled down on her anti-Israel claims, she has tripled down when she invited Norm Finkelstein, a noted Israel hater, who actively has been propagating against Israel’s very existence on for decades, now, for the interview she hosted on Daily Wire. It was in your face , Ben Shapiro- goading performance.
Norman Finkielstein is not an Israel’s policy critic, he virulently denies the right for Israel to exist and is known for the host of anti-Jewish screeds, and Candice chose to amplify his voice now that Israelis are counting their dead and must face a very hostile, Jew-hating world.
She knew exactly what she was doing.
little normie is an unhinged loser who’s lost just about every post he’s ever had due to plagiarism, Jew hatred , shoddy “scholarship”, etc. Plus he’s probably still a virgin
Why then did she cancel Israel when a barbaric attack on their people took place.
For the David Horowitz Freedom Center to continue to support Candace Owens would be duplicity. I am happy to see her join her fellow leftists.
She’s not being “canceled”. They’re simply disassociating themselves from her. They’re not calling for anyone else to do so. I would kick any antisemite out of my house, but wouldn’t tell my neighbors to do the same.
Yep, looks something has taken her over… as you say, she even looks … um different!
What a shame!
It is not an opinion that she chose to stand by. It is a declaration of ignorance and for fame, take the shortcut free ride of popular opinion that is complacent with distorted information and lies.
I think you are foolish, if you don’t consider her ignorant, offensive statements and position! It is against humanity’s survival to post what she has posted, and I for one, will now throw out her book.
She has had amply opportunity to educate and correct herself… she has chosen to stand on the side of terrorism. It simply proves that demographics win out, rather than intellect.
Why should we be supporting Israel OR Palestine?
Because God says to support Israel and you will be blessed. Go against them and you will be cursed. Raisin enough for me.
I believe I would support any country or nation that has been so unjustly treated and so long. Fair is fair. Are we human beings with a sense of what is right and what is wrong?
If you can’t stand against evil, you’re part of evil..
Unless you want to make an argument for some of that moral equivalency that Tlaib and Omar work so hard at trying to legitimize.
Wouldn’t be any different if the terrorists were doing the exact same thing to Cyprus will vowing to wipe out Cypriots.
They get a pass because they’re only vowing to exterminate Jews (never mind the ‘Death To America’ chants for the moment)?
There is a clear line between good and evil. And if you do not condemn HAMAS, you support evil. That makes you either, low IQ type, completely ignorant, totally brainwashed,, or all of the above.
Agreed. A lot of people claim to know what Candace thinks without knowing her or asking her opinion. It’s a shame that good people can’t have a difference of opinion about this without disavowing each other. Their mentality seems to be “If you don’t agree with me, you’re against me”, which is pretty much the way many liberals think.
If someone is shedding tears for Hamas, they are against me. Period. Too bad not all Jews understand this.
Any and all “opinions”, need to be based in facts. She has apparently bought into the pro-Palestinian propaganda whole heartedly. Everyone needs to do their homework on this topic before they pontificate as if they had.
Sorry, No facts are needed to have an opinion. Example: It is my opinion that the moon is made of cheese. What do I base my opinion? Because to me it looks similar to Swiss cheese.
So next time you tell people to do their homework…
mindless rhetoric. I can’t believe I’m hearing this again:
at no time do the writers say, imply or believe that it’s a matter of a difference of opinion. they make eminently clear that Owens has in fact NO opinion: she only wants to vainly chase fame.
this kind of distracting drivel is exactly what makes the vast majority of humanity so stupid.
Exactly. There have been 402 comments on the topic of Candace that run the gamut from what’s with her short hair to she’s always been an anti-Semite and a fraud, etc. etc.
Most commenters bemoan the big disappointment that Candace has become, wishing it weren’t so, feeling betrayed, dismayed, outraged, and whatever at the woman in whom they had invested so much of themselves. The Church of Candace has been burned down; let’s move on.
I agree with you 100%. We would be no better than the “Left” that cancels, abandons and shames people who disagree with their opinion.
It seems fear can make people do things that would normally be out of the norm for them and never realize it. When the fear starts to spread tribalism takes over and they will justify out of the norm to get rid of the fear at all cost.
To all who participate in “cancelling people” for having a difference of opinion please remember Free Speech Is Not Violence
She’s spreading virulently antisemitic propaganda. She has the right to speak, and I have the right to withdraw support.
Not every cancellation is wrong. It’s my right to cancel her. And I will,
Saying “You are no longer welcome in our house or our company” is not cancelling them by telling the whole town not to let that person into their homes.
Sophomoric moral equivalencies don’t work any better at attempting to defend this woman than they do when this woman attempts to defend Hamas terrorists.
If you think “you’re no longer welcome in our house” is the same as cancelling people, the public school system has failed you and you should sue.
Did you actually listen to what she said? She didn’t have a different opinion, she was wrong. Not factual. Incorrect. Wrong.
It’s not about her opinion is about expressing and spreading ignorance about the theme but not only the ignorance but the consequences that her ignorance brings into the division of people and hatred and racism to a group of people in this case the Jews. I completely agree with the center, if she doesn’t stands with the truth and the objectives of where you work you have to go
You missed it! Read the article again!
Before October 7th you could say this,but after October 7th the call now is pick your side– this is war for civilization!!!
When the opinion defends those who murder babies and rape women, it changes. Her record on Israel has gotten worse and worse. She doesn’t understand Judaism, Jews, Israel, or Jewish history.
Whether or not she has supported Israel in the past, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel. The brave Israeli soldiers are taking care of business alone and that’s a disgrace and a blot on the rest of the free world. Anyone who remains silent or supports Hamas will have a terrifying end, either at the hands of jihadists or the Hand of the living God. Israel is the apple of His eye.
Wait till they come after you and your family, you will feel different then. Pray that God will intercede.
But, the article is correct, she needs to admit her ignorance about Israel and her support of people like Andrew Tate because we cannot be on both sides when on issues like this. This is what people don’t understand.
Her lack of heart in this matter says everything. She has become an imposter
As a devout Catholic with Jewish heritage, most people don’t read and don’t know history. Everyone should go to the ovens, after 75 yrs still standing like it was 1945. Touch them, smell them, take pictures of them, read about them. Then you’ll understand…..Maybe Candice should take her 3 kids and learn…
Its not a guessing game that you give your opinion.. the facts are right in front ofnus😏
its not about different opinions, its about recklessness in treating this issue
For example? Got any? Thought not. She is not as bright as she thinks she is, and has in fact uttered some genuine tripe about Israel, and about the current war. She lacks moral clarity and seems intent on getting attention rather than addressing the issues she claims to care about. She is, in a word, ignorant. Don’t like her. Never did. Mr Shapiro was right to call her out.
Jerry, it’s not a matter of opinion. She is simply talking out of complete and utter ignorance, and that’s what’s disappointing about her. I believe she is smart enough to admit her ignorance —to herself—and learn the REAL history of the world. And, among other issues, find out that “Palestinians’ don’t really exist. That it’s a myth they invented and that there is NO shred of evidence that they ever existed in History.
Especially for having a QUESTION.
Sometimes people ostensibly on “our side” aren’t.
Jerry.. I disagree.. you are either for Israel or against Israel. There is no negative opinion allowed about Israel making the terrorists sound like good people. Unacceptable .. she must go fly a kite.
Don’t be so naive. Yes, she came out strong for the right but has defected to the same thoughts and comments of many others these days. I loved her book, but I won’t recommend it to anyone to be read again. Anyone brought up with sound biblical teaching would never have switched against Israel.
Making statements that Israel practices “apartheid” and is engaged in “genocide”, is not “opinion” – it is telling outright lies with the intention of inciting further violence against Israel and Jewish people everywhere.
(Until this moment, I used to admire Owens, but I guess, in the end – the SPLC has deeper pockets than David Horowitz….?)
You obviously did not read the statement or you are to numbskulled to grasp the difference between criticism and spreading lies and propaganda.
compromise/appeasment………think again….pride before the fall….oops!
You’re a white man with a fetish for Candace Owens. No one cares about your opinion
This is not about Israel, they are defending their right to exist. Hamas and their brethren are totalitarians, their acts show co-existence with them is not possible. If Candace is OK with that then I am not OK with her.
putz face. usual whining suspect
She cancelled herself! Nobody did this to her.
She doess not simpky have a different opiniom.
She is demonisinh Israel and spreading blood libels.
It’s not just a difference of opinion. She promoted lies against Israel to support terrorist against them. To create a false moral equivalency.
In the war of good and evil, she came straight down hard on the side of evil.
She has gone racial.
She has gone antisemitic. It’s trendy now.
I don’t think so. I think she is simply clueless about Islam and their historical hatred of Jews.
And that’s fine. But when your ignorant you do your research before spouting off a bunch of terrorist lies.
Those with a position to speak to an audience have a higher standard.
She calls herself a Christian while spouting jihad propaganda. Shame on her.
Just like it’s trendy to be anti black like Coondace Owens
Good for Candice!
She criticized the (((masters))) but now she is free.
How can you say Christ is King while openly turning on His ppl? You’re a walking contradiction. Prepare to be cursed by God… You obviously don’t know your Bible, because that’s covered in Genesis.
His people think he is boiling in doo doo?
Jesus was not of this earth and is for ALL people.
Either claim him or not.
At least Islam at least pretends to respect Christ.
We harmed Israel by holding them back in 73. US involvement does Israel no favors. Kissinger and Nixon forced Israel to sit back and get attacked on Yom Kippur instead of launching a 67′ style preemptive-attack.
Let the IDF do their thing without US personnel.
They don’t need us. Never have.
If Jews all over the world behave properly by loving and serving G0d and obeying His commandments, then Israel is protected by Him. They should have no need for any other ally; He is the only Ally they need.
The worst harm came in 1956-57 when Dulles and Eisenhower bullied Israel into giving up all land gained in the Suez War in return for promises that would not be kept.
Neither Islam nor Judaism accepts Jesus as Christ, which means Messiah. Please take your missionary work elsewhere.
Islam does NOT respect Christ Jesus. “Christ” is his title—Messiah. Islam does not believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, but only a prophet. Their Madi is yet to come. To deny Jesus’ deity is certainly not respectful. It’s blasphemy.
We also never asked for US troops.
I don’t agree at all with Chris’ remarks, but you’re also wrong. St. Paul makes very clear — and he’s not the only biblical writer to do so — that Jews who reject Christ as the Messiah (which is almost all of modern Israel) are NOT “children of Abraham,” but anyone — Jew or Gentile — who recognizes Christ as Messiah and Lord IS a son or daughter of Abraham.
That is true but the story continues. The orthodox Jews are not believers because God has placed scales on their eyes that they cannot see clearly. God will begin to remove those scales and they will become believers in Christ.
Muhamad makes clear that your rejection of him makes you NOT “children of God”. See how that works?
You poor notsee bigot, God used the phrase “everlasting covenant” 16 times in the Hebrew Bible to describe His relation to Israel. It disappoints you, I’m sure.
Re-read Genesis 12:3 before it’s too late for you.
Wrong. See Romans 11:29. Written by Paul. God’s covenant with the Jewish people is eternal because God doesn’t change His mind. Your own scriptures say that.
“The orthodox Jews are not believers because God has placed scales on their eyes that they cannot see clearly. ”
We orthodox Jews are believers in God and His Torah. We see clearly.
Amen to that!!!!
You’re an embarrassment.
No bigots go to Heaven.
Our Lord God, Jehovah, and our wonderful savior. Jesus Christ, says love the person hate the sin. So if anyone on this earth is not of sin? Then that person shall cast the first stone.
you must be one weak little nobody if you consider JEW S – or anyone for that matter – your ‘masters’. and by the way, genius, Jesus is, was and will ALWAYS be a JEW. Put that in your bong and smoke it.
😂 what flavor do you call that, Heavenly Haze?
She is insane.
I don’t think so. She is simply ignorant!
IF you think Christ is on the side of Islam over Israel and the rest of us non Muslims, you are sadly mistaken.
So sad to lose an attractive, articulate, young, black woman to the fog of modern Marksism
Nooo, in her case it’s the other variety of antisemitism. Marxists don’t have the monopoly on it.
It is severely disappointing.
It reminds me of when Ann Coulter turned on Trump like a rabid dog/spurned lover.
The irony is Ann behaved with the same mob mentality she described so well in “Demonic”. She went from devoted love to screeching hatred in a short time.
(She foolishly built Trump into a God, then became devastated when his immigration policy wasn’t 100% perfect.)
I’m in agreement with Bill Gow’s statement. Praying for her….
Good point! Praying for Candas; what,else? A house divided against itself cannot stand; it,will fall. Her popularity among Conservatives is plummeting. May God give her light.
May God give us all light, and he did 2023 years ago, when our Lord Jesus came here, and was horrifically, beaten, humiliated, and nailed on that wooden tree, that we know as the cross.
“Good point! Praying for Candas; what,else?”
What else? Well – you could try spelling her name right, for a start! Why do people who quite literally don’t know the first thing about a person or a subject – ( it’s name) – parade their ignorance in public.
(A couple of days ago, another fool posted a long screed all about George Floyd and jailed police officer Derek Chauvin: He referred throughout to “Darren” Chauvin – some “expert”, huh?)
I watched her almost daily during housework. I like her a lot.
I respected her. I wanted so bad for her to do her research. See how wrong she was, and be big enough to apologize.
Instead she buckled down on her lies using God as a shield, and played the victim.
How about Operation Moral Compass?
The Word says that we do not war against flesh & blood. Candace needs to be called out accordingly and I hope all of you are praying vigilantly.
Your sister in Christ
To bad for her. I saw the Tucker Carlson Candace chat and Thnk he is s just as confused. They are both on the wrong side on this. Genesis 12:3, Psalm 17:8
As is Charlie Kirk.
I am so disappointed in the direction she has gone. First her antagonistic and aggressive approach approach to public speaking in lieu teaching/educating the public, her support for Tate was shameful and debasing and now her and Tucker publicly ganging up against Shapiro and Israel’ right to defend itself? Sad indeed.
Have you yourself came against your own people once or twice in the life that God gives you every day? For the Lord God, Jehovah gives us life, and gives us the choice to live it how we like. Let’s fix ourselves and learn from others that need our prayers every day as I need prayer every day. We are not fighting each other, but the principalities of the devil. He is the prince of this world, and we should all stay in that book called the Bible. It is the best love story you’ll ever read, and the best mystery you’ll ever hear of. But this book is the book of life. And there is a book that is called the book of life. They’ll be many books stacked around our Lord Jesus, the final judge, and he is the judge. But there’s one book that lays before him at the great white throne of judgment, that I hope you and all here on this earth will not stand before him on that Day. That he did find you and I in the book of life, so that we live eternal life with our Lord Jesus.
I had high hopes for Candice! It’s a shame how Satan can use fame to infultrate the good in the world! I’m praying for Candice that she seeks God and repents before it’s too late! The Bible says, “I will bless those who bless Isreal and curse those who curse Isreal”. In the end days, right will become wrong and wrong become right! It also says that if possible, even the elect could be fooled! 🙏🙏🙏
Well said! Amen and Amen
So I say, for you can see, but yet you have been blinded, for you can hear, but yet I believe you are deaf, or you can probably run and jump, but yet you are crippled. We all need to seek God 24 hours a day seven days a week. Four we are not all sin free, not yet when our Lord Jesus Christ comes back to receive his bride, which we are for the believers that believe in Jesus Christ for what he has done for us on that wooden tree, we call a cross. Life is in the blood. he was horrifically, beaten, humiliated, for our sins before that during that, and the future remember, Satan is at foot, and we should be paying attention of that today as we look around us and see what’s going on in this world, and in our own lives. He is a devouring lion, he does not love you, me little children, elderly people, none of us. He seeks to destroy each and every one of us, and get you to compromise every day. Because we are weak in the flesh, and, without Jesus, we would all surely parish for eternal death in the lake of fire. Hate the sin but love the person. I surely will never pass the first stone. Then I would become a murderer. Or Jesus died on that cross at Calvary for nothing.
None of us hate her. We just no longer respect her as a figure we listen to.
Those who are in a position to teach others are held to a HIGH standard. A standard she failed miserably at.
So disspappoining!
Fame often changes people for the worse. A big loss but that you for taking this stand and culling uninformed writers.
For every action there is a reaction. Perhaps she was just playing the game and now felt secure enough I. Her position that there would be no repercussions. Good for the Freedom Center., for removing her.
Then, I say, for the gossip that you may have done over the years of your life, to break down someone to a level of beneath you, the Lord says, love the persons not their sins. Because we ourselves are not sin free,. And the comment about the freedom center removing her, I pray that you don’t remove yourself from the book of life. Because I want to see you in heaven. There needs to be more love in this world. Love is action, Jesus show us action.
There are liars who should not be preaching to others. Jesus would agree 100%.
Love does not abandon honesty, and support evil and lies.
We are called to judge righteously. This isn’t some boo boo. She spread BLOOD libel during a war. She spread jihad propaganda, when she has a direct influence on policies and support during that war.
So sad, I really liked her stand at one time. What sad turning and disappointment.
If she is wise, she’ll reflect, correct and apologize. If she’s unapologetic and attempting to qualify her comments, we will have our answer.
“Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall”. Proverbs 16:18 NIV
She already did over Twitter. She stood by her lies, used God as a shield for them, and played unapologetic victim.
I agree with you. I thought Candace had more intelligence that this. Her comments with regards to Israel show complete ignorance and actually, show stupidity.
Stand against Israel – stand against God.
I hope she rethinks her stand. NOTHING in America compares with the horrors that Israel went through on the 7th.
And they have EVERY right to defend their nation and destroy the enemy. I hope they do so completely.
Every right to defend the land of Israel, and I might add: it is the will of HaShem to do so.
A cease-fire should take place when Hamas sues for unconditional surrender and returns all the hostages and the bodies of the slain. Until then no cessation of war.
I support this article and appreciate their candor. What a disappointment Candace has been to us.
Candace sounds like an anti-semite who thinks she is veiling her bigotry or her blackness give her a free pass.. Her statements listed in the article can only be defended by claiming the author is lying or is incorrect.
My experience is don’t waste time with a bigot and I would rarely say give her a chance. However she started out as an anti white racist and began through reason or maybe a financial or attention seeking to change sides. The latter makes it unappealing, but it may be worth it for someone like Dr. Horowitz to sit down with her and ask her if her prior statements make sense or would want in her shoes.. Why she feels it is logical. It might start a process to give up some of this irrationality eventually.
Her statements make no sense. She has lost her mind, and she doesn’t look well.
How ridiculous and anti Christian to cancel dissent from such an esteemed person as Candace Owens who invariably holds sway with the Israel leaning Christian population in the United States.
You might want to rethink losing their support.
Zionist settlers were in Palestine for 40 years before terror attacks against them began in the early 1920’s…… a few years after the area was taken over by the British Crown…..who were responsible for the assassination of Lincoln, McKinley, and Franz Ferdinand……and had been trying in vain to start WWI for decades in order to prevent a railroad from being built across all of Eurasia, which threatened their maritime based economic dominance
While I’m not a fan of Islam, I’ve now reached a point where I cringe at the boilerplate meme of “Islam wants to destroy Western civilization “……..did it ever occur to anyone that Muslims are being intentionally radicalized by the same people who try to radicalize Western Leftists?………with the intention to have everyone fighting with everyone else. over everything?
There was no US/UK in the 19th century………until the Anglophile and Confedrate sympathizer TR was convenietly installed after McKinley’s death
I lost all faith in the Israeli government after their heavy handed response to COVID…….I fear we’re all being played on all sides by the evil Coburg-Saxe-Gotha cabal, who have their tentacles in every Western government
10/7 attacks smell like rotten gefilte fish to my Jewish nose………I’m done demonizing any group of ordinary people……’s the ruling classes who are evil and. dishonest……..they want us fighting with each so we don’t notice what the people in charge are doing
Nobody needs to radicalize them. They are dedicated to the Quran. It commands them to fight or burn in hell. To constantly make war and take over the world for Allah.
Islam has been attacking Jews for 1400 years. Before Israel was declared the Jewish homeland it was under Ottoman (Muslim) rule. They were slaughtered and subjugated under Islam.
There have ALWAYS been Jews in Israel. Every bit of their land is THEIRS.
They’ve NEVER booted out the Muslims. Those who chose to remain peaceful have always been allowed, and are there today.
Why is Candace giving Norman Finkelstein a forum to speak about his questionable ideas about Israel and Palestinians?
This is disappointing. I really haven’t seen much of Candice in several years and I thought it was because she was busy with young children. I hope I am not insulting her but I wonder what her educational credentials are. Her instincts are generally good, but she lacks depth.
You shouldn’t be so quick to throw Candace out on the basis of Candace “implies” when she wouldn’t do the same to you. Have you reached out to Candace to get clarification?
By the way, Candace does supports Israel. She just had some skepticism regarding some media reports.
The mainstream media, Obama, and Joe Biden are the true enemy of Israel.
What more clarification can there be? As far as the MSM, she appears to have joined them.
I didn’t know Candace Owens took up the Hamas side. That’s disappointing because I actually liked her attitude in most cases. I like Andrew Tate also but not the Islamic part. He was raised Catholic but converted to Muslim so he could have multiple wives and children. Sorry to hear Candace leave her morality for popularity
Someone must say it. White Christians were the canary in the coal mine
Richard Jones.and.any one who calls others fools.for obeying His Holy Word…REPENT because as God says it: Whoever says, “You fool,” shall be guilty enough to go into fiery hell” (Matthew 5:22c). God declares in Hosea 4:6 that: “My people are destroyed from lack.of knowledge. Becauseyou have rejected knowledge, I also reject you priests; Because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” so here we clearly see that Justice of God…not Candace, not anyone who calls others fools, not those who lack knowledge (is an action.of obedience to His Word) and that includes ALL who proclaim that Jesus is.the.ONLY Way, Truth and Life and.that goes for Jews and Gentiles alike. God sees the spirit and.will judge according to your words & actions = your yes being yes & your no being no, it is simple: Repent while you can and truly means to 1st RECEIVE His Spirit & 2nd what it means to WALK IN IT (2 DIFFERENT THINGS)…. SHALOM, A nobody without Jesus and Invincible in the Lamb..
All she did was complain about sending more money for another war when we are 33 Trillion Dollars in debt and people like Horowitz and Shapiro freak out. Pathetic. Israel doesnt need out money, but that doesnt mean I’m for HAMAS. I hope Israel wipes them from the face of the earth.
Wrong! Her comments to Ben and Bill Maher make no sense.
Fame, the power it can bring, tends to corrupt. 😢
Her mind is clearly corrupted. And seriously, she doesn’t look well.
One wonders how this actually happened? Was she “reached”by some rich Soros-funded “dark money”anti-Semitic Leftist org.?
Did she have some kind of mental breakdown?
In any case, very sad loss of moral compass by a once promising young woman!
A mental/emotional break down seems to explain this best, IMO. She has lost her mind.
Always did think she was a click chick…narcissistic is a good euphemism for her character
I don’t understand why they are attacking her. She did not condemn Israel. She is campaigning for Peace and American lives. In America there is always someone we must hate and support above our own country. I support Israel’s right to defend themselves, but do I think we should be sending American tax payer money to fund a war? No. I emphatically do not. This is an attack piece. Plain and simple. And no matter what they say, it will not change my mind about Candace Owens. She has never changed her stance, not once. She has ALWAYS supported and been vocal about the same things and has been consistent each and every time.
Quotes from Candace are strangely missing. I see “imply” but no quotes. Please show the statements.
Sorry BUT you’re either for OR against Israel, no middle ground. Sadly her marriage to a very rich man has gotten to her head. She’s become arrogant. Just my opinion.
What about your children Candice?
Does Fathercof your children agree with you? I hope not.
I can’t figure out a way to comment, so I’m replying:
In an acorn shell:
The area now known as Gaza (once part of Egypt) was turned over to the Palestinian Authority (Yasser Arafat & the PLO) in 2005. All Israelis were removed from the area. Gaza was independent of Israel.
In 2006, Hamas took over Gaza in a bloody, murderous coup and has governed ever since. No Israelis involved.
On October 7, 2023, Hamas invaded Israel and committed atrocities. While murdering innocent civilians, Hamas “soldiers” celebrated their barbarism. They filmed their actions and posted much of it online.
There are no two sides to this. Gaza was free on October 6th, 2023. It was under self-rule. No Israeli provocation caused a Gazan action against Israelis.
Why aren’t educators at every level asking themselves what went wrong with their curricula to cause such a gap in students’ comprehension of an issue which has been so important to understand, especially after 9/11? Why aren’t parents protesting a system which allowed such gaps in their children’s education? Why isn’t every member of Congress and the Department of Education correcting the disinformation? Why isn’t the international community doing the same? Have we seen this movie before?
The whole “political commentator” industry is a complete sham. Once profit incentive is introduced into political critique, the person and the message become corrupted.
The same goes for Ben Shapiro. I remain a fan of both of these individuals.
These comments are absolutely awful and intellectually dishonest. She’s interviewed people she doesn’t agree with, as any good journalist/host can and should do. It’s odd that anyone is trying to take credit for her fame, as the same can be done of anyone with any sort of following. Her meteoric rise was 100% her own merit. Providing a platform doesn’t equate to making someone famous, she has so many followers because people are interested in her thoughts and opinions. This article is not conservative, it’s extremist and pandering. Pretty shameful! She is allowed to say that no government should enact genocide, it’s her opinion. To cancel someone for just disagreeing with you in one area among hundreds of other political hot buttons is such a weak liberal move. Embarrassing!
I can’t express how much respect I have had and continue to have for the David Horowitz Freedom Center and its FrontPage Mag. In everything that you do, you exhibit sterling integrity. May you go from strength to strength!
Gloria is 100% spot on. Sterling integrity….
I almost idolize David Horowitz.
Wow. But I’m glad the Center drew the line. I could see the change in her over time. She became arrogant.
and ignorant.
The Koran is there for the reading. She just could not be bothered.
And the hadith and sura. Along with the unholy koran, they’re a perfect view into the sick moslem psyche.
You don’t even need to read it, there are so many good videos on YouTube, think on Robert Spencer and so many others, that go into detail regarding every aspect of it.
The number of good critics grows by the day. But she couldn’t be bothered.
I think she has always been arrogant. Years ago I watched a video she did with Katie Hopkins. Both of them made fun of heavier women. It was more than disappointing to see two women I admired think this was entertaining much less okay.. That was when I stopped paying close attention to either of them.
It’s not her fault, but, unfortunately, Candace has a terrible speaking voice. Her vocal quality is unbearably grating. That was among the reasons I initially turned her off, that and her shallow arch arrogance, as if she had all the answers to everything. After pandering for support and attention from him for months, she got her nose permanently out of joint when Trump summarily dismissed her public criticism of his behavior (just imagine!); she then quickly joined forces with fellow never-Trumper Ben Shapiro for a brief period. By that time, I was completely done with her. Now we have this. The final reveal of who she is. Trump had her number from the get-go.
Watch her now wrap herself in victimhood and produce the race card out of her bag of tricks as more and more people call out her ignorance, stupidity and rank antisemitism. The evil Israeli cartel is after her. If she hasn’t already, she’ll soon call David Horowitz a racist for “using” her as a token black Conservative and, bank on it, she’ll take no responsibility for her downfall.
Conservatives are way too eager to enlist a black hero or heroine into the movement. It rarely works out.
That arrogance seems to act as a contagion to many that have received fame. Not everyone, though. Some people are able to maintain their humility though I don’t presume it’s necessarily easy.
Thank you so much for parting ways with Candace! My freedom loving friends and I have been appalled by her ignorant comments about Israel and also her support of Kanye West and his antisemitic tropes. We kept wishing somebody would do something about her, and now you have.
We are extremely grateful. Best wishes to all of you,
Nancy Bonus
The problem is wider than Candace Owens. I was a huge fan of Tucker Carlson. I had agreed with his take on J6, Ukraine and other issues. However he continues to promote Candace Owens and recently gave her a platform to play victim and pretend that Ben Shapiro was making senseless, ad hominem attacks on her. TC previously had the lunatic (and CW pal) Kanye West on the program he had on FOX praising the imbecile as a serious thinker and never apologizing when the nut went full on crazed Jew hater. TC continues to promote the virulent Jew hater Colonel Douglas MacGregor.
Tucker Carlson also promoted misogynistic jihadist Andrew Tate, as Candace Owens did.
Carlson’s reaction to the October 7 massacre was belated and tepid, like AOC’s reaction. He said Hamas did bad things, BUT the attack (which killed at least 31 Americans), was not an attack on America. He said this in an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy. Carlson only showed passion later in the interview, when he railed against alleged “warmongers.” He sounded like a parody of himself.
He also did not disagree when Ramaswamy said the atrocities were getting excessive attention because of money donated to elected officials.
I hope FPM does a similar article on Carlson.
“virulent Jew hater Colonel Douglas MacGregor”
I have never seen any sign of this whatsoever.
I am always open to evidence, so please indicate why you make this accusation.
What does it make TC? He chooses his guests for the views they espouse.
“Divide & conquer” is alive, well & thriving!
Yes, I agree. Some of Tuckers interviews seem unconvincing
Frankly, good – but again frankly I always found her to be about herself. It’s a general condition these days everywhere. But yes – the Andrew Tate thing did say a lot about her. It’s a general condition these days, and even more tiresome when the person dresses up the act in some principle. Kind-a like the recent crush shown by some because Muslims were loud and protesting at schools.
But, I forget – few today actually think much past themselves and the current ‘thang’.
Very disappointing. Recently Ben Shapiro mentioned her as having deplorable positions but I didn’t know what he was referencing. An interview of Owens by Tucker Carlson, where he asked what it was all about, produced nothing of clarity and she seemed to talk around the questions.
I have some news for you, all of you. Please find Jonathan Tobin audio he’s “JNS news.” It was Posted yesterday on Youtube, on the topic of Owens AND Carlson. Carlson has been anti-Israel and more recently anti-Semitic. I was not a FOX news watcher or Carlson fan so I never noticed what Jonathan Tobin of JNS pointed out.
But, I saw a Carlson interview of colonel MacGegor after the October 7th massacre in Israel (which included beheading and baking babies and hostage taking of 30 Israeli children). MacGergor listed lie after lie about Israel and the Middle East with no objection by Carlson.. At the end of this video interview they showed a long held close up of a Palestinian child’s face to evoke our sympathy ( the implication of interview and photo was that Israelis shouldn’t fight back lest they harm this cute boy). They showed mo photos of children/families killed on 10/7 nor those children currently held hostage.
This was typical “Pallywood “schmaltz”
Given the 10/7 massacre of babies and children and hostage taking of children, by Hamas killers, I was shocked and disgusted.
Tobin calmly explains it all in his audio on Owens and Carlson.
Thank you for referring me to JNS and Jonathan Tobin. He explained a lot. Very disappointed about Colonel MacGregor
Seriously, you could not see this coming after watching MacGregor’s bloviating about Ukraine over the past year (which I think he predicted would be over in a few weeks, how well did that one age?)? MacGregor is a grifter and has stuck up his finger and figures the path he needs to take is the anti-Israel one. He thinks it’s a clever cover for what he really thinks about Israel, but a lot of us have seen through him for some time now.
Cat – Thank you for this. I am not really surprised. I have never
liked or trusted Tucker Carlson. Ever since he gave that interview
in Switzerland – at the end of 2018, two years into Trump’s
presidency – to their German-language newspaper Die Weltwoche
in which he tore into President Trump and ripped him a new one.
This was an interview not meant to be seen by all of Carlson’s
adoring fans back in the United States. When I see President
Trump hobnobbing with Carlson these days, I cringe. To now
learn of Carlson’s anti-Semitic proclivities cements my dislike of
Especially since I regularly go on the JNS site (Jewish News Syndicate) and learn a lot from their excellent contributors. I’m a huge fan
of Caroline Glick and have been for over ten years. Thanks again.
Tucker Carlson most certainly is not anti-Semitic. That’s ridiculous.
If you sling this accusation around carelessly, it will become as meaningless as calling someone a “racist” — which now often means “I really REALLY disagree with you, so much that you deserve no respect as a human being.”
I had no idea that she had said any of these things. She had a recent hour long discussion with Tucker Carlson and these words never came up. Just her complaining about those who disagreed with her like Ben Shapiro. I’ve always been amazed at the ignorance of history by most people. Even those who proclaim understanding of the world. First, 150 years of Marxist disaster around the world. But everyone thought that they were the ones we’ve been waiting for to do it right. Then almost 1,400 years of Islamic slaughter and tyranny by religious fanatics bent on world domination. . A book that spells it all out. And still fools shine on oblivious to it all. The lesson of history is that we don’t learn form history.
Sadly, Ben Shapiro doesn’t have the balls to dump this antisemite. She did more than imply Israel was committing genocide. That level of ignorance and bias is tantamount to calling January 6th an insurrection. Her position on this is disturbing and sickening and she should be shunned. Thank you for calling it out.
He does not have the authority to fire her, he is not the CEO.
She is hired by contract. If they dumped her, they would still be paying her.
I’m certain her contract will not be renewed.
It would be worth paying her to keep her off the air.
Thanks for recognizing who she is.
I stopped following Candace last month. Everyone should.
When I saw her lies about Israel I knew I made the right decision.
She used her platform to lie about Israel, then painted herself as the victim on the side of God.
Spreading blood libel during a war on a public platform is shameful. That she’s smart enough to know better, and didn’t correct her lies says all I need to know about her.
Yes, this is really disappointing to hear about Candace. Too often people will chase the clicks and promote things they know are false in order to get the fame, money, etc. I’m not sure what has happened to her, but she needs to wake up.
It’s sad to watch her promote people like you mentioned in the article.
I am extremely shocked, but not surprised, to watch people we used to support fall by the wayside and join the Left in trying to destroy America and Israel.
We have watched one politician after another ride the MAGA and GOP platform, just to turn around and stab Conservatives and the rest of the America in the back. The rise of the RINOs has been extremely disappointing.
The lawlessness of the Left coupled by people, like Candace, who lost their principles is tragic.
I sure do appreciate all the work FPM and the David Horowitz’s Freedom Center do to make a difference in our country. Keep up the great work. It is truly appreciated.
Thank you for the insight Mr. Horowitz. I always loved Candace but I didn’t know about this and the Tate connection. I saw the Tucker interview but it sounded like she danced around the issue with Shapiro. I pray she comes to her senses on this but if not “Goodbye Candace”. Thanks to you and Daniel Greenfield for the great articles here.
You’re not understanding what Candace is saying. Now you’ve tarred and feathered her and this just makes you look like the ADL. You’re not helping the cause of Jewish Sovereignty in Eretz Hakadosh but are building ego empires of Galut superstition.
I disagree vehemently.
Tarring and feathering was intended to be punitive with an added dose of shame.
FPM helped Candace Owens achieve a platform that proved too much for her character and intellect. They are, in part, responsible for her influence today. Silence in the face of her wickedness would be both evil and complicit.
There is no punishment or shame in rightly confronting, exposing and condemning Candace Owens’ evil speech and actions. FPM has met its duty and Candace’s wickedness will be “on her own head.”
I don’t understand what Candace is saying because it makes no sense.
Not to be a contrarian but I think you Freedom Center people should contact Candace Owens and explain to her why she’s wrong. I saw her Friday or Saturday on the Charlie Kirk Show and she’s obviously intelligent and receptive.
You people are very persuasive. I bet you could reach her and convince her of the truth about Israel and Hamas.
Just give it a shot, I say. 🙂 If you fail nothing changes anyway but if you succeed you can change a person’s life for the better.
She’s having her third baby, you know. Pregnancy does weird things to chicks. It makes them irrational, to say the least.
Jeff, you are so right and beautifully sensitive. Pregnancy makes us very weird, but we KNOW we are being weird and that we are more vulnerable. Most women become more “inward” in focus and it is necessary to begin the deep bonding process and to remain sensitive to changes.
I cannot imagine that FPM has not done as you suggested. I cannot imagine that this article would ever be written without attempts to confront and restore.
Pregnancy also has a way of re-founding our most basic self into a new, usually BETTER person. More patient, more settled, more nurturing, more defensive of home and family, etc. If the husband is strong and good, his goodness and strength will reinforce this and their marriage will also change for the better.
Her bond with her husband is also strengthened as they build their family. His views and processes of reasoning will often be imbued to her as they strengthen their bond because he is the leader and protector of that family.
You rightly point out the stressors. I wanted to elaborate further – but I know it is ALL conjecture on my part, but it is a reasonable conjecture.
One more thing. This is an interracial marriage. There is no reason why this cannot be a wonderful marriage, but there are built-in stressors, especially for the children, who do not belong to mom’s or dad’s tribe and who often feel alienated from both. Candace has said she intends to exploit black privilege on her children’s behalf and I winced, thinking it would only cause more stress for the child.
Candace has enough intelligence to be devastating in interactions with people upon topics she has studied and understood well. It is great because she has physical beauty combined with a measure of “angry black woman” syndrome. Unfortunately, her notoriety has pushed her beyond both her intelligence and devotion to mastering her topic. Now, she just looks grasping and shallow.
That’s the 1st time I heard Jeff described as “beautifully sensitive.” lol
Yes. Jeff may not be a gentleman, but he is, in fact, a rogue. But do not think he is unintelligent, uneducated or without insight. He is actually quite lovable. And he makes us laugh with his ribald but very apt comments.
I assumed you were being sarcastic, so I up voted you. If I was mistaken, please disregard my vote and have a nice day.
Charlie Kirk is every bit as bad!!!
Just yesterday she platformed a self hating Jew who regularly calls Israleis Nazis and who literally celebrated the terror attacks on October 7th.
Norman Finklestein. It seemed to me to b a clever way of getting the hate out there without here saying it. Like none of could ever find Norm’s rants. Did she challenge him on anything? Probably not because she was way out of her depth.
Finklestein is particularly dangerous because he sounds intelligent. And at one point he did some decent quality academic work.
A few months age I watched one maybe two Candice Owens videos on YouTube. At the time, (like Job Biden, in response to a question about Barack Obama), I thought she’s clean and articulate. Even though he’s turning into a grumpy old man, David Cole over at Takimag is correct, when Republicans chase the black vote, they more often than not get punked.
Candace’s overly aggressive attitude is unprofessional. When Steven crowder embarrassed himself (and he did embarrass himself) with the treatment of his wife and his attack on the DW, Candace could have taken the high road like Walsh, Knowles, or Klavan. Instead she got into a sassy attitude complex, that was over the top.
Same with Shapiro. First they have a argument, essentially, over her position. Instead of clarifying her position, or refuting Shapiros, he goes on a character attack on her own boss, and then says she “won’t tolerate his behavior,” All after using scripture, yes scripture… from the Bible as both a shield and an attack against him.
She said he “inserted” himself in this scripture, which is a lie, and everyone can see it. You get into an argument and then immediately quote scripture, that scripture is to imply the other person is morally wrong. But scripture alone, out of context, proves nothing. Her attack was really crass, low, garbage. She says he is “emotional” and unhinged, but she is the one lashing out with character attacks instead of explaining her position.
It all seems so stupid. If you treat your employer like this, others will notice, and will not hire you. She is digging herself into a hole, where people will not want to work with her. Rather than confront her arrogance and pride, she instead played a victim card, since that was easier, and we all saw it. All of us.
“For nearly two decades Israel and the West sent millions in humanitarian aid to Gaza, which was used instead by the Hamas government to build 300 miles of terrorist tunnels and turn Gaza into a military base, sending thousands of rockets into civilian areas in Israel – war crimes.”
What made Israel and the West so suicidally self-immolating? That’s suicidal altruism. Suicidal self-sacrifice and selflessness. And altruism and selflessness are evil.
“Goodbye Candace, we will continue to support those who truly strive to raise up the movement for liberty and life, not selfishly tear it apart.”
It is not SELFISH to destroy liberty and life but SELFLESS. How is it selfish, how is it in your self-interest, to destroy the conditions necessary to sustain YOUR life? Imagine burning down YOUR house for a pittance and calling it SELFISH? Imagine gouging out your eyes for 30 pieces of silver and calling that SELFISH?
The selfless woman is the woman who betrays her self, betrays her mind, abandons the facts of reality, abandons reason, betrays objective and rational, long-range principles, for momentary and indiscriminate fame and fortune.
But isn’t that what Israel, America, and the whole West have been doing for decades? Betraying their rational self-interest and objective, rational, long-range principles for altruistic self-sacrifice to Islam and the Muslims?
Abandoning the facts of reality for altruism? What do you call it when Israel grants 21,000 work permits to Jihadist Muslims who use those work permits to do reconnaissance on the Israelis they will slaughter on October 7th? You call it abandoning the facts of reality for altruism.
Candace Owens and Kanye West could hardly do more harm to Israel than Israel did to itself by altruistically granting Muslim Jihadists 21,000 work permits.
And America and the West sending billions of stolen tax-payer dollars to fund and grow Hamas.
All in the name of the so-called virtue and morality of altruism and self-sacrifice.
“The world is perishing from an orgy of self-sacrificing.” ― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
As I was watching the orgy of self sacrifice and altruism that is on the football fields every weekend I thought “where would be if we just threw out self sacrifice and altruism?”
We certainly would not be a free and successful nation. All those soldiers dying in our wars. The Germans and the Japanese would have carved us up like sushi and schnitzel.
We would still have slaves. After all who wants to die to end slavery?
We wouldn’t have football either…..all of those players sacrificing their bodies.
I wouldn’t own a house and two cars if I had decided not to altruistically sacrifice my free time to build a business and then retire…..early.
I could sit around like you, being just as miserable as you, thinking about how wonderful I am not ever having sacrificed anything for anybody.
*I don’t recognize any such absurdity as service to my country. I recognize a moral responsibility to my freedom and liberty and the freedom and liberty of those I love.* — THX 1138
Words like “sacrifice” and “altruistic” cannot be understood without the context in which they are used. Theologians talk about Christ’s “sacrifice” on the Calvary cross, but was it, really? My interpretation is that it was an act undertaken in the context of a larger warfare that Christ intends to (and ultimately will) win—i.e. the destruction of “the works of the devil.” So how is that a sacrifice? Rand misunderstood this, because she denounced theology without ever taking the time to even try to understand it. (In other words she chose to be an ignoramus in this matter). Football players do not “altruistically sacrifice” their bodies. They accept the strain and pain in the interest of achieving what they want, which is victory. Often what we call a “sacrifice” is really better thought of as heroic effort in the interest of an overall goal. Giving up “free time” to establish a business that allows one to retire early is hardly, I’d say, “sacrifice” or “altruistic.” To me that sounds a lot more like self-energized pursuit of a goal.
Of course, if Christianity were actually true, if an eternal afterlife utopia were actually real, then neither Christ nor his followers would be actually sacrificing; they would be renouncing life on earth for the reward of an infinitely superior, eternal afterlife utopia in Christian Heaven.
Just as the Muslim Jihadist renounces this earthly life for his fantasy, Eternal Paradise Utopia, after he dies.
The more seriously you believe in the reward of a supernatural fantasy, eternal afterlife, the less seriously you will take this life. The more you will discount this life. Why fear death if you’re going to live forever by dying. Why fear sin if all sins can be forgiven and repaired in the afterlife.
Objectivism and its moral code of rational self-interest and self-preservation is strictly based on life on earth as a mortal and rational being. It is strictly a philosophy for flourishing on earth and achieving happiness on earth.
“[John] List gave critical financial problems, as well as his perception that his family members were straying from their religious faith, as his motivations for the murders. He believed that killing them would assure their souls a place in Heaven, where he hoped to eventually join them.” – Wikipedia
Philosophers. So much tripe. So much time wasted. It’s really as sin to read THX.
We’ve always communicated reasonably until recently, so I would advise you to listen to the latest Jordan Peterson podcast with the current president of the Heritage Foundation, Dr. Kevin Roberts.
They explain much more succinctly than I could about how Rand supporters often miss the point of the selfishness.
The podcast is an hour and a half, I’ll try skimming through it to find where he tries to refute Rand.
Wait, at 1:10:44 Peterson says “Ayn Rand is a good example of that. For her the Free Market is the “God” from which all other goods emerge”. This is thoroughly FALSE.
For Objectivism man’s reasoning mind and an individual’s dedication to reason and rationality is the source from which virtue results. Spiritual and material goods come from man’s dedication to the facts of reality by using reason to discover the facts of reality.
“Man has a single basic choice: to think or not, and that is the gauge of his virtue. Moral perfection is an unbreached rationality—not the degree of your intelligence, but the full and relentless use of your mind, not the extent of your knowledge, but the acceptance of reason as an absolute.” – Ayn Rand
I’ll listen to the rest later and I’ll get back to you if Peterson is misrepresenting Rand on some other points.
Israel has two million citizens who are Muslim. Few are jihadists.
Oh yes, you’re speaking of the Silent Majority, moderate Muslims, right?
The moderate Muslims who are always silent whenever their fellow Muslim Jihadists do their Jihad thing. As they say the silence is deafening. Silence is golden.
The most relevant question –
1. What was her income when she started out and where was it from?
2. What is her income now and where is it from?
Sad, but you are right. The love of money is one of the bars many people cannot clear with their puny moral compass and weak character.
And love of money gives us good reason to remove that temptation from our state and federal representatives.
There is nothing wrong about loving money, it’s how you go about loving money that can be evil.
Money is simply a beautiful, wonderful, tool when it is HONESTLY EARNED and rationally spent. It is a tool of pain and destruction when stolen, looted, or counterfeited. Or used for evil intentions.
Saying the love of money is the root of all evil is like saying the love of a rocket is the root of all evil. You can use a rocket to attack Israel or you can use a rocket to reach the moon.
People say money doesn’t buy happiness, well it’s not supposed to buy happiness, it’s supposed to be a very powerful TOOL with which you can achieve your happiness. Imagine saying an airplane ticket won’t get you to Venice, will duh, the airplane ticket itself won’t get you to Venice, but if you use that ticket to get on board an airflight to Venice, you’ll get to Venice.
Money is like a car if you know how to drive carefully and prudently your car will get you to your destination, if not you might end up in the hospital or six-feet under.
“Most people lump together into the same category all men who become rich, refusing to consider the essential question: the source of the riches, the means by which the wealth was acquired.
Money is a tool of exchange; it represents wealth only so long as it can be traded for material goods and services. Wealth does not grow in nature; it has to be produced by men. Nature gives us only the raw materials, but it is man’s mind that has to discover the knowledge of how to use them. It is man’s thinking and labor that transform the materials into food, clothing, shelter or television sets—into all the goods that men require for their survival, comfort and pleasure.
Behind every step of humanity’s long climb from the cave to New York City, there is the man who took that step for the first time—the man who discovered how to make a fire or a wheel or an airplane or an electric light.
When people refuse to consider the source of wealth, what they refuse to recognize is the fact that wealth is the product of man’s intellect, of his creative ability, fully as much as is art, science, philosophy or any other human value.” – Ayn Rand
How is it that THX can write volumes on here, but I can’t get in more than one line?
Really saddened to hear what she has become, that photograph paints a feminist picture too. She has recently become a mother I understand, maybe she is tired and suffering from post natal depression.
One can only hope.
Baby is not hear yet
I too sent a fan “cancellation” note to Candace. I used to love her. But recently her obsession with gossiping about Hollywood stars is nauseating so I tuned out from her. Then I went to see her thoughts on Oct. 7 and was appalled at her pathetic response. She has fallen into the abyss of fame and has lost sight of her moral compass, she is no friend of Israel, shame. Goodbye Candace.
I am so sad to.hear what Candace has become. Is she a Christian? Just wondering.
You can be a Christian and be anti-Israel and an antisemite. Martin Luther was a rabbit anti-Semite. For more than 1,000 years Christians persecuted Jews and persecuted each other over heresy, blasphemy, orthodoxy, interpretation of scripture, exegesis.
You can also be a Jew and be anti-Israel. There are Ultra-Orthodox Jews who believe that only the Messiah can establish Israel and they have joined with the Palestinian protests against Israel.
I’m confused. Martin Luther was a rabbit?
The one thing you absolutely cannot be is an intelligent decent person and, at the same time , be an Objectivist.
But I am so glad you were able to satisfy your Luther obsession and anti-Christian/anti-Jewish obsession, thus proving my point.
You appear never to have actually read Martin Luther. He was the worst anti-Semite in Germany prior to Adolf Hitler.
You can be on objectivist and be irrational. Welcome to humanity.
You can be an Objectivist and be wrong or mistaken in an honest way, an Objectivist can make honest mistakes. No Objectivist nor any man is omniscient nor omnipotent.
But you cannot be an Objectivist and willfully and knowingly PERSIST in a conclusion when the facts contradict the conclusion. Willful evasion and dishonesty takes an Objectivist out of Objectivism and objectivity.
Which you do routinely.
Geez Louise, human beings and the strangeness of the mind. People trying to be logical while strictly interpreting scripture. Thanks for the laugh THX1138. It’s funny how people can act so oppositely of rational and be so self immolating.
“Martin Luther was a rabbit anti-Semite.” <–This is simplistic tripe.
Candace Owens is one of those people who talks a good game. And
that’s all her beliefs really amount to – some sort of sick, attention-seeking
game. I was never drawn to her; didn’t ever pay her much attention but
was always glad to see her, thinking she was one of our side. Thank you
for setting the record straight about her.
Her recent comments sound like a combination of the Squad and Tucker Carlson
Her Paul Kessler tweet says it all. She has been asked to remove it or issue a correction to no avail.
I hadn’t heard that she commented on Paul Kessler’s death. I’ll look it up.
What has happened to Candace Owens?
Fame is a heady addiction but along with fame comes lots of filthy lucre and like an addiction the more one gets the more one wants. It appears that Candice has fallen into it.
I suspect the Muslim Brotherhood (& the left) has noticed that this enticement works, so expect to see more in the future.
She said what she said shortly after Tucker Carlson said said something similar. They’re looking at what’s going on in Israel the same as any other foreign war like Ukraine. No taking into account Israel is an ally. The level of atrocity is almost unmatched. Israeli response isn’t to punish it’s to ROOT out Hamas. Yes, people will die. Hamas brought it on not Israel
When is the last time you saw a leftist outlet jettison one of their own for being too extreme? They don’t do it because those people are useful in political warfare against the opposition. If our side doesn’t understand political warfare and start fighting it, we are in trouble. The difference between us and the left is that we love reason and truth and hate political warfare, they hate reason and truth and love political warfare. I see some of the recent rhetoric being aimed at breaking the power of the ADL, which is excellent, The ADL are much more responsible for the current state of enmity between people than is Candace Owens.
Long live the blessed Jews! Long live the blessed State of Israel! Down with the anti-Semites and crush Hamas!!
What if Israel became a Jewish theocracy? That’s what the Maccabees fought for, a Jewish theocracy, only for Jews, and every Jew would be forced to follow the laws of the theocracy. A totalitarian theocracy no different in essence than what the Taliban is imposing in Afghanistan.
What gives Israel its moral legitimacy as a country is not that it is a safe haven for the Jews but that it is a country that respects the Rights of Man, individual rights.
That’s a very modern and secular conception of rights, one that is not found in the Old or New Testament.
I understand your revulsion of a theocracy, but frankly, the Founders found their inspiration for liberty and the rights of man in both testaments.
The Founders were raised and educated during the Age of Enlightenment, when faith had become subservient to reason. When Christian faith had lost its stranglehold on the Western mind. Before then reason had been the mere handmaiden of faith, if the conclusions of reason contradicted Scripture, reason was rejected, persecuted, and silenced. Unrecanting heretics were known to be excommunicated, burned at the stake, or thrown in a dungeon.
Freedom in the Judeo-Christian and Muslim sense of the word is not the secular freedom to pursue your personal and individual happiness but only the religious freedom to obey and follow God or be persecuted and punished if you refuse to obey God.
The Founders respected reason more than faith. If Scripture contradicted reason, they chose reason. Or, what they actually and usually did, was that they interpreted Scripture to fit the conclusions of reason as much as possible.
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.” – Thomas Jefferson
Nice cherry-picked Jefferson quote. But you ignore his scientism.
Massachusetts and Connecticut were pretty close to theocracies in colonial times.
Must have been a bad weekend for you. You really have the hate on today.
Thank God you are not a Jew or a Christian. You are possibly one of the most loathsome people on this planet.
Who gave you the right to sit up there on your Objectivist throne on Mt THX passing judgement on believers in God and Christianity, ridiculing them in the vilest of terms every day, especially during the seasons of Christmas and Easter. And then somehow you expect the very people you hate to somehow come around to your warped way of thinking?
You are worse than the average Muslim. At least they say what they want to do to us. You don’t even have the guts to take stand on that, Mr. Keyboard warrior. If I may quote Trump, you are vermin.
Israel is a safe place for Jews and respects the Enlightenment’s so called Rights of Man. They can and do exist together. And so did the monarchical countries of England and France back in the 1600s-through 1789. The English still has a king. Of course they have pretty much abandoned their religious heritage and it’s not exactly working for them now, is it. So much for your wonderful atheism. The Muslims are slowly taking over. Not everything is black and white except in your feeble brain.
Did the Jews who were led out of slavery by God, survived in the desert, and were ordered to take over Canaan live under a “theocracy”? True, they often doubted and rebelled, but God was the ruler of their society. Was it really that bad?
Jesus said, “I,am the way, the truth and the life, No one comes to the Father but by me.” He claims authority over all, Creation, time and space because he is the ONLY BEGOTTEN Son of God who was crucified for the sin of mankind, died and rose three days later from the dead, and will return to earth in power and glory in accordance with prophecy in the Bible. (ROMANS 10:9-10). Jews, Gentiles and Islamics who put their,faith and trust in Jesus are forgiven their sins and inherit eternal life in heaven.
We Jews don’t need Jesus, but thanks anyway.
Thanks for recognizing who she is.
The truth is many people have been brainwashed. We live in a world thats upside down….which is one of the signs of Christ’s coming.
The sin of anti-Semetism contains many sins, but in the end it is the denial of Christian faith, and Judeasim.
Bottom line, no on has to hate Jews in order to LOVE Jesus.
Anti-Semetism is an ancient and sustained crisis of civilization. It is one of the most malicious forms of racism in human history…it is a despicable fear, hatred, and contempt of the Jewish people without cause. This loathing of God’s chosen people has remained so widespread since ancient times that recently the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance….an intergovernmental group comprimised of 31 nations…..adopted the definition of anti-Semetism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews that can also target the state of “ISRAEL.”
Its the same anti-semetism that was directed at the Jewish people by Haman, and Hitler.
“Hitler was quoted as saying, “If the Jews didn’t exist, we would have to invent them.” The hatred of the Jewish people was the foundation of Hitler’s unifying power.
Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda convinced the German citizenry that the Jews were the root cause of every religious and economic problem. We can see how the propaganda wars are ongoing today.
Any person or party that cannot condemn the slaughtering of innocent children will not have my support.
I recall this was my precise opinion, some 25 years ago, when the Palestinians began strapping shrapnel-laden bombs around their own children, and I turned against them.
Likewise today. If Israeli IDF, Mossad, CIA , and others think I will support their ransacking of hospitals and homes, and scalding infants — they are sorely mistaken.
The ONLY path to peace is through non-stop negotiations — not a berserk, nonstop carpet-bombing of territories known to harbor defenseless civilians.
We all live in an imperfect world; but if Israel expects people like me to even resume considering their position, THEN STOP ANNIHILATING THE CHILDREN!!
I doubt whether Israel, the IDF, Mossad nor the IDA give a goat’s s**t what you think. In war the unfortunate reality is that innocent people, including children get killed. In the case of Gaza, the killing of children is exacerbated by Hama’s total disregard for the people it claims to represent. Obviously you are too daft to understand this. You should refrain from commenting on things you obviously don’t understand.
I forgot to add that non-stop negotiations are rendered useless when dealing with people who have stated categorically that their objective is to kill you.
Bear in mind:
It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
-Mark Twain
“A proper war in self-defense is one fought without self-crippling restrictions placed on our commanders in the field. It must be fought with the most effective weapons we possess (a few weeks ago, Rumsfeld refused, correctly, to rule out nuclear weapons). And it must be fought in a manner that secures victory as quickly as possible and with the fewest U.S. casualties, regardless of the countless innocents caught in the line of fire. These innocents suffer and die because of the action of their own government in sponsoring the initiation of force against America. Their fate, therefore, is their government’s moral responsibility. There is no way for our bullets to be aimed only at evil men.” – Leonard Peikoff, “End States Who Sponsor Terrorism”, October 2 , 2001
The above applies to Israel today. The choice is the death of innocent Israelis versus the death of innocent Muslim children. This would be the same choice as choosing between the death of innocent Jews versus the death of innocent children born to Nazis during World War 2.
If this were the only choice possible, then the moral and rational choice is to save the innocent Jews even if it means the death of innocent children born to Nazis.
The same principle applies to the innocent Israeli hostages taken by Hamas. The death of those hostages is on the hands of Hamas and the 80 to 90% of Muslim Gazans who voted for Hamas knowing full well that the Constitution of Hamas calls for the annihilation and genocide of all Jews and the destruction of Israel. And the eventual destruction of the West and all infidels.
This is not simply a war between Israel and Hamas, or Jew and Muslim, but a war between the civilized man and the barbarian. In such a war the civilized man has every moral right to stop the barbarian by any means possible.
The right and moral perspective with which to view the innocent children born to Gazan Muslims who knowingly voted for the nihilism of Muslim Jihad is that those innocent children are the victims and the hostages of their Muslim parents who love death more than they love life. The death of their innocent children is on their hands, not on Israel.
“Ayn Rand on the Death of Innocents in War”
You are wrong, the Bible says G_d has chosen the JEWISH ppl as his OWN people, he doesn’t change his words ever, G_d does not approve of jealousy in which u sound.. and there are messianic Jews who worship along with Christians under a synagogue every day.. open your eyes.. you are part of the ANTISEMETIC problem and any Jews who don’t care for particular Christian are because the ones such as yourself.. Shame on you!!
You are 100% accurate,
There’s no negotiating with those who intend to kill you. What’s to talk about, what weapons they can use? What days of the week they’re allowed to strike?
You can’t negotiate with someone who wants to massacre you and your entire people.
I come to this site daily. I really love it. I often share articles from it. I read this one particular article twice. All I see
is mean spirited character assassination. One of the reasons that I have shared so much from FPM is because of the
quality of content. To publicly attack someone like this in such is completely unacceptable. For heaven’s sake PICK UP
THE PHONE, CALL CANDACE and sort things out like adults.
It would be wonderful to have a videotaped discussion between David Horowitz, or an FPM editor, and Candace Owens with all the cards on the table.
Establishing that Candace Owens fully understands the nature and history of Islamic Jihad against the Jews, Christians, and all infidels. That she understands the Hamas Constitution and that it calls for the annihilation of Israel and the Jews.
Establishing that she understands the precise nature of a just and moral war in self-defense and that such a war cannot spare the innocents caught in enemy territory if sparing those innocents means losing the just war in self-defense.
If she refuses to understand the reality of a just war in self-defense, a just war against Muslim nihilism, then I would definitely write her off as morally corrupt.
What a dupe and useful idiot you are. So you get to establish conditions for Owens and base those on an imaginary interview that will never take place. How very generous you are.
Fortunately most sentient humans are able to make up their own minds.
That would have been one step in the right direction.. Publicly impugning someone’s character, heart,
and intentions says more about the accuser than it does the accused. VERY bad move FPM.
And then there’s atheist nihilism, the nihilism you embrace.
So many people confuse Gaza with the West Bank, which is under Occupation. Still, the Occupation is a checkpoint to keep Terrorist out. They do not go around killing babies and opening up pregnant women as Hamas does. Once I loved Candace’s commentaries, but NO MORE TIME WILL BE WASTED ON Candace Owens by me. Goodbye, Candace!
Oh, come on Freedom Center.
Her early youtube videos suggested a camera ready, articulate, attractive, liberal Obama supporting Candace Owens. She realized her fame and fortune aspirations were going nowhere in lib world. With the rise of Trump in 2015, opportunity knocked.
Is it Owen’s fault she’s a fence jumping opportunist or FC’s blind attraction to yet another know nothing con artist? With all the intellectual brain power at its disposal, FC couldn’t see this coming?
Read Solzhenitsyn’s 1978 Harvard address on how the real voices out in the hinterland are ignored for the sake of these flashy dolts like Owens who learn to speak the language that brings on the greatest ROR.
Many out here had her pegged from the get go.
But to her credit she made it to the Trump WH sitting beside Van Jones. Even Trump gets taken in by these fraudsters so FC shouldn’t feel too bad.
You could be right. There are slick, shady, amoral opportunists in every walk of life but no one can read minds and hearts.
Once in a while an individual does sincerely and honestly change their political convictions, David Horowitz is one example of that.
Candace was still young enough (mid-twenties) to make it plausible that she did sincerely change her political convictions. People in their mid-twenties can and do change their world views. After 30 very few indeed change their world view. David Horowitz was around 40 when he changed his world view, now that is indeed rare.
Good point. I agree. People can change their outlook but soon enough the motivation will become clear. It always does.
Wow, Marty … I think you finally nailed it … summed up Candace and her type to the “t” …
I have two honest questions for David Horowitz.
And no, I am not “Anti Semitic,” nor pro Hamas, nor pro Palestinian.
I am PRO TRUTH and we cannot shame and silence people for speaking what they believe is the truth.
If it’s not true, then prove that it’s wrong.
Instead what we’ve seen from the left, and now evidently from “the right,” and even Christians, is if you dare say anything negative about Israel, you get the left’s “cancel culture treatment.”
But I did not make these two things up so how do you answer them?
1. Promininent Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has spoken out and said this was an INSIDE JOB! He said “If a MOUSE were to climb on the fence, twenty jeeps would be there in a minute. Yet it took IDF FOUR HOURS to respond?”
I agree with Rabbi Mizrachi and many Israeli’s have spoken out and said the same thing. There’s NO WAY the ragtag, untrained terrorists penetrated the border unless they were ALLOWED to!
2. The Washington Times Article: “U.S. Troops Would Enforce Peace Under Army Study.”
Monday, September 10, 2001 (1 day before 9/11)
Author: Rowan Scarborough
The study cited was from a 68 page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS)
Quote: “Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestintian/Arab act.” ”
There is MUCH evil and decption going on in our world andjust like we know the US Govt has become evil, Israel is not exempt from committing atrocities for their own agenda.
Thumbs down?
LOL! Why would anyone gives thumbs down to facts?
Rabbi Mizrachi DID say that and SAMS DID say that.
How about offer a reasoned response if you believe either or both are wrong.
Whoever gave thumbs down is a perfect example of the average person today.
Never mind facts, I have my opinions!
Maybe it’s because you are a fence sitter. Take a side for Christ’s sake.
How many more Israeli babies have to murdered while you make up your mind.
This has nothing to do with Fence sitting
If Israel did, indeed allow the attack, then who is the actual evil one my friend?
The answer is both of them!
Stop spewing nonsense, and offer a reasoned answer to my two points
Adieu Candace, adieu! Not only is Candace wrong about Israel, Candace, Charlie Kirk, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene and other loud, misguided voices are horrendously wrong about Ukraine.
One only has to read the genocidal/ethnic cleansing writings of the Russian fuhrer Vladimir Putin and current Russian leading thinkers like Timofey Sergeitsev, Artem Gasparyan, Alexander Dugin, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and other Russian supremacists promoting the extermination of Ukrainians, Ukrainian history, language & culture to see the resemblance between them and the Nazi regime, perpetrators of the Holocaust.
About 10 Ukrainian casualties to each Russian casualty in this war. The neocons in Washington DC want to send Ukraine another 100 billion dollars to continue the bloodbath. Both the Ukraine and Russian governments are as crooked as snakes. Stop the war before the Ukrainian’s have no one left to fight.
My links to Twitte here didn’t work. I am unconvinced that she is someone who we should disown. There are few people who will agree with us on everything.
I will have to look at her again and see what i find. Not sure I will be able to make a case for her to you if i find something different. I won’t know where to go to do that.
I had wondered what had happened to Candice, She had quite often been used by Fox. Now, reading David’s article, I am understanding. It is too bad, she had everything, a great understanding of has happened to some of the black community (and white), and how we could assist seeing them, flourish (without pumping more ;:free money” into them. Now she has joined a society who looks only to what “they have coming” from the government. It’s a bloody shame to see such a great mind get wasted by the powers to be.
I would like to make an attempt to comment on as many issues as possible, so that I can possibby either strengthen someone’s belief or change it.
Or be presented convincing facts that enlighten my perspective.
Candace clearly lacks the knowledge base of history and political science to be a good commentator. I think she has easily adopted false ideas because of her poor knowledge base. Since she is already famous, she is too proud and busy to catch up on her knowledge. I can only hope that she will concentrate on her children and learn more about history and public affairs. With an extremely wealthy husband, she can afford to step back from public life.
I find the “Cancel Culture” rhetoric coming the David Horowitz Freedom Center just as disgusting as what typically comes from marxist left. Just maybe Candace Owens does not support the current Zionist Israeli leadership that is being driven by Globalist Neocon cabal that wants to cause division and hate to cause war after war after war and enrich the military industrial complex. As with this current conflict, innocent victims on both sides are caught in the middle and tragically and needlessly suffer as a result. And, and there is lots of evidence pointing to the fact that the Hamas attack could not have happened unless the military/political powers that be in Israel let it happen. A large percentage of Israelis have this view, which is being suppressed by the MSM. Finally, who created and funded Hamas initially? Yep, Israel… Netanyahu has even admitted to this publicly in the past, as Hamas was created to counter the Palestinian Authority and Yasser Arafat, and thus divide Palestinian public and political ranks as a control mechanism. Just say’n.
Stop spreading these lies.
Hamas came out of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Same organization that’s inflitrating America and that goes back a hundred years.
I agree with you Bob. Israel is surrounded by its enemies and yet. the citizens are not allowed, by their own government, to own firearms. Innocent people on both sides are being killed while the Military Industrial Complex rakes in the money. If the Government of Israel really cared about its citizens, it wouldn’t use them as unarmed, helpless, bait for an excuse to go to war. And if Hamas really cared about its people, and it doesn’t, it wouldn’t be using innocent civilians as human shields.
I want to thank David Horowitz and his Freedom Center for helping to clarify the sudden strange behavior of Candace Owens. It takes a lifetime of hard work and seeking wisdom to build a reputable character and career. But this all can be undone in a few moments of rash and ill-considered actions and words.
Perhaps this open statement with its explanations can work in Candace to desire to see her need to re-evaluate her ingrained position/s. This article does not strike me as the typical ‘cancel’, as it lines out its objectives clearly.
I started to give up on her when she was becoming All Hollywood, All the Time. I got tired of hearing about this and that celebrity doing stupid things. I know that’s standard for conservative channels but it was getting to be constant. Watching her be chummy with that Tate person was the last straw. (I’d never even heard of him until conservatives started talking about him.) After reading some of his comments and then to see her smiling and acting chummy with him was disturbing.
I was trying to stay away from this current mess. I did like her a lot. And I’ve watched Ben for years. I couldn’t bear to watch this fallout. (Just like the DW/Crowder one. I hate to see conservatives fighting each other.) So I had avoided the comments and any commentary. This is the first full piece I’ve read. Hearing her say those things on that Twitter link was enough. Wow.
If she gets fired from DW, I wouldn’t be surprised if she burned all her bridges and turned on conservatism and conservatives, completely.. I hope I’m wrong. But this was shocking to hear. It’s so disappointing.
She already had turned her back on the conservative community.
Always remember the talkers are talking not doing anything.
Never paid any attention to her and glad I didn’t
Well said. Years ago she claimed that she had been mistreated at a restaurant in Washington D.C. I thought it was made up and merely a publicity stunt. Seemed fishy. Even if it the story was true, I did not like that she publicly painted herself as a victim instead of a grown woman who was treated rudely. That’s when I stopped listening to her.
Be careful when you adopt a dog with unknown history. It might turn on you.
I have not heard Candace say anything approaching anti-Semitism or against the State of Israel.
She has criticized the military policies currently being used which causes a large excess of unnecessary civilian casualties for the so-called Palestinians. Hamas & Hezbollah are the true targets. Yes, they hide amongst the population, and one way to get them is outright genocide, which seems to be Bibi’s present course.
THAT is what Candace criticized, not Jewry and Israel in general.
I agree that Cancel Culture is wrong in a free speech society, regardless of who uses the tool.
Rescind this cancellation, David! Invite Candace to have an open dialogue with you, though she may be delivering a child as we speak. But as soon as possible.
Ben Shapiro used straw man debating tactics to make ad hominem attacks against her. He’s a clever fellow, quite adept, but an egocentric fool all too often. He refused to engage with Candace directly and is jealous of her popularity. Napolean Complex?
When Queen Rania said that “Jews use the anti semitic card”, Candace came out publicly and said she agreed with Rania.
Im a Jew. I dont ever call people “anti semitic” in debate because it comes across as very weak.
But, when she said “JEWS USE….”thats where I draw a line.
It would be like me saying “ALL blacks use the race card” when I know they don’t.
The fact is: Israel was the one who was attacked. Israel is ALWAYS the one who is attacked.
The stupid Candace caved to the ‘beat the victim’ crowd. She reverts back to leftism (she IS a former leftist) when it comes to the Jews because she is TOO LAZY to research this whole issue.
Israel is targeting Hamas and avoiding civilian casualties while risking the lives of its soldiers.
If Israel wanted to commit genocide, it would just level Gaza.
I may be ridiculous, but every time there is a terrorist attack, I think the Israelis should take land back from their neighbors.. They never should have given up what they won in war.
Israel is anti genocidal, muslim proliferating. They are probably the biggest reason for the geometric growth of Gaza. because of the decency, normalcy and economy the Gazans benefit from. being so close.
David speaks with moral clarity. I wonder if David Horowitz had one or more personal conversations with Candace Owens in the past month. If Candace listened to David and had the opportunity to admit error and failed to take it, she deserves the harsh consequence of being shunned by true patriots who understand the moral issues at stake. Yes, it’s unpleasant and painful to disown a family member who has demonstrated time and time again a lack of moral clarity.
Here’s hoping that Candace learns something and decides to grow, to become a serious person (as opposed to a media-seduced celebrity). Her fiery passion (like when testified in front of a Congressional committee in DC) can be a force for positive change if she learns and re-focuses. Perhaps she can’t (or chooses not to) change, and David’s dismissal of her spells the end of her potential as a leader. Time will tell.
“David’s dismissal of [Candace] spells the end of her potential as a leader.” That’s over the top to put it mildly.
Why isn’t this being mentioned
Gaza . The Ben Gurion Canal (Under construction )
Twice as wide as the Suez. So it can handle more shipping . This canal will create a Tectonic shift in the balance of power and global trade dynamics and it then makes Israel a fulcrum then Of global Maritime commerce that’s why the Israeli’s. want this land. That’s what the war is about . This allows Western powers to wrestle away the geopolitical control from Egypt . It’s a chessboard to take control. Explore more yourself for a more deeper understanding. Follow the gain and the money. The Israeli powers /Government want Gaza for their accesses to the Ben Gurion Canal that they are currently building
Investigate this ,
Also the Balfour Declaration.
If puts a whole new slant 9n what’s going o
I actually had never heard of the Ben Gurion Canal Project ’til this moment! More power to the Israelis!
Wow, this is like living in the Industrial Revolution, the building of the Panama Canal, or Apollo 11.
F*ck Allah! There is no divine right to stagnation! There are no tribal rights, racial rights, Muslim rights, Jewish rights, Christian rights, or atheist rights. There are only the Rights of Man, the rights of the individual.
Let me repeat that, there is NO divine right to collective stagnation! There is no divine right to remain tribal savages enslaving other savages!
Just had to get that atheist thing in, didn’t you. I guess the Jews will just drop everything and embrace your philosophy of Objectivist atheism.
And then the Muslims will simply move in and wreck everything, just like they did in Northern Gaza when Israel handed it over to them.
The Rights of Man. Is that your new stock phrase now? Did you get that from the film Billy Budd.
We would have no rights under the Objectivist charter. Just you telling us how to think.
Access to the canal and all the services.. Through Gaza
Complete bull. Goodbye David Horowitz. I’ll unsubscribe now.
Hopefully, she’ll snap out of it and wake up.
I also previously thought Candice was someone worth listening to. However, she lost me a while back when I saw her on the formally good news network and she referred to “her people” – referencing African Americans. I couldn’t believe a conservative voice would say something like that. Since I’m not one of “her people”, I lost all interest in hearing what she had to say.
Thank you for posting this. I saw Candace on Tucker Carlson and had no idea what she was talking about. She was complaining about Ben Shapiro. I was mystified as Ben Shapiro has always been rigorously honest and ethical in everything he says and in the way he treats people who debate with him. I don’t follow Candace closely and missed her accusatory commentary against Israel. I’m a Christian and know few Jewish people personally. It’s only my reading of history and observations of current events that informs my opinion that Jewish people are indeed the canaries in the coal mine. Whatever evil is visited upon them is going to rain down on the rest of the world. We see it happening now – global jihad in the service of establishing a global caliphate, reversing the last 1000 years of Western civilization. Goodbye, Magna Carta. Goodbye, human and civil rights. Jihadist victory will restore Might makes Right and mob rule. The useful idiots accuse Israel of colonizing Gaza. They ignore the colonization of the entire western world by jihadists. Western countries are experiencing yet more chaos because Palestinian supporters cannot truly peacefully protest (just as leftist socialist groups also cannot truly peacefully protest). The jihadists and the leftists have not yet formally joined forces but that day is coming. Jews and Christians absolutely need to join forces now, eschewing labels of liberal or conservative. The ones coming for us don’t really care. They just want to be rid of us or to conquer us. No thanks to being a peasant in a technofeudal, post Western civilization world.
Anyone that promotes hatred towards another group or people doesn’t deserve any public recognition……. all the people making noise about Israel weren’t there to watch their loved ones butchered like animals ……
It must be said….and I base the following comments upon an ongoing and, at times, vicious dispute with a black friend of mine for over 35 years. We had discussed politics for years, but one day seven years ago the subject of Israel came up. (Although I’m not Jewish, I had lived and worked in Israel from 1980-1982. It was a wonderful, wonderful experience and I gained invaluable insight to the country.) His opinion on the existence of Israel floored me. At that time, he actually said that he hoped the Muslims would push the Israelis into the sea…..a bit of a precursor of the vile “river-to-the-sea” mantra. He made the pernicious and false connection between the Israelis and colonialism. (This entire argument was via email and I printed it.) I say that to say this…the black community as a whole in this country wrongly seems to view the Israelis as hated, white colonizers and little can be said or done to convince them otherwise. The reason(s)?: Obama, the media, the success of the intersectionalism narratives that pertain to race among the black community, identification with Palestinians as fellow non-whites.,…but the Obama administration provided the ignition for this hatred of Israel amongst most blacks. I don’t know if Candace actually hates Israel, but she has certainly – ignorantly – applied the evil doctrine of moral equivalency to Israeli and Hamas actions. She should be condemned for it. But, Israel does – and I fear Jews in the U.S. will also – have a large problem as to the perception of American blacks about them. Tragic.
What you say is true but you have left out the huge pernicious and Jewhating influence f Louis Farrakhan.
I wonder if I have been correct all along when I thought “Trust no one.” Of course, I am not talking about our family and friends, those within our close circle but those who are outside clamoring to get in. Those we will never meet. Those we will never break-bread with. Those who are outside of our lives but wish to be appealing, attractive, influence our thinking, and say “Join with me for the great cause,” work at gaining our loyal online readership and then begin asking for the all-mighty dollar. From then on, they seem to always mix their “thought provoking emails” with “I can’t do it(?) without your help.” Think me petty, or worse, but when Ms. Owens married to not only a wealthy man, a white man, but to an Englishman, and her attire seemed to no longer be “off-the-rack” there also seemed to be a change in “her Voice.” Not quite an overbearing arrogance but still, an irritating something. Did she have a dishonest game plan from the beginning. A business plan for her life that was something other than what she was presenting to the public. This I probably will never know. But one thing I do know, to my end I will support Israel. Those who do not, and will not, can just go and wander in the wilderness of their own making, telling themselves that they know better than God did, when He chose the Israelites as His People. May God continue to Bless Israel, the United States and David Horowitz for his unwavering ethical voice.
Its about time FPM. This was long past due.
I think you should give her the opportunity to explain herself here. And if she apologizes, fine. We all make mistakes. If she is not allowed to defend herself from your comments, then I’d think it’s YOU who’s going for the CLICKS here.
She has huge platforms to explain herself on. If we were going for clicks, we would be featuring her.
Bad, bad, bad move by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Don’t disown your friends just because you disagree on an issue. Candace has proven herself to me by taking a stand against defund the police, Covid shots, whites are born racist, open borders, and the other leftist nonsense.
Islamic terrorism isn’t just any issue. It’s the survival of the world.
David, I respect your viewpoints and have watched and read many of your articles. I don’t think I have disagreed with you on any of them. Islamic terrorism is definitely evil. Unless you have watched or read something from Candace that I haven’t seen, I don’t know why the sudden “Goodbye Candace” article? Did Candace actually say that Islamic terrorism isn’t evil?
All I heard from Candace was something like why do rich Jewish university donors pull their funding when students support the Palestinian’s but didn’t pull any funding when the universities teach Marxism, Wokeism, transgenderism, open borders, and all whites are racist? It seemed like a good question to me, and I am still waiting for an answer from someone.
The communists are having a good laugh watching the different religions fight each other. The apostle Paul, (Saul), was a Jew who accepted Jesus, (a Jew), as his savior and became a Christian. I know of Muslims that have left that Satanic “religion” of Islam that have become good Christians. I know many Christians that are Christians in name only. We are all sinners. I have every confidence that Jesus will sort it all out in the end.
I’ve encountered similar Hamas Nazi sympathizers on Infowars which is equally shocking. There may be legitimate criticisms of the Israeli Government such as why they failed in their security and why it took so long to respond to the Hamas massacre but that doesn’t mean I would ever give a pass to the Hamas IslamoNazi brutality.
All you have to do is ask yourself if you love freedom…would you want to live under Israeli rule or Muslim rule?
Islam has been enemies of Jews and all infidels since Muhammad invented his ideology in the 7th century. Islam is actively murders Christians and other infidels around the globe for the past 1400 years in the name of Allah.
The Leftist-Islamic axis of evil have the common goal of destruction of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization which includes Israel, Jews and Christians. Palestinians celebrated 9/11 and 10/7 so I have no sympathy for them anymore than I would have for Nazis or the Japanese who bombed Pearl Harbor. Leftist Democrats are enemies of Freedom and Liberty and are now out in the open as allies of Islamic terrorists who want to kill all of us infidels. Commies hate all religions but tolerate Islam for now because of their common goal. Who dominates in the end will most likely be the Islamic Caliphate because Westerners are stupidly multicultural (anything but Western European Culture) and suicidal. Israel is fighting for our survival.
Brigette gets it….shes a smart cookie.
Marrying ”Lord Greystoke” has gone to her pretty head , the Brits are behind this , always are .
Such a disappointment. I honestly thought this young Black woman was going to position herself to make a serious impact among Black voters. Now we see what she really is.
She has no ideology, just money. She went from being a leftist activist to a right wing one in a blink of an eye. All she has she owes to this Copernican shift. The right needs to choose carefully who they let into their circles and even more so who they promote. Candace’s apparent ignorance of the world came out on numerous occasions, the most publicized one being her climate change discussion with Joe Rogan where she proved she cannot argue any point past the buzzwords she picked up on twitter. Notice how she never goes into details when she discusses complicated topics? Because she knows nothing about them. Attention seekers have realized that the right will give them a platform as long as they’re repeating the speaking points and she is a direct result of this grift. Now she sniffs the money in promoting sex traffickers and anti Jewish hatred (playing especially into Black antisemitism Kanye style). To avoid creating future Candaces, do your vetting more carefully.
i saw through her con years ago. respectfully.
Thank you David Horowitz Freedom Center for taking this important step. It is easy to ignore those with which we do not agree after they have crossed a line. This shows the fortitude that David and the Center are, and. have always been, about. A few years ago I recall David coming onto the stage at a Restoration Weekend event to stop Candace. She was verbally attacking Alan Dershowitz who had been the event speaker. Standing beside Alan, David reminded everyone that Alan was our honored guest and deserving of respect. A simple, but Herculean gesture; so much like the Freedom Center.
Emotions are running on edge these days. Everyone needs a vacation from politics and the reports of war.
It is the policy of Freedom that remains attractive and still does, though sometimes the glasses get fogged up.
Best of health severally in the many areas of life for all. A better time is ahead.
Candace’s appearances on TC when he was still on Fox were, I thought, worthwhile. I haven’t kept up with the latest Candace-Ben Shapiro-Tucker brouhaha which is background noise not worth paying attention to. Why do people place so much importance on these media shiny objects? None of them hold elected office, none of them will make much of a difference singing to the choir as they do, and none of them have ever made a difference in my life at least. There is a certain tedium that inevitably sets in when always listening to or reading viewpoints that religiously support one’s own. Perhaps, Tucker, Candace, and others are swimming up current of that tedium. Who knows? Nevertheless, I find it a bit amusing that FPM felt it necessary to publicly condemn/cancel Candace. Does FPM have so little faith in its readers to see through Candace and what she apparently has become. That said, I imagine Tucker will be next on the conservative cancellation road show; American Greatness has already dropped an article today hinting at exactly that.
This lady never fooled me, she seemed shallow since the first videos, and she also seemed very much after likes. Not a serious thinker.. Probably anti-semitic at heart.
To THX1138 — Within the past few weeks, I tried on two occasions to get this post to you, but it apparently did not pass the moderation censor. I thought I’d give it one final try, since its content is benign by any reasonable standard and indirectly applicable to Front Page Magazine’s excommunication of Candace Owen from the liberty-loving legions defending Western civilization from the forces of evil advancing Satan’s dark kingdom.
It’s been said that for a person whose only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Meaning no disrespect, I wonder if you’ve ever attempted to truly open your mind by shedding your obsession with Ayn Rand for even a moment and honestly examining the content of your toolbox. Were you to do so, I suspect it would soon dawn on you that you’ve become an Objectivist ideologue. The atheistic tenets of this de facto religion have so impaired your vision that you’ve totally lost your ability to see the forest for the trees. Freed of this moral blindness, you would realize that self-worship and narcissism are toxic to Western civilization. Humans cannot flourish in a joyless, soulless, sterile wasteland.
My guess is that this affliction of your heart and mind developed insidiously from a youthful exposure to Rand’s fiction and culminated in an infection by her godless philosophy. By way of full disclosure, I read Rand’s fiction and many of her essays in my youth. I have always admired this remarkable woman’s rejection of collectivism and advocacy of free market capitalism. However, I always sensed there was something inherently Satanic about her skin-crawling rejection of human charity and her loathsome celebration of selfishness as the ultimate virtue.
The more I thought about her intense, reflexive hostility to religion and traditional morality, the more I realized that the half-digested and regurgitated views of her idolatrous followers are toxic to Western civilization. These views are more in line with the totalitarian French, Bolshevik and Maoist Revolutions than the pro-liberty and religion-affirming American Revolution. I am certain neither you nor Rand would personally ally yourselves with the former in opposition to the latter. Nonetheless, this is the paradox at the heart of your demi-god’s espoused ideology. Please know that I am praying for your recovery from the Rand infection in the certainty that, with the one, true God, all things are possible.
I replied to you about this some weeks ago.
Objectivism and its moral code of rational selfishness does not prohibit, proscribe, nor discourage benevolence, generosity, charity, or helping DESERVING others in a non-sacrificial, non-destructive, way.
If you want to help others in a rational, non-sacrificial, non-destructive, productive, beneficial, and rational way, with your own money, your own income, your own property, your own time and energy, or if you want to persuade others to VOLUNTARILY contribute to your charitable cause, Objectivism does NOT prohibit nor condemn you for doing so. Go right ahead.
I help DESERVING others when I can and to the extent that I can without harming myself. Without harmful self-sacrifice. Without the evil of ALTRUISM.
“My views on charity are very simple. I do not consider it a major virtue and, above all, I do not consider it a moral duty. There is nothing wrong in helping other people, if and when they are worthy of the help and you can afford to help them. I regard charity as a marginal issue. What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue….
The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him and that he cannot demand their help as his right) does not preclude or prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or to accept voluntary, non-sacrificial assistance.
It is altruism that has corrupted and perverted human benevolence by regarding the giver as an object of immolation, and the receiver as a helplessly miserable object of pity who holds a mortgage on the lives of others—a doctrine which is extremely offensive to both parties, leaving men no choice but the roles of sacrificial victim or moral cannibal . . . .
To view the question in its proper perspective, one must begin by rejecting altruism’s terms and all of its ugly emotional aftertaste—then take a fresh look at human relationships. It is morally proper to accept help, when it is offered, not as a moral duty, but as an act of good will and generosity, when the giver can afford it (i.e., when it does not involve self-sacrifice on his part), and when it is offered in response to the receiver’s virtues, not in response to his flaws, weaknesses or moral failures, and not on the ground of his need as such.” – Ayn Rand
Nicely written, but It won’t make a difference. He is obsessed with Rand Peikoff and Objectivism to the point where it has destroyed his efforts to think clearly and honestly.
You should try to find his first response to you. You will find he simply copied and pasted his response a second time.
Being nice doesn’t work. Being refined doesn’t work. Being intelligent doesn’t work. Being sarcastic doesn’t work.
He is a religion hating propagandist for Objectivism, pure and simple. That’s really all he knows.
Nice try, Ray, but THX is lost.
He needs a shrink – not a philosophy lesson.
He will just write another tome about his ideology.
She has become an example of the shortcomings of both the populist movement and the moral vacuity of the extreme libertarian movement. Both are deficient in historical depth. Extreme individualism only sees moral equivalencies. They really are little different from the revolutionary Marxist left, determined to tear down all tradition and moral norms that hold society together. The idea that we can just focus on the economic issues and ignore the moral imperatives and personal virtue required to support and advance the free society and free markets, will always produce undesired consequences. And why not throw in a lot of appeasement and isolationism on the international front as if evil will pass us by in the end? After all, didn’t history end in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down? The world just does not work that way. Someone will always insert themselves in the vacuum. Will it be a power like China; or will it be a power like the United States? Will it be Israel; or will it be barbaric Islamists set on imposing a medieval caliphate? The very idea of a Palestine, or even Palestinian people, is entirely a construct of Hadrian’s mind in 135 AD after the second Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire. They used the name to shame the Israeli’s, who the land belonged to, by taking the name of their ancient enemies, the Philistines (remember Goliath?) with a slightly corrupted Roman spelling. The fact is, Hadrian’s Palestinians were primarily Jews. Tucker Carlson, and others, suffer from the same intellectual deficiencies as Candice Owens.
“Extreme individualism only sees moral equivalencies.”
What is the precise, objective, definition of “individualism”? Individualism means that an individual has the right to be left free from the INITIATION of physical force, compulsion, violence, and fraud from other individuals and from the government.
Is this what you dare to call evil “extremism”?
Either the Rights of Man, i.e., individual rights, i.e., the right of every man to be left free from violence and fraud is an ABSOLUTE or it is not. Your use of the anti-concept of “extremism” is a dishonest attempt at destroying the legitimate concept of ABSOLUTES. Either individual rights are an absolute or they are not. If they are not then man, every man, is but a serf, slave, a sacrificial animal for his neighbors, tribe, race, or any collective mob to do with him as they please.
“Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your bread or see it vanish into a looter’s stomach, is an absolute….
Within the sphere of your own rights, your freedom is absolute….
The only “obligation” involved in individual rights is an obligation imposed, not by the state, but by the nature of reality (i.e., by the law of identity): consistency, which, in this case, means the obligation to respect the rights of others, if one wishes one’s own rights to be recognized and protected….
The concept of individual rights is so prodigious a feat of political thinking that few men grasp it fully—and two hundred years have not been enough for other countries to understand it. But this is the concept to which we owe our lives—the concept which made it possible for us to bring into reality everything of value that any of us did or will achieve or experience….
A group, as such, has no rights. A man can neither acquire new rights by joining a group nor lose the rights which he does possess. The principle of individual rights is the only moral base of all groups or associations….
Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).” – Ayn Rand
Wow, I am surprised at Candace. There is no moral argument for siding with evil against Israel. I’m cancelling her.
Apparently, I already cancelled her previously.
Instead of just cancel her (so you cancel also the whole good she did in the past? Is this how it works here? Especially in a moment when the Jews cause and better, Israel survival is at stake and need the maximum support? Not wise, to me…), why don’t you DEBATE with her, starting to gather all docs she might ignore proving that Israel is no apartheid, never did all other things EVERYBODY else is accusing it for. You claim she didn’t do the job, dig in..? Then HELP her to do so, instead of just canceling her, or anybody else is falling into the (very powerful) propaganda anti Israel. Stating from your friends liberal Jews in the upper west side of NYC!
No one has been ‘cancelled’. She’s expressed her view, we’ve expressed ours.
We are on different sides.
There’s no need to treat her like a victim.
I agree that Candace went way beyond her expertise. But I also feel that many Christians are not groubded in the word of OT and the prophetic. We are entering Ezekial 38. I found her scriptural response pathetic and an ignorant application of the Truth. The returning Jesus is a Warrior not the Lamb. I felt that the Tucker intervie demonstrated the same lack of awareness. This attack and the worldwide response needs to be a wakup call to all Jews and Christans alike. The world will hate you. Nations will be separated to goats and sheep.
I appreciate your comment!
I saw her with Tucker Carlson; very disappointed with both. To compare 10/07 to drug overdose is ridiculous and dangerous . They don’t know Genesis 12:3 or Psalm 17:8.
I never bought a ticket on the Candace Owen Train. Something was off from the beginning, Call it a gut caution , but my hesitance has been proven to be a wise move.
I had high hopes for Candice! It’s a shame how Satan can use fame to infultrate the good in the world! I’m praying for Candice that she seeks God and repents before it’s too late! The Bible says, “I will bless those who bless Isreal and curse those who curse Isreal”. In the end days, right will become wrong and wrong become right! It also says that if possible, even the elect could be fooled! 🙏🙏🙏
Candace didn’t curse Israel. Some FPM comments are sounding like the hanging mob in some western movie.
I agree with Andrew Tate’s statement about Isis. If a Muslim really wants to be a good follower of Islam he will want to aniliate the Jews and Christians. It is in the Koran. Mohammad got people to convert to Islam at the point of a sword. It was convert or die. Thankfully most Muslims are nominal Muslims and are not following the teachings of Muhammad as they should. But think about this: there are over 1 billion Muslims in the world, Which means 1 out of 8 people are Muslims. Now if only 10 percent were really following the Koran which says to kill off Christians and Jews that would be 100 million radical Muslims or 1 percent would be 10 million radical Muslims do you see how this so-called religion of peace could easily turn the whole world into a caliphate? Seeing all the Pro-Palestinian demonstrations worldwide should cause you to have a serious reason for concern.
Excellent comment, I was just scrolling down to post a comment by asking a question….. “Andrew Tate, a Muslim convert who said that “ISIS are the real Muslims because ISIS do exactly what the book says.”
I am asking what is wrong with that statement I have been saying it for over ten years!
Andrew Tate is a Muslim convert.
WHY did he convert? He’s a traitor to his people.
I didn’t realize how much ben shapiro hates christians, he made horrible comments about Jesus Christ. It reminded me about the Jews who handed Jesus over to be crucified and the Jews said in Matthew 27:25
‘Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.’
So, why are Jews shocked when you have holocaust and 10/7 etc..? It was per your request. Now regarding 10/7, aside from the babies, it occurred to me that the real tragedy is not holocaust or 10/7, it’s the Jews who died not believing in Jesus Christ our Saviour, they are eternally damned to hell. Now that’s the real tragedy. The babies are in heaven because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. They are innocent and pure. So, I’m not grieving for them. TRUTH
Your comments make me ill. Using Christianity to gaslight readers and justify your anti-Jewish sentiment. There is literally no justification for the Holocaust or 10/7. None. No one requested it. No one deserved it.
Look to your own soul. Jesus can’t be pleased with your cavalier dismissal of dead Jewish people.
You vile idiot.
I thought Candace was that good. Very sorry for the ambitious like her
I find it disturbing that being for America and desiring to advance American interests before favoring the interests of any other nation makes one anti-semitic according to this post and so many of the commenters. I am an American and favor American interests over the interests of any other nation, whether that nation be Ukraine, Israel, Great Britain or The Vatican. I am all in favor of allowing the Israelis to handle their war with Hamas/Islam as they see fit. I do not criticize Israel’s military action against Hamas in Gaza because Israel conducts its military actions in general accord with accepted interpretations of the law of war. I also favor Israel’s victory in the war inasmuch as Islam is antithetical to the Biblical principles that I follow. Islam holds as one of its tenets of faith that violence against “infidels” is acceptable, if not actually commendatory, so I oppose all followers of islam, assuming that they actually believe what their koran tells them to believe and to do, although I am willing to make individual exceptions when such individuals renounce these koranic admonitions.
Bravo. Well said. America first is not antisemitic. I am guessing that this whole blowup started when a few rich contributors to Horowitz got their fe-wings hurt by something they thought Candace meant but didn’t actually say. We are all sinners. If you cancel every friend you have, because they said something you didn’t agree with, you will soon find yourself without friends.
America First was the name of the group that wanted to sabotage preparations to fight the Nazis. Today the same name is used by those who want to sabotage the necessary struggle against the Russia-Iran-Gaza axis. Many in America First didn’t hate Jews, but the effect of their activism was the same as if they were out and out Nazi allies or even Nazis themselves.
Mitch McConnell gets it. He understands that Russia and Iran are mortal enemies of the US, that Russia massively funds Iran, and that the struggle of Ukraine and Israel are the same and the US must be part of that struggle. Unfortunately we now see much of McConnell’s party acting like the Squad today.
We all display our ignorance when we fail to recognize the plans and purposes that the God of Israel has determined for the nation, the world, and His glory. The Torah and the Prophets are sufficient to eradicate this. Who’s consulting His holy Word which provides light, understanding, and wisdom? It’s all there for us. We need to understand Who’s sovereign and Who’s in control. Shalom!
I loved the work Candace did for the black community to wake them up to their ignorance. Unfortunately she has just shown her utter ignorance regarding Israel just that they did believing the Dems lies. One must be fully educated in history, in the bible & as a Christian as she claims to be fully know the whole Amalek, Jacob & Esau history moving from one generation to the next to eliminate God’s chosen people. That’s why all biblically educated born again believers in Yeshua have a loving heart & stand with Israel until the end, we know it’s Satan’s work. So on every subject she has woefully let herself down. Now with even some of that the horror of what happened to the % of the country is off the scale demonic anyone with a heart would have been broken at hearing the details. It’s beyond the Nazis. Evil needs to be eradicated as it’s coming for all of us. If you don’t understand that islam wants to & is engaging WW to take us over your pretty blind & need to wake up quickly.
Jeremiah 31:35-37 and 33:19-26 are just two places that show why Israel can never be destroyed. “One little word proves the Bible true; that little word is known as Jew.”
Shocked by your statement because it is character assassination (and likely libel). You can cut ties without this diatribe. I love Israel. I love Jesus. I do not like you trying to convince me to agree with you to hate someone.
Not sure how you read hate into what I posted. I’m glad that I do not have to worry about Israel’s future. She is secure in the hands of the One who made the world’s and gave us all breath.
Hamas is the organization that puts its headquarters under Hospitals., knowing that Israel has a code of ethics toward women and children…. Its Hamas that uses its own people as Human shields……not the Jews. Its Hamas who continues to stir the pot and attack Israel to cause War!
She fell out of favor after being given time to do right, via Prager U. But now…I’m not so sure about her again. The appearance of moral equivocation is sad to say the least. I think Israel is able to take care of itself without Blinken micromanaging from a distant second-guess. The current admin here hates all things Netanyahu. Candace is a free thinker. I do worry she has a friend or three who are pressuring her left-ward to ‘prove’ she isn’t one to rush into another war like Afghan, Iraq, etc just because it may profit the military industrial complex. I take a Horowitz ‘good-bye’ seriously, but I remain watchful and hopeful. She’s heard twice (at least) now from very intellectually keen conservative leaders like Dennis and David and she is skating on a knife’s edge over loss of credibility/integrity and free thinking status. And I bought that free thinker hat and still wear it in part because of Candace.
Prager isn’t intellectually keen. He regularly distorts Jewish teachings. And he should know better.
I was surprised that there’s no mention of Kanye West and her support for him during his whole antisemitic period. That was when I began to really question where she stood. Is there a reason that whole situation is not being included? I considered that support far worse than anything she said about Andrew Tate.
Good afternoon all, Until now, I have expressed respect for several of the parties involved in this discussion. Now.then, just to be sure that everyone knows where I am coming from, I will admit that I am no one, that is, I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives within me. My only claim to fame is that I know The One who IS Somebody and He has given us instructions as to how to deal with this situation. Matthew 18:15-20 tells us exactly how to handle this issue and unless or until all parties have read, know and have walked out God’s plan for reconciliation, there remains a real question as to whether or not that we really want to solve the problem or if we just want to engage in some amount of drama going forward.
If that doesn’t work, simply call to remembrance the scripture that says that we are to forgive our brothers or our sisters, not (7) times, but (70) times (7) or a total of (490) times – Matthew 18:21-22 KJV. Get started on that and we will begin to see if all are truly interested in emulating God Almighty and establishing His Kingdom here on Earth or if we are simply pretending to be like The Lord Jesus Christ and we are going to be exposed as frauds as we seal our fates and we have to endure the “time of Jacob’s trouble” that is soon to begin! REPENT! The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!
ISIS are the real Muslims. Real Muslims are terrorists.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! That has to be understood!!!!!!
There is a war. An ally of America and the West is at war with an enemy of America and the West. Hamas is supported by ALL the enemies of America, Jews, Israel, Christian world, free world. It is not a small squabble with a few dozen dead… This war is totally legitimate, and it is not just Hamas that is targeted, but all the enemies of the free world supporting Islamic terrorism.
She talks about collateral victims, without asking how many of these victims support Hamas, support what it did on October 7, support all these attacks against Israel since it came to power in Gaza. And when did she talk about all the terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians that have been going on for a century? Not a word there.
This woman is intellectually deranged. she does not apply her intellectual rigor that she uses for BLM with Israel. It’s strange.
And now she invites Norman Finkelstein without questioning all the bullshit he can say. Among other things, that young Gazans lived in a concentration camp and that the Israeli government is talking about genociding these people. She lets him pour out all his nonsense and monstrousness without saying anything, criticizing him. She ends the video by saying that her objective is to make both sides heard… That’s nonsense. Finkelstein is in the camp of hatred, he only demonizes Israel, he does not have reasoned criticism. And she lets this hateful asshole spill his verbal mush.
With the title for her video: Israel vs Palestine.
But there is no Palestine… So no Israel vs Palestine… Israel is not fighting Palestine. But Hamas, a highly criminal terrorist organization which has just committed the largest pogrom the Jewish people have experienced since World War II.
Pas un mot sur le fait que le Hamas stocke son arsenal de guerre, sa logistique de guerre, dans des zones urbaines, alors qu’il pourrait le faire en dehors des zones peuplées de civils.
Pas un mot sur le fait que les Palestiniens n’ont pas manifesté contre ce que le Hamas a fait aux Israéliens.
Cette femme est intellectuellement perturbée.
sorry, the end in English is better…
Not a word about the fact that Hamas stores its war arsenal, its war logistics, in urban areas, when it could do so outside areas full of civilians.
Not a word about the fact that the Palestinians did not demonstrate against what Hamas did to the Israelis.
This woman is intellectually disturbed.
I think David Horowitz and Ben Shapiro are doing too much tea leaf reading into what Candace Owens has said. She has to listen to anti-Semites in the Black communities as well as ignorance. Shapiro and Horowitz are coming across as overbearing professors lacking the patience to inform and instruct.
TBH, I think Tate is right when he says ISIS (and Hamas, and Hezbollah, and Al Qaida) are the real Muslims. The rest are people who don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, the ramifications of what the Quran clearly teaches. The majority of Muslims are nice, live-and-let- live people. Mohammed and the Quran didn’t give them that option,. Interesting to notice, though, when one of the above groups perpetrates some atrocity, the Muslim world–all those nice people–respond with…crickets. I can only guess they either; Don’t care, or are cowed into silent submission, or secretly support the “extremists”.
Has Candace Owens ever bothered to read the “Hamas Charter?”
While I had read excerpts of this hateful document before, I finally read it in its entirety — each of its 36 Articles.
I recommend that anyone who — after the barbaric October 7th attack on Israel — still has no moral clarity about the “Israeli/Palestinian” conflict read that document. It is a manifesto with one unambiguous goal: THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE.— and not only Jews who live in Israel, but anywhere in the world.
Candace: read, study the history of this conflict and educate yourself. Then issue an intelligent, cogent statement of why you would even utter a word of support for Hamas and their genocidal agenda.
And then issue an apology.
From Huey Newton, to Ye, to Charlie Kirk, to Candace Owen, Horowitz has a long record of choosing the wrong people to serve and support and doing massive damage to America that can never be undone.
“Andrew Tate, a Muslim convert who said that “ISIS are the real Muslims because ISIS do exactly what the book says.” …..I don’t know this Tate but that right there is ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!!!!
FPM has always lived in its own bubble.
We assume, because we’re informed, intelligent, and sane …
… that we understand the Big Liestream, the gaslighting, and the indoctrination.
But that’s never been the case.
Even on this board … the terms “Armenia, Cyprus, East Timor, Kosovo” are missing. “Iraq” only appears once prior to this post.
… Add those to the other Muslim slaughters over the last 100 yrs …
… and it adds up to millions of people terminated in the name of Islam, and more terminated by Islam … more if we include Muslim on Muslim violence such as the Iraq-Iran war.
Young people DO NOT KNOW THIS.
FPM assumes everyone knows this. But they don’t. I’m pretty sure I could come up with a list of a dozen Muslim atrocities virtually everyone under 40 has never heard of … and if they have … they don’t know it’s about Islam.
Not to excuse Candace for ignorant bigotry, but FPM should have expected this, and should expect more of it. The collective “Right” is not immune to sea of lies we live in, and if someone is not ‘vetted’ … they will disappoint.
FPM should create an “orientation” program for new conservatives (not to be confused with Neo-cons) … assuming that these newbies are NOT avid followers of FPM, Hillsdale college, Heritage Foundation, or Victor David Hanson – much less Raymond Ibrahim, Daniel Greenfield, or Robert Spencer.
… Such an effort might better ‘vet’ up and coming ‘influencers’
Just a suggestion …
“Add those to the other Muslim slaughters over the last 100 yrs ”
Dwarfed by the Nazi and Japanese slaughters during WW2, and by the Communist slaughters before and after. Neither Hitler, Stalin, Mao, nor any of the Japanese Imperial leadership were Muslim.
Did you all see her interview with Dr. Norman Finkelstein???
It was fantastic!!!
Fantastic for Muslim TAQQIYA!
“War is deception!” – the Psychopath Mohammed
If Candace Owens believes this charlatan, taqiyya useful idiot, then GOOD RIDDANCE to her!
Why not explore it? Because this man is a lunatic.
Congratulations, Front Page, on your emotionalism and intolerant cancellation of Candace Owens.
Good job denouncing her concerns about the First Amendment…. I watched her interview with Tucker….I read her tweet….I have listened to many of her opinions.
Until which time I hear from her mouth that she unequivocally sides against God and Israel, I will remain willing to hear her speak on various topics, just as I am willing to listen to atheist, as well as practicing Jews. I strive to achieve the ability to disagree with someone without hating them. I haven’t agreed with many of Ben Shapiro’s opinions, or those of David Horowitz, yet I have not ceased to read or listen to what they think.
Moreover, I will heed the Word of God, not the diatribes of reactionary, hurting humans, I will do so as I morally and scripturally support Israel as a sovereign nation.
You are not in a period of peace. An ally of America is at war…
She is in moral relativism… she talks to us about collateral victims without asking how many of these victims supported Hamas, what it did on October 7, all the attacks against Israel since it came to power.
She doesn’t talk about the fact that Hamas’ entire war arsenal is in urban areas, while there is enough land in Gaza to put it in civilian-free areas.
How many Gazans support Hamas? How many Arab adolescents and young adults hate Israel and Jews? How many children have been indoctrinated to hate Jews and would happily kill Jews?
There is not on one side Hamas and on the other all Gazans who are all victims of Hamas.
She does not wonder why no Palestinian Arab demonstrated in the streets to condemn the pogrom of October 7, to condemn all the horrors perpetrated by these terrorists.
She does not apply the intellectual rigor that she applies in her criticism of BLM. It’s strange I think.
Yes, Fairness and Free speech should allow people to speak their minds. We don’t always agree with them, but they should have the right to give an opinion, and do it respectfully. The Deep state has tried to stiffle free speech, and with that the truth which matters in this world that is now in bad times and distress.
This is off the subject, but it may provide a clue. Why did Candace cut her hair so short? That is what radical leftist men- hating women do. It is not a normal feminine impulse. I wonder what triggered her to go Butch like that? Some recent trauma is what I suspect. Or an old trauma that came back to her memory, and she reacted to it.
Short hair is easier to take care of. I like short hair. Most very busy people have short hair.
Cancade Owens is saying things to antagonize Ben Shapiro. Ben Shapiro has family in Israel (I do also) and Cancade Owens and Paul Joseph Watson are getting a big laugh at what they imagine Ben Shapiro’s suffering to be. Ben Shapiro is holding up better than i am in the emotional department.
Tucker Carlson is coming off as a Charles Lindberg type antisemite. Tucker Carlson uses the term “neo con,” which the “Wa;; Street Journal” says is the new “k” word. Tucker Carlson preaches against capitalism summoning up a third way between capitalism and socialism such as Nazism and.or fascism. Tucker Carlson did not want Iran attacked for Iran’s upcoming nuclear weapons, probably in the hope that Iran will do a second holocaust.
Akin to self hater Karl Marx, Tucker Carlson uses logical fallacies to defend fellow antisemite, Candace Owens. The apples to orange fallacy; the gamblers dilemma amongst other logical fallacies.
When Candace gets off of maternity leave, she will have a great media career with Tucker Carlson and his new media empire. Paleocons and black antisemites will make a great combination with each other. Maybe Candace can host Louis Farrakhan on he new media conglomerate that he formed.
Ben Shapiro and David horowitz should have been more careful of grifters.
Candace may identify as a Christian but she is biblically ignorant. She married a Catholic who also doesn’t believe literally in the Bible. Unfortunately, although she is intelligent and articulate, her beliefs are grounded in politics and humanism not in spiritual reality. If she knew that the Jews are still God’s chosen people and have not been replaced by the Church, she would not be the way she is. She should do a study of the book of Romans where Paul lays out what the heart of God is towards the salvation of the Jewish people. It is also worth noting that Jesus stated that he did not come to abolish the law, and that includes the part that says that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed.