As the glorious cultural revolution trends onwards, our language must be 1984ized on a constant basis. That means the traditional black and white signifiers, not of race, but of good and evil, also have to go. What this will do to thousands of years of myth and religion has yet to be determined once it’s determined that light should be bad and darkness should be good.
But Google is doing its politically correct part for blacklists.
Since October of last year, Google Chrome — or more specifically the Chromium open source project — has included guidance in its official code style guide on how to write “racially neutral” code. The document clearly outlines that Chrome and Chromium developers are to avoid the words “blacklist” and “whitelist” in favor of the neutral terms “blocklist” and “allowlist.”
Blacklisting the blacklist is the ultimate PC move.
Of course, NBC is going to have to rename Blacklist, assuming that’s still on the air. And power companies are going to change racist terms like Blackouts and Brownouts.
And then everything will be fine.
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