Remember the old “Whites Only/Colored Only” signs on water fountains and bathrooms in the old Jim Crow South? Thanks to Google, that kind of open, in-your-face racism is back with a vengeance. Google is so concerned that you not be racist that it is doing the most racist thing a major corporation has done at least since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: it is planning to mark the race of the owners of various businesses so that racists of all varieties can patronize only the stores of their favored group. Have Google’s far-Left ideologues really thought this through? If they really want to eradicate racism, this is just the way not to do it.
Jeremy Kauffman of tweeted Thursday that “Google has launched a new campaign called ‘Buy Black’ that encourages people to shop based on the race of the store owner. Stores in search and map results will be given icons indicating the race of the owner to make this easier.” Kauffman also pointed out that Google has been pushing this initiative hard for the last month: on Nov. 17, it published a video called “Buying All Black” and subtitled “A Google #BlackOwnedFriday Anthem,” featuring Ludacris and Flo Milli.
“We’re celebrating the third #BlackOwnedFriday,” Google announced happily, “with 70+ Black-owned businesses, a new track, and a block party in Atlanta. Join Ludacris and Flo Milli on their journey searching and shopping Black-owned, and then shop the 100+ products you’ll see throughout the video. Watch the music video, shop the products, and search to support Black-owned on Black Friday and every day.”
Great. That’ll eradicate racism, all right. What could be less racist than all the woke shoppers dutifully following Google’s lead and shunning businesses owned by white, Hispanic, Asian, and other people and buying only from black-owned businesses? There’s just one minuscule problem with this scenario: at least for now, white people are still allowed to use Google. White racists and white supremacists, you know, those people whom the Biden administration keeps telling us are the biggest terror threat that the nation faces today, can also use Google, at least until they’re finally all rounded up and sent to re-education camps. Until this problem is corrected, white racists can use the new Google race markings not to patronize, but to avoid, black-owned businesses. For that matter, black racists can use Google’s new race tags to avoid white-owned businesses, but no one is worried about that, as that is exactly what Google wants.
Bull Connor or George Corley Wallace couldn’t have come up with a more ingenious scheme. Why, in no time Google will have people choosing which business to patronize based on the race of the owner, and the country will become more divided and race-conscious than it has been since the worst days of Jim Crow. White racists won’t have to worry about black men sitting down at segregated lunch counters: they wouldn’t dream of doing so if the lunch counter in question is white-owned. No one will be sending Rosa Parks to the back of the bus, because she won’t be on the bus at all if the bus company is owned by people from Japan or Korea or Mexico or Italy or France.
Google is setting us on the path to becoming a more racially striated society since the Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 that segregation was just fine. The Plessy decision said that the Fourteenth Amendment was “undoubtedly” meant “to enforce the absolute equality of the two races before the law,” but this didn’t mean integration, for “in the nature of things, it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political equality, or a commingling of the two races upon terms unsatisfactory to either.”
That’s what Google means to stamp out: “a commingling of the two races.” It finds the idea of black people patronizing white-owned businesses to be “terms” that are “unsatisfactory,” and therefore is doing all it can to help black racists be racist. In doing so, it is also helping white racists be racist. Google, in short, has become an active corrosive agent, working to dissolve the nation’s unity and pit American against American. Where is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act when you need it?
Noah Andeark says
Nice!! I never cared one bit about the race of the owners of the businesses I patronize. It’s never mattered to me. But so long as I’m now being told that it DOES matter, I’ll intentionally not patronize known minoritiy owned businesses. Apparently what Google is saying is that white folk should patronize white businesses, and blacks should patronize black businesses.
It makes perfect sense.
Zundfolge says
This is further evidence that the left doesn’t actually believe all the nonsense they push about white supremacy and white racism. Because if they did they’d go out of their way to hide the race of minority owned businesses to protect them from the racism of the majority.
Melon Usk says
Over a year ago, after the 2020 race riots and BLM, I made the decision to NOT support any black owned businesses. I will drive miles to instead support white owned businesses. Same for the Mexicans. I no longer go to Mexican restaurants. I specifically look for white/Asian owned businesses, and primarily white owned. I don’t want to be that way but now I feel I must.
Kasandra says
This is just so insane. I guess Google doesn’t understand the concept of “unintended consequences.”
junkyard_infidel says
as usual and expected, the people whining and crying about racism are biggest racists!
WJM says
There is a new search engine: FREESPOKE. Don’t know yet who started it but I do like it.
Also gives latest news, left/right/center.
Check it out as an alt to Google.
WJM says
Proton Mail is the best alt to Google (gmail), hotmail, and msn.
Swiss, secure, vpn. I use it for sharing sensitive info that I don’t trust Ggl or the other mains with.
The app is great.
Intrepid says
If this is how the game is played I will no longer patronize black owned businesses. To hell with Google as well. Actually I have never patronized Google.
Eva says
Actually, this works out well for me. I never gave a damn about the skin colour of anybody’s business, but since I’m now told constantly I’m an evil racist, I’m exercising my white privilege, and refusing to buy anything from any black owned business.
I imagine that more people have become ‘racist’ since these race baiters and idiot liberals and leftards have been shoving their garbage down our throats..
Maha says
Wait. Isn’t Google owned by White people?
Spurwing Plover says
Now we know what its like living under a dictator any moment Biden Der Fehrer will be having all privately owned guns confiscated to abide by the Small Arms Control Treaty signed by Democrat and Traitor John Kerry for Dictator Obama
George says
By the way all the Indians that google hires are replicating Indian society in their divisions, and hiring based on a person’s caste back in India. From Brahman to untouchable.
Hannah54 says
The BDS movement’s blacklist of Israel-friendly businesses has famously backfired, with smart people either ignoring their pressure or going out of their way to defy it — OR turning around and boycotting the boycotters.
I predict the goons at Google will promote a similar boomerang effect. Freespoke is a pretty good alternative, and this will just accelerate the migration.