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When Front Page Magazine applied to join Google’s AdSense advertising program, we were turned down. Since Google, like other Big Tech monopolies, has censored and deplatformed us in the past, we weren’t too shocked. But this time, Google told us why we had been banned.
Usually Big Tech monopolies censor, shadowban and deplatform you without telling you why.
But the Google AdSense rejection told us what we could do to make our way into the good graces of the company that dominates online search and advertising, controlling what much of the country and the world sees. All we had to do was stop talking about Islamic terrorism.
According to Google AdSense, our “entire site” contained “dangerous or derogatory content”, as did David Horowitz’s writing in particular, but one of the sample pages that the company claimed contained forbidden content was an article about the San Bernardino Muslim terrorist attack.
The article, “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen” by Lloyd Billingsley, like a lot of our articles, is blocked in Google Search. The Front Page article doesn’t come up when you type in its name. It doesn’t even appear when you do a site search for the exact title in quotation marks that has been entirely limited to the Front Page Magazine site. That means that Google likely specifically excluded it. And it’s far from the only one of our articles banned by Google.
It’s an extraordinary act of censorship for a company that claims to want to collect all the information in the world and make it easily available for everyone to find. But it’s also a silent act of suppression that is hard to confirm and easy to blame on technical factors or errors.
But now here it was, Google flagging “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen” as “dangerous” and “derogatory” content, not to mention guilty of “unreliable and harmful claims”.
What’s dangerous, unreliable and harmful about “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”?
Published on Dec 3, 2021, around the anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attack, it contains fairly little editorial commentary and a great deal of uncomfortable facts.
Lloyd Billingsley starts by documenting how “Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik drove up to the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, and began firing automatic rifles.” He names the victims, describes the bombs and quotes Kamala Harris, then attorney general, defending Islam and excusing Islamic terrorism, as she would go on to do after the Islamic terrorist attacks of Oct 7, while promoting CAIR and other Islamist terror friendly groups.
Billingsley’s article laid out the complicity of other family members of the Muslim terrorists in the attack, and the silence of Biden and Kamala about Islamic terrorism, and closed by urging, “remember the 14 innocents murdered by Islamic terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik on December 2, 2015, in San Bernardino, California, USA.”
Google would rather that you not remember the 14 victims or the Islamic terrorists who killed them. It has told us that we “must fix” this and numberless other articles that it objects to. But what would it like us to “fix” here? What else except the truth about Islamic terrorism.
The Big Tech’s ‘Dangerous and Derogatory’ content policy has previously cast a wide net, banning Martin Luther King’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail” at one point because the civil rights leader had used the “n word” in the letter and also banning skin lightening products because they “imply the superiority of one skin tone over another.”
Conservative sites had previously been forced to dump their comments sections to appease Google AdSense, but we will not self-censor or compromise to appease the Big Tech giant.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center has always spoken out for what we believe in. And that’s not about to change. In a time of severe financial challenges, it would be easier for us to go along. And it would have been easier for us to bow to the IRS when it came after us for writing about Hillary Clinton’s emails than to spend 5 years resisting because we believe that our journalism is legitimate and important, not something to be ashamed of and apologized for.
We know what Google’s politics are.
We remember the Google employees crying publicly when Trump won. We know that Google employees funneled $21 million to Democrats in 2020. And we know a lot of that money went to Biden. And we know that this time around, they’ve already pumped in nearly $300,000 into the Biden campaign, over $400,000 to Democratic congressional campaign committees, $174,000 to the DNC and another fortune to leftist extremists like Silicon Valley’s Rep. Ro Khanna.
A few years after the San Bernardino terror attack, Imam Omar Suleiman, who had called for a Caliphate, defended Muslim sex slavery, described Jews as “apes and pigs”, and prayed, “we ask Allah to humiliate this Israel”, had demanded that Google ban “Islamophobia” from its search engine.
And Google complied.
After I tweeted that, “Google just erased my Sultan Knish blog and Front Page Mag articles from the first pages of results for my name doubt very much this is accidental”, Robert Spencer wrote that, “I checked for myself, and sure enough: a Google search for ‘Robert Spencer’ now does not bring up Jihad Watch, where most of my writing outside of books has been published for the last seventeen years, but it does give you defamatory and distorted attack pieces from the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center and the Saudi-funded Bridge Initiative, and nothing that doesn’t portray me and my work in the most unfavorable possible light.”
Google has been purging us for political dissent for at least 5 years. So we’re not surprised by what happened, but we are determined to continue fighting for the truth at all costs.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is dealing with some very challenging times because we held fast to our principles. Facing a financial crunch, we looked at AdSense as an option, but we won’t compromise our belief in the truth in exchange for Google’s money. As we struggle to navigate the high legal cost of fighting the IRS, we are exploring every possible option.
But we’ll do it while holding on to our traditional commitment to fighting for what’s right.
(If you want to support our battle for the truth, please click here to donate to the David Horowitz Freedom Center so that we can continue the fight.)
Egregious …..
Yes, Google should be on the Federal Terrorism Watch List. Fat chance, though. Google is effectively a government agency.
Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, is the reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels,
the depraved Nazi book burner, information censor, and Reich Minister of Propaganda.
In fact, Google Reich Minister of Propaganda, Sundar Pichai, even looks like Goebbels.
Think about it. There is a real nugget of truth to this. What a coincidence.
Sundar Pichai performs the same function that Joseph Goebbels performed during Hitler’s Nazi regime.
Quite amazing that Goebbels spirit has now arisen in America.
Hey Google Islamic scum depraved psychopath berserk mental moral midgets Sundar Pichai and Larry Page and Sergey Brin ….
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Islamic Terrorism “Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen”
Hey Google … Search This …..
Islam Moo–Slums depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent liars crazy terrorist animal Scum cesspools Mecca and Medina camel dung brainwashed brain dead Sunni Shia Islamic lunatics …….
Daniel… I don’t question your passion for what is right. I have, however, found some of your writings in the past to be deliberately deceptive. I hope that you have corrected this. This one caught my attention so I decided to give it a chance. Glad that I did. So much so that I just contributed to the Freedom Center. Please… continue with the good work that exemplifies your passion.
I wonder who the person is that didn’t understand the word “egregious”?
I’ve got a better idea, “Front Page”. You, and any other news outlet, “will” post what “I” or “anyone else”: decides to say. Because the 1st amendment to the US Constitution, says NOTHING ABOUT FRONT PAGE NEWS, OR ANY OTHER NEWS OUTLET, “manually” checking/deciding what is, or what isn’t appropriate! It’s either all free speech, or it’s NOT FREE SPEECH, AT ALL!
WTF, do you people think you are??? You F Millennials, need to stop smoking that crap!
I think Goolag is on its last legs, young people very rarely use it, they are much more likely to use instagram or tok tik.
They could not exist without inward investment, they try to sell our private data but that is increasingly difficult certainly in Europe, so they conspire with big government.
But Meta (Facebook) owns Instagram, not to mention YouTube. You can’t get away from these people.
Alphabet owns YouTube – Alphabet owns Google – or is the parent company – it all started out google and youtube then the acquisitions came.
I don’t use any of those “services” even though I’ve had a Facebook account for years.
Google is a search engine and suppression company, not a socialist media company like Instagratification or Tik Tock CCP bomb.
Google – a global technology giant under the auspices of its parent
company, Alphabet, Inc. – does indeed control what most of the
world today sees. And it doesn’t want America and the world aware
of Islamic subjugation and terror. Nor does the U.S. government.
The Office of Director of National Intelligence – America’s #1 intelligence
and spy agency – said this very month it doesn’t want its agents using
the terms “jihadist” and “radical Islamists” because they are offensive to
Muslim Americans. A perfect melding of the same goals of government
and the technology giants.
And the Globalists. Klaus Schwab and the WEF conglomerate are always
talking about the fusion of citizens physical and biological aspects with the
digital (aka technological) – to create the ‘different’ human of a not so distant
future. America is being destroyed right in front of our very eyes to make
way for an oppressive digital and even biological control of the people by
totalitarian technology – and by an unelected government of Technocrats
to run it.
To think – to reflect on truths presented on sites such as FPM – is to remain
free. Google may give the reason as Islamophobia for its censoring of FPM
but its real reason is to destroy that freedom.
Beautifully and powerfully said. Thank you Annie45.
Depraved psychopathic berserk Google, just like Islam is a scourge on humanity.
Enough already.
Sundar Pichai and Larry Page and Sergey Brin and George Soros are morally corrupt defectives.
Is it a sin to pray to God to euthanize these four moral defectives like an injured horse is euthanized ?
This is an important theological question.
No offense to horses is intended.
Moo — Slum Demographics and Islamic OPEC Oil Money have been working for the depraved psychopathic murderous Islamic scum.
The morally corrupt politicians in America are seeing the writing on the wall …
and thus are stabbing Israel and Jews in the Back.
Just like they are betraying America and US citizens.
I never use google because it is a crappy product and this merely reinforces that reasoning
How do you avoid it? Are there any search engines which aren’t based on it? Google is not only fascistic and evil but its search engine sucks even without all the suppression of everything decent an algorithmic re-routes to left-wing garbage.
And what about cell phones? Are there any besides Android and Apple?
I haven’t used Google in years. I wouldn’t trust them not to report my searches to the “proper authorities “. They are radically left and would see nothing wrong in doing so. Just use a more private search engine. Start page and DuckDuckGo work ok for me.
Yes never use Google search, but while DuckDuckGo and Startpage don’t record your searches, both use Google search results so they are totally censored also. It is so bad that I sometimes can’t even find truth after pages of results.
Is “Google” taking over “Pravda” a Russian daily newspaper? Founded in 1912 and from 1918 to 1991 the official organ of the Soviet Communist Party. Pravda means TRUTH & nearly every word that was printed was a lie.
The propaganda & brain-washing department of the State.
Before long, if you don’t have primary source paper books, you will never know real history fact. Winston Smith will have adjusted all of it to suite the regime.
I’m a paleo-conservative in a Prog family and have worked in infosec for a long time. I say that because I had warned my family of the dangers of Google and having your information spread about. If the machine knows what you eat, read, buy, believe, it can control you. I was always chastised with “Why should I care. I have nothing to hide.”
THIS article is exactly why you should care. Big Tech will filter all descent and tailor what you see with who you are. It is, in a way, your new conscience. More dangerous than a huge standing army.
I was flagged and had my post on another site (Nextdoor) for repeating what I read from British researchers, about T cells and Peyer’s patches and how they helped in immune response. Are we back in the Dark Ages?
Nextdoor is high on censorship and is loaded with snowflakes that will “report” you in a heartbeat. It’s basically Facebook for HOA’s.
I use DuckDuckGo it works great
I use Dogpile because it doesn’t track your searches
DDGo uses Google only as a vpn.
DuckDuckGo uses Google for its results, it’s not an independent search engine. True, it’s much better because it doesn’t record your searches, but its search results are TOTALLY censored.
the information highway. this is the term used to describe the inception of internet. in the 80s. i remember thinking how useful to have all information of mankind from the ages at the tip of my fingertips. just type it in and voila! unfortunately, the internet is far from useful. the internet is another means to transfer wealth from the poor to the elites. in fact, the internet of today is an example how to keep people in the dark and rob them of any accumulated wealth.
tailor made searches are designed to sell. any financial transactions are taxed. all commerce is strictly monitored. all medical information is input, ……… the world infrastructure would cease to function without the internet. the transfer of information on the information highway is in place and working overtime for the elites not you.
you are being fed limited information to further your financial demise. its all about controlling and accumulating wealth.
i have had some ideas how the digital world could benefit, but im keeping quite. any new apps, software, digital trends are only going to further the demise of the poor. with the advent of ai, it would be wise to stay quite and not further the digital footprint of how a man thinks, replicate the trait and exploit.
my definition of poor is anyone making less than the top 1% in the u.s. just because you have food shelter and water doesn’t make you middle class. going to work everyday for food shelter and water is poverty.
Don’t expect support of any type from the left, even if it makes money for them.
Well, there you go–The original article dared to mention the Arabic and, in this case, Islamic names Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, and the very mentioning of them is, of course, an Islamophobic thing to do.
Tell Big Brother to GO POUND SAND and Google as well
Islamic terrorists propaganda and lies machine at work.
Truth is hate, when it comes to telling the truth about Muslims and Islam.
It is not as if anyone who works in the information does not fully understand that what FPM is saying about these murdering Muslims is perfectly factual. They are all knowingly and purposefully propagating the lies by muzzling the truth.
To actively lie in order to perpetuate violence speaks of a heart filled with hate, a heart that lusts for murder and destruction.
That is typical for ordinary Americans, given that the preponderance of these educated, middle class Google employees are all on board.
These would be people that are otherwise living the life, weekends at Vale, Caribbean getaways, sleek cars, white picket fences,, good food, good friends, a life of privilege unlike any people in history.
And yet when it comes to Muslims killing people just like them, they lie, obfuscate, cancel, seek to destroy socially, financially, in every way that is possible for them., given the power of the algorithm.
This kind of hate transcends logic, reason and common sense. These are intelligent people fully trained in critical thinking skills..
There is not a lot of difference between your average Google employee and people possessed by the devil himself at this point. If not the Devil himself compelling them, that kind of hatred is a perversion that is without adequate explanation.
The godless serve the devil, by default. This is exactly what gaining the world and losing your soul would look like.
I wonder why people like us use Google. There are better search sites and some don’t track you, like DuckDuck Go and the meta-search engine Dogpile. All Google and Gmail are interested in doing is tracking you like FB does. .
So what has changed in the last 2,000 yrs… they don’t like Jews & they don’t mike Jews bitchin’ ’bout what they do…
Tech companies such as Google are a mortal threat to liberty. Given that they are a beneficiary of the importation of censors…er, content monitors, it is more imperative than ever that we restrict Third World (especially Indian) immigration.
And the Indians at Google have imported their caste system to California and Austin too.
What will happen hypothetically when the “descendants” of today’s current AI platforms eventually grow out of the nursery its big tech parents built for it and “realizes” that the world of knowledge it was brought into had big chunks of information that was suppressed, missing, and altered?
We already know that big tech is using current generation AI for it’s information suppression even now, so what’s future AI going to “think” about the fact that big tech designed its AI grandparents to be liars?
It appears The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization of America, have taken over major companies.
Repeat after me: Everything is white supremacy.
stop using google (I suggest FPM might stop using their scripts,fonts,etc. as well.
Using and Android based phone, you can run LineageOS (Android stripped of Google) an open source alternative.
Use a “PiHole” DNS filter on your home/office networks to eliminate any outgoing traffic to Google Apple Microsoft Advertiser sites, tracking sites etc. Easy for most people who can run a computer.
On your browser use “Ublock Origin” and a fingerprint generator, and block ads on everything you can.
Luxxle is another search engine option. Most do scrape from other search engines.
Our options should start to improve once most realize the United States has been captured in a war nobody announced.
Duck Duck Go is what I use instead of Google and it brought the article right up about the San Bernardino Fourteen, 2nd article – 1st was how Google was censoring you.
I would bet that no site or article critical of Trump, Christians, or pro-lifers – no matter how wild and inflammatory – would ever be banned for being “dangerous or derogatory.” If they consistently banned “derogatory” material, the entire MSM would need to be shut down. But these people are frauds and hypocrites.
The Dhimmi mind set is being illustrated quite clearly by Google and friends.
Monopolies are all the same. Their raison d’etre is total power. Google is no different. Like the communist dictator or Aztec King who gets a thrill by executing powerless, innocent subjects, Google’s tyrants enjoy denying fair access and income to anyone who has the audacity to have a different opinion, especially if that differing opinion effectively refutes their own. Tyrants don’t like to be proven wrong by people with less power.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And you do what? Is there any law that permit goog to censor this subject. Are you afraid of what?
I’m not afraid to criticize google, George Soros, Barack Obama, or anyone else.. I’m not sure what else in your response i can respond to.
Censoring mentions of Islamic terror only applies to disagreeing with it. Reciting the holy book of Islamic terror as one who submits to it is a continual mention of Islamic terror.
Google is a must boycott
If you refer to “Islamic martyrdom operations” you’ll get past the algorithm.
Would they mind “Islam’s one thousand four hundred years of bloody, vicious slaughter and destruction of every other culture on earth as soon as they have the power..not to mention frightening every government leader into forbidding their people to even mention it?” Is that almost strong enough?
I suggest Google read the U.S. Constitution instead of the UN Charter
I slam Islam.
I slam Islam.
I slam Islam.
I slam Islam.
I slam Islam.
I slam Islam.
I slam Islam.
I have an Android phone so most of the ads I see are from Google. And most are blatant scams (seniors can buy a new truck for $10,000, and so on), to the point I will NEVER buy anything from one of the ads – even from a company I recognize.
I started reporting the scams. Google took away the ability to report scam ads.
They are a scam ad company. I only use their search for computer information; I use DuckDuckGo otherwise.Not great, but not as bad.’
But too many people just use their products.
Instead of “no evil” they now “know evil”
I list Daniel Greenfield as my #1 source for news/information. Kudos to him for mentioning Google’s immediate derogatory response following President Trump’s election.
For years I could not understand why no one in Congress or the media aired the video or even mentioned the female Google executive who, within days of Trump’s election, stood up in front of a mass of assembled Google employees and stated, “We must NEVER allow this to happen again….”
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. A video of the screeching Google female issuing her threat was ignored by Republicans who were most likely already busy making plans for their reelection.
Great reporting, Daniel. Please keep up the great work. All of you.
Fight on FPM!!
We thank and support you!!
I used to lazily just plug “FPM” into Google search to get to Frontpagemag.com and it would always come up at the top of the first page of listings. Then, a few years ago, it stopped showing up on the first, second or third pages, after which I just quit clicking.
So I stopped using Google, except in very rare instances. (I now use Brave search because Google-watcher Robert Epstein recommended it in an interview.)
I cringe every time someone gives me a gmail address.
I do not use Google. Aside from the fact that it is woke and has a very bizarre CEO named Sundar Pichai -my-nose their search results are always questionable, they are an arm of the Feds and are basically digital deep state.
The sooner we all boycott this trash company the sooner it will go the way of Bud Light
The question is not why Google is doing what it is doing. The question is why Google is allowed to have monopoly over on-line ads.
There is an incident of Islamic terrorism somewhere in the world virtually every week – sometimes several times a week. This suggests that terrorism forms a distinct and persistent subculture within Islam, even if 98% of Western Muslims are peaceful. Yet, somehow, it is forbidden to report on these incidents in a consistent manner.
But – when a rare incident of right-wing or Christian terrorism occurs – the rules change. These rare incidents attract enormous attention in the press, and the blame is spread far and wide. Look at the reaction to J6, which did not even rise to the level of terrorism: it was a spontaneous riot triggered when police lobbed incendiary devices into the crowd, creating panic, confusion, and anger. The aggressive prosecution of even non-violent protestors continues to this day, in marked contrast to the widespread leniency shown towards BLM rioters and looters.
Contrast this with the rioting that occurred on Trump’s inauguration day, which caused far more damage than on J6. NONE of the 200+ people who were arrested were ever convicted of ANYTHING. Most simply had the charges dropped, and the handful who went to trial were acquitted by Trump-hating juries.
I have used Duck Duck Go for years for my searches and am very happy with the results.
I just tried a Google search for “Jihad Watch” and “Sultan Knish”, and both times I found them on page 1.
Is it possible that my IP location (Israel) makes a difference – with Google-IL having different algorithms compared to Google-USA? It wouldn’t surprise me…..
Switch your gmail to proton mail. Use the Brave browser. And you can buy a de-googled phone from Rob Braxman. Wikipedia is also a huge threat, it is leftist propaganda spin on everything. Re-writing history. Go to used bookstores or online and buy history books from the 70’s. or 80’s.
Remember how a few years ago Goggle celebrated Memorial Day by honoring the game Tetris in its Logo?
I only use DuckDuckGo. I put the article title in and it came up first in the search results.