After Senate GOPers ganged up to abolish marriage and religious freedom, the next betrayal may be even more devastating to the survival of this country.
As usual, the talks are private and secret because somehow we became a country where politicians reach dirty deals behind closed doors to which only special interests are admitted, resulting in disasters like ObamaCare and the Inflation Increase Act, but the calculated leaks are bad enough.
The current state of the deal reportedly involves amnesty for at least 2 million illegal aliens in exchange for the usual “border security” fig leaf. As usual, the aliens get citizenship, the border only gets less secure.
“Depending on who wins the Senate Georgia runoff, Democrats will need either nine or 10 Republicans to pass any legislation in the new year.”
They got enough Senate Republicans on board to abolish religious freedom. So alarm bells are ringing.
A broad coalition of hawkish immigration groups and former Trump administration officials are sounding the alarm about a Democratic push to get an amnesty for illegal immigrants passed in the final days of the current Congress — and telling Republican leaders to “take all actions necessary” to block it.
Groups including the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the Heritage Foundation, NumbersUSA and the America First Policy Institute have signed onto a letter to congressional leaders warning of an “immediate danger posed by the lame-duck session of Congress that is now underway.”
There’s skepticism that it will move forward. But it’s a fundamental demographic priority which means that if there’s any shot at it moving forward, Dems will prioritize it. And Senate GOPers will find ways to rationalize the sellout. Some of the same Republicans who voted to abolish religious freedom are also vocal proponents of illegal alien amnesty.
Sen. Thom Tillis provided crucial support for abolishing marriage and is working on the illegal alien sellout. Sen. Roy Blunt, who is retiring, also came out for amnesty.
Republican Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri, who is retiring next year, signaled support for legislation to protect Dreamers, calling it “a pretty easy thing to accomplish if they want to accomplish that.”
Ernst is a big fan.
Sen. Joni Ernst is expressing frustration with the proposed $1.3 trillion budget deal Congress hopes to reach before a Friday night deadline, including the lack of a fix to protect young “Dreamers” from deportation.
She also is concerned the package does not address the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who entered the country as minors but are temporarily protected from deportation by DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, “which is such an important issue for many of us.”
“What they are trying to do is take out anything that might be controversial. At least that’s what has been expressed to us,” Ernst told reporters Thursday.
“I don’t see a DACA fix as being so controversial anymore,” the Iowa Republican continued. “We have to find a pathway forward for our DACA recipients. It’s disappointing that we’re not seeing that in the legislation.”
But Sen. Todd Young makes Ernst look conservative.
Sen. Todd Young said he supports a “path to legal status” for DACA recipients, known as Dreamers, as part of a broader immigration reform package.
That may be citizenship, it may not,” Young said. “My expectation is that it would be difficult over a longer period of time to sustain some sort of legal status that is not citizenship.”
Young isn’t confident, however, that any deal can be reached before the November election.
“It’s unfortunate to say it, but politics is trumping good policy – and long-delayed policy, in this case,” Young said.
Young said “nothing’s more important” than providing Dreamers with some measure of certainty.
To say nothing of the usual RINOs like Romney. There are a handful of senators potentially in play here who at least try to pretend to be conservative constitutionalists by virtue signaling on a few issues. They watch and see if anyone is paying attention before they vote. Is anyone paying attention?
The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
“politicians reach dirty deals behind closed doors to which only special interests are admitted”
Especially in California, despite laws like the Brown Act, which is supposed to hinder such shenanigans, but which Progressives routinely and blatantly ignore.
As the Robot from the 1960’s Classic Sci Fi TV series Lost in Space said DANGER DANGER WILL ROBINSON ALIENS APPROACHING ALIANS APPROACHINING and the Invasion is all part of t he plans of the UN/CFR Globalists plans with aid from War Criminal George Soros
Any illegal alien who desires citizenship should go to the back of the line, wait a decade or longer, and pay major fines, before citizenship is even brought into the conversation. Otherwise, we’re simply rewarding law-breaking and minting millions of new Dumb-o-crat voters. This includes the euphemistically-described “Dreamers,” who are still illegal aliens, no matter how the Dumbs attempt to charitably characterize them.
Who are the Senate GOPers who “ganged up to abolish marriage and religious freedom”?
Has married been abolished in the United States???? Who abolished religious freedom? This seems important to you since you mention it three times. Can you clarify?
The movement to abolish marriage started about 20 years ago, when a number of LGBT “activists” realized that the quickest and most effective way to abolish or level the institution of marriage was to “democratize” it – that is to say, to open the institution to anyone in any combination of persons imaginable. “Same sex marriage” was the bulldozer they used to demolish an institution they regarded as a hierarchy of male privilege” and “patriarchy.” “They” are those who identify themselves by the first letter the fascists go by, LGBT. They were quite open about their hatred for the marriage institution, and their plan to destroy it, so no one should be surprised.
But marriage has not gone anywhere. As you say, it’s been democratized. A consenting adult can marry another consenting adult without impediment from the government. That’s religious freedom. What’s the problem?
Marriage is an institution that like all other institutions is under attack to destroy society. This is the program of cultural Marxism for 100 years. The purpose is not religious freedom. Religion is another institution. Every institution and source of power or influence is targeted. Those seemingly benefiting from such attacks are just being lured by divisive tactics. They will not have support when their turn comes.
Their turn for what? Who is not allowed to get married now? A straightforward answer would be great…. please???
Here’s hoping Republican voters and officials will turn away from the nativistic, racist rhetoric espoused on this site. Like it or not, this country is becoming browner and more diverse. Yes, your grandchildren will be brown. Sorry!
Your “rhetoric” demonstrates the limitations of arguments that include terms such as “racism.” There is nothing racist about a self-governing nation making the rules. Otherwise it is not governing at all. No nation has to eliminate itself. It is not a matter of color, but law. People are coming to America for freedom, opportunity, and the rule of law. If they, of any background, do not get that, they were deceived by America’s past provision of such.
The border will never be secured. Remember, when President Reagan granted amnesty to three million illegal aliens with a promise that Congress would pass legislation to secure the border. The President kept his promise, but the Congress did not. It will not be any different today.
Biden is doing a great job of writing the final chapter for this country. Biden promise to bring millions of people to America when he was campaigning for President. Too many people were not listening. Then more than 80 million people voted for him. Don’t complain, you got what you wish for and that is a third world country.
I mention before that America cannot be saved because it is too late. Your destiny as a nation has already been decided.
According to the 2020 census, only 57% of the people are classified as white. What percentage do you think it will be in 2030? How about less than 50%. Imagine what your life will be like then.