Gov. Josh Shapiro, who was being painted by some as a “moderate” and “sensible” on crime didn’t take long to show his true colors and his real priorities.
Shapiro issued a statement vowing that he will refuse to allow the execution of any killer, no matter how evil.
After announcing that he would not want the Tree of Life synagogue shooter put to death, Shapiro stated that, “I’m respectfully calling on the General Assembly to work with me to abolish the death penalty in Pennsylvania – once and for all.”
“This is a fundamental statement of morality. Of what’s right and wrong. And I believe Pennsylvania must be on the right side of this issue.”
Let’s talk about Shapiro’s deeply warped notions of morality and Jennifer Daugherty.
Jennifer Daugherty never received an answer to her repeated questions about why she was beaten, tortured and set to be killed by a group of Greensburg roommates, including several she considered friends and one she was interested in romantically, according to one of her attackers.
Amber Meidinger, of the six roommates convicted of Daugherty’s murder, “She was friendly, sweet and trusting,” said of Daugherty.
The group went through her purse, stole money, gift cards and her cell phone; poured liquids into her bag; hit her on the head with filled soda bottles, cut her hair, painted her face with nail polish and dumped liquid and spices on her head. Meidinger said she and Angela Marinucci took turns violently hitting Daugherty with a metal towel rack.
Daugherty was then stripped naked and hidden away in an attic while Smyrnes’ former roommate visited and then was moved to a bedroom by Knight.
“I opened the door and saw Jennifer on the floor. Melvin was on top of her, she had a sock in her mouth and he was holding her down. He was raping her,” Meidinger testified.
Smyrnes then called the first of four “family meetings” to decide how to deal with Daugherty before the group went to sleep.
The next morning, Daugherty tried to escape before she was stopped and punished, Meidinger testified. The group hit her with several items then forced her to drink three different concoctions that contained urine, feces, bleach, cigarette ash and crushed pills.
The group met again and voted to kill Daugherty, Meidinger testified.
She said Smyrnes and Knight tied her up with Christmas lights.
Smyrnes then gave a steak knife to Knight, who asked if Daugherty was ready to die then repeatedly stabbed her in the side and chest and slashed her throat. Smyrnes was given the knife and continued the attack, Meidinger told jurors.
It was then decided to discard Daugherty in a trash can that was left out in a nearby school parking lot to be discovered.
This was Jennifer’s last message.
Denise Murphy on Tuesday told jurors that her daughter, mentally disabled as a child, wanted to be a writer, a chef and an auto mechanic. She sought to live on her own, the mother said. Still, she asked for permission to stay the night with friends in Greensburg — a trip from which she would never return.
On the witness stand, Murphy read her daughter’s final note, written out on the back of an envelope: “Mom, I hope you have a good day at work and I love you very much. Love, Jennifer.”
Two of Jennifer’s killers, Knight and Smyrnes, are still on death row.
Gov. Josh Shapiro has intervened to protect them and other murderous scum like them. Why? Because his party is a pro-crime party that loves criminals and hates innocence. It has unleashed a massive crime wave of murders, robberies, rapes and terror across the country. And Shapiro is just getting started in Pennsylvania.
This is what the Left is. It defends evil because it is evil.
Remember, this is what they love, this is what they protect and this is what they want to happen to you.
That’s what one has to watch out for, there are bad people in the world.
Well selected video Daniel.
Well selected but I wish I hadn’t watched it or read this article. The level of depravity committed by those scum suckers is almost beyond belief, like a Hieronymus Bosch painting. I know plenty of evil people exist but WTF? And she was retarded! How could anybody do something like that?
That poor woman. Those motherfuckers deserve to die slowly and painfully. I would enjoy to kill them.
Thanks Jeff, yes it is very bad. You are more sensitive or empathetic than I am, or I have become desensitized by all the bad experiences I had. Just to add a real story, what came to mind when reading the article, decades ago I was walking home 10 miles from chess club in Berkeley late at night, when some somewhat creepy looking guy in a somewhat dilapidated van pulled up and offered me a ride. I said no thanks, even back then I was suspicious that something like the video could happen to me in such a situation, say if I got in his vehicle and he pulled a gun on me. And what was a creepy looking guy driving around late at night offering rides to strangers?
Oh, you were right not to get into that van. He was probably a serial killer.
Always trust your first instinct. My younger brother taught me that and he was right. He’s wise sometimes.
I remember some pervy pedo tried to get me into his car right across the street from my school when I was in Kindergarten. My mother wan’t the best mother around but she had told me to never get into a car with a stranger. That’s what I told the freak. He said he was a friend of my father and I remember being scared that I would get in trouble when I got home because I didn’t get in the car.
That freak was going to rape and possibly kill me. Five years old! Who does that? Scum like these murderers, I guess. I know rape and murder happen but I can’t imagine either. I especially can’t imagine torture.
Unless it’s my ex wife, of course.
Thanks Jeff!!! I remember now, I did think at the time that he might be a serial killer.
I’m hopeful that Josh gets to experience what her mother experienced, and if we’re lucky, they’ll be video.
You last few paragraphs says it all you need to know one of your best true lines is ;
“This is what the Left is. It defends evil because it is evil. “ stunningly correct
Dems are all part of murder incorporated .Democrats can’t change and they won’t change .Dems treat criminals as sacred beings . Much like the temple in India where they worship rats.
it’s the government’s job to keep the criminals away from us ..if not we must cast them out of office or there is no hope, things will continue to spiral downward into a dystopian horror .
The left wing murder lobbyist provide big money for those who cater to predators, monsters, feral beasts who attack civilization with no regard for your property, bodily integrity or life. I’m Sick to my stomach of reading daily of victims cut down in the prime of their lives. destroyed families or terrified communities , how much will us sheep tolerate being shared and then lead to slaughter.?
They have a rat temple in India? Seriously?
I knew there was a reason I don’t trust those dot com dot heads.
They do have some rat temples in india. Some of the sects go to bizarre extremes.
The better temples are quite sane and rational. The cleanest places I saw in India.
Until this same brutal attack happens to Shapiro’s wife, mother or daughter, like all Leftist’s they don’t care. It doesn’t affect them directly.
Sadly, there are monsters and monster-enablers like Shapiro all around. Something like what you describe happened to David Horowitz. The experience deprogrammed him. Read his, “Radical Son” for more insight.
What makes David Horowitz a moral exemplar worthy of praise is that he possessed the honesty, introspection and moral probity to question, reflect upon and ultimately change his political beliefs, after he had realized that he was enabling the evil behavior and ideology that led to the murder of his friend.
The vile Dumb-o-crats and Leftists don’t possess that honesty and that moral probity to shift course. That’s what makes them contemptibly and undeniably evil.
Yeah, the Black Panthers raped and murdered his friend. I read about that. That’s an eye opener.
Maybe it should happen to Shapiro himself.
Maybe? Definitely.
Most people have never been the victim of a violent crime. Apparently, Gov. Josh Shapiro is a secret fan of Nietzsche’s master / slave morality in which power is the ultimate good, and weakness the ultimate bad, so he signals his sympathy and support for the power of cruelty and his contempt for the weakness of victims.
This doesn’t sound to me like the influence of Nietzsche, it sounds more like the influence of Christianity:
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.”, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone”, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” —
that’s not Nietzsche, that’s Christianity.
Neither moral code is OBJECTIVE and based on the facts of reality. America and the world need OBJECTIVE LAW based on an OBJECTIVE moral code, based on the facts of reality.
Who can truly fathom the left? Nothing they say is sincere. Nothing they do is truly compassionate.
Each of the killers in the story deserves the death penalty. That would eradicate a few evil lives that could never be reformed. Some deeds are final for the victim and so need to be final for the criminal.
This governor fully supports murder and torture.
The evil of the left is deeply religious. It is the evil of humanity without God. Without God, we worship the idols of sex, self, money, power, prestige, etc. ad nauseam. Human evil is universally present, yet universally denied except in Judaism and Christianity. See Psalm 14: 1-3; Psalm 53: 1 – 3; Isaiah 59: 1-17; Romans 3: 10 – 18.
Leftism is humanity without God and the return of pagan religion, with its awful gods, rituals, and sacrifices. Criminals are treated well because their deeds are approved by pagans in local, state and federal government.
God has ordained the death penalty for those who take human life (Genesis 9:6). Can anyone deny the justice and goodness of this law? The principles of Judeo-Christianity will establish the peace and prosperity of the nation who honors the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Messiah Yeshua.
Friedrich Nietzsche described the morality of ancient times as that of “master / slave.” In the moral code of the Roman Empire, for example, power was the ultimate good; weakness (humility, compassion, empathy, etc.) was the ultimate bad. It’s difficult perhaps for us to imagine such a world, but the fact is, their worldview was and still is, the dominant morality throughout human history. This is why Christianity – true Christianity and Judaism, must always be countercultural to be genuine. Sadly, what Barack Obama has resurrected is the cruel morality of the master class coupled with the deception of virtue-signaling. leftist politics. God help us all.
That’s not an accurate description morality in the Roman Empire.
Neither Nietzsche, Judaism, or Christianity can deliver OBJECTIVE LAW based on the objective facts of reality.
Do you want OBJECTIVE JUSTICE? Then stop with the supernatural, otherworldly, mysticism, whether Pagan or Non-Pagan. Stop with the UNREASON, whether monotheistic, polytheistic, or atheistic.To have objective justice one must discover and establish the facts of reality by using reason and logic to discover the facts of reality and accept and live by the facts of reality.
Are you channeling VP Harris? The drivel you just post would indicate that you at least suffer the same inability to say something coherent, no matter how many words you use.
C’mon man Get with the real world.
Sadly, there are monsters and monster-enablers like Shapiro all around. Something like what you describe happened to David Horowitz. The experience deprogrammed him. Read his, “Radical Son” for more insight.
Shapiro should just resign and go live the rest of his life as a Hermit far away from everybody and everything
A jail cell would be a good spot.
Perhaps the only aspect of the supremacist and totalitarian ideology of “Submission” that I support is its swift and efficient punishment of criminals. None of this criminal-coddling and enabling that is so indefensibly and foolishly in fashion, in the west.
The viciousness of the murder, torture and rape, plus, the disabled status of the victim, all support the imposition of the death penalty as punishment. But, the vile Dumb-o-crats never met a criminal that they didn’t want to enable and cast as an alleged “victim.”
Also, ponder the cognitive dissonance and moral bankruptcy/hypocrisy at work, here. Shapiro and his Dumb-o-crat ilk believe that imposing the death penalty upon murderers is allegedly morally wrong, but, out of the other side of their mouth, they support the murder of innocent babies! How the hell can any person possessing a modicum of moral probity and rationality reconcile those two viewpoints? It’s utterly wicked and evil.
You’re so right. “Abortion” is awesome but the death penalty is verboten?
Its hard to accpet I am part of the same human race as are these people. They need to be removed from the planet.
Here’s a link to a picture from Trevor Loudon’s KeyWiki website showing a picture of Shapiro with John Meyerson, who has been long associated with the Communist Party USA:
The Democrat party is a real life drama of the movie “The Devil’s Advocate”. Just like the lawyer organization in the movie, the Democrats will defend every form of depravity including torture and murder.
The question is – who plays the Al Pacino part that makes the decisions for the Democrat party??
They voted to kill a person. That is pure democracy without individuals having inalienable rights. Such rights are not considered part of Josh Shapiro’s job description.