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Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to run for president, instead, he seems to be in the running for the worst governor ever. Of any country. Including some that have active genocide taking place.
So far Newsom has reacted to the California wildfires in his usual patented manner by…
1. Getting into petty squabbles with critics
2. Calling for an “independent investigation” into who is running the state
3. Pretending to be on the phone with Biden when approached by a woman seeking help
4. Launching a campaign website to give people the “facts” about the fires. This doesn’t mean a website tracking fires or providing useful recovery information, but a website to fight ‘disinformation’ or what he called “hurricane-force winds of disinformation” on a Zoom call with Biden.
Rather than focus on fighting the fires, Gov. Newsom launched a ‘disinformation website’ that appears to double as a campaign website.
On top of that the donate link used by Newsom’s website (and a number of other Dem politicians including Sen. Elizabeth Warren) goes through ActBlue which harvests a 3.95% processing fee and the information of the donors.
It takes a lot to not only watch a city burn, but to try and use it to launch a campaign and then cash in on donations to help the victims.
If Newson has any presidential aspiration’s the current images of the destruction and desolation of the L.A area is a glimpse of what would result if he was elected.
The people of California deserve what they are getting in L.A. they continue to elect the liberals.
It’s tiresome to point out again and again there’s vote fraud so we don’t know exactly what they voted for. Didn’t the 6 weeks of counting votes after the election strike you as odd?
Just keep playing the liar Newscum faking a phone call to the Presidential vegetable and telling a woman he’s on the phone with the President while she’s demanding why he let her home burn to the ground . The Marxist is toast.. He ain’t going anywhere in 2028 except back to his two mansions paid for by his handlers the Getty’s.. The old lame stream media will try to rehab him and repackage his sorry ass for a run.
It could happen for the shape shiffting liar.
Governor Gavin Nero Newsome.
There must be others than myself who seeing Newsom spewing lies against the background of Los Angeles fires think of Nero playing fiddle while Rome burns.
You said it Victor. That image flashed through my mind also.
Governor Nuisance is your typical Liberal Democrat all mouth and no mind thinks the 2nd Amendment needs to be replaced and wants to ban Gasoline Cars since his stupidity gets in the way of his small amount of his Dumb Ideas
Los Ashes County Holocaust January, 2025
Happy New Year Los Ashes County
This was deliberate and intentional
Sleeper cells from open borders
The deep state that pulls the puppet strings
From corrupt crooked treasonous Joe Briben
To California Governor Groveling Newscum
Are not done on 1-20-2025
We still have the power and ability to stop the
Intentional destruction of USA
As USA goes so goes the world.
This play for global domination and control
Is 300 years old.
Conspiracy Theories of Yore
Conspiracy Facts Today
DipShit California Governor Groveling Newscrum probably told his staff to add on the website:
Fun Facts About the Los Ashes County Holocaust
Let the scams begin!! The DOJ should investigate Act Blue for their Campaign fraud! All those old people who contributed a few hundred times – A DAY – should be investigated – the SOURCES of those “donations” should be investigated! NEWSCUM should be investigated! So much is WRONG in CA it will take TWO TRUMPS to fix!
Search “brown pelosi newsom getty” on Rumble and Bitchute.
Gruesome Newsom is the Curse of California.
Newsom running for President – seriously? He seems to be as stubborn, arrogant and immune to reality as Nancy Pelosi – without the excuse of possible dementia.
If he does run for president the the onus is on JD Vance to go Trumpian on him and skewer him, clown him, impugn him and mock him at every opportunity. If Vance is as smart as they say he is, he will already be amassing data on all republican and democrat challengers in 2028.
If Vance plays his cards right he will win big league in 2028. Furthermore, if the repubs play along with Trump and Vance, they will take more house and senate seats from the dems.
The democrat party needs to be rendered a minority party for the next 150+ years or so.
So is News-Scum c going to turn Freeways and Interstates into stupid Bike Paths or trails like they were doing with the old Rail tracks Indeed Liberal Demo-Rats have Sawdust for Brains