Gov. Gavin Newsom, the democratic choice of the enlightened ballot harvesters of California, desperately wants to be president. Despite pledging not to run against Biden, he’s continuing to posture by announcing an “anti-Jan 6” march (whatever the hell that is) for his inauguration. The one-party governor of one of the most corrupt states in America then spent his speech ranting about Republicans in other states.
California’s unelected governor wants to reframe freedom to mean mandatory masks and car bans. Not to mention state censorship of online speech.
Freedom is slavery, slavery is freedom.
Gavin Newsom triumphantly marched toward California’s statehouse to deliver an inaugural speech that celebrated California’s freedoms and the state’s resistance to forces that “want to take the nation backward.”
“More than any people, in any place, California has bridged the historical expanse between freedom for some, and freedom for all,” he said under cloudy but dry skies for the first time in days.
“Freedom is our essence, our brand name – the abiding idea that right here anyone from anywhere can accomplish anything.”
Except work freelance, drive a truck, buy a car, get disposable utensils, buy a fur coat, install a gas stove or any of the tens of thousands of things that the Democrat one-party system has banned in some or all of the state.
You can do anything in California except open a business, walk down the street, gas up your car or buy a home. It’s the land of dreams, the hotel you check into and then escape through the back window.
California is so incredibly free that, like North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela, everyone is running away.
Gov. Newsom has the unique honor of presiding over a population loss every year in office.
“California’s population continues to dwindle. The state’s population declined by 114,000 people from about 39,143,000 in 2021 to 39,029,000 in 2020, new estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau show. It marks the third straight year that California has reported a loss.”
While Texas and Florida, the states he’s attacking, are gaining people, the only folks California is gaining are coming illegally over the border.
That and sex predators.
Unlike other states, Newsom said, California safeguards freedoms like “the freedom for teachers to teach, freedom from litmus tests about their political party or the person they love.”
California safeguards the right of teachers to “love” the kids of their choice. Republican teachers however get fired.
“They make it harder to vote and easier to buy illegal guns. They silence speech, fire teachers, kidnap migrants, subjugate women, attack the Special Olympics, and even demonize Mickey Mouse,” he said about conservative leaders like DeSantis. “All camouflaged under a hijacking of the word ‘freedom.’”
Whereas in California, Mickey Mouse can expose himself to children. Freedom!
In California, public school teachers, whose insane salaries are subsidized by property taxes no new residents can afford to pay unless they’re millionaires, can groom 9-year-olds. Freedom!
In California, vagrants and junkies have a right to camp in front of your home, but you have to wait 3 years to get a permit to have any work done. Freedom!
In California, a race riot is a civil right while trying to defend yourself against them is a crime. Freedom!
In California, shoplifting is legal, but opening a business isn’t. Freedom!
Wait, why is everyone fleeing the land of the fee and the home of the slave? Wait for the reparations. Stay for the car ban. Or the mandatory ethnic studies. And the race riots. And the tax hikes.
Big population drops in L.A., San Francisco transform state – Los Angeles Times
Why are you leaving the home of freedom? Why?
Do you have something against systemic racism, child abuse, mentally ill vagrants smoking crack, high taxes, and no legal rights whatsoever, you reactionary bigot. You’re taking the nation “backward”.
And California is going backward. Instead of, Go West, Young Man, it’s now Go East.
Truly, an people’s republic kind of freedom that goes on goes on for the great leader’s glory. When I consider myself being in Illinois, I remember this isn’t California – yet. At least, that greater Illinois outside of collective Chicago.
I remember when I lived in California and we raised chickens, ducks and geese. I wanted to sell the eggs, but the state informed me that they would trespass on my property whenever they felt like it to ‘inspect.
I told them to bring body bags
California, home of the slaves, because of the democrats.
Gavin Newsom’s in-laws fled to Florida and donated to DeSantis.
Newsom is a idiot just like Moonbeam Brown was and the useful idiots voted to reelect this pinhead for four more years then watches as their taxes rise and Inflation gets worst but this is also a state with dumb laws like in L.A. Where its a crime to hunt moths under the streetlights or in Chico where you can be fined $500 for setting off a nuclear device
Newsom walks around with his head inserted where the sun don’t shine and he has eyes on running for president. Makes sense to me he’s a typical Democrat.
Born and raised in what was a once-beautiful state, I decided to leave when Newsom was elected, and am so happy to have done so. Thank God I have missed the draconian mandates on the vaxx, and much more.
California is a one political party state, that leaves 49 states to go. I can see it all now, what America will be like in thirty years. The President will be a Muslim, the Vice President will be a devout Hindu, the Speaker of the House will be Black, the Secretary of State will be Hispanic, the Secretary of Defense will be a transgender, the head of the Justice Department will be an American Indian (probably Apache), the head of the Health Department will be a lesbian, but I will stop here. I think you get the picture that America will be truly diversified third world country.
The whites will be filing lawsuits for discrimination, since they will be a minority. The government will have to engage in reverse quotas for whites.
I will be one of the lucky ones because I will be pushing up daisies before then. In the event that I live that long, I will probably be in jail for violating censorship laws. I will only be 112 years old. Maybe they will let me out on probation with an Eletronic Ankle monitor. This way they don’t have to feed me or provide medical care. Of course, Social Security will be gone so I will be living in a tent in Los Angeles. Maybe the governor will invite me for lunch sometime. Newsom may still be the governor.
Anyway everyone, have a nice evening.