When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941, America’s leaders took responsibility for defending the country’s borders and destroying its enemies once they realized – quickly- the existential threat posed by the Axis Powers. This fearless leadership and commitment to protecting the American people came to define, in part, those preserving during that period as “The Greatest Generation.”
In just 44 months, America and its allies planned, built, and then rushed into battle, fleets of new airplanes, fighter aircraft, and bombers. And in just 44 months, fleets of ships were launched. Nuclear weapons were, for the first time devised, created, tested and successfully deployed.
But America’s leaders today, with few exceptions, would hardly qualify for any title except, perhaps, the most delusional or most corrupt generation.
Nancy Pelosi and her political cohorts provide ample evidence of just how far our nation has fallen.
On September 11, 2001, nineteen alien terrorists inflicted more casualties on the United States than did the entire Japanese fleet on, the day that as President Roosevelt declared, would “live in infamy.”
Those 19 hijacker-terrorists turned passenger airliners into de facto cruise missiles – creating horrors and carnage that will be forever etched in the minds and hearts of those who lived through those attacks on our nation.
On July 27, 2018, Nancy Pelosi uttered jaw-dropping description of the terror attacks of 9⁄11 as the “9⁄11 incident.”
How could anyone of sound mind and possessing a firm grip on reality, describe the worst terror attack ever committed on U.S. soil as a merely “incident?”
Pelosi then went on to chastise the Republicans for failing to support border security claiming that the Democrats were far more committed to securing our borders and following the recommendations of the 9⁄11 Commission.
The harsh reality is that the globalist leaders of both the Democratic and Republican parties have repeatedly and steadfastly refused to secure America’s borders and indeed enforce our immigration laws effectively. There is ample evidence that the leaders of both parties have refused to adequately address the multitude of failures and vulnerabilities of the immigration system.
The leadership of both parties is determined to ram a massive DACA amnesty down our throats even though the 9⁄11 Commission identified immigration fraud as the critical method of entry and embedding of terrorists.
I addressed this concern in my article, DACA Solution Must Heed 9⁄11 Commission Findings.
Now the Trump administration is contemplating shutting down the government, to protect America and Americans by finally getting the funds to construct a border wall.
However, first and foremost, let us not forget, that the “leaders” of the Democratic Party have led demonstrations demanding that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) be disbanded and that interior enforcement of the immigration laws is terminated.
Let us not forget Pelosi herself has outrageously repeatedly accused ICE agents of terrorizing immigrant communities.
Just months ago, on February 28, 2018, Nancy posted the following press release on her official Congressional website. The title of her press release was, Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration ICE Raids Targeting the San Francisco Bay Area:
Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Trump Administration conducted sweeping raids across Northern California that resulted in the arrest of more than 150 men and women, at least half of whom did not have a criminal record:
“The Trump Administration’s raids were a shocking abuse of law enforcement power. Again, the White House has reached into our communities to detain scores of hard-working, law-abiding immigrants indiscriminately.
“Fully half of those swept up in the ICE raids have no criminal record. This raid was intended solely to terrorize innocent immigrant families and instill fear in the hearts of our communities – not to keep Americans safe. Parents will now be torn from their children, and spouses ripped away from their loved ones.
“The Administration continues to brazenly target the cities that refuse to bow to its blatantly bigoted anti-immigrant and mass deportation agenda. The people of the San Francisco Bay Area will continue to oppose these cowardly attacks, and we will remain open to the patriotic immigrants who are the constant reinvigoration of America.”
Worksite investigations are an element of the interior enforcement of our immigration laws, an aspect, I might add, that the 9⁄11 Commission directly addressed.
In point of fact, the day before a terrorist carries out a terror attack he/she is likely hiding in plain sight at work.
Consider my recent article: Congressional Hearing: Iranian Sleeper Cells Threaten U.S.
Work-site investigations are primarily conducted to liberate jobs stolen by illegal aliens that American and lawful immigrant workers desperately need so they can support themselves and their families.
Sleeper agents are so named because they maintain a shallow profile and seek to avoid calling attention to themselves. While they may violate our immigration laws, they are fastidiously careful never to get arrested. They quietly wait for the day they are called to action.
The official report, 9⁄11 and Terrorist Travel referenced interior enforcement of our immigration laws repeatedly, Consider this example:
Thus, abuse of the immigration system and a lack of interior immigration enforcement were unwittingly working together to support terrorist activity. It would remain mostly unknown since no agency of the United States government analyzed terrorist travel patterns until after 9⁄11. This lack of attention meant that critical opportunities to disrupt terrorist travel and, therefore, deadly terrorist operations were missed.
The aliens arrested during these field investigations that Pelosi railed against, were not taken into custody to “terrorize immigrant communities” but to seek the removal (deportation) of aliens who violate our nation’s borders and violate our laws. This is also done to deter other aspiring illegal aliens, from around the world, from coming to the United States illegally or with the intention of violating the terms of their lawful admission into the United States.
I can also tell you that when I was an INS agent, I located numerous alien fugitives during routine worksite investigations. These aliens had committed serious crimes, including murder and rape.
In one particularly memorable case, I encountered a citizen of Belize working in a glass factory in Brooklyn, New York. He had no ID but claimed that he had become a naturalized citizen.
The owner of the factory swore that the guy was the most trustworthy employee he had ever hired. He told me that he even trusted him to open the factory in the morning and close it at night if he was away from the factory and he frequently had dinner at the owner’s home with his wife and kids.
Long story short, when no records were found to corroborate his claims about being a naturalized citizen, my colleagues and I took him into custody.
It turned out that he lied about his identity and circumstances. He was indeed from Belize; however, he had never become a naturalized citizen.
He had, however, been previously deported from the U.S. after he completed his prison sentence following his conviction for manslaughter.
He had re-entered the U.S. illegally, had been located, arrested by INS agents and prosecuted for that unlawful reentry. He subsequently escaped from a federal correctional facility and ultimately found work in that factory where we saw him. He was a fugitive.
His boss nearly went into cardiac arrest when he learned of these extraordinary circumstances concerning his “most trusted employee!”
Meanwhile, Pelosi defamed courageous federal agents and used inflammatory language in accusing ICE agents of staging “cowardly attacks” on “law-abiding” and “patriotic immigrants.”
It would appear she was attempting to incite violence against ICE agents. Should any agent be attacked, perhaps they or their families should consider suing Pelosi personally for inciting hostility by abusing her authority as a leader of the United States House of Representatives.
Law enforcement officers are indeed made accountable, why shouldn’t our elected “representatives” also be made responsible?
Furthermore, contrary to Pelosi’s lies, aliens who violate our immigration laws are, by definition, not law-abiding!
The ICE agents who took the immigration law violators into custody did not do so not out of bigotry or hatred, but because of the oaths, they made when they entered on duty with the federal government to uphold the Constitution and enforce our nation’s laws.
Our immigration laws have nothing to do with race, religion or ethnicity.
Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182 enumerates the categories of aliens excluded. Among these classes: aliens with dangerous communicable, diseases, convicted felons, human rights violators, war criminals, terrorists, spies, and other usual suspects.
The term patriotic has been defined, in part as “having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.”
How on earth is an individual who violates the sovereign borders of a country in which he/she is not a citizen demonstrating patriotism?
Perhaps the issue of patriotism should be reviewed in examining the conduct of Ms. Pelosi, whose words and exhortations undermine the dangerous and vital work of America’s immigration law enforcement officers. We should, therefore, ask if her conduct is a demonstration of patriotism or, more appropriately, of treason.
Motorists who drive erratically are likely to be pulled over by police officers to make sure that they are not operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs and also to make sure that they possess valid driver’s licenses.
Pelosi’s rhetoric and evident detachment from reality cause me to wonder if when she made that statement was suffering the effects of psychedelic drugs or had too much to drink.
Other possibilities include that she is senile or suffers from an abject inability to discern reality from a fantasy world she has created within the realm that lies between her ears.
Or perhaps, she knows what she must say to get campaign contributions from her globalist campaign contributors.
Drunk drivers are said to be driving under the influence (DUI). Perhaps Ms. Pelosi is guilty of GUI (Governing Under the Influence).
I provided testimony to the 9⁄11 Commission. As an INS agent, I investigated and arrested many international terrorists. About three years ago I wrote an extensive article, The 9⁄11 Commission Report, and Immigration: An Assessment, Fourteen Years after the Attacks.
Pelosi and her colleagues should be required to read it along with, the 9⁄11 Commission Report and 9⁄11 and Terrorist Travel.
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