These days, it’s hard to grasp the exact difference between the Green Party and an anti-Semitic hate group.
Take Michael Sussman, a Green Party candidate, and Ralph Nader ally, and Carter admin veteran, who fell in love with an anti-Semitic killer.
Thomas entered a rabbi’s home in Monsey, N.Y., around 9:52 p.m. Saturday as dozens of congregants from a nearby synagogue celebrated the seventh night of Hanukkah by lighting candles and reciting prayers.
With his face obscured by a scarf, Thomas said, “No one is leaving.” Then he took out a machete and began stabbing and slashing people in the rabbi’s home, federal prosecutors wrote in the charging document.
Five people had serious injuries, including one victim who sustained a severed finger. Federal authorities say one victim is still in critical condition with a skull fracture.
Family members of those who survived the attack told NPR that some of the people at the house threw furniture, including a coffee table, at Thomas to thwart his attack.
Witnesses said he stumbled out of the rabbi’s home bloodied and attempted to enter a nearby synagogue, but it was locked
That man later died, making this a murder case.
According to the FBI, the suspect, Grafton E. Thomas, 37, appears to have been driven by anti-Semitism. The FBI cited journals written by Thomas and his Internet search history, which allegedly reveal a pattern of hateful, anti-Semitic leanings.
Defense lawyer Michael Sussman has objected to the government’s interpretation of Thomas’ journals, arguing that the entries amount to the ramblings of a “disturbed individual,” not proof that he harbored hatred against Jewish people.
Sussman, as usual, was lying.
Authorities also recovered journals written by Thomas, some of which appear to include anti-Semitic sentiments. The FBI found references to Adolf Hitler and “Nazi culture” on the same page that included the star of David and a swastika, according to the criminal complaint filed on Monday.
Investigators also searched Thomas’ phone and found an Internet history that included such searches as “Why did Hitler hate Jews,” “German Jewish Temples near me,” “Zionist Temples in Elizabeth, NJ” and “Zionist Temples in Staten Island.” He also searched for “Prominent companies founded by Jews in America,” the complaint states.
The Green Party candidate then did everything possible to save Grafton Thomas from facing justice, including by targeting the religious sensibilities of the family.
The attorney representing the man accused of going on an anti-Semitic slashing spree at a Hanukkah party wants the body of one of his victims exhumed and examined, according to court documents.
Michael Sussman, representing Grafton Thomas, who is facing a slew of charges connected to the Dec. 28 attack, wants Josef Neumann’s body to be dug up to undergo an autopsy. Neumann, 72, died on March 29.
“We need to know medically if it’s a murder or if it’s the consequence of some disease pattern or something else,” Sussman said in an interview today, adding that a valid autopsy needs to be done within the first three months after a death.
On Monday, Sussman wrote to a federal judge that, despite his request for an autopsy, the Rockland County Medical Examiner’s Office didn’t perform an autopsy on Neumann before the man was buried on March 30.
Sussman said today that, from his understanding, the medical examiner did not perform an autopsy based on the Neumann family’s views.
The Neumann family are Orthodox Jews. Orthodox Judaism generally opposes mutilating the body before burial. Michael Sussman was specifically playing on that, perhaps hoping that the family would pressure the DA to strike a deal to avoid an autopsy.
Yosef Neumann spent most of the time since the assault in a coma. Sussman’s anti-Semitic client put him there.
Josef Neumann, the most gravely wounded victim from a Hanukkah machete attack at a rabbi’s home in Monsey, New York, died on Sunday, law-enforcement sources said. He was 72.
The 18-inch machete allegedly used by 37-year-old Thomas “penetrated [Neumann’s] skull directly into the brain” his family said in a statement at the time.
Two days after the attack, a graphic photo posted to Twitter by the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council showed Neumann on a respirator and lying comatose in a bed at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla.
“I wonder what he died of. Let’s dig up the body.”
Michael Sussman’s antics on behalf of his anti-Semitic client disgusted everyone involved in the case.
Judge Cathy Seibel read aloud a portion of the transcript of the Jan. 3 closed-door proceeding at which, she said, lawyer Michael Sussman told her that journalists had gathered outside her courtroom in White Plains.
“I wonder what drew them here this afternoon,” Seibel said, quoting herself.
“I wonder, too,” she said, quoting Sussman.
Seibel then told Sussman that she believed he’d been at best “playing dumb” and at worst “lying” to her.
She also said the lawyer had a “duty of candor” to the court, adding, “I trust that this won’t happen again.”
The DA filed a motion to remove Sussman.
Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Walsh II officially filed a motion on Tuesday to remove Goshen attorney Michael Sussman, who’s been representing the suspected Monsey Hanukkah machete attacker, from the case.
Walsh said in a statement that Sussman should be removed “on the grounds … that Mr. Sussman is now a civilian witness in this case by conducting a ‘search’ and removing ‘evidence’ (that goes to his alleged defense) from a (Wurtsboro) home that defendant may have occupied several years ago.”
But doesn’t matter.
Judge Seibel, with tedious predictability, ruled for Sussman. The anti-Semitic killer will be hospitalized instead of tried. The Green Party wins again.
Meanwhile, this is yet another reminder that the Green Party and the entire Left is essentially one big anti-Semitic hate group.
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