Our electric grids were shaky to begin with. They cover vast distances and are not being properly maintained. But then the Democrats come in with the brilliant idea of spending hundreds of billions on erratic and unreliable wind and solar which then delivers power erratically and puts a further strain on the grids. As the money gets shoveled out the door, unworkable and unfeasible green energy projects go out the door.
And the grids can’t handle them.
PJM Interconnection, which operates the nation’s largest regional grid, stretching from Illinois to New Jersey, has been so inundated by connection requests that last year it announced a freeze on new applications until 2026, so that it can work through a backlog of thousands of proposals, mostly for renewable energy.It now takes roughly four years, on average, for developers to get approval, double the time it took a decade ago.And when companies finally get their projects reviewed, they often face another hurdle: the local grid is at capacity, and they are required to spend much more than they planned for new transmission lines and other upgrades.
Many give up. Fewer than one-fifth of solar and wind proposals actually make it through the so-called interconnection queue, according to research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Yeah, good analysis. Chief Mac is an expert on this kind of thing. I expect the project to be impossible to complete from various angles.
Sure they can, they can handle them the same way Western Europe does. Same story different day. They’re plugged into spending bills. That’s all that matters and the GOP is plugged in as well. Whether you get affordable power is utterly immaterial until we get to the next musical chairs election.
Actually they cant. What they can handle is for the solar to be installed where its used instead of large farms where there is in infrastructure, it needs to be intalled on houses, schools and other structures. This negates the need for large infrastructure projects. But that isn’t going to allow the greenies friends and familys to make millions off the American taxpayers.
Yeah. That’l work.
Thanks Una, that’s a good line … “They’re plugged into spending bills” 🙂
Una is always cryptic. It is part sarcasm. Sarcasm about how Western Europe is handling it. Sarcasm about how the real purpose is to get more loot from the taxpayers. Sarcasm about the Rinos. Sarcasm about promises made before the next election.
Spend, spend, spend some more that’s all the electoral choices stand for. And then you get to the electorate which can be convinced anything as Covid demonstrated. This is why first you get your own party in order. Then you talk about issues,
At the moment what you have is a bunch of grievances without issue unless your party wants to make issue. Clearly it doesn’t.
Grids can’t handle…
They’ll handle whatever they’re told to handle and you’ll like it.
Could you possibly condense your comments.
No offense. Just saying.
Put all of Washington D.C.(District of Crooks) and the UN(Useless Nations)on Wind or Solar Power only so they can sets good example
“District of Crooks.” Good one!
Yeah, District of Crooks is a good one. I was trying to think of a good nickname for Frostie but haven’t come up with one.
Just a bunch of idiots who won’t die on any hill unless it’s someone else who has to die somewhere else on some other hill for bipartisan America.
Rolling Blackouts across America… because there’s not enough electricity to go around…
So… let’s allow millions of Illegals to saturate the Grid even further…
The satanic islamic loving Luciferian Globalist government of America is screwing over Americans…
They have no thrasos, they have no balls, they will never go out on their own. They will never do anythibng
Grids Can’t Handle All the Solar and Wind Dems Want to Hook Up
that IS the point, now isnt it?
The fact is that all defectives put their lives on the line. When did you ever put anything on the line?
I can tell you this much I don’t want any Bird Choppers in our area period
Yeah, we’re on the Pacific Flyway. Thinking about the effect of the Bird Choppers is gruesome.
The communist plan is to build more and more green energy systems (wind, solar) while systematically shutting down fossil fuel and nuclear energy plants as green energy takes over as the sole energy producing system.
This is a fantasy since wind and solar can only produce intermittent power at best.
I suspect this rush to green energy supplanting the fossil fuel energy system is just a step in the destruction of
Sorry to say… communism is dead…
Fascism is the goal of this world… Islamofascism… with a One World Islamic Economic System.
How so? All the world banks and IMF have already converted to Sharia Finance… which is simply waiting to be implemented. The IMF is the world basket for currency…
See… Frankfurt Germany is the world leader in Sharia Finance… even the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) isn’t even American any longer…
Remember… Germany sided with the satanic islamic Ottoman Empire during World War One… and it was a muslim who taught Hitler & Himmler how to exterminate humans during World War Two…
Where Hitler even praised satanic islam…
Germany and satanic islam have a long history together…
Where the Hitler loving Neo Nazi’s of Ukraine are fighting against Russia… <<< who is tied into the World Economic Forum with the Fourth Industrial Revolution…
In some places the wind spun the Wind Turbine so fast it exploded and burned putting pollution into the air
Tell me, do you all work for the pipelines? The BIG OIL companies? Why the fuck do you care? Is it taking your jobs? The people working for the fossil fuel fuckers can work for the wind and solar fuckers. If the Refucklicans were the ones wanting green energy, you all would be a pack of greenie mofos and the fossil fuel lovers would be insane. You guys just like to bitch.