There’s nothing quite so tiresome as the post-irony alt-right which memes itself down a rabbit hole of its own gags until it begins to believe in them.
And that’s how you end up with what’s left or the Groypers or Alt-Right, currently calling themselves “America First” and whatever damaged Gen Z’rs tag along after them.
Case in point.
A graduate of Wagner High School has been charged in a federal anti-terrorism investigation after allegedly making online posts that the FBI claims show he was planning to attack a conservative student group in Florida.
Federal anti-terrorism agents claim Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez,who turns 19 on Friday, made a credible threat against participants of the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa and that he aimed to go to Florida to carry it out in late July.
The FBI office in Phoenix alerted the FBI in San Antonio to Velasquez’s social media posts. Agents here found that his Instagram page featured the warning, “July 22 is the day of retribution the day I will have revenge against all of humanity which all of you will pay for my suffering.”
The idea is that he was echoing Elliot Rodger’s “Tomorrow is the day of retribution. The day I will have my retribution against humanity. Against all of you.”
It’s plausible that Gomez was quoting Rodger on purpose. Whether he actually intended to do anything in the hall of mirrors that is the subculture that evolved out of 4chan, that appropriates ironic distance and then completely misses the point when it turns out to be serious about these things, who knows.
There’s a photo of Gomez with Groyper leader Nick Fuentes who had waged his own Jihad against Turning Point USA. At one point Groypers booed Donald Trump Jr. and shut down his talk at a TPUSA event. Fuentes denies any connection to Gomez.
But the child porn is probably less nebulous.
He is charged with making threatening interstate communications and possession of child pornography — the latter count related to images found on his phone.
In a criminal complaint affidavit, the FBI linked Velasquez to the extremist “incel” movement, short for “involuntarily celibate,” online groups of mostly men who believe they can’t enter into sexual relationships.
Internet culture is bad for you.
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