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For politicians, one would think it would have been an open-and-shut case, and in earlier, saner ages in our national life, it would have been. If a group of people in America get together and scream “Death to America,” officials ought to be lining up to condemn them, and there should be investigations and, if non-citizens are involved, deportations. We live, however, in Old Joe Biden’s America, in which the America-hating left is the dominant cultural force, and so some high-profile politicians have been notably wary about condemning calls for the destruction of the nation they have vowed to protect and defend.
The ugly scene unfolded last Friday, at the International Al Quds Day rally in Dearborn. Al Quds Day is an annual event that Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini started in support of the Palestinians; even at its most peaceful, its rallies frequently features calls for the destruction of Israel and a new genocide of the Jews.
In Dearborn, however, as a pro-Hamas activist named Tarek Bazzi denounced the United States as “one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth,” some of the people in the crowd screamed “al-mawt li Amrika,” that is, “Death to America.” As they did so, Bazzi stood with head bowed, waiting for them to go silent so that he could resume speaking. He gave no hint of disapproval of the chants.
When asked to condemn the chants, some Michigan politicians acted the same way. The Daily Caller reported Wednesday that it had contacted several Democrat elected officials in Michigan and asked them to condemn the chants, and not all of them were eager to jump on any patriotic bandwagon.
Some members of Michigan’s Congressional delegation had no problem doing so. Rep. Hillary Scholten declared: “I fully condemn this dangerous and disturbing rhetoric and will stand strong against hatred, bigotry, and anti-Semitism wherever it exists.”
Rep. Dan Kildee chimed in with this: “I unequivocally condemn such extreme and dangerous speech. Calling for violence, including the destruction of America, is wrong and should be denounced.”
Rep. Elissa Slotkin agreed: “Violent, hateful language has no place in our communities, no matter the cause. I’m grateful to the Dearborn leaders and others for making clear that these statements do not reflect the views of Michigan’s communities.”
All this was pro forma, standard-issue stuff: violence, hate, and bigotry have no place in our diverse blah blah blah. Modern-day politicians can rattle off this tired rhetoric in their sleep, and anyway, condemnations are easy: it is unlikely that Scholten, Kildee or Slotkin will take any action to try to address anti-American sentiment among Muslims in Dearborn. Call for schoolchildren to be educated in America’s virtues and contributions to the world? Call for a recovery of patriotism as a core value of any healthy society? Come on, man! That sort of thing could get them to lose the next election! At least they did, however, go on record condemning the “Death to America” chants. The courage it took to do so was apparently in short supply.
Rep. Shri Thanedar’s office, in contrast, opted to “politely decline” to condemn the chants. The office wonks, however, apparently thought it over and decided that a condemnation was a politically safer path, for subsequently they issued a statement saying that “the Congressman condemns any chants calling for death to America.” Thanedar himself added: “I love America; I immigrated to the USA in 1979 and became a proud citizen in 1988. Any hate towards this great country must be condemned with the strongest words. I am deeply saddened by such attacks on American soil.”
Thanedar was not alone in having cold feet, at least initially: Reps. Debbie Dingell, Haley Stevens, Debbie Stabenow, Gary Peters and (what did you expect?) Rashida Tlaib “refused to share their stance on the matter.” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer likewise “did not respond to a request for comment.”
It’s not hard to see why. The Muslim population in Michigan has grown rapidly. Just as Old Joe Biden is betraying Israel to try to ensure that he carries Michigan in November, so also Whitmer and the others have to reckon with the Muslim vote when considering whether they really want to come down against chanting “Death to America.” Of course, if the “Death to America” chanters get their way and America really dies, those who declined to stand for this nation in order to secure short-term political support will look awfully silly. But they aren’t thinking that far ahead.
I would like to see them get the Raiders of t he Lost Ark Treatment watch them Melt Explode or turn to Dust while screaming their Anti-America Slogans and see the one leading them Explode
I am so sick of the bs. If you hate America, get out! If the door hits your ass on the way out, GOOD! Islam does not mean peace. You are a slave to the devil.. thats what is means. Willing to pitch a few bucks to get you back to your desert kingdoms. Yay!
The Democrats who refused to comment or condemn such comments are moral cowards and believe in appeasing terror
So, then, these hacks must believe that the “Death to America” sentiment must be shared by a large number of their (Muslim) constituents. Otherwise, why would they fear a political backlash from condemning the vile call? What do we learn from this? 1) many of our Muslim citizens or residents hate the U.S. and want it to perish. 2). A significant portion of Dem elected officials are cowards who will go along with ANYTHING if standing up to it might cost them some votes and, thus, are unprincipled cowards. Both good to know.
I am reminded of that story a few years ago, the high school principal who decided not to teach about the Holocaust because some people said it did not happen and were offended by the lessons. OK, and who was it who was offended and why were they offended.
There was no requirement for Gov. Whitmer, say, to urge the Israelis to go into Rafah, but “I am against people who chant ‘Death to America’ ” shouldn’t be that difficult and it’s fair to ask why she didn’t bring herself to do that, whom was she trying to please?
The cosseted bitch Whitmer had no problem entrapping dupes to join a “plot” to kidnap her – a “plot” cooked up by the FBI of whom 1/2 the plotters were FBI themselves.
The “plot” was timed to slander Trump supporters just in time for early voting.
The FBI prick Steven D’Antuono who set up that false-flag op was put in charge of the DC office where he set up the Jan 6th patriots.
(Video shows several FBI agents in MAGA garb.)
Yes and the “pipe Bomb” was planted by the DC cops. They’re on video planting it and protecting it. What a disgrace to an honorable profession.
Maybe they should read the Bible and find out what happens when you fail to bless Israel
Gen12:3 And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Num24:9 “He couches, he lies down as a lion, And as a lion, who dares rouse him? Blessed is everyone who blesses you, And cursed is everyone who curses you.”
The Biden Administration and Iran certainly do not want Israel to complete their Rafah Operation! You know right now Politician is a dirty word to most people. They are fed up with the elites taking care of self.. and other nations……they have rejected working for the Will of the American people. America isn’t rotten, its the crooked politicians that have changed policies. Those that don’t believe the Bible, and the curses that come with treating Israel badly are in for a rude awakening.
The Dhimmicrats Congressional Delegation from MIchigan includes Rashida Tlaib, who not only refused to condemn the chants (her lefTARD apologists probably think “Death to America” is just some daring political theater) but who herself unequivocally opposes Israel’s existence in any form, and knows that Israel’s destruction would mean another Holocaust (50% of the world’s Jews, including millions who were driven out of Islamic countries now live in Israel. Jewish Dhimmicrats such as Bernie Sanders embrace this advocate of genocide. But then Bernie also espouses an ideology (Marxist Leninism) that killed 150 million people since the Bolshevik Revolution and has produced failed states everywhere it has been tried.
This is terrible. Likewise, this is also a blatant reminder of the wisdom of the former US President, William Howard Taft, wisely, declared in a speech “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out it has no place in America.”
As for those same people who repeatedly chant “Death to America.” The grand statement in a speech the former United, President Theodore Roosevelt, applies to them.
For this former US President had rightly, declared, “There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only one hundred percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
The muslims in Michigan, were deported from their home countries when it was learned they were WHELPED from SWINE (pigs).
This one from the Wolverine State needs to resign from Politics forever and even Longer
Who the hell is this witch? This is what needs to happen: She needs to be confronted. BO needs to be confronted. Biden needs to be confronted. They all need to be confronted, publicly, loudly, repeatedly, unrelentingly, forcefully and directly.
Dar al Harb is where free people of the world live. Dar al Islam is where Muslims rule everybody within reach. Dar al Islam is commanded to be in a constant state of war agains Dar al Harb.
When the general population of free peoples everywhere finally acknowledge this Islamic doctrine, there may arise a chance for us to finally, once and for all, end this bullying.
It all started when Mohammed’s hoards boiled out of their deserts and headed to the West in the 7th Century.
Obama is to blame. He brought all these anti America people into this country stating “Their counties were killing them”. The Muslim world lives on one creed, “Death to all Infidels”. They all need to be deported back from whence they came.
That quote about America being one of the rottenest countries comes from Malcolm X and that wee muslim moron was merely quoting and he mentioned that it came from Malcolm X who we all know was a muslim convert while in Prison as he was previously a drug dealing Pimp.
The Foxes have been allowed into the Chicken Coop and now the Fox is doing to the Chickens what is perfectly natural for the Fox to do.
Time to Lock and Load folks.
Marvel Comics Anti-Terrorists, Solo his motto AS I LIVE TERROR DIES like to see him shoot up that whole mob of Islamic Fanatics
These Michigan politicians prefer the Stab America and Israel in the Back policies
of Biden and the woke leftist democrat party.
The depraved psychopathic murderous berserk hate-filled Islamic cult needs to be banned permanently from America.
Islamic deportations from America should begin now. No exceptions.
But if you oppose Illegal Immagration or Squatters given ownership of your Home this old Bat will call you a Bigot
Well, well, well … 75 million babies torn from their “mother’s” wombs and fed to the vermin in the sewers by Planned Parenthood, their blood screaming to the Almighty for vengeance, and what do we find in Isaiah? Oh, dear.
10:1. Woe to them that make wicked laws: and when they write, write injustice:
10:2. To oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people: that widows might be their prey, and that they might rob the fatherless.
10:3. What will you do in the day of visitation, and of the calamity which cometh from afar? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?
10:4. That you be not bowed down under the bond, and fall with the slain? In all these things his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
10:5. Woe to the Assyrian, he is the rod and the staff of my anger, and my indignation is in their hands.
10:6. I will send him to a deceitful nation, and I will give him a charge against the people of my wrath, to take away the spoils, and to lay hold on the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
10:7. But he shall not take it so, and his heart shall not think so: but his heart shall be set to destroy, and to cut off nations not a few.
Gee, “nations not a few,” is it? Like Europe overrun by marauding “Syrian refugees,” like North America the same, like Australia and New Zealand? Nations not a few like THAT??????
Pray the Rosary, the Great Chastisement is near.