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“Guilty as Hell, Free as a Bird, America’s a Great Country.”
— Bill Ayers, Weatherman Terrorist & Obama Confidant.
Last week another shoe dropped on the Biden crime family. James Comer, chairman of the committee investigating the most disturbing scandal in the history of the White House finally received the records from a bank – one of twelve – that the Bidens have used to stash their payoffs from China’s Communist dictatorship. Comer had previously been stone-walled for two years by the corrupt and incompetent Biden Treasury head, Janet Yellen.
This first Biden bank record to be surrendered showed that three members of the Biden family including Beau Biden’s widow Hallie and one person identified only as “Biden” received payments amounting to $1 million from a Chinese Communist State energy company.
What were the payments for? Forget asking the Bidens who have a long history of silence and denial on such material questions. When asked, Joe Biden denied that he ever even discussed Hunter Biden’s Chinese business affairs with him, even though he flew with Hunter on Air Force Two to China and met with his business associates. Never at a loss for brazen lies to extricate himself from difficult circumstances, Biden without a second thought denied that the bank records were “true.”
To date there hasn’t been one attempt by the Biden camp to try to explain what service the Bidens actually supplied to the Chinese Communists to earn such ample rewards. At the lowest levels of this corruption, Hallie Biden, who is a school counselor, received $25,000 from the Chinese Communist Party. For what?
When you have no answers to such material questions, when you lie continually about the operations themselves (“I never discussed Hunter’s business with my son!,”) when you suborn your intelligence services to carry out an elaborate and expensive effort to suppress the story of an incriminating laptop, and do it right before a presidential election, you are in fact telling us that you are guilty of the obvious crime you are covering up. In this case, treason. Colluding with an enemy power to hurt your own country.
Consider the simple fact that though pieces of this story have become objects of public concern over the last half dozen years, the Biden camp has constructed no narrative to provide a plausible explanation of these extraordinary payoffs from the Chinese Communist dictatorship; in other words to provide an alternative explanation to the apparent one of personal greed and national betrayal.
I ask readers to put themselves in the position of the president. You are taking massive payments from a government that deliberately sent millions of its subjects from the Wuhan center of a deadly pandemic to countries around the world to celebrate the Lunar New Year. This criminal action resulted in the deaths of 9 million people globally, including a million Americans. You then backed this same criminal dictatorship’s efforts to cover up its origins in a Chinese Communist military lab which was running “gain of function”research paid for by your government on the deadly virus at the heart of the pandemic.
At the same time, the dictatorship from which you were receiving payments making your family rich beyond its wildest dreams was organizing alliances with America’s deadly enemies, Russia and Iran. And thanks to your deliberate destruction of America’s southern border, which effectively put its control in the hands of Mexico’s drug cartels, you created a new mortal threat to the safety of American citizens in the form of a new drug – fentanyl – which is produced by the Chinese Communists and distributed to Americans by the Mexicans.
The annual death toll from fentanyl poisoning among Americans now equals the annual death toll of American soldiers in World War II. But Biden has made no effort to deter the Chinese from poisoning Americans citizens by, for example, ending the subsidies we provide to their economy or revoking China’s Most Favored Nation trade status, or closing all the Confucius Institutes in our universities set up to steal our technologies. From the Chinese Communist point of view, this alone would be worth the tens of millions of dollars they have poured into the Bidens’ pockets.
Yet, as a president elected by less than .03% of the popular vote Biden seems to feel no vulnerability on this front – not enough to cook up a rudimentary alibi. Either Biden is so influenced by the radicals in the Democrat Party who hate America that he – or the people guiding him are ready to collude in its destruction in the name of a progressive future. Or perhaps he has been so insulated from the consequences of his destructive policies by a corrupt and kept media that he and his influencers have convinced themselves that they can get away with anything. Whichever the case, rest assured that there are limits to how willing Americans may be to remain silent in the face of their destruction. A day of reckoning is coming.
Ayers and his Ilk like the rest of the 1970’s extremists should still be in Prison doing Life terns No Parole No Plea Bargains sitting in prison until the day they die like with Manson and Einhorn
Exactly instead of setting curriculum and training Teacher for our Education system. People wonder why communism is popular with our youth…….
“Yet, as a president elected by less than .03% of the popular vote Biden seems to feel no vulnerability . . . ”
Conservatives/Republicans are just too darn nice most of the time! Consequently, Conservatives/Republicans get no respect from the political left! How many times does the truth have to be said? BIDEN WAS NOT ELECTED! President TRUMP WAS RE-ELECTED! Seems that a characteristic of Conservatives/Republicans is that we have a chronic compulsive, obsessive need to try to ameliorate and appease the political left! To HECK with the political left! The TRUTH is, WE WON, YOU LOST! Consequently, our country is being destroyed before our very eyes! It is time for the political left to start having to ameliorating and appeasing the political right when that is the truth!
And now the woke powers want to indict Trump for something that was no crime at all. Having an affair is not a crime, so paying Stormy off to keep quiet about it is no crime either.
and I’ve seen NO plausible proof that they two were even HAVING an affair. It might be reasonable to prove HAT first. ot that it would, as you said, make it a crime it if did happen.
It has nothing to do with being nice. It has everything to do with being complicit in these crimes. People need to understand that it’s not about these people, or those people, because they’re not about us. We don’t have what they desire. Wealth and power. Both sides want it, the only argument is how fast. Democrats are putting pedal to the metal. Republicans are content with the slow boil method
Damn, I wish that this commenting board had a feature that allowed for editing one’s comments. Everyone needs to edit one’s comments from time to time. And the tiny, faint typeface in this commenting box does not help, either.
I meant to say in the last sentence above: It is time for the political left to start having to ameliorate and appease the political right when that is the truth!
Biden, his minions, and all Democrat voters have blood on their hands (it’s only a question of degree) – and this will never stop until that blood is THEIR OWN.
Typical MAGA response to anything related to our friendship with China
Mr. President,
Since all this magic money from China keeps coming, when’s some of that free cash gonna spill on us in the Secret Service??
You misspelled Resident.
That gave me the first laugh of the day.
Biden knows of his guilt. Perhaps that is why he’s gone far left. A quid pro quo, I do what u want, you ignore my bad deeds and stick up for me. He’s aware that progressives are so zealous that they’ll overlook anything to get their policies enacted. David, just think of how they ignored your employees death, as acknowledgement of it would hurt the black Panthers and the progressive cause.. Something similar perhaps going on here, biden calculates that no matter how guilty he is, the progressives will support him and aid him. That perhaps is Biden’s calculation for going far left. He knows the left has no moral compass when it comes to those supporting their cause.
Biden is a man riding a tiger. He dare not dismount.
Xi and the CCP own Joe Biden. All Biden knows is that he has made $millions from his influence peddling schemes. He’s dumb as a box of rocks today. BO sweats bullets every time Joe opens his mouth in public, which is why they tell him JUST stick to the teleprompter.
BO and Jim Clyburn came up with this hairbrained scheme during the SC Dem primary in 2020. That’s how Biden got the nomination. Has anyone ever thought about BO’s role in Joe’s corruption? He was BO’s Vice President. I don’t believe for one second that BO knew nothing about what Joe was doing. as VP.
To clarify. Biden’s support of the far left from the get go, transitioning from his centrist past, might be a ploy of” get out of jail” free card. He supports their progressive cause, they then make sure he sees no accountability for his chinese subversion that made him wealthy. This might be the calculation that led to him being the second coming of bernie sanders..
Biden, as a democrat, possesses no moral fiber – ZERO..
“A day of reckoning is coming.” – I respectfully (and I respect Mr. Horowitz tremendously) and pessimisticly disagree/doubt it. The leftists and their allies control the government, media, courts, entertainment, election system, tech industry, educational system, etc. It would take miracles of parting the Red Sea and RINO’s marching in the seabed proportion to bring a reckoning.
After they stole the 2020 election and their mostly successful shenanigans in 22, they smell blood. After stealing the 24 election, its overwhelmingly over in my humble opinion.
I hope I’m wrong but fear I’m not.
As far as the Biden’s facing any repercussions, like the Clintons, its highly unlikely. Maybe a few wrist slaps and uncomfortable truths revealed but after that, it’ll all blow away and Hunter will be invited to appear on Dancing With the Stars.
Don, you beat me to the punch. I agree with you wholeheartedly. There will never be a day of reckoning. Thomas Sowell said months before the presidential election “If Biden wins we are done as a country.”
“The leftists and their allies control the government, media, courts, entertainment, election system, tech industry, educational system, etc”
Exactly. How does that even happen? Conservatives are in the minority in all the above while the Leftist’s are in charge. Decade after decade of indifference has caused the Left to seize control.
The day of reckoning is already happening, and it’s happening to people like us.
There is no 2 party system. All these politicians are in it together. 75% of the Republican party are liberals.
We are done and there is no coming back from it. As you noted it would take a miracle of miracles. Nobody is ever held to account for their misdeeds and crimes. Maybe some part time small players are used as the scapegoat, but the big fish swim away with multi millions, mini mansions, and gigs on MSNBC.
I too respect David Horowitz tremendously. I remember reading his autobiographical book (Prodigal Son?) before 1990 edition and being blown away by his cool, anti-Communist credentials. Like most of his followers, having read his books I am impressed with his god given genius courageously employed in defense of the Truth-America the Beautiful
Wish you would list the actions of Obama(Biden) current administration in framework of Cloward-Piven strategy (chaos to overwhelm system leading to revolution) Connect the dots for us:
Why destroy American energy independence, jobs on day one by executive orders revoking Keystone pipeline, limiting private sector production ?
Why threaten our children through forced endorsement and acceptance of crimes against nature?
Why expand government entitlement programs- Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, unemployment AND Illegal Immigration-when Social Security and Medicare for American citizens is going broke?
Why cause inflation and devaluation of the dollar?
Why unprecedented authoritarian “mandates” for vaccines, masks?
Why anti-constitutional acts such as state establishment of Religion, evidenced by DEI, ESG, SEL, Green Energy mandates to be foundation of public policy
Why promote crime and racial strife?
For those that think that Joey and his family did anything wrong, yesterday’s explanation from Joey should put their concerns aside. In case you didn’t hear it, Joey responded with “That’s a lie”. I’m convinced. You should be too. How can you argue or dispute an argument like that?
I expect a resignation.
biden bragged of extorting the ukraine to the tune of $83,000 per month and what happened….trump was impeached…
The old song…”You Can’t Catch Me”
Ah, so what. The Bidens are corrupt. The Biden’s took money to the tune of millions, going back to his days as VP.
We have to focus on what’s really important……..we have to keep Trump from running again. Yeah……………………………….
A B.S. charge that Trump already won in court 5 years ago. But Soros DA Alvin Bragg has somehow managed to bump the payoff charge up to a felony. Word has it over at Gateway Pundit that Andrew Weissberg or the asst. NY AG are the ones really running things because Soros funded Bragg is too stupid to have dreamed this up on his own.
Hopefully, even in NYC, there may be a judge that will throw this BS case out. If not get ready for endless appeals right up through the ’24 election.
Welcome to the United Fruit States of America.
Given Weissberg’s track record going back to the year 2000 I’m surprised anyone hired him
I meant Weissman, not Weissberg.
And the column doesn’t even mention Biden ending the “China Initiative” which was designed to ferret out illicit Chinese influence and espionage operations primarily in universities. Allegedly, the opposition was mostly from professors at the University of Pennsylvania who argued that is was “racist” to focus on the Chinese. (But what isn’t these days?) The university had reportedly received something like $54 million from unrevealed Chinese donors. Thereafter, the university established the Penn-Biden Center.
How much more of this foul stink can we put up with?
We all smell the dead body. We see it in plain sight. No mistaking it for what it is.
Harumph, harumph, harumph, weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, pounding the dais is getting awfully tiresome.
That is what is so aggravating to me…..
The lies
The deceit
Maybe when the stench reaches high heaven and a higher power intervenes. Because it seems like that is what it will take to save the country from total destruction by the Left.
that “higherpower”rarely acts or intervenes on behalf of a people who do not care. Sadly, the vast majority of “we the people’ have ceased looking much further ahead than their nex meal or vacation or shiney new car made in da gummit’s image.
For even divine intervention to make much difference there will have to ba a major sea change in the heart of America. “Great awakenings” have occurred, but rarely. Not many places left where some “pilgrims” can hie themselves off to for a “reboot” and start over out from under the boot of corruption, as what was operatng in England when they left.
I predict that the nation will turn on Biden when the economy crashes, and right now, it’s in s death spiral. In any case, things can happen that the Dems can’t control. For one, I believe Dems will begin to turn on Dems. Let’s remember that Hillary Clinton hates BHO as much as she hates Trump, and hate like that is never good for a nation.
I personally believe that Lyndon Johnson, the Texas Oil Barons, and the CIA conspired to assassinate JFK. But in 1968, the Vietnam war was his undoing. The media turned on him, and public sentiment did as well, so he declined to run for a second term. One way or another, we all get our comeuppance.
I do not expect Biden to resign, confess, ask for forgiveness, or be impeached. However, the least the GOP can do is continue with its investigations and broadcast to the country in whatever way it can the traitorous deeds of this president. Even if an impeachment hearing were to fail, it behooves the Republicans to try, rather than turn the cheek and take the high road. Americans have a right to know if the man in the WH is indeed a traitor.
I believe he will either resign or be impeached, if impeached, he may or may not be removed by the Senate.
1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.
4 Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.
Psalms – Book 1
The Left has had decades to build the machine that insulates itself from the outside world in order to accomplish it’s agenda. They are entrenched in all the right entities in and out of government. The GOP is about 20 years too late in getting anything done about it. And with the estimated two generations of American youth being radicalized and now growing up with all that bitterness and focus on only “the Agenda”, it will take the rest of us to get very uncomfortable enough to fight. Trump stands tall, we stand tall. Trump gets knocked down, we fall down. As was explained in great detail in The Gulag Archipelago and what Stalin did to his people, when the Chinese are moving thru our neighborhoods and our loved ones begin to disappear and lines of regular Americans are shot en masse by Chinese firing squads, will we fight then? I think not as by then it will be too late.
JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a “public servant” who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, a Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes. In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SKURK
He had help in his perfidious deeds in BO and James Comey. In fact, in my view, BO is the head of the snake named Treason.
There it is. That’s the issue. To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden. They’ve been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years. The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars. How is this possible on his salary? It’s not. So where did his wealth come from? Not from being a brilliant businessman. DAVID PRENTICE
The annual death toll from fentanyl poisoning among Americans now equals the annual death toll of American soldiers in World War II. But Biden has made no effort to deter the Chinese from poisoning Americans citizens by, for example, ending the subsidies we provide to their economy or revoking China’s Most Favored Nation trade status (PERPETRATED BY DIANNE FEINSTEIN), or closing all the Confucius Institutes in our universities set up to steal our technologies. From the Chinese Communist point of view, this alone would be worth the tens of millions of dollars they have poured into the Bidens’ pockets. DAVID HOROWITZ
The emperor is butt naked.
MOST likely #46 SCANDALS of taking dollars, lots of them from America’s enemies and then remaining silent is nowhere near the attention to hillary, bill, pelosi, schumer, soros and many others that has for 7 years been directed at President Trump with 2 attempted IMPEACHMENTS, muller report and nefarious Indictments that NEVER bore a single conviction.
Current is another attempt to Indict on a pass Issue that was resolved. The RED bouncing ball continues to bounce.
america is the modern day equivalent of the titanic , glorious to behold , a marvel of modern technology , unsinkable , but then bam !! dementia iceberg joe comes along . the deck chairs are rearranged distress flares are sent but help arrives too late . the unsinkable is in a race to the bottom . lots of hand wringing , no one is held accountable , no one goes to jail . R.I.P . america .
Peking Biden denial technique: Lie, deflect, accuse Trump of worse crimes, and get the DdmoNazi Propaganda Machine to work repeating the lies.
Further evidence of Biden’s soft on China policies:
The Biden DoJ announced February 23, 2022 that it was ending its “China Initiative” program that was aimed at preventing spying by the Chinese Communist Party.
The China Initiative was started in 2018 under the Trump administration to protect U.S. national security against Chinese spying on U.S. intellectual property and in academia.
The Biden DoJ said it was harming U.S. competitiveness in research and disproportionately targeting people based on race.
WE’RE LIVING IT NOW. Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight. Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, who acquit the guilty for. a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent. 24 Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in flames, so their roots will decay. There is a growing love of evil while good is denounced, the decline of mankind.
Matthew 24. SPIRITUAL DECEPTION would be the primary CULTURAL SIGN of the last days.
Just one instance of convicting and punishing a prominent Swamp traitor for that crime will break the spell. These types now have no fear of the law, because of its non-enforcement.
I notice how many are concentrating only on politics, when the answers to our times are in the Bible scripturally to give man the knowledge to do whats right and just. What a sad way for the nation to decline because people did not fear the Lord or believe that he is the creator of this Universe and controls the seasons and the times and that we need to obey his laws and his Commandments. When a nation commits itself to ungodliness and unrighteousness, it provokes the wrath of God.