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Every time I click on YouTube, it seems like I get another Sandy Hook Promise gun control ad. I’m sympathetic to parents who have suffered the worst possible loss and want to feel like they can do something to redeem it. Without agreeing with them.
Even setting aside all the foundational and philosophical ideals of liberty on which the Second Amendment is based, gun control can put unarmed people at the mercy of the armed, but that’s always been the case in human history.
What a gun can do is reverse the usual balance of power.
Gun control activists insist that we want children to die in school shootings. No, we want women like this to live.
An 85-year-old Idaho woman is being hailed as a “hero” for gunning down a home-invasion suspect with a handgun she kept under her pillow after he allegedly handcuffed her to a chair, pistol whipped her and threatened numerous time to kill her, authorities said.
Christine Jenneiahn survived the harrowing incident at her home near Blackfoot, Idaho, after being shot multiple times by alleged assailant 39-year-old Derek Condon, who died in her kitchen when the octogenarian turned the tables on him and shot him twice with her .357 Magnum, authorities said.
She told investigators she decided to use deadly force to protect her and her disabled son, saying it was “now or never” as she feared the suspect was otherwise going to kill her.
What would she have done without her gun? She would have died. And the same gun control activists who lecture us about Sandy Hook would be okay with that and with the other deaths and with the larger culture of impunity that so many criminals already enjoy in urban ‘gun-free zone’ areas spreading around the country.
No one wants children to die in school shootings. We want women like Christine to live.
When the assailant went downstairs, leaving her alone in the living room, Jenneiahn told investigators she dragged the chair she was handcuffed to back to her bedroom to retrieve the gun she kept under her pillow. She told investigators she went back into the living room and hid the revolver between the armrest and cushion of a couch she was seated next to and waited to see what Condon did next, according to the report.
When Condon returned, he allegedly became angry with Jenneiahn for not telling him her son was in the house and again allegedly threatened to kill her, according to the report. That’s when she lunged for her gun hidden in the couch and opened fire on Condon, hitting him twice.
Condon allegedly returned fire, emptying his 9mm pistol, leaving Jenneiahn with gunshot wounds to her abdomen, leg, arm and chest, according to the report.
Condon apparently collapsed in the kitchen and died while Jenneiahn remained on the floor of her living room bleeding and handcuffed to the chair for 10 hours until her son came upstairs and handed her the phone to call 911, according to the report.
Citing Idaho’s “stand your ground law,” Jolley said Jenneiahn was justified in using any means necessary to defend herself.
“Any reasonable person would believe it necessary to defend themselves or their disabled child under such circumstances,” Jolley said in his decision released Tuesday. “That Christine survived this encounter is truly incredible. Her grit, determination, and will to live appear to be what shaved her that night.”
And the gun.
d-a-a-a-a.-a-mn – I slept with a loaded 38 under my pillow out of fear of my employer in law enforcement – now this lady, 85 lives in a dangerous neighborhood and knows her only strength is magnum force
I strongly advocate gun control. But not the way that 2A opponents frame it. Every American who owns a gun should be able to control their weapon effectively and safely. I don’t own a gun, and never have. But if I did, I would avail myself to the instructions and training that is available from the NRA or just about any shooting range. It’s the responsible thing to do, just as it is with driving a car or truck, or operating dangerous machinery.
Training is KEY!!! Just buying a firearm, and even taking it to the range to punch holes in paper isn’t nearly enough. TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN!!! Then PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, then Train some more.
Learn not just “how” to shoot, but “when”. Over half of the training should be brain training.
Too bad but the Democrats just lost a Voter and their going to want this woman tried for 1st Degree Murder or have her sued by the Crinimal’s Family and the Law Firms of Vulture, Buzzard Slug, Snake Hyenah and Worm
or build a statue of him and hold numerous festive but angry funerals, and give millions to his mother.
A few years ago in Reading Pennsylvania a armed Pedestrian stopped a pair of armed robbers outside a local store when they pulled guns on him he shot both masked robbers dead and the Families of the dead robbers wanted to Sue the Man but state laws ban such Lawsuits but they did set up a memorial to the two dead robbers outside the store
‘the Law Firms of Vulture, Buzzard Slug, Snake Hyenah and Worm.” Sounds like the Biden gang to me.
The lost voter could still be registered and voting.
They didn’t lose a voter. He just became much more reliable. Before he took the room temperature challenge, he may not have voted. He will now. Early AND often.
Hint to street criminals: never rob the owner of a gun range.
Sec 26th 2016(Boxing Day not Kwanzaa, Simpletons)two masked men tried to rob a Gun and Pawn Shop in Georgia made threated to kill if the clerk and owner didn’t get on the floor owner was a rmed when it was over one robber was dead the other ran away
.357 Magnum is really fun to shoot, I could barely hold onto it as a kid. That is one tough lady!
She owned a pawn shop and a gun range 🙂