How much irony and hypocrisy can one single story contain?
Karen Bass, the pro-crime and pro-gun control candidate for mayor in Los Angeles wants to find out.
A burglar or burglars broke into the home of Rep. Karen Bass on Friday evening and made off with two firearms, the Los Angeles mayoral candidate said in a statement released Saturday.In the brief statement, Bass said she came home Friday to find signs of a break-in and that police were called. She said the thief or thieves stole two firearms, which had been “safely and securely stored,” but left behind cash, electronics and other valuables.
Bass communications director Sarah Leonard Sheahan confirmed to The Times that the guns belonged to the congresswoman and that they were secured in a lockbox. No one was home at the time of the break-in, Leonard Sheahan said.
Neither Leonard Sheahan nor Bass’ statement provided more details, such as what type of guns were stolen.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lolol, if politics didn’t admit of comedy, it would be unbearable 🙂
Tagfu222 says
Do as I say, not as I do.
Mo de Profit says
Just like private jets and helicopters are not subject to environmental regulations, only our cars.
Just like Boris Johnson’s cabinet weren’t subject to lockdown rules, only our elderly and children were pursued by the UK police.
Just like the U.N. financial regulations that prevents the small businesses from contracts because they aren’t diverse enough, but the major corporations are.
Mad Celt says
Probably two assault starter pistols. What leftist know about firearms could fill a thimble.
TRex says
Nothing else stolen only guns “secured in a lockbox”. Sounds like fodder for her campaign.
World@70 says
Just what was thinking. What thief would leave valuables lying around and take only 2 guns.
Chief Mac says
Government moles
World@70 says
“it will help better track suspicious surges of gun sales that could be a prelude to a mass shooting.”
What an asinine statement. Just how many mass shootings have followed a surge in gun sales? This statement is nothing but a contrived excuse to monitor guns and their owners. Pay Cash, and you can probably get a discount.
Lightbringer says
I like the new format for the magazine and the comments. Daniel, your promise of no more junk comments (for now) has been kept. Thank you!
Chief Mac says
LeftTwats want to have people charged when their firearms are stolen – so charge her
JAMiller says
Well, I can’t help but wonder what crime(s) her guns were used in causing her to have to make them disappear?
Del Varner says
Beat me to this. I should have read the comments more thoroughly.
Del Varner says
“She said the thief or thieves stole two firearms, which had been “safely and securely stored,” but left behind cash, electronics and other valuables” This makes me suspicious. I wonder if those two guns could be traced to some crime. Perhaps they really met with a fishing accident off the coast.
Spurwing Plover says
Typical Do as I say Not as i Do liberal Democrat Someone should remind her were not a Monchary