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At a San Francisco fundraiser, Obama tried to explain small-town America to wealthy donors and claimed “it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
That became shortened to “bitterly clinging to guns and religion.”
Pelosi, SF’s finest, decided to repeat the same theme.
At one point, while speaking about those who may consider themselves a part of the populist movement and/or are “poor souls who are looking for some answers,” Pelosi said, “We’ve given to them, but they’re blocked by some of their views on guns – they have the three Gs, guns, gays, God, that would be a woman’s right to choose — and the cultural issues cloud some of their reception of an argument that really is in their interest.”
The theme keeps recurring because Democrats have to justify their rejection of the white working class in favor of elitist leftist shibboleths by insisting that they have their best interests at heart, but unfortunately ‘those people’ are too busy clinging to guns and religion to realize it.
Revealingly, Pelosi reduces religion to abortion which says a lot more about her than it does about her targets.
And that’s generally true of these critiques. Obama and Pelosi’s reductionism shows how little they care about the rest of the country and how little they understand it. They depict them as history’s losers who take refuge in religion, xenophobia, anti-globalism, and religion because they just haven’t gotten with the new order.
And what’s the new order? Bill Clinton, the last White House Dem to make any inroads with working-class whites, announced that the jobs aren’t coming back and it’s time for everyone to go to college and get woke.
After that, the Dems have lost the ability to win over working-class white voters and they’re starting to lose their grip on working-class voters of all races.
Pelosi worships Obama. Very revealing to watch her swoon adoringly over him like a teenager over Elvis (he’s no Elvis) when he made a grand appearance at the White House (and ‘joked’ about being president, referring to Biden as Vice President) ostensibly to celebrate Obamacare. May their insulting and arrogant ‘reductionism’ cause them and all their fellow reductionists to reduce themselves out of power, influence and relevance.
Sometimes I wonder if that kind of attitude isn’t like,” thou dost protest too much”. She is exaggerating her feelings in public because, I think, she finds Hussein distasteful. I can’t imagine any of the white and black democrats socialising with each other – ever. For instance I don’t see Jon Ossoff and Jamaal Bowman having barbecues at each others houses…
I think she sees him as a useful tool. Just the same as Biden when he used the words “clean” and “articulate” to describe Obama.
But Obama IS a tool. He is easily controlled by power / money.
Pelosi is a disgusting dingbat.
Does anybody believe she really keeps getting elected? Not even San Franciscotards are that dumb and they’re the dumbest people in the country. Even people in Martha’s Vinyard are less stupid an they’re so stupid they defy humanity.
Is there anybody on the planet who doesn’t want to slap the shit out of fake hair Nancy? Her hair is supposed to be brown? My shit is brown and at least that’s real. And I have to work to crap it out. That ugly old bitch hasn’t worked a day in her life.
When Pelosi was nice looking as a debutante, their is a picture of her highness being introduced to President Kennedy. the photo is black and white, but her hair looked black.
She had a nice rack back then. Now they sag to her knees.
Can we say insider trading?
Clinging to religion as opposed to worshipping the state.
Yes. At least religion has a chance at redemption. Christianity and Judaism, anyway. What is the state ever going to give you? A big dick up your ass, that’s what.
Thanks Jeff!!!!
Most Democrat voters are happy about that.
Rep. Pelosi has fed so long at the federal trough and enriched herself so much with insider trading that she is now set adrift from the reality of the land of her birth and lives today in a fantasy more like the capital in Hunger Games than the lived experience of Americans. Her fatuous argument at Oxford Union is just a sample of the dementia that reigns in her addled head. Her past ability to command the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives proves more the craven weakness of her colleagues than it proves her prowess as a Speaker.
Our republic increasingly resembles the latter days of the western Roman empire. May God save us from such people.
You are correct. Rome fell from within too. The biggest thing that will now sink America is the Biden administration’s change of policy towards Israel. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hezbollah are both terrorist organizations. The PA is the governing body. of the PLO and was headed by terrorist Yassir Arafat. The PA was established by the 1004 Oslo Accords that provided the framework for a two-state solution. Who is expected to negotiate with a terrorist organization that wants to annihilate you? The Left is insane.
For two states to live side by side, each must have its own government. Hamas remains an every day threat to Israel in the south, and Hezbollah in the north. Its violence against Israel started during the Lebanon War in 1982. Hamas sole purpose is to promote Islamic ideals of Palestinian nationalism through a policy of jihad, (armed strugge) Therefore any international policy or peace negotiations that promote Jewish sovereignty in the land will lead only to carnage or displacement and terror, and this is according to Article 31 of the Hamas Charter of 1988.
The Charter blatantly calls for Israel’s annihilation and the genocide of the Jewish people. Theres no such thing as a negotiated two state solution, because its always Israel that loses freedom and sovereignty, and lives.
This talk of the two state has always been going on so that Israel’s enemies can gain leverage and steal land they never owned to begin with.
Cicero is strangely, and sadly, familiar. There was also the Romans’ allowing the immigration of so many of the Germanic people.
Yeah, those fucking Germans. You just can’t let them into your place. Those Heinies fuck everything up. Just ask Europe.
These leaders want to redefine everything in their own terms. We live in a world of widespread redefinition. This is a fundamental loss, not a gain. These new re-definitions eroded marriage, life, traditional values, education, religion, freedom of speech and liberty, and every time they do it society loses. Redefinition causes the same essential loss of theology. No wonder the world is being enveloped by darkness by turning to false ideologies.
God does not lie. What he says, He will do. The Bible, especially the Old Testament contains many future prophecies conferring to devine promises on national Israel. These promises gave the Jewish people hope, comfort, encouragement, and motivation for holy living in the past; and they continue to do so today. God’s integrity is the foundation for divine guarantees. Moses wrote, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent.” If God replaced or redefined Israel, He would have to subvert His own Word. He is not going to falter in love for His people.
Hello Dr. Greenfield all, It’s getting a bit crowded down here on the “unter” page – still its probably more fun than the “uber” page. And re those who are “bitterly clinging to guns and religion”, I just want to note that the religion in question is not Christianity.
Famously, aren’t Christians to “lay down” their weapons of warfare? Didn’t Jesus himself warn that his followers would be “sheep among wolves” in a violent world system?
Huh? What Bible do you read? Christians and Jews are sheep amongst wolves does not mean we are to be willing victims. Look at all the wolves howling antisemitism from every damn corner of human society. From the UN to the campuses to the main sleaze media. Look at the advances IDF has made in destroying nazzi hamazz. These wolves howl but are toothless in the sight of YHVH and HIS believers and followers. These antisemites god is and they will perish from eternal life. Who wants antisemites in eternity? Not YHVH not YESHUA MESSIAH. There is a JUDGEMENT coming and antisemites will not pass this JUDGEMENT.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Freedom suppressing Hamas
must and will be exterminated.
Thank you Israel and the courageous Jewish people.
Jesus told us prioritize having a sword, over a cloak. Those aren’t for picking one’s teeth. We’re not to be predators, but we can certainly defend ourselves, and our fellow sheep. We’ll beat our swords into plowshares when Jesus returns, and God sets the world right.
“Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.”
Jesus wasn’t a pussy. He whipped those money lenders like red headed step childs. “Do that shit in my favorite Temple? I don’t think so, motherfuckers!”
Until then, “Those that beat their swords into plowshares, will plow for those who don’t.”
But whats with the “gays” though? Non Democrats include gay people now, some rather prominent.
I will now pretend to psychoanalyze Nanshy. Is she referring to her husband who seems to have hired a same sex entertainment and not for the first time. I read that guy is now facing 40 years in prison!
A rather biblical number for embarrassing the old gal.
Yeah, Paul Pelosi is as gay as Don Lemon. What a fruit loop.
The Left always think they have it all right, despite all evidence to the contrary. If you don’t agree with them you are an idiot, a dissident, uniformed or whatever. But either way you’ll have to be dealt with eventually, which typically means gulags or graves, but today might mean getting fired and unable to work at anything useful, socially outcast, until they can manage to get back to gulags and graves. Already you hear of well known people advocating for jail time for climate change skeptics, people who use the wrong pronouns. Evil is as evil does.
Obama Biden Pelosi and the Clintons are depraved psychopathic berserk anti-America political snakes..
America would be a better place without them and without the democrat party.
You are correct. Rome fell from within too. The biggest thing that will now sink America is the Biden administration’s change of policy towards Israel. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hezbollah are both terrorist organizations. The PA is the governing body. of the PLO and was headed by terrorist Yassir Arafat. The PA was established by the 1994 Oslo Accords that provided the framework for a two-state solution. Who is expected to negotiate with a terrorist organization that wants to annihilate you? The Left is insane.
For two states to live side by side, each must have its own government. Hamas remains an every day threat to Israel in the south, and Hezbollah in the north. Its violence against Israel started during the Lebanon War in 1982. Hamas sole purpose is to promote Islamic ideals of Palestinian nationalism through a policy of jihad, (armed strugge) Therefore any international policy or peace negotiations that promote Jewish sovereignty in the land will lead only to carnage or displacement and terror, and this is according to Article 31 of the Hamas Charter of 1988.
The Charter blatantly calls for Israel’s annihilation and the genocide of the Jewish people. Theres no such thing as a negotiated two state solution, because its always Israel that loses freedom and sovereignty, and lives.
This talk of the two state has always been going on so that Israel’s enemies can gain leverage and steal land they never owned to begin with.
It’s so nice being reduced to a cliche by a corrupt, dishonest jerk like Pelosi. BTW, I may be looking for answers but certainly from her party. They are out of control destructionists with nothing positive to offer.
I never cared that her husband Paul is gay.
He’s so fucking gay. Of course, only a gay guy could marry Nasty Nancy.
I quite happily cling to God and my guns and my family. I do, in fact, have enmity toward those who say they know what’s best for me while they devise schemes to make me poorer and weaker and themselves richer and more powerful.
Rep. Pelosi demonstrates repeatedly that demonic possession is not just for characters in the Bible.
Nancy Nonsense Obama echo of Liberal Democrat Stupidity the whole Liberal Democrats are a Joke The Dumb & Dumber of politics
I have a problem with Pelosi’s speech. Her grammar and logic are atrocious.. People do not speak like they write. I get that too. But all she does is throw out assertions and catch phrases as if merely uttering them proves the point or that the listener will or should automatically understand and agree.
Take the assertion or accusation that liberals make of conservatives, which is xenophobia. I live in fly over country. I married a non-white, non-Christian, non-western foreigner. That is anecdotal. A person could look up rates of interracial marriage in the US and parse it by location and political affiliation. Does Obama or Pelosi do this to make their case? Heck No! that would be work and they are allergic to it. Worse, It probably would not make their case.
Take a look at military service members. They marry of a lot of foreigners of just about any color. Southerners were disproportionately represented in the military, so what doe s that say about southerners. What does it say about liberals caricature of Southerners?
Dickporn! You married a non-white, non-Christian, non-western foreigner? are you trying to make me like you or something? Shit. I’m supposed to hate you.
It’s basically the same old refrain about socialism, it hasn’t been done right yet. But, in their omniscience, they know what needs to be done so we should acquiesce to their superior intellect and let them be the good little totalitarians they are so they can fix it. I really wonder if they actually believe the BS that they can do socialism better than those who defined it. I think it’s more like they know the concept is rotten to its core, stinks to high heaven, but they’ll be in charge so they get to live the luxurious life all socialist tyrants have lived while the rest of us suffer due to socialism’s stupidity.
“…“poor souls who are looking for some answers,” Pelosi said, “We’ve given to them, but they’re blocked by some of their views on guns – they have the three Gs, guns, gays, God, that would be a woman’s right to choose — and the cultural issues cloud some of their reception of an argument that really is in their interest.”
Nancy’s as insufferably condescending as barack. Nobody’s looking for answers from her, except for maybe how her husband is such a remarkable investor, but I think we know that already.
They can’t comprehend me, but if I give them my money and freedom, she somehow knows what my best interests are.
I’ve heard of “God, guns, and freedom,” and “God, guns, and guts,” but never “guns, gays, and God.” That’s a democrat thing. Dems have to pervert everything, and notice nancy puts God Last of her three.