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After the atrocities perpetrated in Israel this last week, questions arise about how such an intelligence failure could have occurred, how the Israeli military, which is assumed by many to be ubiquitous, did not do a better job at more quickly and effectively repelling the invasion, and perhaps most perplexing of all, why families and towns in close proximity to a territory run by terrorists did not seem to have the means for self-defense.
Thomas Jefferson made the point over 200 years ago that it is the right and duty of citizens to be at all times armed. How much more so for a people not protected by an Atlantic ocean but within view of terrorists who want them dead?
Are the people of Israel subjects and not citizens?
Imagine the difference it would have made in the 1930s and ‘40s in Nazi Germany and elsewhere in Europe (or anywhere else, genocide was perpetrated, for that matter) if Jewish individuals and families were able and willing to fight back. Although one could argue that the Jewish mindset in Germany at that time was one of complacency or resignation, as the prior 1800-plus years of the diaspora was a repressive history of exile, abuse, murder, and massacre. Ever since the Romans’ final suppression of Israelite resistance in the 130s, the Jews were largely a defenseless people subject to the whims or depredations of their “host” countries.
Not anymore. Or do we have to say never again – again?
Because of images of Israeli defense forces carrying their weaponry on the streets, much of the world likely believes gun ownership is common or even proliferates in Israel. But such is not the case. With the exception of active military, police, and personnel in security services, only single-digit percentages out of a private citizen Jewish population of over seven million are licensed to have a firearm. That fact is an unforgivable oversight and should never have been the case. In a country where virtually all young adults go through compulsory conscription, almost all families have members trained to use firearms. So why isn’t there a means of self-defense in every household?
You could make the case that the level of barbarity in Nazi Germany was unprecedented and unforeseeable. Not so with the present situation in modern Israel. For years, terrorists had been crossing the border from the West Bank and perpetrating bus bombings and other atrocities. But since the construction of the West Bank border barrier, those events have ended mainly. But the terrorists running Gaza are no less barbaric. Why was the enclosure there so much less secure and easy to break through? Communities in south Israel fell victim to thugs who breached insufficient and poorly monitored fencing.
It might come as a surprise to most Americans, but gun laws in Israel are quite restrictive. Until just last week, the annual allotment for licensed gun owners was only fifty rounds of ammunition! And that’s after a loosening of the gun laws around five years ago. This was raised to a hundred in the aftermath of the weekend carnage – still ridiculously low in a country perpetually under potential siege. And a valid reason for possessing a firearm (such as self-defense!) was required for a permit. You’d think the whole country would qualify. Applicants were also restricted to a single gun.
And despite the firearm capability of most Israelis, more than one in three permit applications were rejected. So, who are the ones most likely to have guns? Criminals and terrorists.
In the last couple of days, constraints were further loosened. However, the Israeli government must do more to ramp up the multiple layers of self-defense that the country needs.
RKBA proponents In the US are probably shocked by this information. At the least, every town in proximity to the Gaza border should have had the means to protect themselves. The difference could have been monumental. Families that were wiped out might have survived. Babies who were murdered – beheaded! If you can imagine that level of savagery – they might have lived out their lives. And an unknown number of terrorist monsters would not have lived to murder another day.
If never again is to be a truthful slogan, the Israeli government must trust its citizens, especially those who have been through military service. And until the day comes that the residents of that beleaguered country are safe in their beds – and cribs – citizen gun ownership should not just be allowed by the Israeli government but vigorously encouraged.
Update: During the initial minutes of the attack, a lone 25-year-old Israeli woman, Inbal Lieberman, retrieved the necessary weaponry and likely saved her entire southern Israel kibbutz from devastation. She distributed stored guns and, along with fellow residents, shot and killed at least 25 terrorists before they could penetrate the kibbutz’s perimeter fencing.
The Small Arms Control Treaty signed by Democrat/Traitor John Kerry for Democrat/Traitor Barack Obama
Emma says
Thank you so much for writing this article. Now if only more Israelis would read it. Since the attacks, a hot topic on social media and in community whatsapp groups has been installing a bar in the door of a mamad (safe room) to lock out potential invaders, but very few people ever suggest buying a gun! It boggles the mind.
Michael says
Most people, fail to consider fire prevention devices and materials, as part of their safety and protection planning.
World@70 says
Something I’ve thought of often is when pro 2A’s defend gun ownership it’s always about self-defense from criminal elements, i.e. hold-ups, car-jacking, home invasion, crazed killers, etc.
The US has not had a major ground invasion by another country in modern times. I recall years ago reading that in WWII Japan considered invading America but some General who had lived in the US said “there is an American with a gun behind every blade of grass” and the subject was dropped. I don’t know if it’s true or just a Hollywood line, but it would seem that anyone thinking of an attack would have to consider 400 million guns pointed in their direction.
John Byrum says
It’s true and it was admiral Yamamoto.
And that is one more reason for the 2nd amendment with no more restrictions.
With the unrestrained and open border terrorists ARE coming into the US. We the people must be armed and ready. Muslims would like nothing better than a similar attack inside the US as they did to Israel.
Michael says
I appreciate your comment. However, there are many other attack scenarios, that don’t involve a defensive firepower response. Our enemies, have an array of offensive attack capabilities; biological agents is only one of many.
Intrepid says
Back in the 80s or early 90s I remember a picture of some 20 something Israeli girls at an ice cream stand with ARs flung over their shoulders. People were walking around like it was normal. It was pics like that that gave the impression that Israelis were armed. Many civilians were at the time.
And those girls may have been IDF on leave at that time
But Israel has drifted left over the years to the point where the country is basically unarmed. And Hamas took advantage of it. The laws in Israel have to change or it will happen again.
Leftists don’t learn because they are basically stupid. In Massachusettes the legislature just passed a law that restricts where people can carry firearms which is basically every where. The entire state is no-gun zone. That law is already being challenged.
Don’t ever give up your guns. If you have to fieldstrip them and hide them in various parts of your dwelling. I know it’s tough if an emergence arises but don’t give them up.
Philip L horner says
Our government assiduously seeks out and confiscates all the firearms it can through court orders at the front end of felonies charged and domestic violence cases. Rarely are they recovered within 10 years. Most people still able to own weapons after their run in with the legal system just buy them fresh.
ed says
We will probably never know who much of the sophisticated military hardware Biden gifted the taliban ended up in hamas hands
RS says
Remember, the Jewish people were disarmed before they were sent to Auschwitz. If you have no means of defending yourselves, you are sitting ducks. The Nazi culture is now repeating itself.
jeremiah says
Imagine the difference it would have made in the 1930s and ‘40s in Nazi Germany and elsewhere in Europe (or anywhere else, genocide was perpetrated, for that matter) if Jewish individuals and families were able and willing to fight back. Although one could argue that the Jewish mindset in Germany at that time was one of complacency or resignation, as the prior 1800-plus years of the diaspora was a repressive history of exile, abuse, murder, and massacre. Ever since the Romans’ final suppression of Israelite resistance in the 130s, the Jews were largely a defenseless people subject to the whims or depredations of their “host” countries.
The only time something like that would be rational would be when the people realize that there is a final solution targeting them. otherwise resistance logically would have put a target on their backs. The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto was an example of the extreme conditions necessary for people to fully participate as a group. Most sympathetic Germans would have switched to they are getting what they deserve, Besides German Jews looked at themselves as Vets, contributors to society, as Germans first.
Hitler, being the brilliant, visionary inspirational, uber liberal he was, as perceived by most of his followers, was smart enough to target a group of people for his scapegoat who were less than 1% of the population. Not much chance for blowback. Just this small number alone would have made resistance futile, There are any number of ways besides guns to effectively suppress a population this small, jailing and expulsion are two.
You can argue the case using the Warsaw example, but I think it would have less impact if they were armed than you think. Besides it’s automatic they would at some point make guns illegal and arrest Jewish citizens anyway.