When you’ve lost the guy who put you in the White House, you’ve really lost everybody.
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (S.C.), the third-ranking member of the House Democratic leadership, says he’s not commenting on whether President Biden should run for reelection until he sees the results of the Nov. 8 midterm elections.
“I have no idea. Until this election is over, I’m not going to focus on ’24,” Clyburn said at a campaign event in Charlotte for Democratic Senate candidate Cheri Beasley.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) have also sidestepped questions about whether Biden should run for a second term.
Pelosi and Schumer ducking isn’t surprising, but Rep. Clyburn dragged Biden through the primaries and handed him the black voters who got him the nomination. In return, Clyburn got a lot of his allies appointed to high positions. Biden promised Clyburn a black female VP and Supreme Court justice. While he got those in the general sense, specifically, Biden rejected Clyburn’s relatively moderate SCOTUS nominee in favor of a pro-pedophile leftist backed by the Left.
Is Clyburn still angry about getting stiffed? Maybe. But he’s also enough of a political operator to know a dead horse when he sees one. Clyburn could mobilize black voters to drag Biden through a crowded primary where the main competition was Commissar Bernie, Senator-Speaks-With-Socialist-Tongue and Alfred E. Neuman, but gay. Biden still does best among black voters, but he’s down there and it would take a whole lot more work.
Biden has given Clyburn a lot. Black voters are the administration’s top priority. But even Clyburn isn’t willing to say that he would back a second term. That means no one is.
The odds are that Old Joe won’t even finish his first term.
He will be put in a wheelchair within a month to stop his aimless wandering and ride out his term dead or alive. They will prop him up “weekend at bernies” style
We are living thru a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ as Biden is only a puppet at this point. He has no clue what is going on and only repeats what’s on the teleprompter or on note cards.
A damned VEGETABLE for a U.S. President. Terrific.
President Potted Plant, as one writer commented.
I don’t think he’s as innocent as all that. He has deficits for sure.
Democrats seem fond of defective place holders while others run things behind the scene.
Not only are elections fraudulent but so are the candidates they put in place.
Except for the wheelchair, his handlers already do that. But you’re right. It’s coming, including hiding his death.
El CId, anyone?
2 years ago I wouldn’t have given him this long. Now I think ge will make the hole 4 years.
Does the vegetable have a body double? What about that Hitlerian speech, with the blood red background and two poor dumbass Marines participating this his tripe, calling out his enemies? That appeared as a body double as the vegetable would not have the stamina for such a speech.
I won’t take that bet.
You have to wo0nder HOW STUPID people are to vote for this FOOL! Let alone jobama…………
The blacks are low information voters, most (not all) dumber than a box of rocks. Their behavior in the shit-hole Democrat cities bares this truth. They are happy to remain on the Democrat plantation as long as they get a free ride from the hard-working non-Socialist Americans. Clyburn helps to keep the pavement apes in line on the plantation using whatever means the head n++++r tells them to do!
All Democrats are low-info voters. Few have the logic to realize what they’ve done. They are all easily suckered and all have short term memories. That’s why they keep voting Dem.
Do you really think that so many people voted for him? I would still question his miraculous “landslide victory” that took place many hours after the polls closed and the votes had presumably been counted.
The sole reason they want him gone is because his actions and statements exposed the rest of them as hard core leftist marxists, when what they wanted was some glib, smooth-talking ‘moderate’ behind which they could hide.
The democrat/communist party in power in the US has shown the world what kind of leadership they prefer as they push their pro gay/pro crime agenda, along with their idea of utopia where they spend away the future of the nation and kiss up to our enemies while begging for oil when this nation can generate more energy than those the democrats go begging from. Yeah, the democrats have made this nation such a joke to the world that every true, American, would vote them out of existence.
Putin is going to nuke America, starting with NYC first! This is exactly what the WEF under the NAZI Schwab wants. The WEF run by NAZIs are trying to re-establish The Fourth Reich (WEF) under the Schwab NAZI family. Schwab thinks he’s another Hitler. and desperately want to eliminate the low IQ minorities, the decrepit, the sick, the mentally ill (e.g., homosexual and lesbians), the poor. America must be broken and cease to exist as a world power, and our dumbass vegetable criminal President plays and dances to their tune. The NAZI Schwab owns the vegetable! The damn NAZI Schwab tells the Biden Administration what to do.! Don’t you doubt it. The question is, when will Putin decide to nuke America? NYC goes first because of the corrupt Banksters. How do we know: There is no mention of America or United States in the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ, meaning America is gone from the world scene, ceases to exist!
Try Mystery Babylon…
Mystery Babylon in no way refers to America or the United States of America. Nations and Kingdoms are called out by name, and America ain’t one of them. Do NOT be misled by the many false teachers as Jesus said there would be, both in his time and ours. America is filled with false teachers and MONEY is their idol. Pay no attention to them.
Why would putin bother nuking the US when we’re busy committing suicide? He’ll do nothing that might interrupt that.
You make a valid point! USA is committing suicide. However, to compete the task America must be completely destroyed for the WEF, under the NAZI Schwab, to create his insane Fourth Reich.
America is completely destroyed. Are you asleep.
Yes, but there’s no mention of multitudes of other nations in the book of Revelations as well.
Don’t base your opinion on faulty eschatology
Rev 19:19 ties in with Eze 38 (the war with Gog which leads seven years later to Armagedón) and Dan 7. Rev 17 clearly identifies Babylon AND the Prostitute that sits upon the Beast. This is not the USA. False teachers abound and their idol is MONEY!
Moby Troll Alert.
First of all every Nation that will be around or somewhat involved is NOT mentioned in scripture. That’s for starters. Second, there is no reason for Russia to bomb the USA because we are destroying ourselves faster than they ever could. Secondly even if the US isn’t a factor in scripture that doesn’t men the only option is that it is destroyed. It just has to be neutered and no longer a world power which is the path we are on currently. There are literally hundreds of countries not mentioned in scripture surrounding the end times that doesn’t mean they don’t exist or were destroyed. Not being mentioned in no way is tantamount to the USA being gone. Stop spreading misinformation based on your opinions and theories.
Biden’s will be put in a shopping cart within a month To stop aimless wandering. Biden ‘will ride out his term’ in a wheelchair. That’s my prediction.
Heh heh, Trump put Biden in the White House…by being King of the Covid Karens! If he hadn’t pandered to the “pandemic”, then society wouldn’t have transformed into huddled crybabies, clutching their mail-in ballots, and the DNC/Bolshevik Party wouldn’t have been able to generate more fraudulent votes than the 10-20% of total votes they historically generate. As royal and epic and easily predictable a CHOKE as it was, one must wonder if Trump didn’t intentionally ruin his election.
The democrat party is chock full of socialist, lying, communist, double-dealing, backstabbing, chicken dropping stinkbugs that can never be trusted–RIGHT BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a simple explanation.
The Strategic Moron Reserve has been drained.
The proportion of our population supporting Biden is outnumbered by those awaiting new Elvis releases..
This is a good example of how “conservatives” continue to purse these nonsensical beliefs and continue to spread misinformation and why nothing in this country is going to change.
James Clyburn had absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with putting Biden into office. ZERO input. Biden was installed into office by the globalist cabal. The same people who will decide who will be installed into office next including the midterms. He didn’t win the election to begin with so Clyburn and his attempts to get people to vote were irrelevant.
And if all you fools out there that are thinking the GOP winning either the house and or the senate means ANYTHING whatsoever is going to change as a result then by all means refill that kool aid container. We have two parties. The American party which consists of maybe a total of 4 or 5 people in congress and then we have the globalists which are 99.5% of every elected official regardless of if they call themselves a republican or a democrat. That’s the reality we are living in. If you the think the GOP is any different and the end destination they are pursuing is any different than the democrats than you are a fool.
The Country is the way it is because the people in this country, and especially the conservatives are morons. We are getting exactly what we deserve.
“The Country is the way it is because the people in this country, and especially the conservatives are morons. We are getting exactly what we deserve.”
This is exactly the attitude the Left wants us to adopt.
Thanks, good point.
Our despair is exactly what the left wants. It will serve them very well.
Just like Charle Brown not getting any Valetines Biden is losing his supporters fast