How bad can crime get when the laws are no longer enforced, criminals are released as soon as they’re caught and the police hardly bothering to respond to calls?
Here’s life for ordinary people in the pro-crime utopia of San Francisco which doesn’t just have streets covered in human waste, it also has human waste walking the streets.
“Forty-five percent of people surveyed for the poll said they had an item stolen within the last five years. Proportionally, Black and mixed-race respondents felt a more severe impact than other groups, with a majority — 54% of Black respondents and 55% of mixed-race respondents — reporting they had suffered theft. Property crime rates were lower for white residents, 43% of whom had a possession swiped within the time period.”
Equity. There’s the disproportionate impact of pro-crime policies.
“Rates of physical and verbal assaults appear to be lower than property crimes, the poll indicated, with roughly a quarter of respondents — 24% — saying they had been threatened or attacked.”
24% is 1 in 4. That’s a horrifying number.
This is the result of Democrats adopting pro-crime policies. And it’s only going to get worse until they start enforcing the law again.
Noah Andeark says
All the streets are brown, and the sky is grey
Be careful where you walk, especially by the bay
No one’s safe and warm, living in LA
California Dreamin’, has met its dying day
Apologies to the Mamas and the Papas
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, those numbers are very high. Both half the people having been robbed, and a quarter assaulted. Food for thought.
Jeff Bargholz says
San Jose may be even worse than nearby San Francisco when it comes to casual crime. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve had my things burglarized and my cars vandalized. I can count how may cars I’ve had stolen, though; two in six years. I’d never had a car stolen in my life till I moved here. I never did get them back. Burglars even steal luggage here. I’ve had four pieces stolen over time. Who steals a suitcase? How can a guy afford a plane ticket if he can’t even afford a suitcase?
At least I haven’t been mugged at gunpoint or had a knife pulled on me so I guess I live in a safe area compared to San Fransicko.
I did have a some lowlife who was loitering downtown spit out some insult the other day. Maybe that counts. He looked like a Norteno on parole and had a problem with MY face? He looked like a guy you wouldn’t want around women and children. He didn’t back up his smart mouth but maybe I’m lucky because he was probably armed.
I think most of America is F’ed. Even if you can afford groceries, gas and electricity, the government may take everything you have if some random, insane, Dirtbagocrat derelict doesn’t steal it first.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, if you look like you are in good physical shape the street lowlifes will generally wait for a weaker victim.
Anyone who parks on the street or nearby in the SF Bay Area is liable to have their car broken into, even to go through the glove compartment and steal one’s papers. If the car is stolen, usually it gets trashed so hopefully the insurance company will write it off and give full reimbursement.
Of course you know all that, just saying off the top of my head 🙂
Yeah, never leave luggage visible in a car. A friend of my Mom who was a massage therapist and was visiting to help Mom recover after surgery or something had her car broken into and her massage table stolen (looked like a suitcase). I felt sad and depressed over that, for the lady’s sake.
Jeff Bargholz says
A f’ing massage table! Holy crap! That’s way worse than my story. I shouldn’t laugh at yours but I did. Sorry. Your friend needed that thing for her livelihood. It’s a sad tale. Not Dickens sad, but at least as bad as my luggage.
Don’t get mad but I recently met a chick with a titanic black ass with a crack so deep her shorts disappeared who said she was a prostitute who used “massage therapist” as a legal way to ply her trade. At least she was honest, With me, at that time, anyway. I talked her into a freebie so hopefully I won’t end up with some free STDs. If you saw her, you wouldn’t be able to resist, either. No man with a beating heart could.
And yeah, I think the street hoods do pick guys who appear weak to bully but in my case I think it was resentment the other night because anybody can see I’m not weak. He didn’t look like a physical pussy but he was a tuna fish dripping one when it came to character and resolve. After the insults I hurled at him, I think most guys would start swinging but he didn’t. I should’ve started swinging but life is full of little disappointments, eh?
San Jose sucks, though. Maybe San Fransicko is worse but that isn’t saying much. That would be like saying getting crabs or gonorrhea isn’t as bad as getting full blown AIDS up your butt.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, I always thought San Jose was too hot and San Francisco too cold 🙂
I never talk back to street hoods. I remember one hispanic looking guy smoking some kind of dope with a group along the bay shore gave me a real hard look once. He looked crazy enough to attack me so I broke eye contact and kept walking to get out of there. I don’t know what kind of dope those guys smoke, probably not just grass.
Another black/mulatto guy approached me at the neighborhood ATM once, just after Obama got elected. I was in good physical shape then. He said “The KKK police can’t protect you any more (since Obama was now President)” but I just looked at him and he backed away.
The illegal immigrant fisherman at the fishing pier had monstrously big knives. I didn’t dare mess with them even though they seemed scared of me.
Cal Ven says
I moved to S.J. in ’64. It was a great city back then. Us kids could ride our bikes anywhere we wanted, play till dark. Great schools without the indoctrination. Homosexuals were in the closet. Life was good. Years later, when the leftists took over S.J. went into the toilet. Then moved to Ventura County for 40 years. Great Red county when I moved there 4 decades ago. Once again, the leftists took it over. Now the place is a crime ridden blue county. Democrats are the wrecking ball on America. (Now I’m in a red state, but the cock roaches are fast in their quest to screw this state up also.)
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, leftists are like human locusts, They despoil whatever area they live in and move on to despoil other areas. They’re too stupid to realize they’re fleeing the filth they created and are attracted to the prosperity created by normal people.
I truly hate them.
CowboyUp says
I saw an interesting article this week where a SF Next poll said 40% of the population plans to move out of the city within the next 3 years, including 54% of the 18-34 year olds. Between April of ’20 and July of ’21, 20% of the 25 to 29 year olds left the city. 70% surveyed said that things probably wouldn’t improve in the next three years, and 75% said the city was unlikely to even make changes to improve conditions within 2 years.
The number one problem cited was Homelessness, then public safety, followed by housing affordability. Oddly enough, 60% said racism is a factor, if not the factor in why problems can’t be solved in the city. SanFran is one of the wokest most ‘progressive’ cities in the country, not a hotbed of “white supremacy,” so I wonder what the rest of the story is on that? The article didn’t say what kind of racism, or if it’s in the government, the population, both, or what kind of racism they’re talking about.
That’s a lot of people bailing, and planning to bail, especially among the young to middle-aged. Sounds like mostly the people early enough in their careers to not be stuck there. The city will be left with mostly homeless, criminals, older people, and the elderly, the latter two being the easiest targets of criminals. Wonder how long before it starts becoming “urban farmland,” like Detroit, and the infrastructure starts collapsing from lack of revenue to maintain it. That last could already be happening, with leftist spending priorities alone.
Horace Yo says
The surge in crime represents standard-by the book communist-socialist-Democrat strategy to seize dictatorial power over everyone. Democrats blame crime on lack of “equity” and “racism”. When crime reaches a high enough level the Democrats claim to be able to stop it by passing laws and making regulations removing all Constitutional protections from everyone and establish your typical Soviet or Chinese communist style dictatorship. That’s the main reason why crime is exploding. The Communist Chinese have bought themselves some Democrats – a lot of Democrats besides Obama and the Bidens. The Dem leadership act like communists. The traditional Democrats are so hidebound that they will continue to vote Democrat no matter what, even though most of them haven’t a clue what’s going on because they live in a sealed propaganda bubblel. Predictably It has now reached the point where it doesn’t matter who votes which way because the dictatorship controls the election count. Their hero Stalin said so. Once communists take power they will never willingly give it up.
Justin Swingle says
San Fran patrol special officer rips Pelosi’s inaction over BLACK crime surge: She doesn’t care
Justin Swingle says
Among the 25 largest U.S. cities, San Francisco has had the highest
property-crime rate in four of the most recent six years for which
data is available, bucking the long-term national decline in such
crimes that began in the 1990s. Property crimes declined in San
Francisco during the first year of the pandemic, but rose 13% in
2021. Burglaries in the city are at their highest levels since the mid
1990s. There were 20,663 thefts from vehicles last year—almost 57
a day—a 39% increase from the prior year, although still below the
record of 31,398 in 2017, according to the police. Zusha Elinson
Mickey says
Still doing the Black and white capitalization thing, huh?
Michael Mostofsky says
You get the govt you want. Its called voting.
Bob says
I lived in San Francisco for fifteen years. It was a nice part of town with a spectacular view of the bay. I pared our car in a locked garage. Several times a year the car was broken into during the night. It became a regular event. I would just go call the glass repair company and have another cup of tea. By noon, the car was repaired and I continued to work. Walking along Post, I would have to zigzag around drugged up zombies and be careful not to step on a needle or pile of shit. The homeless sometimes walked into Safeway to the isle with the toilet paper. They would proceed to take a dump in the middle of the isle and use the toilet paper on the shelf. I left San Francisco years ago. It has not gotten better since.
Jeff Bargholz says
The derelicts take dumps right in the store isles? Shit, maybe San Jose is nicer than I thought.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, leftists are like human locusts, They despoil whatever area they live in and move on to despoil other areas. They’re too stupid to realize they’re fleeing the filth they created and are attracted to the prosperity created by normal people.
I truly hate them.
Stephen Triesch says
Democrats support all of these policies which increase crime and social decay – eliminating cash bail, early release of violent prisoners, non-enforcement of property crime, legalization of public drug use – yet lying Joe Biden says it is MAGA Republicans who support lawlessness.