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Hamas jihadis and their supporters are out in force on the streets of Gaza, celebrating the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal as a massive victory for the jihad terrorist group over Israel and the United States. And they have ample reason to believe that the deal is indeed a victory for them.
Donald Trump, however, disagrees. The incoming president is enthusiastic about the deal, writing on Truth Social: “This EPIC ceasefire agreement could have only happened as a result of our Historic Victory in November, as it signaled to the entire World that my Administration would seek Peace and negotiate deals to ensure the safety of all Americans, and our Allies. I am thrilled American and Israeli hostages will be returning home to be reunited with their families and loved ones.” Old Joe Biden’s State Department talking head Matthew Miller agreed, saying: “When it comes to the involvement of President-elect Trump’s team, it’s been absolutely critical in getting this deal over the line.”
That was an uncharacteristic display of generosity from Miller and the Biden regime, and don’t think for a nanosecond that regime wonks have suddenly become appreciative of Trump and his team, and willing to acknowledge when they’ve done something good. Miller’s giving credit to the Trump team is an indication that even the Biden regime knows how bad this deal is for Israel and its allies, and for the free world as a whole. The Biden apparatchiks’ happiness to let Trump take credit is almost certainly in view of the day when all this blows up, and Trump will be the one left holding the bag.
How bad is it? It makes a replay, and quite likely more than one replay, of Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023 a very real possibility. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) explains the multistage deal’s “first stage apparently includes withdrawing from northern Gaza – which will be immediately repopulated with a million Gazans and will make it impossible to finish removing Hamas terrorists from these areas, and close to impossible to rescue or militarily pressure Hamas to release the remaining two-thirds of the hostages. Thus, Hamas obtains almost all of what it wants in the first stage!”
ZOA adds that the deal also involves “the release of 50 Palestinian Arab terrorists serving life sentences. These are essentially convicted murderers with Jewish blood on their hands who are likely to murder Jews again.” There are precedents: back in 2011, Israel exchanged 1,027 Palestinian Arab prisoners for one kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Dozens of the freed prisoners returned to jihad terror activity.
On the other hand, Trump is making firm assurances: “With this deal in place, my National Security team, through the efforts of Special Envoy to the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, will continue to work closely with Israel and our Allies to make sure Gaza NEVER again becomes a terrorist safe haven. We will continue promoting PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH throughout the region, as we build upon the momentum of this ceasefire to further expand the Historic Abraham Accords. This is only the beginning of great things to come for America, and indeed, the World!”
Maybe, but Israel was in a position to destroy Hamas once and for all as a viable organization. Instead, its withdrawal from areas in Gaza will allow it to regroup and gather strength. ZOA notes that the deal calls for “Israel’s full withdrawal from the Philadelphi corridor. (Israeli control of Philadelphi is needed to stop smuggling of arms and terrorists into Gaza via Egypt.) This will enable Hamas to survive, regroup and strike again.” (Other reports, however, say that Israel will retain control of a buffer zone in the Philadelphi corridor.)
Fox News reported Wednesday that “the cease-fire will also facilitate significant humanitarian aid to Gaza, with up to 600 trucks of supplies entering daily. By the 22nd day, displaced residents will be allowed to return to northern Gaza.” Nothing wrong with that, right? Wrong. According to ZOA, “Hamas seizes” the humanitarian aid “and sells [it] for huge profits to fund terror.” But surely Israel will carefully inspect the aid shipments and do everything it can to prevent that from happening, right? Nope. Fox notes that “Qatari and Egyptian teams will manage vehicle inspections, while pedestrian crossings will not require checks.” Qatar is a leading supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and harbored Hamas leaders before and after the Oct. 7 massacre. What could possibly go wrong?
Hamas’ Charter calls for the total destruction of Israel and its replacement by a 23rd Arab Muslim state. Nothing in this deal calls for them to renounce or abandon this goal. At best, the deal just kicks the can down the road in exchange for the appearance of peace today. At worst, it empowers the jihadis. Not an auspicious beginning for the second Trump administration.
Nevertheless, there is no doubt whatsoever that if Kamala Harris were about to be inaugurated on Monday, the situation in Gaza and everywhere else would be exponentially worse. Eight years ago I uncorked some champagne on Inauguration Day, and likely will again on Monday.
Whenever Israel agrees to a ceasefire deal all it gets in the end are more rockets and more terrorist killings. Why does Israel keep repeating this time after time?
Because the alternative would be to sacrifice the hostages, and Bibi and most of the Israeli society do not have the guts to do so.
Israel is desperate to get the hostages back. That is why.
I’m very afraid the remaining hostages are coming back in black body bags …. Israel is dealing with demonic savages.
Lot of it is US pressure as well.
Exactly right!
Trump is taking credit for this and it will come around to bite him.
I only hope Netanyahu is smarter and has plans within plans to deal with the coming treachery which WILL happen.
I expect he does. And I expect Trump does too. The complete extermination of Hamas will require a complete regime change in Iran and possibly Qatar as well. Not a simple thing to do. The first hostile action from Hamas will open the door to much stronger retaliation than would occur from a Harris administration. Everyone knows this,
So just why do those Ham A** cowards hide their faces like Antifa bottom Feeders do?
This sounds like indue influence from tiffanys father in law
Caroline Glick – in an interview with Victor Davis Hanson on JNS
yesterday – said that the hostage deal put Israel in a situation
where they cannot win against Hamas. It is a lousy deal and she
is correct.
VDH also said that Trump wanted an immediate deal for “optics”
meaning he wants to show America and the world that he is strong
like President Reagan and able to get the hostages released.
Jonathan Tobin, editor of Jewish News Syndicate, said the same thing.
IF Trump wanted to send a message via optics, I’m more inclined to
think it was to convey to the American people that Islamic terrorists
better watch their step now that he is in command – especially in
light of the recent New Orleans jihad attack and that Biden has allowed
terrorists to cross our border with impunity.
President Trump did many things in his first term to support Israel and
kick Islamic terrorist ass, including the use of the MOAB. Ms. Glick
should take heart and tell herself that pursuant to the hostage deal,
“Israel cannot win against Hamas For Now” – and that Trump will
prove to be a friend to Israel again.
Stay tuned. MAGA!
It didn’t take long for Trump to knife Israel in the back. We didn’t realize his “hell to pay” threats were actually directed at Israel, not Hamas.
Israel is a punching bag for American presidents. They can’t control most things, but they can bully Israel. All presidents want a Middle East peace prize. And it comes at Israel’s expense.
All of Israel’s recent military operations are down the drain.
No way to spin it. Trump handed Hamas a big victory.
That’s the takeaway from this gigantic debacle. The ability of Israel to commit suicide inches away from total victory is legendary at this point.
Israel will pay a heavy price for resurrecting Hamas, and nobody can say it won’t be deserved:
“You were given a choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, you’ll have war” (W. Churchill)
This was Sleepy giving away the store to guarantee Trump couldn’t be compared to Reagan.
Hamas knew the hammer was coming, so they milked the current village idiot for everything they knew they could squeeze.
Hamas knew Sleepy’s incompetence if on a time-line.
Back in 2021, Sleepy hastily abandoned Afghanistan pursuing a historic “I ended the 20 year war” headline.
His desperation to have his speech on 9/11 wrough a dumpster fire on an apocalyptic scale.
Hamas knew Biden would “give-it-away-now” if in another frantic hurry . . . and so he did.
The two goals of the Gaza war – saving the hostages and removing the Hamas from power – were irreconciable at the first place. It was either save the hostages or destroy Hamas completely, and the Israeli leadership and society do not have what it takes for the former.
I don’t think you are giving Netenahu and Trump enough credit, if the Abraham Accords can be extended that will be great for the world. Biden and his cronies will try to take the credit and will be given the Knob Hell peace prize rather than Trump but who cares about that anymore?
The conflict had to end sooner or later, and it was always going to end this way.
The so-called “Abraham Accords” is a disgusting deal in itself: a deal with a pinnacle of the Wahhabi islam and the nation which arranged the 9/11/2001 attack!
True but there is not one nation in Arabia with clean hands. To paraphrase an old saying, ‘talk talk is better than shoot shoot.”
Looks like the TDSers and the Jew/Israel Haters are out in force today. Hey folks the deal is already falling apart and you look like idiots.
Let’s hope that rushed deal does indeed fall apart.
That garbage was hurriedly pieced together to give Sleepy a favorable headline – nothing more.
(Hence, ceding miles for an inch was again employed as Biden’s main negotiating tactic.)
Hasn’t Israel’s parliament refused to accept the deal, so far?
It would appear at 7:45 AM here on the East Coast that the deal has been paused by Bibi. Also some detail has been released. The first action is to release 9 Israelis for 110 terrorists that had been sentenced to life in prison, in other words, 110 terrorists/murderers.
That’s to be expected, but one of my main concerns is, exactly how many of the 100 or so hostages are still alive? Maybe Netanyahu has those same concerns.
The only real victory for Israel is the total depopulation and annexation of GAZA.
But that’s not a realistic outcome.
So, Israel should annex and depopulate HALF of GAZA, build a big beautiful wall, and leave. The hostages are dead. Sorry. BUT the war there cannot continue in perpetuity. Half is better than nothing.
My thoughts:
Gaza should be declared uninhabitable because the terror tunnels have made it so.
Until all the terror tunnels are destroyed and every building that served as camouflage for these tunnels is destroyed, there can be no “day after”; and only then will Gaza be habitable. Furthermore, only Israel has the exclusive right and moral responsibility to keep a “day after” Gaza terror free. Trump should acknowledge this.
It will take Israel many years to destroy the tunnels that protect Hamas, secrete hostages, store weapons and communication systems. To get rid of hornets, you get rid of the hornets’ nest. Demolish this Gazan nest of tunnels that ensures Hamas’ survival. Trump’s deal is a release of terrorists, of hornets, not hostages, keeping the nest in tact.
Clearly, America wields the greatest power and influence, for good and for bad, in the world. Rather than making deals with terrorists against Israel, Trump should use this power to help Israel clean out the underground terror structure that runs under all of Gaza by demanding the humanitarian resettlement of all Gazans into Syria and Qatar and Egypt and wherever else, so that Israel can do this. Then all humanitarian aid can be redirected to the Gazans in the countries where they will go, instead of to the terrorists. When terrorists then begin to flee the tunnels and other hiding places, the remaining hostages alive in Gaza will have a chance to get out of captivity; and the dead hostages will be found.
If there is to be no more bloodshed, then this is what must be done, so that people who are not terrorists don’t die. This necessary life saving exodus can be accomplished within days.
And then, after the no man’s land of Gaza is totally terror tunnel free, then it can be populated. Who exactly will live there will become clear as future history will unfold.
This is the only deal that can stop terror. It’s the sort of deal that can only be made between America and Israel.
Trump should demand the humanitarian exodus of all Gazans by designating lands of humanitarian refuge, starting on January 20th, so that the total terror cleanup of Gaza can begin. No released terrorists should be allowed back into Gaza, or Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria. The IDF can then totally demolish all physical traces of terror in empty Gaza. Doing that will take years, but they will be peaceful, terror free years with no threats of terror from Gaza.
It seems to me to be the only way.
Even to my pea brain, it looks like complete lunacy to think Hamas, and their ilk, are going to just going to give up on their “river to the sea” mentality. To cite your analogy, hornets will never be your friend. Israel should take complete control of Gaza and scatter the hornets, those that survive, to the wind. I would like to think this pussyfooting around as if there is some peaceful resolution is a slight of hand, so to speak, to disguise what really needs to and will be done.
“Eliminate the Roots of the Tree that bares rotten Fruit!” sc
NO LASTING PEACE will ever exist when The Mullahs of Iran are in power! They are those roots, and all the terrorist groups are their proxies! Why mess with the proxies then?
Is this what Trump means? For over forty years, the world watched itself burn and yet they were too afraid to go after the source. “We don’t want to get them Mad!” So… Muslims are free to do whatever, whenever, wherever, knowing that if someone does take action, they’ll set the entire world on fire.
BEWARE OF THE SLEEPER CELLS WAITING FOR THE ALARM TO RING! Don’t worry though, the FBI knows who they are but they’ll wait till the flames destroy everything before taking action, and when they do, the Muslims, ACLU, their supporters, will claim it’s profiling and it’s Islamophobic! “NO TOUCHING! NO TOUCHING!” They back off in fear of getting sued by the ACLU and even fired!
Let’s not forget the worst thing that could happen. Being called Islamophobic. Oh, the horror!
What Westerners and many others seem unable to understand AT ALL is how this is viewed by Hamas/Gaza and the greater Middle East. ANY CONCESSIONS to these marauders of evil is viewed as victory and furthers their jihad against Israel and our Jewish people.
Getting the hostages back with the release of Hamas prisoners sends the same bleeping message: We will fight you, but if you take hostages eventually you’ll get what you want from us and live to murder us another day!
Does ANYONE care about the IDF soldiers we have buried and the unending grief and loss for those who love them? Was their ultimate sacrifice considered insignificant in comparison with the hostages?
My heart is completely broken; a western mindset will never be victorious over these tribal barbarians! They understand strength and power anything else is simply factored as weakness to be exploited to achieve their ultimate goals….from the river to the sea.
If you dry up the source of terror, Iran, then everyone will know that you mean business. Terrorists were born for destruction. because they are psychotic. They should never get a stronghold again in Gaza. Israel is in a tough position. They love their hostages, and the terrorists have possession of them. Releasing Hamas terrorists will cost many more Israeli lives. If you didn’t respect Bibi’s position with all of these variables, then you are missing the point I cannot imagine the pressure on the Israeli government being forced to deal with homicidal maniacs that have control of the beloved hostages of Israel.
It appears that only total annihilation of Hamas is the only solution, considering their responsibility for the slaughter of October 7. Any organization that has such violent tendencies toward older adults, women and children should be irradicated immediately. Reminds me of a story where a man discovered a frozen snake, and he took the snake into his warm home because he wanted to save it. The snake thawed out and then bit him. The man said, “why did you bite me”? The snake answered, “because I am a snake”.
Trump just gave Israel a royal screwing. But he had to do it.
Trump had to win the election. If he lost, he might face prison in the NY felony case. So he was literally fighting for his life .,
So he cut a deal with the Arabs in Michigan to force Israel out of Gaza.. And he is honoring it.
It’s terrible. But it’s just a deal for Trump. Israel paid the price. And it’s a bad one. All of Israel’s sacrifices in Gaza are down the drain.
Unfortunately, Hamas is only a symptom. Islam is the cancer that needs to be cured. In their own ‘holy book’ they say multiple times that killing infidels is righteous and their duty.
“And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than ki l li ng.” Quran 2:191-193
“O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. -Quran 5:54
Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme – 8:39
“Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. – 2:191
Hamas would celebrate that fraudulent “ceasefire agreement ” For any kind “ceasefire agreement” with Hamas is a hoax because it’s really nothing but a way for Hamas to stall for time to receive additional deadly weapons of destruction sent to that murderous jihad terror entity, Hamas, from Iran , so that the jihadist chiefs of Hamas will also have further time to scheme future jihad attacks into the State of Israel murdering her people.
We may all be sure that those top dogs of Hamas do have every intention to carry through with their schemed future Islamic terrorist attacks.
The jihadist chiefs of Hamas will only abide by the terms of that “ceasefire agreement” only a long as it will suite them and no longer. For those top dogs of Hamas and their Muslim terrorist stooges of that horrendously evil jihad entity have no honor.
What I heard from SCOTT RITTER and others is the deal is about freeing 1000 Palestinians in exchangefor 30 Israeli soldiers.
Here is where I disagree with Spencer:
1. Of the 200 and so Israelis taken 50 were Israeli SOLDIERS and PARAMILITARY. They were not civilians. Under the rules of war they are NOT and I repeat not HOSTAGES.
They are PRISONERS of WAR. POWs. The others are hostages. And so they were legitimate targets,but not the others.
2, It seems the majority of the 1,000 Palestinians to be released were NEVER charged with any crime. So that makes them what?
If you are arrested on no reason in the West Bank ,put in jail for 6 months,then it is made another 6 months and NO evidence is shown for a conviction,then you are a HOSTAGE.
I know that 50 of the Palestinians to be released with the deal have been convicted of crimes.
I am not sure but hope one of them is MARWAN BARGHOUTI.
Have you heard of the OSLO Peace Accords? He and YOSSI BEILIN, Israeli, were the negotiators and real creators of it.
Bargouti has ALWAYS been against killing civilians but in favor of revolt.All the polls in the West Bank consistently show he is more popular than Hamas And he has been on Hamas’ short list of people to be freed.
In 2002 he was captured by the Israelis and sentenced to prison for life for supposedly killing 5 civilians.A lie and YOSSI BEILIN,who is an important political figure in Israel,has contacts for real information, has always affirmed Bargouti is INNOCENT. And says Barghouti is his FRIEND. So have other experts.
UN international law says an occupied people,like in the West Bank have the RIGHT to military revolt.
The one who gave the information for the capture of Barghouti is HASSAN MOSSAB YOUSEF,son of one of the 7 founders of Hamas. Either he was lied by the Israelis that Bargouti was guilty or paid. He worked as a spy for Israel for 10 years.Later went to the US where he wrote a first autobiography
and LIED to his readers saying he had converted to Christianity. In his second autobiography he says his conversion was false,a lie. He also publicly gives permission to Israel to literally KILL his own father,even though his father has spent like 20 or 30 YEARS in an Israeli jail.
There is something weird about Evangelical Christian apologists regarding Jesus and Mosaic Law.
In MATTHEW 7:11 Jesus rejects the ORAL LAW as being the ”traditions of men”.
NONE of the other Jewish groups accepted that the Oral Law was the Word of God except for the group called Pharisees.
1. The Saduceans
The Samaritans were half-Jewish and accepted the WRITTEN law,Pentateuch as the Word of God and worshipped Yahweh but rejected the Oral Law.
The FALASHAS were maybe 50,000,the Jews of Ethiopia,isolated from other Jews,and when discovered had NO knowledge of an Oral Law.
It is that the Oral Law ( finally written down as the MISHNAH around 200 AD ) was a forgery. The Pharisees claimed that around 1,400 BC God had given to Moses two laws. The 613 commandments of Mosaic Law in the Pentateuch plus
a large number of commands to be transmitted only orally.It was mainstream Judaism till the 19th century.
The other two branches of today’s Judaism,CONSERVATIVE and REFORM,also reject the Oral Law.
NO Christian accepts the Oral Law is the Word of God yet they never say it publicly. That according to them for almost 2,000 years almost the only Judaism that existed accepted a FORGERY (Oral Law) as the word of God. That the Jews added a forgery to the Bible,equivalent to MORMONISM.
They accept the Bible plus an EXTRA book,the Book of Mormon as being the literal Word of God. All the Evangelical apologists denounce the Book of Mormon as false, but are silent about the Oral Law.
so much for ” all hell will break loose ” the only hell that should be applied is that gaza should be emptied of all civilians , leaving only terrorists . then it should be carpet bombed to ash and left in that state as a memorial to all the israelis that gave their lives for nothing . meanwhile all the murderers will be on the streets to do it all again . popping up in the endless tunnels built by the west and the next gaza that is judea and samaria . israel is hated no matter what they agree too , carpet bombing will give the world something to truly hate .