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Mahmoud al-Zahar is the chief political guide of Hamas. He doesn’t mince words about the goal of terror group. It’s not just to destroy Israel and to replace it with a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.” It’s not just about killing every last Jew on the planet. No, the fanatical True Believers of Hamas aim at nothing less than creating a world where Islam dominates everywhere, and everywhere, Muslims rule. Daniel Greenfield discussed this here, and here is more about what al-Zahar said less than a year ago: “WATCH: Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander,” by Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Jerusalem Post, October 9, 2023:
Footage of senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar calling for world domination has resurfaced online.
“We believe in what our Prophet Muhammad said: “Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake, and I have seen its eastern and western ends. The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me,” Zahar said in the video that was published on MEMRI TV in December of 2022.
“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity and no killings and crimes like those being committed against the Palestinians, and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries, in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and other countries,” he said.
What does that mean? In this brave new world ruled by and for Muslims, there will be no place for Israel, but no place, either, for America, or France, or the U.K., or Italy, or Germany, or India, or Brazil. The entire planet will fall under the reign of Islam. One vast Dar al-Islam will cover the globe, and apparently there will not even be room for the most cringing of dhimmis to exist, making Al-Zahar’s hallucinatory goal far worse for non-Muslims than what they have heretofore endured under Muslim rule. They will no longer have the possibility of surviving as dhimmis, no matter how wretched; their only alternatives will be immediate conversion or death. In the glorious Islamic future that Al-Zahar is certain will come, there will be no place for other religions. There will be “no Zionism [i.e. Judaism]” and “no treacherous Christianity.”
To repeat: Mahmoud Al-Zahar, one of the co-founders of Hamas in 1987, and the most senior Hamas official still living in Gaza, has a goal that should alarm all non-Muslims. That goal, to repeat, is this:
“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.”
When Israeli troops finally enter Gaza to wipe out Hamas, they will be wiping out people who have fun as they decapitate babies and children, burn families alive in their houses, rape and murder young girls whose bodies they gleefully display on the back of trucks, posting photographs of an elderly lady’s corpse on Facebook so her relatives can see. The mutilations of bodies — the pulling out of entrails, the eyes gouged out, the genitals cut of and pushed into the mouths of the dead — these things Hamas has done, but the Israellis who saw the evidence haven’t been able to bring themselves to discuss publicly. This is Hamas, intent on removing from the earth all Jews and Christians, leaving the entire world to those whom Oriana Fallaci contemptuously described as the “sons of Allah.”
The next time a Hamas spokesman, his voice breaking with feigned despair at those terrible Israelis who for no reason at all are dropping bombs in Gaza, explains on radio or television that Hamas only wants to “free our people from the open-air prison we have been living in for more than 50 years,” be ready to remind him, and the too-gullible members of his audience, what Hamas’ co-founder set out just last December as the terror group’s objectives. That should provide a salutary shock for those who until now have been unaware of what Hamas intends to do, and what jihad means, and why, alas, that worldwide jihad will never end.
Time has come to pull out of the United Nations and moved it all to Moscow or Bejing just get it off American Soil we can turn the UN facility into a Homeless Shelter
Dennis H. says
Get the U.S. out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S.! – John Birch Society
puzzled says
Uri Bejski was a Jew in “SCHINDLER’S LIST”…………..THE BOOK, but not in the Spielberg movie.
………….WHY?_________He was the Jew in charge of all the hidden “assault weapons” that SCHINDLER got for the Jews to take up arms against the SOCIALIST NAZIS, should they try to kill SCHINDLER’s JEWS.
………….This is how weak the Jews of the USA are.
Annie45 says
Hey, al-Zahara. Right back at you, you POS. Those who worship the true God
and who love freedom are already coating their bullets and blades with pig
Even if our corrupt government would not protect us from sadistic Muslim
hordes, our strategizing brains – unlike your one-note aggressive/submissive
ones – will allow many of us to outwit you and escape. Until we rise up again
to put you under the soles of our shoes in the dirt where you belong.
So you’re gonna need a bigger goat. To ride out on and try to escape. Now
go back to hiding among your own women and children human shields.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
I’m with her.
He direly needs some of his own medicine. It is past time. But then so do the leftists and rinos here.
Thomas E. Warwick says
That also includes the DhimmiCrats.
chrisveenendaal says
Yes, we wait for you to come, and we will lead your armies in a trap.
Finally, when you r trapped, our western daughters and wifes will Finnish you off, so you know, you will never reach paradise.
You know when you r finished of by a woman, you will go to hell.
JmjUSA says
In the past this would awaken the west…today, its just “give us your personal pronouns” & lmnop+…
The good news? Under Islam all of THAT will end!
Hannah Katz says
Curious who the Islamic warriors will be allowed to rape if everyone, including every woman, is a Muslim. Something tells me these chaps would not be content in a world with no battles to fight.
Bob S says
They would fight amongst themselves. Remember, there are Shia and Sunni sects..
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
they would fight to the death over the last sheep available.
Snuffy Carter says
the UN must send in PETA to protect the sheep
Barbara says
Look how they kept their promises as to how the Afghan people would treated. Enslaved in their own country, no education, especially for the women. No medical treatment for women.
Snuffy Carter says
and they will rape little muslim boys if no Israeli women are available.
Owie says
There’s camels for that.
Eva says
They’ll just kill each other. Yahoo!!!
dani says
they’re pretty good at slaughtering each other when there are no infidels around.
RS says
There is a good reason why Iran barred the UN inspectors from its nuclear sites. The world waits and watches, and the results could be catastrophic for the world. Nobody wins in an intended nuclear war.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
VDH thinks they’ll have a nuke in a couple months or so.
If we have two carrier groups there complete with their deep lurking nuke submarines, IF Iran makes a move, now would be the time to set their nuke program back some decades.
Sword of The Spirit says
But what about this ? >> “Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.
2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
3 Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
Zechariah 14:1-3
RS says
Yes, God’s plans were written thousands of years ago and are now being fufilled.
Zechariah 12. 1-3 The Oracle of the Word of the Lord concerning Israel: Thus declares the Lord, who stretched out the heavens and of man within him: Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah.
On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves.
Walter Sieruk says
What that Hamas chief said along with authorized Islamic literature. Then added Bible based information also taken into account and yet not to going into detail and that state that this is a theory of Bible prophecy and not a complete prophecy fact. This is what might happen. This awful and terrible conflict in the twenty -first century is part of the war between the Judo- Christian West and the Islamic East. The Mahdi will arise in the Middle East he will appear a wonderful man too many people, in reality he will be wicked man and will be so very deceitful and lying to he will seem, very much, like a good righteous and rightly guided man who will make a short and false “peace” in the Middle East. The Mahdi with have a partner who will be the false “jesus” of Islam. This Islamic ”jesus” will give Christian’s a choice , which is convert to Islam or die by beheading, this is the Koranic way to killing non-Muslims, as in 47:4. Those vicious murders of Christians in the future are predicted in the Bible. As seen in Revelation 20:4.
Furthermore in Israel the Mahdi “shall divide the land” Daniel 11:39. [K.J.V.] between the Jews and Muslims and the Mahdi will also by many deceiving lying signs and wonders, will unify Shi ‘ite and Sunni Islam together common goal destroying the State of Israel ,once and for all. The Mahdi will then take the all the military force of Islam with Satanic intention of totally destroying the Jewish State, one and for all. The when the Second Coming of real Jesus will occur .This is at the Battle of Armageddon where the final and complete defeat of the Mahdi, along with false ”jesus,” and his Islamic military forces. After the great Victory there will be then the total destruction of Islam. As found in the Bible in, for example, Ezekiel chapter 37 and 38. Zechariah Chapter 12 and then 14:9-21 well as in Revelation 19:11-21.
There is an Christian Arab pastor ,Michael Youssef who had written two well researched and informative books about the Islamic messiah called the Mahdi the are END TIMES AND THE SECRET OF THE MAHDI also the book entitled JESUS , JIHAD AND PEACE Furthermore, another Christian author on the topic of the Mahdi and prophecy is other than pastor Youssef is Joel Richardson who wrote THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST :THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT THE NATURE OF THE BEAST and the other book entitled THE MIDEAST BEAST : THE SCRIPTURAL CASE FOR THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST.
Walter Sieruk says
The jihadists who belong to the different terror Islamic terror /murder organizations may well be scheming for the conquering of all nations for a worldwide dominance of Islam with its Sharia.
Nevertheless, that Islamic daydream and fantasy that they have will come to nothing in the end.
As the Bible in Proverbs, 10:28 reads The hope of the righteous will be gladness, but the expectation of the wicked will perish. [N.K.J.V.]
Furthermore, all the Muslims who are jihadists of all those Islamic terror entities joining the forces to take over the world for Islam will not only fail in that Islamic goal but they not get away with their united actions and schemes with impunity.
For the Bible informs its reader “Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 11:21.
Tony Rice says
It is about time the world realises that Israel is as the canary in the coal mine.
VOWG says
We know what Islam is and we refuse to recognize it. There is no where to go without realizing the enemy is Islam.
p38ace says
First Hamas will kill the Jews, then the Sunnis, the the Wahabists, then the Sufi, then the Buddhist, the Taliban, and eventually the Christians. They are coming for everyone
Anne-Marie says
It’s the head of that poisonous snake that we need to annihilate, once and for all.
Jello says
Hmmm. Ismail Haniyeh. Yahya Sinwar. Mohammed Deif. Marwan Issa. Khaled Meshaal. Mahmoud Zahar. These are the top Hamas leaders and they ALL live in Quatar. They are ALL filthy rich. Hey, isn’t Quatar supposed to be a frenemy of ours? Might it not be useful to tell them we will withdraw all funding if they don’t expell Hamas leadership and force them to live in Gaza where we can take them out more easily?
Eva says
Or drop a fat man on quatar.
Brian Rockford says
US business helps Qatar with oil development & defense.
rmt says
Don’t think China is on board with this agenda.
Cat says
An aside: Can anyone explain the comment time stamp here? I wonder where this comment program operates out of. i am moderated a lot. I am keeping some sleepy review guy in business, `I guess.
If we had a military or other leaders of any merit, they would have already stepped up. They didn’t. We are on our own.
We can pretend we are voting Republican to try to get Trump in. But after that, why pretend anymore we support something called “ Republicans” ?
Democrats are the Hamas party. I cant say what the rest of those inside traders are exactly. Just short term looters and grifters grabbing what they can from the carcass of America. .
WhiteHunter says
When a madman is holding a knife to your throat, or pointing a pistol in your face as he snarls, “I’m going to kill you!” believe him. But by then, it’s too late.
Recognize the obvious, lethal danger in advance, at a safe distance, as he comes toward you snarling his threats, and neutralize it before allowing him to get that close.
Andrew Blackadder says
islamism is the new nazism.
George says
Yes except it’s been that since AD 632.
Degüello says
The results of a society for generations fond of marrying first cousins and reproducing from such unions is not pretty.
Ray Cedor Jr. says
Imagine, if you can, that the Palestinian people had freed their minds of centuries of collective indoctrination and thought, actually thought, about their present situation. Were they to do so, it might dawn on them that the guiding principle of their Arab and Persian “benefactors” vis-a-vis their existence has always been “population expendable.” They might then realize that their only salvation lies in repudiating the homicidal and suicidal doctrines of Islamist psychopaths intent on butchering the infidels and becoming Israel’s willing partner in peace and prosperity. Miracles happen. I wouldn’t hold my breath, however, waiting for this epiphany to occur (ref.