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American soldiers are headed to Gaza.
They’re not there to fight Islamic terrorists, but to secure the disastrous Biden deal that saved Hamas by monitoring and inspecting the Gazans traveling across the ‘Netzarim corridor’.
One of the companies is UG Solutions founded by a former Special Forces veteran which hires US military vets to provide security. Hiring veterans as contractors became a common practice during the War on Terror because it allowed politicians to avoid accountability for US casualties.
Hundreds of Americans were killed working as contractors in Iraq including, in one of the most infamous incidents in the war, when four ex-Special Forces contractors working for Blackwater had their bodies dragged through the streets, were beaten, hacked and hung from a bridge while the Arab Muslim mobs of men, women and children cheered. The scene played out again in Benghazi when two former Navy SEALS working as CIA contractors were murdered.
How soon until it plays out in Gaza?
Bringing in veterans as contractors has been a longtime way to disguise ‘boots on the ground.’ But the men in those boots are still veterans who believe they’re serving their country. And when they die, it’s Americans dying to carry out the policies of their Commander in Chief.
Gaza is every bit as dangerous as Fallujah, Iraq or Benghazi, Libya. One American soldier already died in Biden’s futile pier aid delivery effort. This will be far more risky.
In 2003, Islamic terrorists bombed an American diplomatic convoy in Gaza, killing three security contractors, John Branchizio, Mark Parsons and John Martin Linde Jr. Branchizio was a former Navy SEAL, Linde, an ex-Marine and Parson’s family sued the Palestinian Authority which freed the terrorist killers of the three men. Sadly, nothing was learned from their murders.
Reportedly the ex-military and CIA operatives are already there and planning operations.
No matter how they’re disguised, American boots are back on the ground and the lives of American soldiers are being risked in a nation building project to create a terror state.
As Front Page Magazine already reported, the UN is estimating that it will take $50 billion to rebuild Gaza with an estimated completion date of 2040. And it’s already set to put armed Americans on the ground to secure a nation building operation that is doomed to fail.
So why are we doing it all over again?
The Biden administration rolled Steve Witkoff, Trump’s envoy, into signing off on their deal to save Hamas and by Phase 3, begin building a ‘Palestinian’ state paid for and protected by us.
Witkoff admitted to FOX News that he had done nothing but agree to the Biden administration’s May 27 protocol, had nothing to do with “the mathematics behind the prisoner release and the hostage release” and all he had done was to “speed up the process” by pressuring Israel into making every possible concession to Hamas. By getting Trump to accept the Biden deal, Witkoff and his allies in the Trump transition team, some of whom are associated with the pro-Iran Koch network, had also bound Trump to a comprehensive nation-building project that would force him to spend his whole second term rebuilding Gaza and put ex-soldiers on the ground to secure it.
At an event, President Trump has correctly said that he is “not confident” that the ceasefire will hold, described Gaza as “a massive demolition site” and said that it would need to be “rebuilt in a different way”.
“Beautiful things could be done over there, fantastic things,” he suggested. And asked if he’ll help rebuild Gaza, Trump answered “I might.”
And that would be a catastrophic mistake.
America should not be in the business of nation-building in Gaza or anywhere in the Muslim world.
President Trump is right to be skeptical. And he was right when he said that, “You certainly can’t have the people that were there. Most of them are dead. But they didn’t exactly run it well. They run viciously and badly. You can’t have that.” But the deal foisted on him by Biden, Qatar, Witkoff and his Koch network allies does just that. It saves Hamas and puts the terrorists back in power.
Any rebuilding will be to the benefit of Hamas. And will put millions into the pockets of Islamic terrorists just the way that our reconstruction projects in Afghanistan financed the Taliban.
And having US vets risking their lives to inspect terrorists moving around Gaza is senseless.
The Israelis have shown that they are more than capable of controlling the Netzarim corridor and securing Gaza. They don’t need us to do it for them. Hamas and its allies need that. And once Americans are on the ground, they’ll attack us to regain control of the zones in Gaza.
The Biden trap for the Trump administration will have us spending blood and treasure in Gaza.
Our people will have the thankless job of replacing the Israelis to keep them away from Hamas. Not only won’t Hamas thank us for it, the terrorists will set traps for us, accuse us of attacking them, and then attack us. Just like it already happened in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We’ll be there to enable a ‘technocratic’ unity front government negotiated by Hamas and the PLO under the aegis of Communist China and Russia at meetings in Beijing and Moscow.
Biden personnel have trapped the Trump administration into nation-building one more time.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. The Trump administration can exit the Biden deal and the sooner we do it, the easier it will be. Not a single American has to die and not a single dollar should be spent on nation-building in Gaza. And won’t be if we exit the Biden deal.
No one in the Trump administration or the conservative movement should take ownership of the Biden deal. That’s falling into a trap that will task them with the blame for the deal when it falls apart. Witkoff admitted what we already knew. It was the Biden deal. It should end with him.
By exiting the deal, President Trump can demonstrate once again that America is no longer in the nation-building business: that we will not squander blood and treasure for globalist agendas.
The Israelis do not need us or want us in Gaza. All they want is a free hand to finish off the terrorists. And when they do that, it will be one more global problem we don’t have to deal with.
The U.S. should have no ‘boots’ or ‘sneakers’ on the ground. After the murders of John Branchizio, Mark Parsons and John Martin Linde Jr, not one more American should die for Gaza. We don’t need to rebuild Gaza, inspect it or try to teach its people about democracy.
Let’s leave Gaza. Leave the Biden deal with Hamas. And leave ‘Palestinian’ nation-building to those countries stupid enough to think that what failed since the early 90s will work now.
Here we Come here comes Armagedon to appease the Devils and Demons in the United Nations
No way in Hell is President Trump going to rebuild Gaza and help Hamas found a terrorist state as a two state “solution.” Of course he’s going to leave the “deal” to Jihadi Joe. He has repeatedly said he won’t get America involved in any wars and I notice the guy always keeps his word.
It isn’t even a war for Israel, like all the morons say it is. It’s just a jihadi terrorist extermination mission.
Trump invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to the White House and he’ll reportedly be there in a week or so. I don’t imagine they’re going to discuss ways to build up jihad terrorist infrastructure. Trump will no doubt wish Netanyahu happy hunting.
Most flawed article I have ever seen. Witkoff, a long time friend, fellow developer, and golf buddy of Trump was carrying out Trump’s agenda in forcing Netanyahu to do this terrible deal.
Thanks Daniel !!!!! I found that “deal” quite perplexing (still do 🙂
“the UN is estimating that it will take $50 billion to rebuild Gaza”
The UN is licking their chops. A 15 year ripoff that America will buy into. And the money will be stolen.
Trump needs to dump this beyond stupid project.
It was Witkoff who agreed to the release of 2000 Arab Terrorists from Israeli prisons in exchange for barely a dozen actually living Israeli Hostages. With the rest of the Hostages to be released as corpses ! And now we learn the deal involves AMERICAN TROOPS ON THE GROUND to provide Security and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS from US Taxpayers to REBUILD GAZA and REWARD the “Palestinians” with yet another Two State Solution??? When Pres Trump just promised 80 million of his voters NO MORE FOREVER WARS ?? NO MoreNation Building? NO, Trump needs a good NAP and Witkoff needs to be fired! MAGA will not be sucked into this debacle in a million years. America is done with being forced to protect or fight for people who hate us! . Our own citizens in North Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, Ohio, Florida and Hawaii have lost everything including their own homes to monster hurricanes and we need to help them any way we can. It’s America First now. Sorry. Not sorry.
Thank you Daniel! This is just what I’ve been saying all along, and Trump is now talking about cleaning out Gaza. There should be no Gaza strip, None at all. There never was a Palestinian people, state, culture or language, Those calling themselves that do so for political reasons only, and they are just Arab Muslims obsessed with wiping Israel off the map. Instead Gaza should be wiped off the map and that land should by Israel only, inhabited only by Israelis. Oct 7th is what land for peace has gotten Israel. I must never be allowed to happen again.
Nation-building for terrorists on US tax-payers dime is treason.
Trump should just say no to the Biden deal and substitute his own.
If Hamas doesn’t like it let the IDF handle it.
I prefer PRESIDENT TRUMP’S idea to simply RETURN the gazans to their HOME Nations! Spread them out and let the others enjoy the “enrichment” and then bulldoze everything and start over with Israel’s REGAINED territory!
Exceptional artical, Daniel Greenfield! Thanks again for the informative!
US Army veterans = perfect hostage material.
President Trump needs to clean out the Koch element in his party
The Qatar influence is a danger to the entire ME
They follow the Wanabi style of the 7century
Why do we, the US, even consider it our obligation to do anything that perpetuates the murderous zealots that call themselves Palestinians? Where are the oil rich nations, right next door, that share the same ideology? Why aren’t they involved in this farce of re-building Gaza for Hamas to do what they have proven they can only do, murder Jews? Why haven’t they and Iran and Egypt stepped up to offer sanctuary to these poor victims of Israeli terrorism? We all know why and who can blame them.
So along comes the stupid Americans who think hoisting billions of dollars on this shithole is going to solve a problem that has no solution other than the total eradication of Hamas and everyone like them. This American “hold my beer” attitude is about as stupid as it gets. There is no deal to be made. There isn’t enough money on the planet to “fix” Gaza. It seems the Israelis are the only ones that know this is a kill or be killed situation. They will play along with the retarded American foreign policy games knowing they will fail. They always fail. Then after all the efforts to “fix” Gaza fail, at the cost of billions of US dollars and who knows how much blood, we can do it all over again. Forrest Gump nailed it: “Stupid is as stupid does.”. One can only hope Trump knows more than he’s letting on and knows there is only one effective solution. And it’s not appeasement.
So well said. Bravo! Every generation of my family has served since the Revolution, including my two brothers and our Marine Colonel cousin who lost his life as an “Advisor” in Vietnam in 1963 . My husband was 101st Airborne called up for the Cuban Missile Crisis for some reason….but my sons and grandsons and great grandsons ? Not so much. And it’s no surprise to me not one of the 11 has signed up. Over 20 years of forever wars has had a definite effect. Someone should tell the Military Industrial Complex.
Do what I say or I’ll kill you :::
That’s Islamic for “Democracy”