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For a while there it looked as though my semi-annual long weekend in Amsterdam would come to naught. Several days of massive snowfall made travel impossible in our part of Norway and closed down Oslo Airport for most of a day. Thanks to the snow, the usually reliable bus to Oslo pulled into the station a couple of hours behind schedule; and the airport express trains, which are never so much as a minute late, were delayed by an hour or so.
There was one surprise on the express train. In every car, they have these big video screens on which they give you a couple of the latest headlines, current temperatures in major European cities, stock market news, and flight departure times. Somewhere in there, there’s always an ad – invariably innocuous, instantly forgettable. Not this time. The ad – big blood-red letters on black backgrounds – was placed by Doctors without Borders, and it demanded an end to the “genocide” in Gaza.
Having allowed plenty of time because of the chaos, I got to the airport several hours early. I killed part of the time watching a couple of new YouTube videos in which the U.K. podcaster Konstantin Kisin interviewed participants in a pro-Palestinian rally in London. It wasn’t a particularly dense crowd, and it consisted mostly of young English people. They carried signs, distributed by the Socialist Workers Party, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and demanding that Palestine be free “from the river to the sea.”
A brief, polite questioning by Kisin established that they didn’t know what that meant, and that none of them really knew much of anything, for that matter, about Islam or Israel or the history of the Middle East. They’d spent four years learning that white is bad, darker shades good. They had yet to discover that there was more in heaven and earth than was dreamt of in the lyrics to “Imagine” and “Give Peace a Chance.”
Still, they were good-natured, not at all aggressive in their exchanges with Kisin. They truly thought they were standing up for a virtuous cause.
I flew to Amsterdam. I was still inside Central Station when I heard the shouting. Stepping outside, I saw a solid wall of people marching toward me from my right. Hastening toward the tram platform, I just missed being slammed into by this mass of humanity. I had to duck to keep from getting tangled in a Palestinian flag.
Once on the platform, I turned to watch the protesters. The people Kisin interviewed had been individuals. This tightly packed horde wasn’t a group of individuals. It was a single large organism that seemed to speak with a single voice. No, not a voice. A howl.
Why was I surprised by this display? It was in this very city, 26 years ago this month, that I found myself living in a neighborhood – some distance removed from the areas frequented by tourists – where men with long beards and women in hijabs, the latter almost invariably pregnant and pushing a crib or stroller, promenaded down the sidewalks, trailed by several small kids about a year apart in age.
When you tried to meet these people’s eyes they’d give you a look. It was a “stay away” look. Sometimes, in the women’s eyes, there was fear. And often, in the men’s eyes, there was something absolutely chilling – a rage, a contempt, an inhuman something that seemed beyond all reason.
They were there, but not there; in the West, but not of it. And not remotely trying to be.
These people seemed especially out of place in Amsterdam. Centuries ago, when the Mediterranean-centered Middle Ages gave way to the Northern Europe-centered modern West, Amsterdam was its nerve center – a veritable beacon of Enlightenment values. In the late twentieth century, Amsterdam, and the Netherlands generally, was still a byword for freedom and tolerance.
And nothing could be more foreign to the Dutch character than the look in those men’s eyes.
I realized immediately that something was going on in Amsterdam that no one had ever told me about. And I realized that other cities in Europe must be in the same boat. Why, after all, would Amsterdam be an exception?
I realized one more thing. I realized that this wasn’t good news. I knew little about Islam back then, but I knew enough to know that I needed to know more. I ran to the main library, which was then located on the Prinsengracht – the same canal on which Anne Frank lived. (Back then, the Internet wasn’t the kind of resource it is now.) I found a couple of books that confirmed my guess – yes, Europe was indeed being Islamized. But the authors of these books sought to paint it as a good thing. One of them claimed that Islam would supply Europe with the spiritual dimension that it was losing. Somehow I knew instantly that this was a crock.
Waiting for my tram outside Amsterdam Central Station the other day, I thought of October 7. Taking in the spectacle of that immense, growling creature as it passed me by, bedecked with Palestinian flags and placards and banners, I could all too easily imagine it streaming across that little bridge into the city proper, breaking up into smaller groups, and smashing into people’s homes.
All those narrow townhouses along the canals, I mused, would be no match for such an assailant. I thought of all those high first-floor windows, through which passersby could view incredibly tidy living rooms, the walls almost always lined with books. On precious few of those windows, I reflected, was there ever a grating – something, anything, to protect the people inside. No, they’d all be sitting ducks. A few thrown rocks, the sound of glass shattering, the sight of young male bodies clambering up to the ledges and diving in. And from inside, screams of horror.
That’s what I saw in that mob outside Central Station. Not a bunch of naive European kids fretting about innocent children in Gaza. No, this was an alien force, barbaric, savage, that had begun to pass through the gates of the West decades ago and that, all that time, had been growing steadily in size and confidence. It was an army whose seventh-century scriptures told them that the world was theirs to conquer. And an army that, in the last few months, has grasped the opportunity to assert its power – and to make it as clear as day that what happened in Israel on October 7 can and will happen here, too.
Their incompatibility is deliberate, absolute and completely irreversible.
The human species would be best served by the extirpation of the persuasion.
We can start with domestic expulsion. They’ve already murdered three thousand of us, on one September morning.
Why are we waiting? Every fertile Islamic ovum in the American hemisphere is a seed of our destruction, and in a future not at all distant but imminent.
Islamists operate on a different moral/ethical level. They put evil for good, dark for light because of a “reversal of morality” against the Judaeo/Christian ethic.
Kipling put it, “Oh East is East and West is West and ner’ the twain shall meet, until earth and sky stand presently before God’s great judgment seat.” (my paraphrase)
Because the left believes they’re a guaranteed voting block and don’t understand they won’t be spared when they are outraged by an Israeli flag, burning Qur’an or even just an announcement women shouldn’t be required to cover their hair and form a rage mob raping, burning, looting and murdering as they go. It’s not like they stopped and asked if the kids at the music festival were Jewish or Israeli on 10/7. It was enough to know they weren’t Muslim and so it will go with Americans. They won’t care which side of the aisle you sit on when they attack.
And for the sake of the world — we must do something about our elections and our border or America will be the same as the fears painted here for Amsterdam.
The West has no will to resist, because they have been taught that their values are not worth fighting for.
Much of the problem is the ignorance of our elites.
…and/or the complicity of the elites.
That’s exactly right. But all this multicultural s*** has made people afraid to express their faith, unless they’re Moslem, Hindu, or Buddhist. No, the expression of any Judeo-Christian faith is attacked and denigrated. Is it any wonder why the Western world has become degenerate and debauched. Whoever thought threesomes, transgenderism, and ho mo s e uality would become normalized?
“Political Correctness”
The West has no will to resist, because people no longer believe the truth that God has in fact revealed, and they have no conviction that all that contradicts that truth must be suppressed.
“Civilizational fatigue,” as Douglas Murray describes it.
Allan Bloom in “The Closing of the American Mind” wrote of how young people, brought up in relative high standard of living and affluence were more willing to throw it all away so as to prove to the “establishment” that they weren’t tied to such old stodgy things. (paraphrased)
It’s “teenage rebellion” gone berserk.
Brilliant man. I hope he runs for PM one day.
That’s why homes should be armed.
Powerful and frightening account but 100% believable. This will be true in America as our country’s administration hasn’t learned a thing from this European experiment.. They ARE coming by the millions and will be here but not of here; they won’t try to be.
The question is why haven’t we started s h ooting? What country, historically, would sit back and be overrun with immigrants?
Overrun with invaders.
Overrun with a fifth column
That’s the conundrum. What is it Americans are more afraid of?
Defending themselves.
Allowing the enemy inside.
…. overrun by illegal aliens …..
Obama and the Clintons and Biden and all the woke leftists and the elite ruling class/oligarchs love it.
What these pro-Palestinian protesters need to get into that blank space between their ears is that Hamas buggered Gaza for the Palestinians.
“One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere of this planet to burst into the northern one. But not as friends. Because they will burst in to conquer, and they will conquer by populating it with their children. Victory will come to us from the wombs of our women.” 1974, Algerian President Houari Boumedienne in a speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations
There is no doubt that if the Democrats remain in power, the day will come when Islamist terrorists conduct widespread attacks across the United States. That may well be the Democratic leadership’s intent, given that it would be the perfect excuse to declare nationwide Martial Law. Indeed, that may happen before the Nov. election.
Yet if terrorist attacks do not start up before the election, they shall find that an armed American public is an entirely different kettle of fish than the disarmed Europeans.
Must keep this quote to add to Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speec hand also “The Camp of the Saints” novel…..
Reading this article is like being mesmerized by flames leaping and
crackling in a fireplace. Then realizing sparks are escaping from the
grate and being powerless to contain them and the inferno they will
ignite. Mr. Bawer’s words are that riveting.
And real. The monstrous force of Islam that has presently coalesced
into a rampaging monster of Palestinian protestors in Amsterdam and
Europe – is laying siege to America as well. They have stormed and
defiled the White House gates – unlawfully and violently demonstrated
in the Capitol building – attempted to stop the huge and annual
Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting – seriously disrupted N.Y.C.
transit hubs – and are still going strong. And most Americans will
realize too late that it is Islam itself that is assaulting them.
Will a country that is allowing an overrun by millions of unvetted young
men into its land – with resultant violent crime already rearing its ugly
head – really bother to stop them from escalating home invasions,
including Oct 7-type jihadist ones? What happened to Israel Oct. 7
can and will happen to the Dutch and the rest of Europe and to
America as well. There is nothing to indicate otherwise.
I asked ChatGPT if America’s enemies, (that the AI actually listed as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea) would use the open borders and millions of illegal immigrants to send military-aged males to infiltrate this country for covert sabotage etc.
ChatGPT said “immigration is a very complex issue” and discrimination is wrong.
Unfortunately, it’s goodbye Europe as we have known it. The rise of an ugly uncivilization is already too far advanced and well-populated.
I think Euros let waves of Muslims in as a token of rejection of their nazi past.
The irony of it. The leader of the “Palestinians” The Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini (Arafat’s uncle) spent WW II in Nazi Germany making propaganda broadcasts in Arabic on Radio Berlin, organizing a Muslim SS Unit in Bosnia, and exhorting Hitler and Himmler (who were impressed by his blond hair and blue eyes as well as his virulent Judeophobia) to murder Jews with greater dispatch and to extend the “Final Solution” to the Middle East under his leadership.
Back in the 1990s Yasser Arafat visited Amsterdam on a “state visit” to the Netherlands and visited the Anne Frank House and Museum (which later forced a Jewish employee to remove a Magen David pendant that “triggered” Muslims). The Palestinian media was concurrently claiming Anne Frank’x diary was a forgery. The Western new media was too candyass to point any of this out- it would spoil the “peace process” that began with Oslo and ended with October 7th.
Excellent description of the Muslim onslaught waiting to happen here.
Americans should start howling. Now.
This is what happens when you leave Torah. The basic Biblical idea is “that you go on” to learn more, to love more, and to correct flaws in your thinking and your character. There is only one measure by which to gauge human progress, and that is the Torah. Christianity’s self- inflicted wound is the idea that you can select the statutes that you want, and reject the rest. If the Bible teaches anything, it proclaims that Gods Law is a living, organic Whole. The vitality of early Christianity was drawn from biblical Judaism, but as it moved out into pagan cultures, syncretic compromise began to choke off the flow of the divine Authority that made it great. That spiritual inheritance has been “wasted on riotous living”, the bank account is empty, and the checks are bouncing. Hence, we see weak, effete men, watching, helpless, as their daughters and their homelands are ravaged by ‘brute beasts’, on a mission from their god, to rape and plunder. There will either be a wholesale return to Biblical Faith, and it’s concomitant virtues and firepower, or the entire world will go down into the pit. There is no other possibility short of the direct intervention of God Himself.
I would agree with a lot of what you say, if you only distinguished between nominal Christianity, a.k.a. cheap grace (which is the sort that operates the ethical pick’n’mix counter) and committed Christians, who are in relationship with a God Who still speaks and still expects obedience. Some of the specifics of Torah address the forms of idolatry that were around at the time of the Exodus – if it were being written now, Leviticus 18 would be twice as long, because of all the new sexual deviations that people have dreamed up in the intervening period.
John 14:22-24 NOV
22 Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”
23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.”
We don’t want Hamas or their Sharia Laws tell them to GO HOME
I saw that look in the eyes of a little Somali grandmother at a super-market. She was dragging a small boy of three or so up and down the aisles shopping with grim determination. The boy complained or disobeyed – nothing much – and she began beating him HARD on his back and shoulders with her closed fist. When some ordinary shoppers finally got the nerve to shout at her to stop she looked around with pure hatred and disgust and went on for a few more blows and hobbled off dragging the boy who looked back at us with the same hatred in his eyes.
I’ve had enough of Hamas killing of Israelis. The anti-Semitic left with their toadies and sycophants can whine all they want about the death of Gazan civilians. It’s really about Jew hatred. They don’t care anymore about the civilian deaths any more than I do. I have no problem with cleansing Gaza of Hamas even if it means killing innocents of which there are very few. After all, their schools teach the hatred of Jews to their children who soak it up like a sponge.
People who read ure Robt Spencer’s Jihad Watch—learn everything U need 2 know!
I was back in east London last week, white people are a very small minority there and most of London is the same. It’s a shite hole now.
… Shiite hole or Sunni hole? …
Inquiring minds want to know …
Americans must realize that Islam itself is a depraved psychopathic murderous ideology that is specifically
designed ideologically to create berserk irrational followers.
Depraved, psychopathic, murderous, enslaving, and berserk best describe Islam and anti-Semitism.
The best and only way to deal with Islam and its psychopathic followers it is to literally crush it,
just as German Nazism and Japanese militarism were
crushed during and after WW2.
The ‘sons’ of Ishmael have begun what they believe to be their ‘Final Jihad’, their ‘global conqust” and from here on, everything goes downhill as they begin to exert their barbaric cult of ‘convert or die’.
Sure am happy Jesus is coming to ‘fetch His bride’ and take us outa before the Isamic sh-t really hits the fan”. As the man said, ‘you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet’ !!!
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus……………<
Rev. Roy………….<
This whole Invasion is the UN,DNC,CFR Etc. approved Invasion of America
It MAY not be too late to rectify the HUGE MISTAKES made by allowing them into civilized Nations – maybe! REMOVING them will be nothing short of a war – probably one they are well prepared for! I hope it doesn’t come to that , but allowing their ideology to persist is NOT reasonable in a civilized Nation!
My understanding is that they are incredibly ignorant. If it came to war, they no doubt have the hate but they don’t have the skills, smarts, or weapons.
I knew Amsterdam in the early 1970s, I knew London in the late 1960s and boy am I glad I did as neither are anything like they were back in those crazy days as a new kind of insanity has taken over where we see daily the current Useful Idiot Generation marching alongside young muslims in support without knowing that these young muslims are merely using them for the useful idiots they all are.
Out here in Wyoming we don’t see these howling mobs. Of course, we don’t see much of anyone else, either. Would it come to pass that the howling mob attempted any such free expression recounted here it likely would be to block a snow plow or a coal train or maybe, Allah help them, even a lone pickup. The first two could not stop and the last would only to reload. Safe so far.
I appreciated the Hamlet reference! Also: “Taking in the spectacle of that immense, growling creature as it passed me by, bedecked with Palestinian flags and placards and banners” — great metaphor and imagery. Frightening content, but proportionately so.