The arrest of two young men in Marion, Iowa for vandalism has caught the attention of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
ABC affiliate KCRG showed images of swastikas spray-painted on several windows. The letters “KKK” were also reported to have been spray-painted. Despite this, there seems to have been no ideological motive for the two 19-year-olds’ actions. Indeed, the Marion police are not charging the two with any kind of hate crime, and made the following statement.
While hate speech and racist graffiti are vile and despicable, they do not constitute a [hate] crime unless other factors are present. That includes targeting a specific person or group.
News anchor Nicole Agee tells us that “the nation’s largest civil rights organization” (yes, you read that correctly) is “not buying that.”
We then CAIR’s Deputy Director, Edward Ahmed Mitchell, saying:
If vandalizing property and causing thousands of dollars in damage while spray-painting Nazi swastikas does not constitute a hate crime under Iowa law, Iowa law needs to change.
Besides telling us that CAIR is “the nation’s largest civil rights organization,” KCRG gives no explanation of who this group is or on what basis it can dictate terms to the state of Iowa. In fact, one has the impression that KCRG considers reporting CAIR’s statement to be a righteous act.
But here yet again, there is no explanation of why CAIR is getting involved in something that has nothing to do with Muslims or Islam. However, to those paying attention to the broader context of CAIR’s nationwide TV news appearances, the answer is clear.
CAIR is getting involved because the vandals are white. And CAIR has taken it upon themselves to be the scourge of white people in America.
One more time:
- CAIR hates white people.
- CAIR reps talk about how much they hate them.
- Well over 90% of the people CAIR attacks on TV are white.
- There are over 100 examples of their televised attacks, which have been going on for almost six years.
TV stations are complicit in all this.
- Here is KCRG giving voice to CAIR’s nominal executive director, Miriam Amir. I say nominal because the CAIR’s Iowa branch doesn’t seem to have a website. But Ms. Amir is also an official of the Muslim American Society, the chief arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
- Here is CAIR’s National Communications Director defending the virulently anti-white, anti-American 1619 Project on a KCRG broadcast.
If the targeting of an individual or a group constitutes a hate crime, then CAIR must be considered a serial hate criminal which is given support by the mainstream media.
This is the first CAIR TV attack this month and the 29th of the year.
In time for Halloween, the message is that CAIR will continue to gain social capital, prestige, and legitimacy until it succeeds in changing the laws of Iowa and the country. CAIR will achieve their goal unless people begin to oppose its efforts.
“Third teen arrested, charged in July burglary, vandalism case in Marion,” KCRG, October 28, 2022:
MARION, Iowa (KCRG) – A third teen has been arrested and charged for his alleged participation in a series of burglaries and vandalism in July.
Police on Friday said they arrested 18-year-old Koda Holst, from Cedar Rapids….
Police also arrested Gary Jacobsen III, 19, of Cedar Rapids, and Zane Wilcox-Thomas, 19, of Marion, on Wednesday in connection to the crimes….
In a press release, police said some of the graffiti included swastika symbols, the words “I am a Nazi,” and “KKK.” The total damage is estimated at more than $10,000….
“This matter was thoroughly investigated to determine if a hate crime was committed but no evidence was uncovered to support hate crime allegations or warrant the filing of additional charges,” police said in a press release.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization urged prosecutors to review the case again to determine whether hate crime charges can be brought against the suspects.
Just who is paying them who is supporting them who is behind this all?
The FBI while investigating Hunter’s Lap top.
How the islamo-nazi alliance has gone to islamo-black alliance?
What’s the common factor?
Islamists would make alliance with any criminal/terrorist to advance their world domination agenda. That is who islamists really are, criminals and terrorists since day one. They just call their murderous gang a religion and get away with it all.
one thing we know about the swastika painters is that they’re dyslexic. I guess not surprised that none of the dyslexic journos noticed.
They were painted from inside
Check the Nazi insignia…they are backward and incorrect. It is the symbol of the American Indian’s. Not any hate group unless you want to call the Indian’s a hate group!
I suspect the hate group CAIR did this display as a sympathy grab for their cause. Politically motivated? Paul Pelosi with his gay psycho friend David… the dems think everyone is that dumb…..