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In days of yore, a broken clock was right twice a day. As we live in a digital age, the adage carries no more weight. A broken clock, or more likely a smart watch or phone with no battery, shows absolutely nothing and is never right. One could generally say the same thing about The New York Times. The self-declared paper of record has become a leftwing propaganda sheet. Just as Julius Streicher’s Der Sturmer served the needs of the Nazi party, so too the most famous fish wrap in the world simply presents every supposedly objective article and of course opinion piece as the official position of the Democratic Party, the World Economic Forum, or the billionaire class that want to rule the world. The open border is good! Eat bugs! Drive electric cars! A man can be a woman!
With the above in mind, it was quite a surprise to see there a long article detailing cases of rape and sexual violence by Hamas terrorists and their civilian partners. The Times goes into detail regarding specific attacks, locations, eyewitness and post-pogrom medical reports. One has to wonder why the Times would publish an article that a) supports Israel’s contention of widespread sexual violence in the 10/7 massacre and b) goes against progressives who have chosen from the first day to identify with Hamas and downplay any claims of mass rape. About 30 years ago, one would have attributed the detailed report to “journalism”, something that the Times used to practice long ago. But one has to remember that only three years ago, a mere opinion piece by Senator Tom Cotton led to an internal revolt in the newsroom and the firing of a senior editor who had the chutzpah to let someone express an Officially Unapproved Opinion in the paper. Now, maybe there was once again an internal war between ostensible feminists who have run out of excuses for not supporting Israeli women raped, murdered, or taken into captivity and the mindless lefty drones who support anything that can weaken and destroy Israel. Even if such a battle took place, one has to wonder how the feminists won.
The article does not necessarily add any new information regarding the events in the south of Israel. It did though go into horrific detail: women raped and set on fire; women raped and shot through their private parts; women raped and “butchered”; women gang-raped and killed for sport. The Times gives horrific detail from eyewitnesses, videos, and after-death studies. They claim that there are three survivors of the sexual assaults who are all too traumatized to speak to anyone from the press. Those involved in the macabre rape and murder spree were both terrorists and civilians. They laughed and smiled as they defiled and murdered young Israeli women and mothers. A captured Islamic Jihad terrorist admitted during questioning that his cell was involved in the rape and murder of Israeli women on 10/7. The article describes a woman found in one of the overrun kibbuztim with “dozens of nails” driven into her thighs and private parts. Any comments, Rashida Tlaib?
While I do not expect the Times exposé to change anything with respect to protests and marches in favor of the barbaric murderers, the report from the left’s preeminent propaganda sheet does make it harder for the many individuals and organizations that have claimed that there is no real evidence (where are the videos?!) for mass sexual violence to continue with their arguments. The UN women’s organizations completely ignored the mass rape and murder of Jewesses for as long as they could simply because Jews don’t count. What can they do now? The times, locations, and individuals involved have been described in detail—how will those on the left continue to ignore the behavior of Palestinians and still try to pretend to have any semblance of integrity?
And this brings us to choosing sides. Let’s compare the Palestinians (all of them) to the IDF.
*Palestinians gang-raped and murdered numerous Israeli women, including young mothers; the IDF has not been accused of raping anyone in Gaza.
*Palestinians beheaded soldiers and babies; the IDF has only stripped down captives to make sure that they do not have bombs strapped on them. Then the terrorists are taken to jail where they get three square meals and interrogation.
*Palestinians murdered entire families, children in front of their parents, parents in front of their children; the IDF has never targeted civilians and the thousands of civilians killed are human shields employed by Hamas. The IDF does not target civilians, period.
A few years ago, a soldier shot a wounded Palestinian terrorist in Hebron. He claimed that the Palestinian in question was attempting to harm other soldiers. Based on the testimonies of others, it was clear that the terrorist was not threatening anyone and that the soldier in question apparently wanted to avenge a friend who had been shot by the terrorist. The soldier was given a full trial and eventually sent to jail.
Neither the IDF nor Jews (including this author) are perfect. But we, like Christians in the West, know that there is behavior that is so base, so disgusting, and so far from any form of humanity, that it would be an insult to animals to call it “animalistic”. In performing unspeakably brutal acts on unarmed and nonthreatening women, children, and elderly Jews and non-Jews, Hamas terrorists have removed themselves from any relationship with humanity. Maybe “only” 3,000 people participated in the orgy of murder and destruction, but 72 percent of their brethren support what they did. Those in the West can no longer pretend that it was “resistance”, “decolonization”, or fighting off “settlers”. And The New York Times, of all sources, has now shown that.
Islamic Hamas are cowards period.
“ the IDF has never targeted civilians and the thousands of civilians killed are human shields employed by Hamas.”
Thousands of civilians? Did you get the numbers from Hamas?
The irony is not the depths of evil to which humanity can sink, but that the NYT reported it. I would love to know how that story wend its way through the newsroom and onto the page.
Thank you for writing this piece, Mr. Greenfield. I never read the NYT, but I imagine you must pollute your brain daily to connect the dots for those of us who are spared the torture.
Forgive me, I thought Mr. Greenfield wrote this article.
The rape is used as a weapon of war.
Only by barbarians. I don’t think there has ever been a case in which a member of the IDF has raped a Palestinian.
Islam uses rape as a recruiting tool. Attacking others for loot and slaves is the “fighter’s” pay. They are told those killed in war go to the eternal cathouse.
Presently, I am re-reading Nonie Darwish’s fascinating/enlightening book from 2006 “Now They Call Me Infidel.” The honor/shame culture found in so many middle eastern countries (and elsewhere) sounds disturbed, at best, and truly evil, at worst (“honor killings,” for example).
With this article it’s important the completely understand that the systematic sexual violence against Israeli women and girls by the jihadists of Hamas during and after their murderous jihad on October 7th is horrendously vile and heinous to the most evil extent possible.
Those jihadists Hamas by their brutal crimes of torture and rape of young Jewish girls and women have exposed they own vicious misogyny of the demonic evil mindset which is the resort of their religion which is Islam.
Some naïve Westerners who don’t know and understand about the bloody and deadly essence of Islam’s jihad , might be shocked and stop and wonder “Just how can those jihadists of Hamas be so totally unconscionably evil to commit those horrendous sex vile heinous affront and hideous crime, actions ? “
The answer to that question is found in the Bible, which informs its reader that there are some men who are completely horrifically callous heartless and unfeeling because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [K.J.V.]
All rapists should get Life without Parole or be hanged
This is a fluke, and it probably means nothing. Perhaps The New York Times got a lot of cancellations after it printed Hamas propaganda from the Hamas mayor of Gaza on its opinion page. A leopard doesn’t change its spots.
Or …. It was published as a chest thumping by the aggressors and as further shame for the victims.
Many of us in Israel are still wondering how the attackers knew that they had time for such “fun” when under ordinary circumstances the army should have been there within minutes with armored helicopters and maybe slightly later with a large number of heavily armed troops.
The govt. and army are now announcing that they are starting to conduct “internal investigations” of what happened since enough time has passed for people to calm down and get distracted and for the perpetrators to destroy plenty of evidence.