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Hamas, much like Al Qaeda, is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its ambitions are not limited to Israel. It’s a theological movement aimed at the ultimate Islamic religious ambition of conquering and subjugating the world.
Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said on a December 12, 2022 show on Al-Masirah TV (Houthis-Yemen),”when we speak about the Army of Jerusalem and the Battle of the Promise of the Hereafter, we are not talking about liberating our land alone – but we believe in what our Prophet Muhammad said: “‘Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake, and I have seen its eastern and western ends. The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me.'”
“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.”
This isn’t some fringe idea, it’s the fundamental purpose of Islam.
Islamic terrorism is not just directed at Israel. It’s hard to think of any major country that hasn’t suffered Islamic terror attacks. That includes America, India, China, Russia, much of Europe, Canada, Australia, and the list just goes on and on.
Hamas terrorism is not a response to anything Israel did. That’s propaganda. It’s a response to the existence of Israel as a non-Muslim entity.
The war can’t end with any amount of concessions. It can only end with either the destruction of the world or of the Jihad.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent article, thanks Daniel!
I was reading earlier how SIr Richard Burton, already in the 1860s, had the Muslims figured out, by analyzing their languages. For example, there was no concept of gratitude in their language, so it is useless to give them anything or do them any favors, expecting gratitude in return, as they attribute the gift to to Allah, not to you. I knew already theoretically one could make strong inferences like that from the study of languages, but not having a gift for languages (as Burton had) I couldn’t do it myself.
As to virtue, Burton noted that the highest virtues in Somali culture were lying, stealing, and murder (and getting away with it), so it was no use expecting good behavior (in our sense) from them, another reason they are incompatible with our culture.
Jeff Bargholz says
Burton was good with languages, wasn’t he? I think he said he could learn a language in one week.
I had an Aussie friend who was good with languages. He once knew what street lingo two taxi driver punks were using against my wife and his girlfriend. (MY ex wife is a whore-slut-dog-pig so they had her pegged. I didn’t like it though and wanted to kill them.) We chased them all around their taxis. Bitches. They had big mouths but tiny balls.
I was impressed by my friend’s linguistic skills. though. Julian Carter. Great guy.
TruthLaser says
Can’t wait to see the musical.
Noah Andeark says
Ever since the pig-faced dog mohammed shat the koran into the arabian sands following sex with then a meal of his favorite pig, or “Dad” as he called it, muslims have been the bain of human existence (altho’ it’s been said that allahu’s ackbarbarians aren’t actually “human”).
internalexile says
Didn’t Rush used to say that this will only end when someone wins, and someone loses?
Angel Jacob says
Crusades 2.0 is the correct answer.
The free world has the tools, man power and finances to end islam for good. The only thing missing is the will and motivation.
Most people still don’t realize that every non-muslim is a target for elimination by muslims.
Bruce Landesman says
Israel is engaged in a war that can never end. Because humanity cannot defeat evil. One day we pray Hashem will.
And with the Open Borders and unregulated immigration its all part of the UN/CFR,Globalists plans
Fred A. says
This article could not be any plainer, who is the enemy of those who practice their Christian religion. It is Islam. I hope Pope Francis and the European leaders read this article.
cedar9 says
Our political ‘leaders’ all across the globe are making this happen. The muslim can not win this by force. A blood bath here and a blood bath there yes. But not an all out war. They know this . They also know they don’t have to. Civilized countries are awash in the filth of islam with the full concerted effort of the elite globalist.
Alexander Scipio says
With the exception of islam, all other religions find a way to get along with each other. They squabble a bit, but they aren’t yakking about destroying the other. Islam does not, does not want to, and theologically CAN NOT but destroy all others. If everyone gets along with everyone, but no one gets along with islam and islam wants to annihilate the others, then the way to global peace is to annihilate islam. People say “you can’t destroy and ideology.” Really? Run into any Zoroastrians lately? How about Hopi or Aztec gods? Islam needs evaporating, or the West does not believe in itself or its people – it really is that sinmple.
BSinSC says
People who THREATEN everyone like this should be taken at their word and ELIMINATED! Any NATION that espouses the same intent should be returned to the 7th Century! End their ability to communicate with the outside world, eliminate their ability to travel, eliminate them if they escape their “paradises”! It may take a while, but word gets around!
Atikva says
“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.” Yah, sure, keep dreaming, old man – you’ll see the inanity of your mad ramblings from the netherworld that awaits your arrival.
Kasandra says
While he may be dreaming, his co-religionists are busily at their violent work trying to make it happen. They don’t call anywhere Islam is in contact with the non-Islamic world “the bloody borders of Islam” for nothing.
Barackisallahshorse says
No life is wasted – it can always serve as a bad example. Your example will be remembered, death cultist.
Quasimata says
Thank you, sir.
If only the world would wake up to the threat….
No-one wants to believe that anyone could be that single-minded, that barbaric in hating others so much they will kill indiscriminately.
But it’s all there in their book, written plainly.
The book is the blueprint, to them it is the will of their god, it is absolute, and must be obeyed.
You are correct, it isn’t only Israel, it is everyone non-Muslim.
In most European countries, the camel has more than its nose inside the tent; the numbers aren’t quite there in North America, yet.
Canada is overrun with those who are bending over backwards to appease their new “refugees”.
American laws are being used against its citizens to promote Islam, as Muslims enter politics to change the law, both locally and nationally. How many Muslim terrorists have walked over the southern American border?
How many countries in Africa are suffering under Islamic policies?
The “religion of peace” is not a religion, it is a theocracy, with nothing peaceful about it.