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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
How did Hamas, the bloodthirsty jihad terror group in Gaza, perpetrate mayhem and destruction inside Israel on a scale never before seen?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Saturday that “since this morning, the State of Israel is at war.” This was as Hamas fired over two thousand rockets into Israel, and over a hundred Israelis were murdered as jihad terrorists entered Israel and began killing people indiscriminately.
There has never been a Hamas jihad offensive from Gaza of this magnitude. In fact, throughout the history of modern Israel, there has never been anything like this, even when the Jewish state faced jihad coalitions of the neighboring Arab states in major wars in 1948, 1967, and 1973. So how was Hamas able to do it?
For one thing, it was Shabbat in Israel, and the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah. In that, this latest jihad resembles the 1973 war, which was launched on Yom Kippur. The idea in both cases was to catch the Israelis napping and at minimal preparedness, with large numbers of military personnel off for the holiday.
But that was by no means all. There were widespread reports that as Hamas’ relentless rocket barrage began, Israel’s vaunted Iron Dome missile defense system was down. Reports on this so far are sketchy, but if the Islamic Republic of Iran, which as the chief financier of Hamas is clearly behind these attacks, has managed to breach Israeli security and interfere with the functioning of the Iron Dome, the ominous implications cannot be overstated. If Israel cannot manage to get the Iron Dome up and running on a secure basis, the Hamas attacks on Saturday could turn into a larger war that engulfs the entire region, as the Islamic Republic of Iran finally attempts to make good on decades of genocidal rhetoric directed at Israel.
Hamas also took advantage of vulnerabilities in Israel’s defenses. As jihadis screamed “Allahu akbar,” a bulldozer destroyed Israel’s fence at the Gaza border, allowing jihadis to pour into Israel in large numbers. Hamas’ military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, issued a triumphant communique on Telegram:
Under intense missile cover and targeting of the enemy’s command and control systems, the Mujahideen of the Qassam Brigades were able to cross the enemy’s defensive line and carry out a simultaneous coordinated attack on more than 50 sites in the Gaza Division and the southern region of the occupation army, which led to the overthrow of the division’s defense, and our Mujahideen are still They are [sic] fighting heroic battles in 25 locations so far, and the fighting is currently taking place at the “Ra’im” base, the headquarters of the Gaza Division.
It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.
Why wasn’t there a full-fledged wall at the Gaza border? Well, just imagine how the Biden regime, which resumed shoveling millions to the Palestinians after Trump stopped doing so, would have reacted if the Israelis had tried to construct such a thing. They would have denounced it as another “apartheid wall” and demanded that it be dismantled.
The Israeli government, however, could fall as a result of this and certainly bears a great deal of responsibility. Yet here again, the ultimate fault lies with the Biden regime. Ever since Benjamin Netanyahu was reelected prime minister and embarked upon efforts to reform the Israeli judiciary, the Bidenites have been undermining him in every way possible, and have even been accused of funding the massive protests in Israel against the Netanyahu government.
How much of what Hamas was able to get away with on Saturday was the result of the U.S. pressure upon Israel and favoring of the Palestinians, as the American government turned a blind eye to the genocidal jihad rhetoric that permeates the Palestinian areas every day? How distracted was the Israeli government in having to spend the bulk of its time on internal disagreements that the Biden regime had exacerbated instead of paying the necessary attention to national defense?
Old Joe Biden finally shuffled out of bed and issued a pro-Israel statement shortly after 11 a.m. ET on Saturday. It is unlikely, however, that the regime for which he is the bumbling, semi-coherent figurehead will depart from its ordinary practice of urging “restraint” upon Israel and condemning it for a “disproportionate” response once the Jewish state takes even the smallest measures to defend itself.
As I explained here, the Biden regime brought about the current situation. Now it should have the residual decency to get out of the way and let Israel do what it must do in order to survive. But yes, “Biden” and “decency” are two phenomena that have never met, and never will meet.
Sir Peter says
Wars can only be stopped with DISproportionate responses. Fist for fist, knife for knife, bullet for bullet leads to everlasting conflict. To win you have overpower your enemy and destroy his war-fighting ability. This conflict will never end until Hamas, Hezballah and all the rest are exterminated root and branch. By whatever it takes
Mo de Profit says
Terrorism works. It worked for the IRA. It worked for the communists in many countries and it worked for the Islamist dictators after 9/11
What should have happened was a nuke on Mecca but the west capitulated.
Jeff Bargholz says
Mecca AND Medina. Turn them into glass parking lots, as they say.
Chief Mac says
Level Gaza, leave no living being.
johnhenry says
Kill them all, the long, the short and the tall? It’s people like you *MAC* who we need to get rid of, right?
Kynarion Hellenis says
When the violence comes to you, you will scream for a Chief Mac to save you.
virginia macdonald says
Fellow Christians in America and around the world, stand united with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Now and forever. Because we’re next.
johnhenry says
I was supporting the State of Israel as a Jewish homeland when you were still sucking at your mama’s teat.
Matt C. says
I’m all for Israel. But, are they truly the Christian’s, brothers and sisters, in Christ? “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.” Rom. 9:1-2.
DEdwards says
You have a problem with “Kill them all” in this context? That’s pretty rich, considering the Palestinians wrote the annihilation of Israel into their charter, and can think of nothing better to do with their time on earth than dream up ways to slaughter civilians in their beds. When someone has sworn to see you dead, when he keeps swearing that he will kill you, and when he goes to even suicidal lengths to do it, it’s past time to give him what he keeps asking for.
johnhenry says
So sorry D’uh Edwards, you must have me confused with someone who gives a flying eff what you think.
But look, you must be a bit subhuman if you support Big Mac’s desire to kill millions of people. Kurt Waldheim smiles at people like you and him.
Jeff Bargholz says
You terrorist lovers are the ones who need to go. Gaza is a shit hole filled with human filth. The first thing they did with their “independence” was to destroy all the greenhouses and other public amenities the Jews had built. Then the filthy savages promptly contacted Israel and demanded it repair all of them.
Utter scum, just like you.
johnhenry says
I spit on the 12 people (so far) who have upvoted your wish to kill everyone living in Gaza. Figuratively speaking, of course, because they are beneath my contempt.
johnhenry says
In case I wasn;t clear, the 12 people (now 26 as of 21:40 hrs) I refer to are the morlocks who approve of Big Mac’s wish to kill millions of people.
Jeff Bargholz says
Millions in Gaza? Bullshit. Not even close. And they aren’t people, they’re animals. They deserve to be culled.
Jeff Bargholz says
What do you like about Gazans? Their parasitism on Jews who they attempt to murder daily? Their terrorism? Their foul odor? Their stupidity? What is it which attracts you, Megalito?
johnhenry says
Their “foul odor”. ? I should call you a foul mouthed hick but I will refrain from doing so.
If you knew how to read English, you would see that I have never weakened in my support for the State of Israel; but I do vomit when idjits like BIG MAC talk about killing millions of people.
Waldheim and Eichmann smile in Hell when idjits like you and BIG MAC wish for the deaths of millions.
Jeff Bargholz says
There AREN’T millions of “people in “Gaza, you retard. Just a small herd of animals. “Millions,” my ass. Learn to count. Math is easy if you have brain cells.
FUCK all Psuedostinians. They’re like venomous snakes. They deserve to die. They’ve been murdering families and kidnapping teen girls. ON VIDEO. Kill them all all and kill you.
If I ever see you I’ll bust your stupid head open. You think I’m joking but I’m not.
K.F. Smith says
“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.”
No thanks. I have too much love in my heart for my fellow man.
“Hate has no home here. ”
Making Gaza a grave yard for unwanted EVs is far preferable.
“Let’s roll.”
Have a nice day.
CharlieSeattle says
Hamas has been digging tunnels to Israel for decades.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Good. Pre-dug graves.
johnhenry says
“Pre-dug graves” ? Sick.
Go back to the Pelopennese where you belong.
johnhenry says
. . . and the Peloponnese, too.
Jeff Bargholz says
Gaylord. How many ass pumps have you taken today? You like it deep up in ya, don’t you?
Jeff Bargholz says
Go back to a tranny Planned Parenthood abortion clinic were you can be proactively aborted.
johnhenry says
Stick it up your fundament, deary.
Jeff Bargholz says
You love terrorists, do you? Those sick fucks have murdered over 800 Israelis and counting.
You deserve to die.
TruthLaser says
An undefeated and unremoved enemy has to eventually succeed. Given unlimited time and advancing technology against a state which is a fixed target the effectiveness of offense can only increase. It is like solving a math or chess problem with no clock and the help of artificial intelligence. Imagine a chess game in which only one side is allowed to cross the middle of the board. Dynamism and mobility overcome static positions. The US did not win World War 2 with defense. It required killing the enemy, not winning hearts and minds.
ADM64 says
Israel must level Gaza, kill the Hamas leaders, destroy all weapons found. The lesson here is that “mowing the lawn” as the Israelis have called their proportionate responses over the years don’t work.
There is, however, another lesson, which is that a strong state that becomes complacent, or fails to do what it must, while being divided internally, can be surprised in a particularly nasty way. We didn’t learn that lesson on 9-11, as our own have-assed response and 20 years of pointless war proved. It will be worse if a bunch of jihadis smuggle a nuke across the Rio Grande or Iran launches an EMP attack.
Una Salus says
It’s not clear that the war was pointless or that it was conducted in the correct way. What is clear and what the enemy will know is that you lack sufficient resolve for protracted conflict and are psychology unsuited to it. They will know that you are anxious to leave in all engagements and return to what you knew before you were provoked. Your media will always help you out in this regard as it already did constantly does without you even really being aware of it.
TruthLaser above has the rest of it which is equally applicable to our situation although he might not agree with what I have to say.
ADM64 says
Good points – and I agree with what TruthLaser said as well. Our WOT was not pointless in the sense that there was no point in fighting it. My comment referred to the fact that it failed to produce a good outcome and in fact resulted in our own government assuming powers now being directed internally, while our global strategic position worsened.
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re wrong. Most of us Americans are itching to kill islamopithecines, particularly the Iranians.
The Alzheimer Joe regime is an ally of Iran but the public definitely isn’t. If Trump beats the Dirtbagocrat vote cheating and fraud in 2024, he WILL take out the mullahs. Their days are numbered. Even another Dirtbagocrat pretender will be forced to take them out. The public wants those vermin gone.
Annie45 says
Caroline Glick, the Israeli journalist, has addressed a few of the reasons
to be investigated as to why an intelligence failure of such magnitude
occurred – resulting in a collapse of Israel’s ability to defend herself.
She can be viewed on YouTube regarding the Hamas attack.
It seems progressives (that would be the Left- the Communists –
the Globalists – just like here) woke ideas have permeated
the various parts of Israeli society – including politics and their
military. For example, progressives insisted on putting women in
combat and they were part of the front lines fighting the vicious Gaza
Muslims when Hamas attacked.
Israel allowed 18,000 Gazans in to work and the possibility of
some linked to Hamas and consorting with Arab Israeli citizens
for information gathering is very high.
Bruce Bawer, regular FPM contributor, in his article today points
out that Biden gave 6 Billion dollars SIX BILLION to Iran last month –
after extracting a promise from the Iranians that most of it would
be used for humanitarian purposes. Oh, okay. The Islamic Republic
of Iran backs Hamas all the way. And here we are, the very next
month (October), at the end of only the first week and Hamas
has Israel engulfed in a bloodbath.
The progressive Left wants to destroy any advanced, productive
civilized nation – and that includes Israel – to set up their digitally
controlled, one-world tyranny. How much of a cut of the 6 billion
do you suppose the Big Guy got?
Algorithmic Analyst says
A similar intelligence failure happened in 1944, when Hitler’s Ardennes Offensive (Battle of Bulge) caught the Allies by surprise. Because the Allies were too used to relying on information from Ultra, but Ultra didn’t give advance warning of this attack. Because Hitler only communicated information about the attack in other ways, such as verbally.
So I imagine the terrorists didn’t use any electronic means of communication about the attack plan, only verbal communication on a need to know basis.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, we could lose big time.
You’re right that America almost lost the Battle of the Bulge. The Nazi party was evil but it was effective. Only overwhelming military might saved the day. America was powerful at that time.
Not so much now, with trannies and CRT ruling the day.
TomKat Books says
Hamas infiltrated Israeli towns before (and during) the attack.
Does anyone believe, as I do, that jihadists are infiltrating our country through the southern border? After all, most of the recent illegals crashing our borders are military-aged men. We can only imagine what is on their minds.
Jihadists are notorious for repeating a successful attack on the infidels.
RS says
The attack was planned well in advance.
Jeff Bargholz says
I know jihadis are invading our country with the other wetbacks. Why take the trouble to travel to America when it’s so easy to infiltrate Europe and get permanent welfare?
To commit terrorism, of course.
Mark Dunn says
I wonder if some individual, who works for a U.S. defense contractor, didn’t supply the enemy with cyber data, that wrecked the Iron Dome?
Horace Yo says
Yeah, his name is Mohamad Al Jihadi.
Angel Jacob says
Islamists have infiltrated the US government.
The undoing of the islamic terrorists must start there.
Those savages do not belong in any position in any government. The only thing they advocate is empowering of the criminals and terrorists and oppressing the good civilized people.
Do the ordinary people know and understand the importance of this to vote them out? Most don’t.
People won’t wake up until the terrorists and criminals attack them directly, which will be too late.
David Elstrom says
After 50 years of serial terrorism from Gaza, it is well past time for Israel to level the place and redevelop it as Israel waterfront. Otherwise the Islamic terrorists will continue their carnage.
Una Salus says
‘In 2009, Benjamin Netanyahu ran for the post of Prime Minister with the promise of destroying Hamas. But over the years he not only ignored that promise, he developed the idea that he could use Hamas to avoid dealing with the PA’s demand for statehood. Netanyahu rode this tiger for more than a decade, believing he could always manage it. On Shabbat Simchat Torah he was forced to declare that the only solution must be to destroy Hamas.
It would have been much easier in 2009.’
‘Major General (Res.) Itzhak Brik who since 2018 has been a harsh critic of the IDF’s readiness for war in general and a two-front war in particular, told FM103 Sunday morning, following the IDF’s humiliation by Hamas invaders: “Unfortunately, I was right, and I very much hope that I will not be even more right, should a regional war break out and we are not prepared for it, the catastrophe will be hundreds of times greater.”
“Before we proceed to take revenge on Hamas, we need to plan with great care with the assumption that a military operation in Gaza can degenerate into an all-out war on five fronts,” Brik warned, adding, “A regional war may break out as a result of the war in Gaza.”’
Blackdog says
“and they created a desert and called it peace” Tacitus
Algorithmic Analyst says
At minimum, Israel needs a buffer zone inside Gaza. First a fence inside Gaza, then a free-fire zone up to Israeli territory, so anyone crossing the fence into the buffer zone (free-fire zone) can be shot. This theory was worked out in detail during WW1 during the trench warfare between Germany and England/France.
There also need to be quick-reaction forces that can go into the buffer zone if needed.
Mines can be placed in the free-fire zone of course.
Part of the idea was that one couldn’t stop invaders getting through the first fence, but then they would be caught in the free-fire zone and could be killed.
Jeff Bargholz says
Sounds good to me.
RS says
Is it true that the Iron Dome was disarmed, or that there were too many rockets for it to overcome? Many are theorizing that maybe Israel shouldn’t trust the US government, and should change all codes. There are many investigative questions! Why was the CCP spy balloon allowed to cross the entire US?
minnesoter says
God save the great nation of Israel.
jodyel says
He will, eventually.
Matt C. says
God will, after this time of amnesty is withdrawn (the dispensation of the grace of God). The Lord will deliver the “little flock” near the end of Daniel’s 70th week. “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” Rom. 11:26-27. Daniel’s time schedule, however, had been paused after the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7. Instead of returning in wrath then, the Lord dispensed grace to Saul, His bitterest enemy. Hopefully, you have taken advantage of this temporary amnesty God implemented some 2K years ago.
Curt Koenig says
I find it a little hard to believe that US “intelligence” agencies did not see this coming….
and if they did and said nothing it says a lot about our current corrupt regime
Una Salus says
At least the Vatican. is still providing sanity checks.
Jeff Bargholz says
Pope Commie is a buffoon. If the Sandenistas still existed he would join in a heartbeat.