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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
“Joy is canceled,” read the signs wielded by Hamas supporters protesting a Christmas tree lighting at Columbia University. While a student group tried to sing, the terror backers shrieked, “there’s no room for celebration.” And no room for anything except terrorism and hate.
Supporters of the Islamic terrorist group took a special pleasure in attacking Christianity.
Carolers singing “Gloria in excelsis deo” or “Glory to God in the highest” at the Washington Square Park Christmas tree near New York University were shouted down by Muslim and leftist allies shrieking, “Shut it down! Shut it down!”
People have been killed for merely drawing cartoons of Mohammed, but Muslims feel empowered to shout down Christian hymns before Christmas a few miles from Ground Zero.
On the Boston Common, Hamas supporters defaced a nativity scene to read, “Jesus was Palestinian.”
Pro-Hamas rioters attacked the Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting in Manhattan. The Muslim American Society, a Muslim Brotherhood organization (the parent group of Hamas) whose mission is to promote “Islam as a total way of life” and Samidoun, a terrorist front group banned in Israel and Germany, announced plans to “Flood the Tree Lightning for Gaza”.
The ‘Flood’ name was a reference to Al-Aqsa Flood: the Hamas name for the atrocities of Oct 7.
Families were blocked from getting to the annual Christmas tradition as Hamas supporters rioted, assaulted police officers and chanted calls for the destruction of Israel and America.
“I had planned my holiday around this event, being a big fan of Christmas. Now I’m walled in by a bunch of terrorist-loving a–holes calling for intifada,” a British tourist complained.
“How many of y’all would come out on Christmas Day and ruin their Christmas?” Nerdeen Kiswani, the chair of Within Our Lifetime, an organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel, shouted at another New York City hate rally.
“Christmas is canceled,” Fatima Mohammed, a fellow former CUNY law student, yelled.
“No Christmas as usual,” terrorist supporters chanted outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral near Central Park while downtown stores were vandalized with graffiti, “Long live the intifada.”
Hamas supporters went on to rampage against “joy” at Christmas tree lightings around the country. In San Francisco’s Union Square, they threw down Christmas ornaments and planted their terrorist flag atop a Christmas tree. In Ypsilanti, Michigan, terror supporters showed up near a Christmas tree to proclaim that, “America is a terrorist state”.
At Seattle’s annual Christmas tree lighting, they brought a megaphone and chanted calls for the destruction of Israel. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds condemned the “protest in support of Hamas terrorists” during her celebration and Sacramento’s Christmas tree lighting in California’s state capital had to be canceled because of the anticipated pro-terror rallies.
And that is what the terrorists wanted.
“Christmas is canceled,” the Philly Palestine Coalition, which had previously been condemned for targeting a Jewish business, threatened. Two police officers were assaulted during pro-terrorist violence during one of its rallies in Rittenhouse Square.
“No Christmas in a Genocide” a San Francisco terrorist rally declared. The SFPD described how the rioters then “began to commit crimes ranging from assault to felony vandalism.”
A “Shut Christmas Down For Palestine” rally targeted shoppers in London and partially succeeded in shutting down local businesses. A terrorist supporter brandished a genocidal sign reading, “Death to settler colonialism everywhere. Viva Palestina.”
The Hamas supporters seemed to take a special delight in ruining Christmas for kids.
In Bradford, England, they berated children who were taking in a Coca Cola Christmas truck. In an Ottawa mall, terrorist supporters frightened children waiting in line for Santa while in a Toronto mall, the rampaging masked mob draped with keffiyahs threatened to kill shoppers.
And before Christmas Eve, terrorist supporters set out plans for blocking and flooding highways and roads near airports and commuter travel points to make sure people would be separated from their families. This was the closest thing to a victory for Muslim terrorist supporters.
When they say Christmas is canceled, they mean it. And they always have.
Before Hamas supporters began trying to shut down Christmas in New York City, San Francisco, London, Philly and at any of the hundreds of other pro-terrorist rallies around America and the world, they were shutting down Christmas in Gaza.
In 2011, it was reported that, “there hasn’t been a Christmas tree in Gaza City’s main square since Hamas pushed the Palestinian Authority out of Gaza in 2007 and Christmas is no longer a public holiday.”
In 2020, Hamas’ Director-General of the General Authority of Preaching had issued a directive to “Limit Interaction with Christmas”. That same year, Ahmad Kulab, the head of Hamas’ Department for Training of Preachers, warned that, “Christians must [keep] the celebration of their holidays to their homes, their houses of worship, and their churches.” And, quoting Islamic teachings, he denounced “the dwellers of Hellfire, the Jews and the Christians.”
After a backlash, Hamas appeared to allow small Christmas tree lightings to go forward.
Instead, Hamas supporters began shutting down Christmas in America. They shout about “occupation”, but they’re the ones doing the occupying. They’re occupying Christmas tree lightings and public celebrations, shouting down prayerful songs with hate, and using the season to call for death and destruction to be visited upon the enemies of Islam.
They’re serious about canceling joy and replacing it with hate and murder. And they’re serious about ending Christmas and intimidating, assaulting and killing those who defy them.
Hamas supporters shout Gaza has been invaded, when Gaza has actually invaded America.
When Christians can’t celebrate Christmas in peace, not only in Gaza, but in America, in Canada, in Australia and across Europe, who exactly has invaded whom?
And when does the invasion end?
Thanks Daniel! Attacking Christmas and Christians is fundamental to Islamic ideology.
Since Christmas sales are so fundamental to the western economies, I wonder how businesses will react.
I’m sure if Christian protesters violently stormed and disrupted televised sincere celebrations of Ramadan…
Sorry, I can’t even finish… You know…
Christmas as we once new it gone. We will have to be looking over our shoulders. Sad!
When these muslim get to hell, I hope the heat is to much for them to bare.
The Christmas celebrants, having abandoned Christ, have their celebrations taken from them and their hypocrisy is laid bare before their children by depraved maniacs who, despite their low estate, have not abandoned their god.
Kill ‘em all, like Bibi said. Stop pretending there is no war with Islam, and prosecute it with extreme prejudice. Islam is a satanic blight of unspeakable evil and should be treated as such.
The “Jesus was Palestinian” lie has to ignore that Jesus was born before the Romans had imposed the name Palestina on the land and that it was just a place name designating no existing people. After coming for the Saturday people in Israel, it follows that Islamists would come for the Sunday people in America. Islam exemplifies replacement theology on steroids. It claims Jews and Christians were Muslims who became apostates.
…Isn’t diversity and tolerance of it wonderful…?
Where are all those brave cops, whose job is to PREVENT acts of terrorism? Guaranteed, if We the People start doing it in place of the missing cops, they will NOT like the results!
Probably hunting down people with Israeli flags.
nobody is doing anything because if they were this wouldn’t have gotten to this point. What you are missing is if they did this to one of their celebrations the people protesting or even speaking out would be arrested for hate crimes. Republicans have sat on their hands for decades and allowed our school and our culture to be decimated by the left. I wish would would start putting the blame where it rests. This is the not because of Liberals this is because of republicans who have done nothing whatsoever to deal with the growing problem except to engage in the deep state themselves and work with the Democrats to push the globalist agenda.
This is scripture unfolding and nothing is going to change the course. Those that don’t know salvation through Christ should be getting a wake up call at this point because there isn’t much time left for this planet and all the pieces are in place for the Antichrist to come into the public arena. The tribulation is coming very soon. Many alive now will likely be alive when it comes.
And guess what for those that are not believers. it’s coming whether you believe or not. That’s the funny thing about facts. They don’t require a consensus or agreement at all. They simply exist in spite of anyone’s individual “feelings” Jesus is coming back to judge the world. For those that are following apostate religions you had better be sure yo are on the right path because narrow is the path to salvation and wide is the path to destruction. There is only one savior and one way to be redeemed by the blood of Christ and that is through faith. No amount of good deeds, trying to follow the ten commandments or doing anything whatsoever within our power can contribute or add to being saved.
Those that believe so are going to be sorely disappointed when they stand before God proclaiming all those great works and he will say to them to depart because I never knew you.
The BLM terrorists have disabled law and order in the US. It’s all connected.
There are no coincidences.
Gibbs Rules
Rule #39: There is no such thing as coincidence.
I was just thinking the same thing.
Always amazes me when ill-informed people make such nonsensical comments.
Cops aren’t clairvoyant; they have no way to know when and where “terrorism” will occur, and it’s not their job to “prevent” it.
“When seconds count, police are only minutes away”.
BLM announces its riots beforehand. DERP.
We need to start issuing the 1800 pattern Navy Cutlass. Served us well the last time we had to deal with Barbary Pirates.
The Philistines are at it again!
That is the source of the name Hadrian imposed on Judea, isn’t it?
Whatever their judgements after death will be, I don’t think they will proudly proclaim to our Savior that they stopped celebrations of His birth and wished death upon Christians.
From the river to the sea, bury Hamas in Joshua trees.
From the Rockies to DC, make the US Democrat free.
Yes…..I know….I left the left coast completely off. It’s lost.
Those Hamas cockroaches and their left-wing dhimmies went to a City Council meeting here in San Jose and one after the other asked the city to draft a resolution for a “ceasefire” in Gaza. After awhile, Mayor Matt Mahon had enough and told the scum that San Jose doesn’t draft resolutions on foreign countries and that was that.
There haven’t been any violent riots here. San Jose isn’t San Francisco and no matter how many jihadis and dhimmies were to be bussed in, the Catholic Mexican Americans and illegal Mexicans would beat the shit of them, especially the Norteno gang members. The Hamas subhumans are real brave in far left blue cities which allow their scumbaggery and around babies and unarmed women and the elderly just outside the border of Gaza (even then only in a quick raid) but around people who will fight back and win, not at all.
And the Mexicans here wouldn’t allow the Hamas jihadis to pose in their underwear unharmed. Plenty of whites and blacks would join in, too.
I sure hope they do come here.
I think the Mexicans would beat the Hamasis.
So, they’re calling for gen o cide and at the same time are claiming victimhood of gen o cide ?!?! Why not just go gen o cide themselves. And call it a day.
The civilized world cannot live with Islam.. Maybe a bunch of these a holes need to head down south and protest near a Baptist Church. It might go badly for them.
We beat them by having a Very Merry Christmas everyone.
Peace and love to all today.
All except the Paleosimians.
Merry Christmas to everybody else.
Only Muslims would recently emigrate to a host country and then try and cancel or disrupt the most important holiday of the year . All muslims are bad, but the Palliwogs are the bottom of the barrel
Do they ever stop to ask themselves why there are enemies of Islam? They themselves create enemies of Islam everyday. They are showing their asses during a Christian holiday around the world. I don’t remember Christians doing anything like this during Romedan. Maybe we should start. Maybe with ball bats.
These protesters are Hamas sleeper cells in action
If they are sleeper cells why are they out in the open already.
Civilized nations would share their love of Islam by deporting all adherents to lands previously benighted by that sick social disease.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you,
we glorify you,
We give you thanks for your great glory.
Lord God, heavenly King.
O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
(In Albuquerque’s Old Town, known for its Christmas Eve, luminarias (small paper bag with sand and a small candle), and numerous Choirs on stage but last night, sure enough, the protesters were shouting their slogans over the singers who were signing RELIGIOUS songs. Jewish Voices for Peace held up their banner plus a few signs. People left and about a quarter of the thousands that always attend our main city event, stayed.)
What word is next to M.A.R.X. in the dictionary? The father of communism is next to M.A.R.Y. the Mother of Jesus Christ.
There is a WAR between their believers. Marx said, “There is no God!” His followers have removed and banned God, burned churches, killed Christians, even as many of his followers have infiltrated the Church with the approval of a fake pope who preaches Liberation Theology, which equates Marx and Jesus only to fool, fools!
Then we had a president who was lectured by a fake reverend and his Black Liberation Theology while Michelle and Oprah also learned to be the leaders the B.S. movement.
Now add that this president was/is a Muslim bowing to a false prophet that also burns churches and kills Christians while the fake pope says and does nothing. His CIA head, a Communist and a Muslim, whose job was to conduct operations around the world against our enemies which included Muslims and Communists, but he and Obama were instead aiding and abetting them! Look at the rise of both today!
An Israeli bomb kills two Christians in Gaza and the pope speaks out against Israel when Muslims have killed thousands in this modern era, and he says nothing? During this war, he comes out that gay marriage is okay now as if that’s a bigger issue than Israel? He sides with those who say The Ten Commandments is outdated, as is our Constitution, where now anything goes? This is a time when he should stand up holding up The Ten Commandments, and other teachings, but instead is preaching The Gospel of M.A.R.X.!
Pope John Paul II grew up under communism and he warned many times in his encyclicals about the rise of Marxism. He was instrumental in creating the downfall of Communism and on Christmas Day, Gorbachev comes on national/international TV declaring the end of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. In this First World War, Jesus won. Now the Second World War.
“Isn’t it ironic that Godless Vampires, who always cringe at the mere sight of a Crucifix, love this pope?”
Why don’t these “protesters” go to Gaza and fight for their cause? Rhetorical question because everyone knows the reason.
Hamas scumbags and Christmas ….doing the job that American Leftists are too afraid to do.
This will not end well for the Left and Hamas….especially when Hamas realizes these early attempts to cancel Christmas aren’t working, and they start amping things up.
Oh yeah. merry Christmas one and all.
I believe it is less a declaration of war against Christmas than it is a Declaration of War by a lost people group against God of the Bible, Creator of All, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Afterall, to the world Christmas is mostly a secular/commercial holiday where many do not acknowledge the Birth of Jesus Christ. Nonetheless I will thankfully proclaim Merry Christmas and say, “Thank you Father God for Your Gift to all of humanity of Your Son Jesus Christ, our only Salvation from sin.”
This is how much all muslims hate Christians. Some of them are just revealing themselves for who they really are.
It’s all because of BLM terrorist riots disabled law enforcement and the justice system in the US. It’s all part of the same plan to destroy the civilized world from within.
No mercy should be shown to the foreign and domestic terrorist groups.
Dare I say, “Deport now?”
why are these terrorist not being treated as such. This is an act of terrorism.
Ignorant muslims and ignorant young students probably don’t know that the U.S. IS A Judeo/Christian nation! So to the muslim ignorants I say, go back to the islamic lands where you belong!!! Life is SO much better there! And by the way check how many Cbristian churches are allowed in those muhamedan lands compared to the moskes we are allowing here! This should tell everybody the character of the people in America compared to that of people in islamic lands.
In other words: Islam Uber Alles.
Islam is a cancerous pox upon humanity. It was created by an illiterate goat herder whom was a jealous maniac. The arabs had no revelation or connection to god…so it took a charlatan a millennia down the road to concoct up a sham silly story and declare they are the last ones to hear from god so their bunk is absolute. Funny how it too 240 years after this self ordained prophets demise before the collected screeds of islam were put to a book , and only in arabic. Took longer to even codify their stories in their books. And still in their own tongue the hypocrisy , double standards and violence in the name of permeate their screed. What a jealous inbred violent clan they are.
Time to close the Boder sent all those Hamas supporters back to where they came pulled out of the United Nations moved them all to Moscow or Bejing turn the UN Facility into a Homeless Shelter and closed the Borders
If it is Crusade the muzzies want, The Christian world is ready to oblige.
Joe Obama brought the barbarians here to the USA. Keep voting Democrat.
I just watched a video of protesters in New York city, some were white, others look like Middle Eastern people. It is obvious the United States made a big mistake allowing Muslims to settle in America. As for the ones who are whites, it is obvious that the young white college students are completely ignorant as a group. There is no hope for America in the 21st century.
US experience what we in Western Europe (UK, France, especially Genrmany) experience for a quite long time: double stadards when law is applied. Muslims get away with everything others will not – cultural bonus at its peak. This includes not only hate speach – Muslims can parade around Germany cities shouting “Gas Jews!” with no problem – but genital mutilitation, multiple-woman marrige, cousin marrige and so on.
Politicians are turning blind eye (they want Muslim votes AND it is dangerous to protest against Muslims) and mark those protesting against it as bigots, hate speachers and disinformation agents. Mainstream media follow suit hence “divided society” – to ordinary people (who funnily pay taxes to host Muslim immigrants while not obtaining health care they need while the immigrants do) and those who know better.
Take our example and stomp this behaviour right now. We did not and now it is too late.
Law is law and should be applied to all persons equally! Does not matter sex, gender, age, skin colour or culture. It takes A LOT of courage – a good which the US has WAY bigger supply than EU.
Good luck!