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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Joseph Klein’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Jane Fonda used her appearance at this year’s Cannes Film Festival to charge that racism and patriarchy are the causes of climate change. Jane Fonda is still the left-wing extremist she was during the Vietnam War when she was photographed on a North Vietnamese 37mm gun mount and served as a shill for the enemy back then.
“It’s good for us all to realize, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism,” Hanoi Jane proclaimed at the film festival. “There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy. A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom.”
“We have to arrest and jail those men,” Fonda demanded.
What about the women (biological and trans) and people of color who drive or take public transportation, fly, use electricity, and heat their homes – all with fossil fuels? Do they have immunity from punishment under Hanoi Jane’s rules because they belong to politically correct identity groups? And how do the cows that produce methane gas emitted into the atmosphere fit in with her racism-patriarchy paradigm?
How does Jane Fonda justify her own large carbon footprints left from maintaining her former Beverly Hills mansion and the 6,679-square-foot townhouse that she reportedly bought recently for $5.45 million? Or the carbon footprints left from all the flights that Fonda has taken to attend climate change protests and get herself arrested while acting the part of a revolutionary with her celebrity friends? This hypocrite even agreed to accept, in her words, “quite a bit of money” from 90-year-old Austrian building tycoon Richard Lugner for accompanying him to the Vienna Opera Ball sponsored by Austrian oil and gas company OMV.
In her July 2, 2020 blog, entitled “White Supremacy and the Climate Crisis,” Jane Fonda argued that “the control that the fossil fuel industry has over our economy and our government is in a league with colonization in terms of damage to living things and their life support systems.” She then linked colonization directly with white supremacy.
“Colonialism was possible because of white supremacy,” Fonda declared.
“So today, let us commit to freeing ourselves, our country and its institutions from white supremacy, the enabler of climate destruction. And let us all work to truly understand why the two are inseparable.”
Hanoi Jane conveniently ignored the fact that China, which is certainly not run by white men, is by far the largest emitter of greenhouse gases today.
Consistent with her linkage of climate change to white supremacy, Jane Fonda embraces critical race theory. “Because we’re white, we have had privilege,” she said. “Even the poorest of us have had privilege. We need to recognize that, and we have to understand what it is that keeps racism in place: the policies,” she added.
In May of 2018, Fonda delivered a fieryspeech at the United State of Women conference in Los Angeles after which she introduced Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and self-described Marxist. Ms. Cullors would later find herself in hot water over allegations that she used money donated to BLM for personal purposes and for questionable payments to family members.
Fonda regurgitated the critical race theory mantra: “Institutionalized slavery stained our Republic’s founding, and systemic racism still saturates its soul.”
Hanoi Jane is also a self-declared socialist. “If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would someday become communist,” she told college students decades ago. “I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism.”
“I am not a do-gooder. I am a revolutionary. A revolutionary woman,” Fonda proclaimed in 1972.
This socialist-cum-revolutionary has done quite well for herself. Hanoi Jane’s net worth in 2023 is estimated to be $200 million.
Indeed, Jane Fonda has lived the privileged life that few people – whites included – will ever know. She was born into privilege. The daughter of iconic movie star Henry Fonda had a big head start in her acting career over other aspiring actresses, leading to a highly lucrative Hollywood career. This anti-capitalist’s fitness empire made multi-million-dollars in profits. And Fonda’s ten-year marriage to billionaire Ted Turner, and the settlement she received of somewhere between $70 to $100 million in stocks and a 2,500-acre ranch when she divorced him in 2001, augmented her luxurious lifestyle.
When elitest Jane Fonda was asked how to respond to Republicans who question what celebrities like her are doing to reduce their own carbon footprints as they advocate for the climate, Fonda replied: “That’s what the right wing does. They turn it back on individuals.”
Jane Fonda prefers to turn climate change, and every other major problem in society, back on the white males whom she wants as a group arrested and jailed. Like other left-wing extremists, she views the world in terms of group identities, not individuals who are their own unique persons apart from their race, gender, or ethnicity.
Putting the individual first, not an all-powerful, collectivist state, is a core value for most Americans. But not for Hanoi Jane, who thinks that “we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism.”
Never made movie worth watching messed up the desert making that crappy movie The Eclectic Horseman with Redford used to hang out with the notorious Tom Hayden and was once married to Red Ted Turner and was outacted by the Loons from On Golden Pond. and now wants all white men arrested over a totally fake threat. And what’s become of her Peace Bus? Still sitting on Cinder Blocks?!
The Fonda family had a 10 acre fenced estate in Beverly Hills (I believe tax exempt). Also Jane and Tom faked poverty by stating that 125 acre “Laurel Springs Institute” was not actually owned by them but by a tax exempt entity (because of California Taxes) but at the same time opposed Prop 13 which would have greatly reduced property taxes for seniors so they could stay in California. Taxes for thee not me.
I have made a couple of trips from Perth (W Australia) to Mozambique via S.Africa in the dry season, May- Sept. The locals burn-off all the dry grasses at this time of year. Every day we were in Moz, the air was filled with smoke from these burn-offs. In fact we could still see the smoke when we were out over the Indian Ocean after a couple of hours flying from Joburg. Surely this is air pollution, so why don’t the climate idiots complain about this rather than stopping industrial carbon in developed countries? Actually i hope they don’t stop it as the people are dirt poor and they need the burn-off to enrich the soil before planting the next season’s crops.
They probably have cows that fart too…………we are doomed.
“So today, let us commit to freeing ourselves, our country and its institutions from white supremacy, the enabler of climate destruction. And let us all work to truly understand why the two are inseparable.”
The real “Hanoi Jane” speaks out. You can take the stupid broad out of the communist jungle, but you can’t take the communist out of the stupid broad.
Whoever chose the picture of her did well. It is a visual representation of exactly what you describe.
Hanoi Jane is just still piss=d-off that the COVID lockdowns literally yanked the 87,000 dollar payday she was just about to haul in for giving the keynote speech at the 50th anniversary of the Kent State shootings back in May of 2020.
She’s lucky, because I attended a rather large gathering of combat Veteran motorcycle groups who were coordinating a massive anti-Hanoi Jane rally on that day… and suffice it to say, they were pretty motivated…. and the yay-who’s were freaking out about security.
Woke Hollywood. They aren’t good examples for anyone, and they aren’t wise. No wonder so many Conservative actors have moved away from California.
The white men you are seeking Janey are right there at the WEF.
My mind is made. If Im able to outlive this efing mummy, we will most certainly throw a (Jane Fonda is finally efing dead) party at our house. Ill start planning the menu today, in hopes of a soon to come event.
Her death should be made into a national holiday. What a bitch this crusty old hag is.
She is and has always been an imbecile who resents her privileged life that she did nothing to earn but can’t give it up and projects her demons on everyone else. If she had any brains she’d have kept her mouth shut for the last 50+ years instead of opening it in support of every bad idea for over half a century.
OK Jane . How about you get right on that re: white men. Let me know how it goes.
Could there be a more childish leftist simpleton than Jane Fondue?
I recently saw her face on a magazine at the supermarket checkout, saying that life gets better with age. Well Jane, treason does not diminish with age, and your bid for relevance rings hollow and empty.
Great photo! Daffy looking, wild eyed old hag. The most hated woman in America. Not sure if this is true, but heard of a vet who went to one of her book signings. When he stood in front of her, he spit in her face.
She’s probably a pedophile also. Find me a radical leftist who isn’t a lying, narcissistic, psychopathic pervert.
While I’m at it, she was on the cover of a recent issue of AARP magazine (Feb/Mar 2023). To any patriotic retirees out there who still belong to this leftist front group, let THAT sink in. This is how AARP feels about YOU (she was also on the cover of a 2016 AARP mag).
Good idea. Ted Turner should be shackled and perp-walked to prison.
MEOW…. but who does she blame for the terrible face work???? When will this disaster of a human go away.. she should have had her citizenship rejected for all she did in Vietnam however our Communist Left protected her and continue to do so.. she is a worthless Communist 1%r
RE: “When will this disaster of a human go away…”
Never! She is a member of the Blattodea family (cockroaches & termites, etc.) Other members of this noxious family include names such as Obama, Soros, Clinton, Sharpton, Biden, et al. They seem to never go away regardless of age, sickness, whatever. There isn’t a pest control entity known to mankind that can get rid of them.
I would bet that in her life Jane Fonda has consumed at least ten times the energy that I have. Her trip to the Cannes Film Festival all by itself probably used as much energy as I use in three months. I haven’t traveled more than 100 miles from my home in the last ten years, and my home is only about 1,200-1,300 square feet.
You have millions of people who live the same lives. We don’t use gobs of electricity, produce tons of carbon emissions and don’t consume any where near as many resources as Hanoi Jane. Yet, we are the culprits ruining the Earth by depleting resources and poisoning the water and air. This traitorous c*nt, and her fellow travelers, are the epitome of hypocrisy. Like all the rest who want to see individual freedom replaced with communist tyranny, she would be among the last to give up even the least of her creature comforts and wealth.
Idiot. This, not “racism” is what’s wrong with white women in America
…with Liberal white women? They are brainwashed and narcissistic. It’s a frightening combination.
>what’s wrong with white women in America
Their problem is a failure of male leadership; weak fathers and boyfriends/husbands who’ll say anything–or say nothing at all– to get laid.
Hanoi Jane is the epitome of a privileged democrat with a mental disorder.
All I can offer is… Have another surgery Hanoi Jane! I truly believe your face skin could be a little bit tighter. Peace and love.
She’s old. Why can’t she just die and leave more room for those who can think?
She lost her mind a long time ago.
Bette. Midler? She is just as capable of spouting rubbish.
As a Marine Corps Vet of the Vietnam war, a white man, all I can say is, “Jane, i don’t wish you a painful demise, but PLEASE die soon.”
She must have spent a lot of that white privilege money on all that plastic surgery she has on her face and knows what other parts of her body.
In the 1980s she was promoting women’s health through exercise and yet she was getting plastic surgery that nobody knew about nor could afford even if they did.
If anybody has had a privileged life it is most certainly this hypocritical two faced plastic bitch.
No wonder there are no real men around her these days though she does have a few Gay boys walking her around.
She truly is bat shit crazy.
I think this is a ploy by the uber-rich to try to deflect blame for their crimes onto white men. When the public wakes up and realizes what’s been done to them they are going to need someone to blame. She doesn’t want to live with a target on her back.
The white men you are seeking Janey, are right there at the WEF. Book ‘em Janey!
If Hanoi Jane loves the commie lifestyle so much what is she doing still living in the USA?.She should become a resident in one of those commie countries. Perhaps some place like Laos, NK or China would be a better fit for her. And she can donate all her assets before she leaves to the Baloney Lies Myths movement so they can buy more mansions. Cant help but wonder if being incredibly wealthy causes some to become rabidly pyschotic,hostile,woke and racist towards towards their own group.
A very good question to ask that mindless buffoon. Why is she still living in the US ? With her racist lunacy, she conveniently ignore the fact that her father is a famous white man at that too.
AND they shot Bambi’s mother!!
I am outside all the time. The temperatures seem just fine to me. I guess, maybe, in a perfect world, it would be nice if the winters weren’t so cold.
It’s too bad that the Wicca witch Fonda will not live long enough to see the error of her ways.
Her modern Cult of Baal may destroy the economies of Western civilization………..but I doubt all white men will peacefully go to her DEM Gulag.
I’m pretty sure I know this one guy who won’t.
Simple — She hates her father.