It was all a joke, she says. After igniting a firestorm by calling for the murder of pro-lifers on The View Friday, Hanoi Jane Fonda issued a statement: “While women’s reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest. My body language and tone made it clear to those in the room – and to anyone watching – that I was using hyperbole to make a point.” Except that it obviously wasn’t clear to anyone present. Fonda was speaking seriously; her declaration only became a joke when it became clear to her that she had crossed a red line.
Video of Fonda’s appearance on The View shows that she made even the Leftist hysterics of The View uncomfortable, and they immediately began trying to explain her remarks away, which no one would have done if Fonda’s “jest” had been obvious. What Fonda was actually doing, albeit unwittingly, was revealing (as if we needed more confirmation of it) the dark heart of the pro-abortion Left.
When asked for a solution to new pro-life laws around the country, Jane Fonda declares that they need to “murder” Republican politicians.
Joy Behar immediately jumps in to claim “she’s just kidding,” warning “they’ll pick up on that and run with it.”
Fonda gives a negative look.— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) March 10, 2023
Fonda began it all by saying: “We have experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and how many children to have. We know what that feels like. We know what that’s done for our lives. We’re not going back. I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back.” Jane Fonda is 85 years old, sounds twice that age, and is not in any danger of being forced to have a child, but of course she is selflessly looking out for the ability of younger women to sacrifice their children to Moloch.
Sunny Hostin, the unrepentant racist who has called white women “roaches,” responded to Fonda’s defiance by saying, “That’s the activist speaking, and then — and, she probably will get a Nobel Prize very, very, very soon.” Picking up on Hostin’s subtle hint of mockery, Fonda, wide-eyed, insisted: “But it’s the truth! It, it is the truth. We’re not gonna do it. We’re gonna fight.” Behar then asked Fonda: “Besides marching and, and protesting, what else do you suggest?”
That was when Fonda said: “Well, I love murder.” The NewsBusters transcript has “Well, it does involve murder,” but I’ve played it over and over and it certainly sounds to me as if Fonda says, “Well, I love murder.” And, well, of course she does, because that’s what abortion is. But there was a lot of cross-talk and so it’s possible that Fonda said something else, but the “murder” part was unmistakable. Lily Tomlin was among those who weren’t sure of what they had heard, so she asked Fonda, “What did you say?” Fonda responded unequivocally: “Murder.”
Some of the panel laughed, but Joy Behar was sufficiently alarmed and aware that it wasn’t at all clear that Fonda was joking to jump in with: “She’s kidding. Wait a second, she’s just kidding.” As Tomlin told Fonda, “Don’t say that,” Behar went on, “Oh, you don’t know. They’ll pick up on that and just run with it.” Tomlin agreed: “Yeah, that’s the worst.” But as Behar repeated “She’s just kidding,” Fonda shot her a sharp look, as if to communicate that she wasn’t kidding at all. Hostin then tried to save the situation by changing the subject. A nervous smile firmly affixed to her face, Hostin said, “Let’s move on and talk about Jane’s activism, which is legendary.”
If it was really “clear to those in the room – and to anyone watching” that Fonda was “using hyperbole to make a point,” those in the room certainly didn’t show it. In fact, they showed just the opposite. And the uncomfortable fact is that abortion advocates have not been shy about their bloodlust. In June 2022, CompassCare Pregnancy Services in Buffalo, N.Y., was firebombed by pro-abortion terrorists. They painted “Jane Was Here” on the side of the building as they broke windows and lit fires. Jane’s Revenge is a pro-abortion group that has issued open threats to pro-lifers. “We will hunt you down and make your lives a living hell,” the group has said. This is, it says, a “war” against pro-lifers. CompassCare was just one of dozens of pro-life centers that were attacked after the leak of the draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.
In light of the ongoing violence that pro-lifers face, Fonda’s remarks were incendiary and dangerous, and her attempt to claim that it was all a joke remains unconvincing. The View should be condemning Fonda and apologizing. But that would only happen if a guest on the show had said something negative about Leftists.
BLSinSC says
The other members of The COVEN tried to laugh it off as a JOKE, but she was SERIOUS – DEAD SERIOUS!!
She’s SUPPOSED to be 85 so why does she not LOOK like it? Magic?? Deal with the DEVIL? ADRENACHROME???
Or just a buttload of botox and surgeries??
Noah Andeark says
She’s had so many facelifts, the hair above her lips are pubic.
venganza says
Without all the makeup, she actually looks like THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY….Final Scene.
Joe Morales says
WJ says
I can remember when a division of Marines wanted to go to Hanoi, not to hurt any of the Vietnamese, just her. She and her liberal friends have a lot of American blood on their hands.
Michael says
“For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of”
WJ says
I was one of the Marines.
jazzfusionary says
God Bless and Welcome home hero!!!
Anne says
Fonda meant exactly what she said. Jeremiah 1: 4. The Word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”
God knows each child that he created with a purpose in the womb, just like he knew Jeremiah would fulfill his destiny as a prophet. Each child is God’s creation in His image, which he intended to have a life and a future. (MAN IS TRYING TO MESS WITH CREATION, AND THE PLANS OF GOD ALMIGHTY.). JUDGMENT IS COMING TO THE NATIONS., THE GREAT SHAKING HAS BEGUN. These people that want to destroy life belong to their father the devil whose goal is to destroy that which God has created. They aren’t rational, they have been given a depraved mind because of the intentions of their heart.
Mo de Profit says
“ Fonda began it all by saying: “We have experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and how many children to have”
She’s right, and none need to kill a baby.
Dana F Harbaugh says
If they “have agency over their bodies”… , why does that power of choice not apply to the power to choose to keep one’s legs closed?
Robert says
Right!! The best birth control is the word NO.
THX 1138 says
People love to have sex, it feels good. But if we were to legalize Female Genital Mutilation and Male Genital Mutilation we could make sex so painful that people would only have sex for procreation.
Let’s do that! let’s make sex moral by making it so painful people will only do it if absolutely necessary to have babies for God!
Intrepid says
Thanks for confirming you are a complete bozo….Pt 1
Intrepid says
Thanks for confirming you are a complete bozo….Pt 1.1
Thanks also for standing up for the murder of pro lifers. Could you be any more disgusting?
Gary Hope says
I agree, but sometimes “No” doesn’t stop some people.
Also I don’t understand why more women and others don’t support, use and promote birth control. Isn’t it better to not get pregnant than to have an abortion? Isn’t birth control cheaper and safer than abortion?
But what do I know,…I’m just an ordinary man or at least a male.
THX 1138 says
Why should an adult couple in love not have sex for the sake of the pleasure of love? Is sex only for procreation? Contraception doesn’t always work. Are you going to ban the morning after pill too?
If an embryo is a baby how come as we speak fertility clinics all over the country have embryos in cold storage and throw them out or donate them for research if they are not going to be used? Better start campaigning to shut down fertility clinics.
Intrepid says
Thanks for confirming you are a complete bozo….Pt 2
No wonder that you spend your life on the FPM comment board
Lightbringer says
Yes, that’s Choice. A woman can choose to keep her knees together.
David Ray says
The consumed bitch should be made aware of two things:
¹ abortion is still legal in many states – making her childish argument mute.
² she should be grateful her mom made the mistake of giving birth to her, rather than using “choice”.
Alexandra Brito says
I believe her mother committed suicide. If she knew what an awful person Jane Fonda is, she might do it again.
THX 1138 says
An embryo is not a baby. A fetus is not a baby. A fetus can only acquire its rights at the moment of birth.
Intrepid says
Thanks for confirming you are a complete bozo….Pt 3
I think the Supreme Court has already decided against your pro-death beliefs, leftist who won’t admit to it.
Nicolas Carras says
The definition of the word fetus is: A developing human being in its mother’s womb, from 10 weeks of pregnancy until birth.
The definition of the word embryo is: A developing human being in its mother’s womb, until 10 weeks of pregnancy are completed.
It is indeed a matter of a developing human being.
The word fetus, from the Latin foetus, variant of fetus: “birth, litter (animals), newborn”
Fetus: past participle of the latin verb feo: “to produce, to give birth”
A woman carrying a fetus is giving birth and carries a human being.
Birth begins in the womb of the mother.
We are talking about the baby in its mother’s womb. We will not tell a mother your “fetus”, but your baby.
She is carrying a baby IN GESTATION : who is being born.
Chief says
A maxim of law: Qui in utero est, pro jam nato habetur quoties de ejus commodo quaeritur. He who is in the womb, is considered as born, whenever it is for his benefit.
Nicolas Carras says
“The unborn is deemed to have been born to the extent that his own benefits are concerned”
This refers to the law allowing a fetus to inherit property. That is to say that the fetus is considered as a person. These types of laws were common in Roman law and exist today in most European and American countries, as well as in South Africa.
Alexandra Brito says
Look, you big dummy: I can leave my estate to a fetus; a fetus can inherit. Go troll elsewhere.
TruthLaser says
Does your “moment of birth” include being out of the uterus and in the birth canal?
CowboyUp says
Tell that to the court when you’re being charged for taking the eggs from a Bald Eagle’s nest. They can’t be born without an adult to incubate them, but you get charged for each egg. Or see if you don’t get charged for the unborn as well when you kill any pregnant endangered mammal Life begins at conception for lower animals, biologically and legally, how can it be different for humans?
An embryo is a unique human being, there’s no way around that.
Noah Andeark says
She also said that “Covid is God’s gift to the left”.
Steven Brizel says
Hanoi Jane has not changed one iota since the early 1970s
Fire Girl says
She was a traitor to her fellow man then and is none the wiser now. I wouldn’t trust her to sell me a Girl Scout cookie.
Dana F Harbaugh says
She’s still bitter that COVID forced the cancellation of her big 87,000 dollar payday for a speech at the 50th anniversary of Kent State event in 2020.
I was at a huge combat Veteran motorcycle planning meeting before the anniversary. Vets and other patriots were expected in the hundreds from across the Ohio region to show up and protest the event. And the anger was so troubling for some, the politicians were looking for ways to corral the Vets into one small area of the campus vs freely exercising their Free Speech rights.
She’s really lucky, apparently COVID saved her.
Noah Andeark says
Jane’s mother made the wrong choice. I think mandatory abortions for Democrats / leftists is in order. Beginning in the 54th trimester, if the fetus signs a Democrat party registration card, it’s indicative that there is no cogent viable life, and should be terminated ASAP.
rocco barbella says
Maybe “Jane’s Revenge” was named after Jane Fonda. It would certainly fit.
The Left will wail and cry outside prison walls while they hold candlelight vigils for murderers sentenced to death. Yet, an innocent baby in the womb? No problem with destroying that life.
If anyone can’t see how sick these people are I don’t know what to say anymore.
Wallace says
If you remove God from any sort of equation about human life, then Hanoi Jane, like most other atheist communists, have no problem ending life at any time during a persons existence. If we are not created in God’s image; his finest creation, and we are just random cells that evolved and not significantly special it is easy to murder people. Libs are obsessed with murdering children in the womb and, like Canada, they are increasingly pushing for assisted suicide to be have its restrictions eliminated. If we are just spokes on the wheel of life and the spoke breaks it is easy to throw the spoke out and replace it with a new one.
Kasandra says
So Michael Knowles says that we have to eradicate trans-ideology and there is ongoing media hysteria that he said he wants to murder transsexuals but Jane Fonda says outright that she wants to murder pro-life Republican politicians and – crickets. Just more of that media even-handedness, I guess.
CowboyUp says
Good example of the contrast.
jazzfusionary says
Yes and President Trump said “march peacefully” and democrats lied that that started an ‘insurrection’ Actually it was their DC Cops and Gestapo FBI who told the people to go into the Capitol, NOT Trump. The one’s who did the destruction were Pelosi’s directed Antifa.
Steve Chavez says
ACLU AND FB ALLOWING THE PROMOTION OF MURDER. Free speech I guess? What if someone posted to murder the abortionists? Free speech or flagged and removed and person banned?
**SJ Magdaleno Jane Fonda said to MURDER those who are trying to stop abortions. For it or against it?
**Victoria Guerin SJ Magdaleno For it! I’ve always been fonda Hanoi Jane; she was right back then and she’s right now.
**Victoria Guerin SJ Magdaleno I would love it if people followed her advice! Right now your side has all the guns, but that may change.
**SJ Magdaleno So “murder” the innocents who are trying to stop the “murder” of the most innocent? Did you drink the Bleach for curing CV? There were warnings to not do that, but surely warnings to Democrats. So, Fonda said “murder” and what if people start following her advice? Any warnings?
**SJ Magdaleno Victoria Guerin Why doesn’t your side tell women with the more powerful voice, thanks to the women marches, to scream: “HELL NO! I’m not on birth control and you don’t have a condom! My voice… My Body…. LEGS CLOSED!”
“OKAY…. let’s do it and if I get pregnant I’ll just get an/another abortion. DO IT! Yea… oh yea… oh oh oh oh… STOP! What’s your name again?”
Isn’t using birth control, men/women with condoms, easier in the long run? “The Health of the Women”, is rare according to stats. It’s because of the sorriest excuses.
Lightbringer says
“The life, not health, of the woman” should be the only reason for abortion. If a woman would die by continuing her pregnancy, such as if she has uncontrollable high blood pressure, or if she has an ectopic pregnancy, then abortion is her only reasonable option. But even then it should be her decision.
Intrepid says
Why would anyone be surprised at what Hanoi Jane said. We have had a guy named Marlow on this and other comment boards, who has emphatically stated that Ashlii Babbit deserved to die, that her murderer is a hero and should be up on Mt Rushmore, and has also stated that the j6 political prisoners should be summarily executed. BLM and Antifa tore up countless cities during the “mostly peaceful” riots of 2020. And who can forget Barack Obama telling his supporters to get in people’s faces and Auntie Maxine urging people to surround Trump cabinet members at restaurants and gas stations and tell them they aren’t wanted here (nice euphemism). I’m sure they were just joking too.
Leftists are in love with violence and death and practice it on a daily basis in the abortion mills and in the inner city streets.
CowboyUp says
Notice how much stricter the left’s rules for engagement for US soldiers in a war zone are, than the rules of engagement for Capital Police against Republican protestors outside the US Capitol.
Steve Chavez says
FB allowed a cartoon of Trump being assassinated while nude with everything showing. This was posted when Trump came to a rally in Rio Rancho, NM. The Party for Socialism had the large banner of this cartoon across the street. Joel Marcos Gallegos, “Marxist-Leninist”, posted it on his FB page. I flagged it. “Does not go against our Standards.”
Then he posted nude photos of Melania: “Does not go against our Standards.” I then posted a photo I found on google images of Hillary in a U.S. flag bathing suit. “BANNED FOR THIRTY DAYS.”
SNOOP DOG has a Youtube video of shooting Trump. “NOT AGAINST OUR STANDARDS!” It’s still there too. How?
World@70 says
So will Hanoi Jane becomes homicide Jane? Well, there’s always Barbarella.
ED says
She needs to be angry at God. He is the worst exploiter of women. He had the nerve to design the whole structure and hormones of their entire bodies to make and raise babies. How dare he do this. He just ignored that they might have other plans for their bodies. Its the absolute worst form of discrimination. and needs to be the Democrats along with gettingvrid of Trump and his ilk.
Lightbringer says
The left has banished G0d from the public eye, so they think that He doesn’t see what they’re up to. Fat chance!
underzog says
She should have been executed back then for treason. posing in an NVA anti aircraft gun? The statute of limitation has passes, unfortunately.
Noah Andeark says
There’s no statute of limitation for treason.
Lew says
Why aren’t all these ding bats mad at their mothers for not aborting them?
Spurwing Plover says
What’s her Opinion of Climate Change and Animal Rights how much Desert did her and Redford mess up while filming their putrid movie The Electric Horseman? and her leftists propaganda movie The Butler
Cosda says
Obviously Hanoi Jane doesn’t think there are enough VN vets left to keep her grave drenched with urine.
Noah Andeark says
Hey! I’ve been accused of wanting to piss on Lord Barackkk’s grave. Not true. At my age, there’s no way I could wait in a line that long.
Nicolas Carras says
This is where you need to bring out the flamethrowers.
I’m kidding !
John Bumpus says
Nicolas Carras says
It is for this reason that they must be put in dungeons and left to starve.
I’m kidding !
Nicolas Carras says
Why not dissolve them alive in acid?
I’m kidding !
PS: if people on the left read the comments, I’m kidding of course. I have no desire to hurt you. Why would I have such desire?
Vietnam Vet says
That commie should have been hanged for treason many years ago
jazzfusionary says
Hanoi Jane got a lot of our hero men and women killed in Vietnam. This murderous scum hasn’t changed her evil stripes.
Jo Dermody says
My husband had two flying tours into the bowels of the enemy land in Vietnam and other countries around it. My husband knew the day that ms. fonda was coming over to hanoi. He and about one thousand men asked to take her out. They hated her guts and when she did more rotten things on that pitched earth he wanted so badly to be able to blow her to pieces. Lbj told the men they couldn’t fly over and do that one job, that would make them real happy.
I am sorry our brave Marines and other fellow pilots couldn’t do it
either. She is a hate filled bag of bitch. Mrs. Jo. Dermody.
1126 Pa. Ave., Little Meadows, PA. 18830.
Nan says
I’d love for Jane to meet my daughter who is pregnant with her fourth child. It might give her a heart attack, and then we wouldn’t have to listen to the vomit coming out of her mouth from a plastic face that looks like a zombie.
BettyO says
warning “they’ll pick up on that and run with it.”
You betchum, Red Ryder.
Tex the Mockingbird says
I saw a picture of Hanoi Jane with John Kerry in the same Pictures
TruthLaser says
The US lost the war in Vietnam, not there, but in the US on the inner psychological front. Since, then Jane Fonda has been continuing the war on America, with some commercial interruptions. America is at risk more than ever from her hard left collaborators on the same domestic front.
10ffgrid says
Hanoi Jane is a hate-filled communist that accurately depicts the hysterical rage of the democrat party. Killing babies is something passionate for the left, and truly is revered as a right-of-passage in democrat hierarchy.
JPFH says
Jane Fonda was always a lawless person at heart. When the heat got to be too much for her, she claimed to have accepted Christ and had become a Christian. We now see how fake that was. She was, and is, a morally shameful person.
Andrew Blackadder says
Peter Fonda, the Brother of Jane was commenting on the ”cages” with the wee children in them at the Southern Border and said he would like to take Barron Trump and put him in one of those cages without remembering that it was his Cocaine buddy Barack Hussian Obama that built those cages.
So Liberalism is a family disease within the Fonda gang.
Jane looks like she made of plastic and people forget that she had a LOT of plastic surgery while she was making exercise videos rather than doing the actual work outs.
What a phony she is.
A Left Winger sitting high in her Castle in Malibu looking down on the peasants as they listen to her garbage.
Spurwing Plover says
Hanoi Jane once married to Red Ted Turner who brainwashed the kids with pap like Captain Planet Network Earth, One Child One Voice bulldozed a hill to view a distant Mountain Range pays off the Eco-Freaks(Who called him Daddy Greenbucks)And since Hanoi Jane is Liberal and left. On Golen Pond outacted by the Loons/Birds
Anne says
ISAIAH 57:20-21. “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dir.t. There is no peace saith my God, to the wicked.” Now the debauchery, hatefulness, and immorality of man is beyond comprehension: stealing, lying, abortion, false religion, hypocrisy, murder, adultery, sodomy, rape, child molestation, drunkenness, drug abuse, and violence. God’s earth has been defiled by unregenerate men,
Scott Norris says
I was in Vietnam after this traitorous POS was there encouraging our enemy to KILL AMERICANS. And now she still wants to kill Americans, but just the ones that don’t want to kill babies.
What is wrong with this cretin?
jazzfusionary says
Yes and what’s wrong with the vicious cretins on the View. They weren’t against the fact that she wants to murder prolifers, they were only disturbed by the fact that she revealed it.
jazzfusionary says
Hanoi Jane Fonda has always been about murder. The cows on the View aren’t bothered by it, they support it. The idiot said the quiet part out loud. and the View is complicit in murder. Many of our brave men and women in Vietnam were killed directly because of this vicious traitor’s attacks on them. Now you vicious animal Hanoi Jane how many Crisis Pregnancy Centers will be bombed because you demand the murder of young women who chose life.