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Vice President or Something Kamala Harris has just gotten some bad news in her quest to become the next person to pretend to be president of the United States, if she isn’t doing that already: the Biden regime Labor Department on Friday released a jobs report that shows that job growth is cratering while unemployment is rising. As job growth has been one of the chimerical accomplishments that Old Joe and his henchmen have most often touted as evidence of the “success” of the regime, this was the last thing the woman whom we now all love and admire wanted to hear. Her handlers, however, were ready with an altogether unsurprising, albeit improbable, explanation.
Harris for President spokesperson James Singer apparently kept a straight face as he made the announcement: “Donald Trump failed Americans as president, costing our economy millions of jobs, and bringing us to the brink of recession.” That guy again! Does Bad Orange Man never rest in his quest to destroy America?
Not only is President Trump at the moment sitting in the Oval Office plotting ways to damage the economy, but Singer is here to tell us that the man whom Democrats consider to be the focus of evil in the modern world is threatening to do even more: “Now, he’s promising even more damage with a Project 2025 agenda that will decimate the middle class and increase taxes on working families, while ripping away health care, raising prescription drug costs, and cutting Social Security and Medicare — all while making his billionaire donors richer.”
Project 2025 is, of course, the agenda that Trump has repudiated many times, but just as with the trans madness and so much else, the Biden-Harris regime has never let reality get in the way of their narrative. And so apparently James Singer, and maybe even his cackling boss, would have us believe that Donald Trump is still president, and has been for the last three and a half years, and so it is his fault that the economy is so bad.
Singer did drop a hint that maybe he has an inkling that someone else has been president since Jan. 20, 2021: “We’ve made significant progress, but Vice President Harris knows there’s more work to do to lower costs for families.” In saying even this, however, Singer is venturing out onto dangerous ground, for Old Joe and regime apparatchiks have repeatedly touted their supposedly tremendous success in jobs growth, but if Singer talks too much about there being “more work to do to lower costs for families,” he risks exposing the Biden regime for the abject failure that it actually is.
The Biden regime has frequently touted its job growth numbers and compared them favorably to Trump’s, while never acknowledging that this growth is largely illusory, based on the post-lockdown resumption of normal business practices, not on some economic magic of the Biden regime. Nonetheless, the regime has consistently portrayed the senescent corruptocrat in the Oval Office as some kind of economic wizard, even coining the term “Bidenomics” to try to hoodwink Americans into thinking that any improvement in the economy was due to Old Joe’s wise management.
Nonetheless, Singer said that once she is the Oval Office figurehead, Harris “will make building up the middle class the defining goal of her presidency, taking on greedy corporations that are price gouging consumers, banning hidden fees, and capping unfair rent increases and drug costs.” Wait: Biden didn’t do all that already?
Apparently not. Fox News reportedFriday that “the Harris campaign’s comments come as U.S. job growth cooled sharply in July while the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose to the highest level in nearly three years. The Labor Department on Friday reported that employers added 114,000 jobs in July, missing the 175,000 gain forecast by LSEG economists. The unemployment rate also unexpectedly inched higher to 4.3% against expectations that it would hold steady at 4.1%.” This was “the highest level for the jobless rate since October 2021.” Let’s see: who was president of the United States then?
Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary, injected a note of sanity amid all this madness: “Kamala Harris has proudly and repeatedly celebrated her role as Joe Biden’s co-pilot on ‘Bidenomics.’ She cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate for spending that put inflation on steroids, and despite the evidence that America’s working families are hurting, she tells us these failed plans are working. The basic necessities of food, gas and housing are less affordable, unemployment is rising, and Kamala doesn’t seem to care.” That’s right. And in no rational way can it be blamed on the left’s Emmanuel Goldstein, Donald Trump.
Dennis Campbell says
Democrats are in a state of arrested development. They are children in adult bodies. Should we be surprised when they act like it?
Nan says
Three quarters of the Republicans are just the same. Washington D.C. needs to fall off into the ocean and be swept away permanently.
Texican says
The democrat party is made up of crooks, crony capitalists and communists. The republican party is made up of crooks, crony capitalists and a handful of constitutional conservatives. It is only that small number of patriots in the last group that are serving the American people and striving to preserve the Republic! The first two groups of each party constitute the “Uni-party” getting rich on the taxpayers dime.
Jeff Bargholz says
What are we supposed to expect from a whore who fucked her way into political offices? Or orifices, in her case. Are we all supposed to pretend she’s qualified for anything except sucking dicks?
Trump needs to bring up the cold hard fact that she’s a whore in any debate and even before then. She’s a pig, not a role model for American girls. Not unless the model is to make your way up on your hands and knees, doggy style and slurping away.
Yeah. We’re all supposed to pretend she isn’t what she is. A cheap whore.
Steve Kardas says
Ouch ! Don’t hold back Jeff. Tell us what you really think of this stunningly incompetent bimbo…..How some of the most incompetent and undeserving get in to positions of great responsibility and power just boggles the mind.
Rob A says
If you’re a democrat (dummocrat) incompetence is a prerequisite for running for elected office. The democrat party is allergic to competence so if you’re competent, the democrat party is not the party for you.
On the other hand, if you’re a lying, duplicitous, backstabbing, two-faced, beady-eyed, no good sh*t eating weaselly bastard, the democrat party is your natural home.
internalexile says
Political orifices. Love it.
Rob A says
I’d like to see her deny that she was Willie Brown’s bed wench. One only has to read the news paper archives to check the veracity of the claim. It was regularly written about in several California news rags. And the fact that she grew up in Canada and that her parents were avowed communists.
This video lays it all out:
MuggsSpongedice says
Cheap whore who sluts her way to the top of the most important elected office in human history –
Fact, they were not elected, the 2020 election was stolen. And the 2022 election in Arizona where the installed Az Ag is prosecuting all and everyone who was a public figure and directly tied to President Trump along with the goofy governor installed who runs and hides in fast food restaurant to avoid media. A racist installed governor KKK Katie Hobbs who was sued and settled for racial discrimination in the work place.
We’re in trouble folks – -trouble – and of course we’ve all had it and are Fed Up as the lady at the RNC said –
Rob A says
If she were elected president, it’s highly probable that the only world leader who would bother to meet with her is that pompous effeminate sissy boy from Canada Trudeau.
Other than sissy-boy, why would any world leader bother with meeting with a dumb ditsy two-bit horse face whore that the whole world knows f**ked & s**ked her way into the presidency?
Pete says
Well stated sir.
Allan Goldstein says
Are you better off now than you were four years ago?
Always a good question for a republican to ask after one democrat presidential term.
Covid was a spanner in the usual works.
Perhaps a good strategy for Trump would be to harp on covid’s origins in the lab… addition to the usual are-you-better-off-now question.
Trump shouldn’t just run against Harris.
He should run against Harris AND Fauci, and own up to having been too deferential to Fauci’s credentials during his first term.
Rob A says
Trump could serious hurt Kamalala by asking her one simple question: As VP, name one successful thing you did? My next question to her would be: who’s Willie Brown and who and what is he to you?
BLSinSC says
That has always been a good question and now we should add “Imagine how much WORSE the Kamala could make your life”!!
RS says
Theres no denying that the economy has went flat. The stock market shows it, and our wallets show it. Nobody believes that we are in prosperous times. America was the undisputed leader of the world for a century. Now we are a laughing stock because of our leaders who don’t have the right policies, Banana republics do better than the US.
Rob A says
What’s even more egregious and disingenuous is the way the federal government jiggers the employment numbers to make it seem not as bad as it really is.
For example: say you lose your job. the unemployment statistics increase by one. Then say you were fortunate enough to get 2 part jobs to make up for the lost income. You now count as 2 new jobs created towards the employment numbers. That is to say, the gubmint counts a part time job as a job regardless if it’s full or part time.
In other words, all the supposed new job creation under the Biden-Harris regime is really just part time workers taking on another part time job to make ends meet. The labor force is actually static. The only thing that has grown is the number of people working part time jobs.
But that’s a feature of the dems true plans for America. To keep everyone on the edge of poverty while offering them a “solution” to keep them from falling into poverty altogether.
Dinesh D’Souza calls it the “rope & ladder” method. Republicans offer you a ladder to climb out of poverty.. How high you climb is entirely up to you.
Democrats, on the other hand, lower a rope down to you and offer to pull you up out of poverty. But half way up, they’ll lay out all the terms and conditions they expect you to obey for pulling you out of poverty which you must agree to or they will let go of the rope and back you go…!
Intrepid says
Yes of course it’s Trump’s fault. Except he hasn’t been in office for 4 years.
Pedo Biden said he had added X number of jobs except he didn’t add anything. The jobs added were those that returned after the Covid scam collapsed. And now Kammy is left with nothing but cackles and a looming Mideast war. and a possible world war.
Steve Chavez says
KAMALA’S CAMPAIGN AD wants a better economy “WHERE YOU ONLY HAVE TO WORK ONE JOB!” Think about that one… why does anyone need to work two, three jobs? WAIT… to pay for everything where prices are two and three times higher??? PERHAPS… BLAME BIDENOMICS?
Did you catch this one: She walked into a business two weeks ago and was speaking to mostly reporters, a few people behind her, and she was READING FROM A TELEPROMPTER! She looked left, read it, looked straight ahead at the camera, then looked right, read it. WTF WAS THAT? An impromptu with an advance team to set up her teleprompter… BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T DARE WANT ANOTHER WORD SALAD TO COME OUT???
HOW MANY BUSINESSES IN YOUR AREA that are short-handed, shortened hours, due to the lack of workers when before CV, it was a full-time business?
DO NOT HIRE ILLEGALS! They claim to know how to do a job and don’t! I also call them MODERN DAY SLAVES and in a hundred years, they’ll be crying for reparations and supported by the very Democrat Party THAT ENSLAVED THEM!
(I know about this. Two blocks from the Santa Fe Plaza is a spot where at least a hundred ILLEGALS are there ready for a day job. Cars drive up and pick who they need. Many of these employers ARE VERY WEALTHY… AND DEMOCRATS who are too cheap to hire a licensed contractor and prefer MODERN DAY SLAVES!
NOW—- E-VERIFY! There is a local pizza business. Mostly TEENS working their first job. They are running outside to take orders in the drive thru lanes, run to take the food out, polite inside, and the pizza makers are in their twenties. A STEPPINGSTONE JOB…. ALL AMERICANS! McDonalds… ALL LATINOS with them only speaking Spanish to each other with the cooks ONLY KNOWING SPANISH! WORK PERMITS? No teens there. Then the Democrat con: DEMAND FOR A HIGHER MINIMUM WAGE!
Domenic Pepe says
Kamala …. The Big Fat-Mouth Laughing Hyena Carnival Lady ….
Is this the next president of the USA ?
If Kamala the Laughing Fat-Mouth Hyena Carnival Lady is elected president of the USA,
then that will be proof-positive of the idiocy of the majority of the US population and electorate.
Harris’s election will commence the demise of America and the final destruction of the US Citizen Working and Middle Class.
The moral depravity of Kamal Harris and the woke leftist democrat party knows no bounds.
Harris and the democrat party must be totally vanquished on November 2024.
MuggsSpongedice says
The international deep state with willing treasonous whores in USA did everything to keep President Trump out of office in 2016, bogus impeachment attempts, witch hunt fake trials of made up bullshit, and assassination attempt, all of which failed, even with the attempt of main sleaze media propaganda.
Who the hell believes now they are saying Treasonous Pedo Brain Dead Money Laundering Pathological Liar Corrupt Joe TaliBriben was a great POTUS. Their eyeing Mt. Rushmore to carve this treasonous sick crooked demonic bastards face into –( that place on Mt. Rushmore belong to President Trump!)
In the worst inflation in my 7 decades of life and beyond, wars on two fronts with the mid-east escalating to WW3, unprecedented in human history to have open borders in any nation or kingdom on earth. Doing the deep state’s bidding as a stooge puppet whore. It won’t be long before old Pedo Joe is dead and his soul will be burning in hell.
So many of these who sold their soul to gain the world will find out the hard way what a liar the devil is!!!
Rob A says
I have a theory that says that if the devil ran for president of the US as a democrat, the democrats would vote for him in large numbers.
By that reckoning, if Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung or Saddam Hussein ran for president of the US as a democrat, the democrat party and its voters would enthusiastically support and vote for them.
Moreover, the democrat party media acolytes would lie and tell us how wonderful those people are and if you disagree, why you’re a racist, a hateful xenophobe, a misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, a right wing religious terrorist and a threat to democracy.
To them all, I say, f**k you ass holes. Go sh*t in your face masks and get the flunk outta of my country!
CowboyUp says
30 years ago I wouldn’t believe what we are seeing today.. All that matters now is the ballots, and who counts them.
This Dumb Clucks sitting on her horse backwards and f acing to the tail end
Brock O Lee says
How can that be? Didn’t Mumbles just say how he saved the economy (Along with the environment) and didn’t Cackles just say how fantastic Bidenomics is? They wouldn’t possibly lie to us would they?