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T-ball Oprah interviews with Harris don’t work and now the nation knows that real honest interviews prove even worse for her.
Kamala Harris by intent showed up late for the interview. She quit early. She filibustered all that was asked, lost her temper, and serially interrupted Bret Baier— all in lieu of answering a single question. She grimaced, scowled, and proved as petulant and unlikable as she was vacuous. We were asked to believe absurdly that the currently disastrous Biden-Harris border, crime wave, and economy were all the out-of-office Trump’s fault.
In contrast, J. D. Vance in his debate rendered the smears empty and showed the nation he was a nice guy with a razor-sharp mind. Harris in just 20 some minutes dispelled stereotypes too—she is not a pleasant but empty apparatchik, but rather an off-putting, disagreeable scowl.
If this eleventh-hour catch-up media blitz was supposed to show us the real under-appreciated Harris to win over the nation and stop her campaign’s hemorrhaging, it has only achieved the opposite. She’s in a doom loop: she cannot forever hide from the media and yet will lose the election if she is interviewed without a teleprompter.
She will probably fire the guy who dreamed up the Fox interview disaster – even if it was her idea.
Senh a Hen into a Fox den, and it cackles as it dies. ~
The deep state will do it and in desperation they will regrettably have to cancel the election.
I agree. The establishment will absolutely not tolerate another Trump Presidency and everything is on the table to stop him.
No. They are so deep that they may want Trump for a few years before they can go on with their devious plans.
They won’t cancel the election. If they can’t rig enough to “win”, the Deep State bureaucracy is already planning how to frustrate and sabotage Trump once he takes office.
It’s a sad thing when all you have is to blame the guy who hasn’t been in office for almost 4 years. TDS is obviously a real thing.
Come to think of it Barack Obama spent his second term blaming Bush II for his lousy economy. For democrats the narrative is always way more important than actually doing any work.
Seems to be a thing with Demoncrats.
And Bareback Hasbeen Obama also claimed credit for all of President Trump’s successes.
Seems to be a thing with Dirtbagocrats.
I’m not surprised. Taking credit for the things that someone does who comes after you is pretty neat trick. So much for Coco Jesus.
Speaking of Obama, dragging him out to criticize black men for not supporting Kamala Harris failed miserably. Without exception, every black person I know took what Obama had to say as an insult.
Of course, what I'[m saying is “skewed” because the black people I know and associate with aren’t democrats and don’t vote for democrats.
Personally, I can’t stand democrats no matter what color they are. They’re too hedonistic and their minds are so open that they tolerate the most disgusting bullsh*t imaginable.
Anyone reading this knows what I mean and can cite examples of what I’m talking about.
Remember that she was Dumber in Dumb and Dumber and now she’s Dumb and she had to pick someone Dumber than Dumb. CONGRATS!
Fox’s Baier even openly saying “ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS” and focusing on the numbers, even by the hack Mayorkas’ numbers of SIX MILLION, (Quadruple that and add 30 million that were already here!) “ON YOUR WATCH”, was THE KNOCKOUT BLOW! I’m sure all of her aides knew then that they were DOOMED from the very beginning! Baier putting out Trump’s and then their numbers were like Mohammad Ali LEFT JABS with her then acting touch, “Is that all you got?” BOOM BOOM! “I didn’t even see them coming!” BOOM BOOM, and those Jabs continued throughout then ending with ROBERTO DURAN’S… NO MAS!
When TRUMP gets in their Ring, their fighter immediately starts attacking even before the bell rings. The audience cheers. The referee just watches. Low Blows! Sucker Punches! A kick to the groin knocks down Trump. Their fighter continues to kick him all over, even stomping on his head. As Trump is about to get up, the referee kicks him too. The audience cheers. Trump gets up and punches their fighter on the nose. The crowd boos! “FOUL! FOUL!” The Bell rings… Trump is disqualified! The crowd cheers. THE MEDIA: “TRUMP IS A DIRTY FIGHTER!”
THEY WILL CHEAT WITH THE MAIL-IN BALLOTS! They know who hasn’t voted in years, and the night before the election, they’ll start filling out ballots with those names, signatures, and their votes. “OVERWHELM THE SYSTEM!” What if a thousand were caught cheating… FBI: “What… we’re going to spend years prosecuting them?” Therefore, a million illegal votes… FBI: “We spent two minutes investigating and Trump is a sore loser!” BY THEM PROSECUTING anyone who dares to claim fraud, no one will come forward so they can then commit fraud again and again! LOOK INTO INDIVISIBLE.ORG and their chapters around the country! I went to two meetings, Communists who have aided and abetted all enemies beginning with the VIETCONG! They had sign-up sheets to be poll workers! YIKES!!! THAT’S WHO!
I just got back from a trip to Detroit… you can feel the evil in the air…
Cannabis advertisements and White hate is everywhere…
The TV commercials are all about Kamala… how great she is and how Trump is a threat to democracy…
And satanic worshiping muslims are everywhere too…
I listened to the Fox interview and was completely leveled! This creature is tied with trump. THIS IS INSANITY! One
statement she made to a question about clearing up her new policy and her answer was to go to her web site and
look it up. She’s sitting in front of Bret Baier who’s there to clear up questions about policy. Then it hit me! She does
not know what her policy is. Someone else wrote her policies and she has yet to read what they are! Too lazy!!!
She’s been handed everything she’s gotten! Look how far I’ve gotten- ON THE BRINK OF THE PRESIDENCY!!!!!!
Never under estimate a carpet bagger Democrat’s ability to deceive, cheat, and steal into a lucrative office of ‘public service’. For example: the Obama’s live larger than large on Martha’s Vineyard in their multi million mansion.
You are entirely too kind in your choices of words, sir!
One of three mansions that we know of.
They have several multi-million dollar estates around the continental US and Hawaii. Obama’s net worth is estimated to be north of $400 million and he’s a blood relative of the Bushes and Dick Cheney.
Obama grew up as a child pf privilege and has more in common with this country’s moneyed elites than ordinary people.
Most of the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders are Democrat Voters and Supporters lead by the New York Slimes(Times)and the Communists News Network/CNN
If Kamala Harris does become next US President this will is the first, meaning this will be the first time that America will have an actually Communist as the President of this nation.
This would definitely the very worst nightmare for all American patriots and also for the United States.
For even taking into account what a treacherous harmful fiend that Joe Biden is ,it still may be considered that the only semi-“good” thing about Joe Biden is that he still might not be as horrendously dangerous as Kamala Harris if she became the next US President
For if Kamala Harris ,”by hook or by crook,” takes the place of Joe Biden in the Office of the United States President, things in America would not go from “Bad to worse” but entirely skip the word “worse” because things the US would then go from bad to the very worst possible. With Kamala Harris, sitting in the Office of the Presidency it would be a complete and total catastrophe for America.
To explain this in another way, as to compare Joe Biden with and to Vladimir Lenin and then compare Kamala Harris with and to Joseph Stalin.
Of course, Lenin was much more intelligent than Biden .Nevertheless it’s not as terrible to have the feeble-minded socialist, Lenin type character, Biden sitting in the powerful Office of Presidency in Washington DC than have that rude, obnoxious abrasive callous Communist, Stalin type character, Kamala Harris sitting in the powerful Office of the Presidency in Washington DC.
She would be total catastrophe and disaster for America, without remedy.
As Abraham Lincoln had ,so rightly m said, “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
Obama was born of Communists; Mentored by a Communist; Sought out Communist professors and the most radical Communist students; Was a member in CPUSA/KGB front groups; Meets Chicago’s Communists including Valerie Jarrett whose parents were Communists; Surrounded himself with Communists/CPUSA front members/supporters; Appointed Communists who then Conspired in a Coup Attempt against a sitting President, now going after a former President, even trying to assassinate him and now covering it up by not investigating all players!
OBAMA IS A MAGNATE TO COMMUNISTS BECAUSE HE IS A COMMUNIST, AMERICA’S FIRST COMMUNIST PRESIDENT! Now the leader of the Black Supremacist Movement who openly and blatantly demanded “the BROTHERS” vote for Kamala ONLY due to the Color of her Skin!
The “values” of Kamala Harris have not changed. For her “values’ are that of the precepts and concepts Karl Marx..
Considering the history of Kamala Harris with her favoring Communist movements she has never relented in supporting even to this current year of 2024 . Therefore, its no surprise that she favors the violent and dangerous Marxist thugs of Antifa and BLM gives legal gives that horrific lawless and vicious hooligans the legal power to find loopholes in the law to get those criminal freed. as in “Off the hock “ for all the vicious atrocities they commit. Both of those Marxist organizations have strong ties with Hamas in their Red/Green alliance.
All this encouraging of chaos mayhem and outright destruction of private and public property fits ,very well in with the ideology of the hero of Kamala Harris. who is , of course, as he Karl Marx had written “If we can but weld our souls together, then with contempt shall I fling my glove in the world’s face, then I shall stride through the wreckage a creator !”
The United States has had two socialist Presidents, Bill Clinton then Barack Obama. Now during this year of 2024 there is the pseudo “president”, Joe Biden, sitting in the Oval Office of the White House, he is likewise a socialist. Now this is the first, meaning it Kamala Harris actually does “win” the November 5th 2024 general election , it would be the very first time that the United States as a Communist as President.
If she does , then that Marxist President will be such a disaster for America that the damage that she and her Red comrades would inflect on the United States will finish forever the United States as a great world power and will reduce the US to the level of a third world country.
That Communist Kamala Harris with her “Red/Green alliance” is all for and very supportive of having arms embargo against the State of Israel , which would lessen the capacity of military of Israel to protect the lives and safety the people who are her citizens from those malicious and murderous jihad terror entity as Hamas from Gaza and Hezbollah from Lebanon.
It should be remembered that VP Harris didn’t have any objections ,all , when Joe Biden strived as hard as he could to have sanctions lifted from that hostile Islamic regime of Iran , so that it could obtain much money , which it ,no doubt, used to funds to support Hamas and Hezbollah and supply those jihad organizations death infecting . weapons .
If , “by hook or by crook” Kamala Harris does become the next United States President, it would a disaster for the US , Israel and all the civilized nations of the world.
Kamala is a Red Diaper Baby, she was a communist before she knew the word. There are a lot of Red Diaper babies in the Democrat Party, like the do nothing Mayor Pete. No wonder USMMA is screwed heup, he chose the current Superintendent.
Two red diaper doper babies on the dem ticket – Commie-la got her red diapers from Marx; Tampon Timmy got his red diapers from Mao.
“…You show other people who you are…don’t let them define you” Kamala.
Well she showed us an angry domineering shrill loud fishwife who hates Trump more than she loves herself. She did herself no favour on Baier’s interview and demonstrated why no one CAN work with or for her…such an unpleasant woman…at least she should have pretended to be affable, but that proved impossible for her as well…nasty bbbb- itch.
I’ve never liked Kamala but I have to say how surprised I was that she allowed herself to come across as such a really unpleasant person. Bill Clinton was known to his staff for having what they referred to as his “purple rages” but he was able at least to present himself to the public as likeable. Not Kamala. She couldn’t even hold it together to act the part for twenty minutes.
As A life time California resident, I can tell you that Kamala Harris has never been like by the majority of Californians. She just slept with the right people to get where she’s at today.
In California, if you’re a democrat and you want to get to the top of the party, sleeping with the right persons or people is a viable option. That’s the way democrat politics have worked in California for as long as I’ve been alive and I’m almost 70. I can name several women and men who rose to the top of the California democrat party that way.
Bret Baier pointed out the Biden/Harris 2021 Executive Orders let unvetted people in that killed the ladies.
Their actions got Americans killed.
Are they psychopaths that do not care that they got people killed or are they too dumb to understand the consequences of their actions?
Also, how many murderers, rapists, violent gang members, drug smugglers, child traffickers have they let in?
Barry Ceminchuk
Well, her highness told us that the number isn’t the point so we aren’t allowed to ask.
Yes, that snatch thinks she’s a Brahmin and pretends to be a negro. She’s really dogho.
The dems are busy changing the demographics of this country that will eventually eliminate the republican party and give them totalitarian control of all levers of power & control in this country.
Collateral damage was and is anticipated. If American citizens are the victims of the collateral damage, so much the better for the dems. For them, it’s silencing the opposition without having to do it themselves.
I’m just surprised that more people haven’t yet seen through all the bullsh*t and came to this conclusion. When it comes to halting and putting an end to all this, we’re running out of time to act. It may be already to late to do anything other than accept the future the dems have in mind for America.
You have to keep in mind leftists have been being indoctrinated for 60 years. The most recent generation has known nothing but. The older ones, well, they still get their tv reception through an antenna on the roof. With half the country not want an end to “all this” you may be right. Reality won’t set in until we reach the point where “you will own nothing and be happy”. At that point, the “men” will look at their wives and ask what the hell happened.
“Are they psychopaths that do not care that they got people killed or are they too dumb to understand the consequences of their actions?”
I assume that’s a rhetorical question.
Those are the choices. Psychopathy or extreme incompetence.
They understand the consequences. They just don’t give a sh*t. But the again, when has a democrat ever gave a sh*t about anyone or anything other than themself?
Dangle money & power in front of them and they become mesmerized and get tunnel vision and will gladly sell their souls and whatever else it takes to get it.
How about They get off on it!! Wielding power right and left!! Like swinging a sword through any flock of people and enjoying the mayhem — because they have the power. I say psychopaths hiding behind incompetence.
Psychopaths. All Democrats at the top are. Most in Washington DC are ( both parties). Frankly, we all are too if we just accept another steal.
“Caramel” wants to end the filibuster. Yet, she used it from the bitter beginning to the bitter end.
More like “extra cream” latte. My butt is darker than her and I’m 100% white.
How about this name: Scamala Harris.
By the way, if Scamala Harris had any brains she’d be on the phone with MacDonald’s asking for her old job back. She’s gonna need a job once the election is over.
Emhoff is rich as shit. Hopefully, she’ll just fade into the sunset never to be heard from again.
That’s why Commie-la didn’t show up to yesterday’s Al Smith dinner for Catholic charities – the first Presidental candidate to miss the event in over 40 years – because Commie-la can’t speak without a teleprompter – and that’s because Commie-la can’t think after destroying her brain cells for the last 30+ years with pot. After the Fox interview disaster. Commie-la couldn’t afford to make two disasters in one week this close to Nov. 5th.
Comrade Commie-la? One of my new designs…
Rumor has it that Willie Brown calls her Cumala!!
Kommie-la doesn’t need pot to destroy her brain cells. They self destruct all on their own and she was born dumb to boot.
Besides, I smoke pot with my girlfriends sometimes and my brain cells are all intact.
Trump0 would have laid her so low she’d have to slither out on the floor to avoid the humiliation. But, she already humiliated herself by not showing up. There seems to be a pattern here.
Best quote pilfered from the internet:
“Kamala Harris has become a 60s Batman villain, Dumb Dumb. She confuses people by them not believing anyone can be that dumb. Then she strikes. “
Oh, I thought she was Harley Quim or Kamel-ho Frost.
That works! Although. I tend to think of hear as a mewling tw_t (fill in the blank with an a or i)
” Harris Complains She Was Not Informed The Interview Would Include Questions ” -Babylon Bee
She is not hiding from the media. The media is hiding her!
Either she goes to forums that don’t question her or she appears at podcasts and on media shows that don’t question her (except for Brett Baier’s interview-and there she never-I mean NEVER-answered a question.)
I was waiting for her to begin one answer with: “I was born in a middle class family….”-but I guess she forgot the lines to that peroration.
I still can’t believe 45-50% are voting for such a obvious charlatan and con-man (person?).
I know this is a terrible thing to say-but I have to say it: I guess S— does float.
Without a doubt, Trump will win 2024 election
unless they pull of their cheating
We need to get back to the American foundation. We need to incarcerate the scum that is choking our country with their perverse Marxist ideology.
We must be aware of the constant brainwashing that the Left imposes on us all through various means.
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