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Recently we revisited the video of David Horowitz asking a Muslim student a simple question.
“I am a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to hunt us down globally. For or Against it?”
Now the heads of Harvard, Penn and MIT were asked a similar question in Congress. And their answers show how bad things have gotten.
🚨🚨🚨Presidents of @Harvard @MIT and @Penn REFUSE to say whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” is bullying and harassment according to their codes of conduct. Even going so far to say it needs to turn to “action” first. As in committing genocide.
— Rep. Elise Stefanik (@RepStefanik) December 5, 2023
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) asked Gay, Penn president Liz Magill and MIT president Sally Kornbluth if calling for genocide against Jews would violate the codes of conduct at their schools. All three said it would depend on whether the speech constituted harassment or bullying.
“So the answer is ‘yes’—that calling for the genocide of Jews violates Harvard’s code of conduct, correct?” Stefanik asked.
“It depends on the context,” Gay said.
“It does not depend on the context. The answer is ‘yes,’ and this is why you should resign,” Stefanik said. “These are unacceptable answers across the board.”
Calling for the genocide of black people or other officially oppressed minorities would never be tolerated or meet with any ambiguity.
MIT did even better.
Congresswoman Stefanik: Dr. Kornbluth, at MIT, does calling for the genocide of Jews violate MIT’s code of conduct or rules regarding bullying and harassment? Yes or no?
President Kornbluth: If targeted at individuals not making public statements.
So calling for the murder of individuals making public statements is acceptable at MIT? But it’s all about the context.
President Kornbluth: I have not heard calling for the genocide for Jews on our campus.
Congresswoman Stefanik: But you’ve heard chants for Intifada.
President Kornbluth: I’ve heard chants which can be antisemitic depending on the context when calling for the elimination of the Jewish people.
Congresswoman Stefanik: So those would not be, according to the MIT’s code of conduct or rules.
President Kornbluth: That would be investigated as harassment if pervasive and severe.
As opposed to the non-severe calls for genocide.
Congresswoman Stefanik: Ms. Magill at Penn, does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Penn’s rules or code of conduct? Yes or no?
President Magill: If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment. Yes.
Congresswoman Stefanik: I am asking, specifically calling for the genocide of Jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment?
President Magill: If it is directed, and severe, pervasive, it is harassment.
Congresswoman Stefanik: So the answer is yes.
President Magill: It is a context dependent decision, Congresswoman.
If calls for genocide turn to action, there would be a response presumably from someone more relevant and armed than Penn’s president.
Since Harvard, Penn, MIT and other Ivy League schools are trying to hide behind “free speech” after suddenly rediscovering it on around Oct 8, 2023, let’s do a little refresher of what free speech for people who aren’t supporting Hamas looks like at Harvard.
Carole Hooven taught a popular course in human evolutionary biology at Harvard, ‘”Hormones and Behavior”, along with other courses on human biology. She’s also the author of the popular book T: The Story of Testosterone, the Hormone that Dominates and Divides Us.”
Hooven said that, “the facts are that there are…two sexes…there are male and female, and those sexes are designated by the kinds of gametes we produce…The ideology seems to be that biology really isn’t as important as how somebody feels about themselves or feels their sex to be, but we can treat people with respect and respect their gender identities and use their preferred pronouns, so understanding the facts about biology doesn’t prevent us from treating people with respect.”
Hooven was canceled and has since left Harvard. Her case was brought up and Gay responded with hollow platitudes.
“In what world is a call for violence against Jews protected speech, but a belief that sex is biological and binary isn’t?”
Citing @BillAckman, @RepWalberg asks @Harvard President Claudine Gay about @hoovlet and Tyler Vanderweele, but she has nothing to say about them:
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) December 5, 2023
And then there are the microaggressions.
Harvard University will soon investigate professors accused of “microaggressions” after students reported being subjected to in-class “verbal or nonverbal slights/insults.”
Seven classes at the Harvard University School of Public Health have been “flagged for special attention and review” after each class drew three or more student reports of microaggressions, The Harvard Crimson reported Thursday.
There’s no free speech at Harvard, only speech approved by the Left. And calling for the murder of Jews is approved by the Left.
As one who has studied Christian biblical prophesy off and on for most of my adult life, there would always be things that would come up in that study that would make me ask, “How do we get to this place?” that didn’t add up to the present world in which I lived, making this student believe ‘the end times’ were much further away than they were.
As an electronics technician specializing in logic circuits, I was forced to become adept at understanding what input logic state would be required to achieve the desired output logic state of a particular circuit, making the isolation of bad/faulty components in the signal path easier.
It wasn’t until I combined these two fields of study, where digital logic met the spiritual, that I was able to “troubleshoot” man’s prophetic biblical timeline and understand that the “faulty component” in our last day’s circuit would HAVE to be rampant, rabid antisemitism on a global scale. It’s the only signal deviation possible to achieve the prophetic outcome.
When these heads of “higher learning” can debase themselves, their institutions, their students and education itself with this level of antisemitism, it doesn’t take a biblical tech to see that man’s circuit failure is imminent.
That’s a good technique and analogy.
I think leftism is “intersectional” (to use their own fake word against them instead of the correct “conjoined”) with anti-Semitism and islamic jihad. The islamopithecines are the main purveyers of Jew hatred but it’s the left-wing scum in the West who make it possible and now prevalent here. We had maybe a thirty year break from rampant anti-Semitism in the West but obscenely, it seems to have made a resurgence after 911, of all things, when Osama bin Loser claimed the phony plight of Paleosimians as on of the phony reasons he listed as an excuse for that Islamic jihad atrocity. After 10/6, anti-Semitism has exploded, especially on our corrupt universities and colleges.
That’s what it seems like to me, anyway.
“10/7. The January 6th nonsense has been changed by the Dirtbagocrats every day since then so it’s stuck in my mind even though I don’t want it to be.
I spent many years as a trial attorney and have noticed that my legal training is enormously helpful in studying the Bible. My undergraduate degree was in English literature, and that, also is very helpful.
The Bible is chock full of courtroom language, scenes as well as literary devices and themes. The Exodus theme and messianic redemption theme are pervasive throughout both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.
There are times when the Bible feels like fire on the page.
Proving that the scriptures “meet us where we are” and speaks to each individual in verbiage they understand, as no ordinary book can do. I too have felt that page “fire” many times.
“It depends on the context,” quack these overpaid mindless leftards. Reminds me of the “quack talk” described by Orwell in “1984.”
People like them are big on mindless rhetoric but devoid of facts, logic or reason. When pressed for honest answers about their words, actions and ideology, they invariably obfuscate and lie. There’s no denying they’re despicable and contemptible. We all know they’re corrupting our youth and the ideologies they indoctrinate them with are nothing but quackery and evil.
Orwell said one of his main inspirations for Animal Farm was the BBC.
Boy, is she ugly. She should shave her ass and read the fake news backwards.
And oh, yeah. Ketchup Kerry ripped a fart on a “hot mike” a couple days ago after he gave his latest doomsday proclamation about the global climate warming hoax. And before the video ended he squeaked out another one. The news Anchor on Newsmax or Real America’s Voice, I forget which, joked that Kerry added some methane to his hot air.
Microaggressions are one of the worst things the left has come up with. Anything you do can be called a microaggression. Have to avoid people to avoid being accused of microaggressions.
I agree with you.
October. 7th was not a micro aggression. Including beheading and cooking babies. They’re small so that could be micro. . But the context, the context! So it’s not so bad. I guess the macro aggression is the genocide of 6 million Jews in Israel. But again its all about the context so its not a problem.
It is time to stop paying word games with the left such as citing “context” as an excuse for obvious crimes.
Why are all of my comments moderated? Id like to see a statement with regard to this decision which seems based on account not specific comment?
99% of my comments are moderated, too. I don’t even pay attention to it anymore.
Same here. I wondered if it created an undue burden for the authors, whom I presume may moderate their own articles? Mr. Greenfield is notoriously quick. Others not so much. But my presupposition only has those two points to support it and it may be random.
There is obviously an algorithm applied to certain words and these will likely select for certain words that are used more often in meaningful discourse. Perhaps bots are the main problem in keeping the comments under control.
Yes, that algorithm is lousy. I can write “shit”n with impunity but get the “comment is awaiting moderation” notice for comments with no cuss words in them.
I feel sorry for the FPM moderators if they’re forced to check each notice personally. It just goes to show you, computer programmers are dumb and annoying.
Microaggression is the perfect leftist charge. The standard is entirely subjective so it’s impossible to know what it is and not do it, and the allegation is proof of itself so there’s no defense possible; you’re guilty if a designated minority group member says you are.
Much becomes clear when you realize that the left’s jurisprudential inspiration is Andrei Vyshinsky.
But they’re good with macroaggressions by the officially oppressed.
Yes, the lefties are good at devising ways to accuse everybody who rejects their warped and false ideology of being a bad person who does wrong to them, although part of their lies are that we do it to everybody besides us, and particularly innocent people.
As if any leftist is innocent. They’re ALL bigots and hate mongers.
You are right. The way I solve that puzzle is with the presupposition that they believe their thoughts and feelings create reality. It sounds preposterous, but it works very well and so I continue to use it while looking for weaknesses in my own thinking.
Yes. Us conservatives believe what we see but lefties see what they believe. They really are delusional.
You phrased that very well. I want to steal it.
Simply put these 3 university official’s will dance around with their responses because otherwise they will have to admit the obvious and they would have to resign. Commies don’t resign.
All three of those skanks are wealthy so they aren’t commies but they use Commie tactics such a as indoctrination, suppression, class warfare and lies, et cetera, willy nilly.
And is it just me or do all three of them look like angry dykes? I don’t know what it is with American dump trucks being so misandrist and filled with hatred. I have lesbian friends in Europe, Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines who aren’t misandrist or angry at all. It seems to be a unique American pathology.
Harvard President Claudine gay’s husband, Christopher Afendulis, sure looks gay to me. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I wonder if their marriage is real? Who knows. Many people are so bizarre nowadays I just can’t figure them out. Claudine poses like a gay man but looks like an ugly woman in all the photos I found. Maybe people who look like weirdos are doomed to have weird personalities. The photos of them trying to appear affectionate together sure look posed to me. Claudine looks like a nice person, which makes her evil defense of Hamas jihadi murderers and their Harvard student cheerleaders impossible for me to understand.
Many people are so bizarre nowadays because we now live in Bizarro World and it is going to get much worse.
That’s for sure. This Bizarro crap is spreading exponentially. Ten years the leftists seemed insane but now the “woke” mob is unrecognizable compared to then.
Yep. It also explains the exaggerated femininity of many homosexual men and so-called trans women. Again I apply my presupposition of “reality = how I think and feel.” Because they wish to BE what they think and feel, the attempt becomes exaggerated and even cartoonish – acting upon thoughts and feelings that are unreal.
The effeminate gay men can’t help but be swishy but I’ve noticed the cartoonist and exaggerated fake femininity of trannies is affected. Take that Uber annoying Dylan Mulvaney jerk, for example. That exaggerated little girl femininity act he puts on is what that idiot thinks women’s mannerisms are like. All the Hairy Marys are like that too.
And what the Hell is the difference between a transvestite and a “transexual” supposed to be? The Alphabet People are the most annoying people on planet Earth. They’re attention seekers who demand that we “celebrate” and respect their insanity, and left-wing totalitarians are their enforcers.
I talked to a tranny once and he was a nice guy. He didn’t talk about his pathology or demand I use incorrect or fake pronouns, we just had an ordinary conversation. If they were all like him normal people wouldn’t be irritated but most of them are social fascists, and their lefty enforcers are even worse. The totalitarian ones need to stay home and watch “The Wizard of Oz” and “Caberet” or STFU about their deviance when they’re in public.
The Harvard Pres. makes 900,000 smackers annually 🙂
That’s obscene.
K-12 teachers in CA tend to make $100,000 a year for about six months of work and claim they’re suffering and underpaid They’re off work for three months of Summer vacation, a month of personal vacation, and every holiday conceivable, which are often stretched Friday through Monday for four day weekends.
And Claudine Gay gets over a million smackers when you add her perquisite payments to her salary? A monster who protects calls of genocide of Jews and warps the minds of students? America has become a mad house.
Get to the core: A university/college president is a veneer, a
front, hired to advance the policies of the board of trustees who hired her/him.
Expose those “trustees” and their connections to terror money and abuse of state and federal funds and misuse of tuition paid by the students who are targets of hate. How hard is that to do? ? ? ? ?
Too hard for the real news media and investigative reporters, apparently. They obviously haven’t even thought of it.
And the fake news media does all they can to protect the Deans and trustees, of course.
You should be an executive at an objective news source such as Newsmax, Real America’s voice or The Epoch Times.
President Gay put on her Christopher Wray hat when she refused answer to Stefanik’s question about what exactly are the “robust” measures Gay’s administration is taking with the students, stating:
I can’t answer that due to privacy concerns of the individuals involved but trust me we are taking robust disciplinary measures (paraphrased).
Sure. In Gay and Wray we trust.
I saw that on TV. Stefanik didn’t ask Gay about the individuals involved, As you quoted, she asked her “what exactly are the ‘robust’ measures” she’d taken with students who promote the genocide of Jews. Gay didn’t provide an answer to the question asked, she changed the subject and hid behind it. You’re right. That’s exactly what Wray and other Douchebagocrats pull every time they give false testimony to Congress.
Dean Gay is gay. I wonder if Wray is gay?
Who can say?
You are channeling Fezzik in “The Princess Bride.”
Good one! I forgot about the Fezzik rhyming stuff, though. It’s been decades since I saw that movies. About for decades. Damn, I’m old. 😛
“Four Decades” The retarded spell check program strikes again!
Islamophobic? Context please,
Let’s have that constructive dialogue in the context of word salad from Harvard.
The fact that those Deans consider opposition to the genocide of Jews “islamophobia” tells us all we need to know about their anti-Semitism and support of jihad genocide.
It’s as if these eminent presidents had reviewed the Mayorkas-Garland-Wray playbook for stiffing Congressional committees run by Republicans. Or maybe all elites in and out of government work off that in encounters with the little people. These presidents are an argument for Artificial Intelligence because all their functions could be done more cheaply by advanced industrial robots.
The last I knew, Congress had the power to jail witnesses who dissemble, stonewall and lie in hearings. The Mafia was afraid of Congress back in the day, and those guys were a Hell of a lot tougher than pussies such as Lois Lerner, Christopher Wray, those university Deans, et Al.
But the RINOs and even real Republicans are pussies and never threaten arrest, much less do it. They DON’T represent their constituents or America when they refuse to drop the hammer on the sleazy scum who refuse to cooperate and lie shamelessly.
Want to pay attention to the smiles because they aren’t friendly and we see them now on our police when they’re doing their Kristallnacht routine(and it is that in slow motion).
It’s almost like they all attended the same ideological boot camp.
Many in our police got a diploma and this lot got a degree.
It’s amazing how even their mannerisms are boiler plate. Right down to smiles of contempt that communicate what they think about the game they have to play.
This is very serious now. This is no joke. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for our opposition.
Yes, their practiced fake replies and even mannerisms were affected. What makes their act even more infuriating is that they’re lousy actresses and their petty evasions were completely unconvincing. The wimpy Republicans let them get away with it, of course.
Meanwhile, The Dirtbagacrats have ILLEGALLY impeached President and even ex President Trump twice, and charged him with blatantly phony crimes that add up to multiple life sentences and the confiscation of all his family’s property and businesses if he’s convicted in kangaroo courts by Dirtbagocrat judges who are criminals and traitors who belong in jail or the end of a rope.
And not only the weak and feckless Republicans allowing all that but MANY are in on it, probably most. They hate Trump for interfering with their serial corruption.
Liz Magill(President of UPENN) has since offered a disclaimer in which she now comes across like a sympathetic human being. Apparently the topic at hand was not her primary focus at the time.
Pundits want to know why she wasn’t telling them reassuring stuff at the hearing? It’s a legitimate question but you get the feeling they’ll listen to anything reassuring and grasp at any straw not to face what’s happened. That’s one of our big problems.
Like a progressive I’m now going to suggest that the only thing that shifted the public face of Magill’s moral compass was the funding that she probably jeopardised.
Dizzy Ms. Lizzie’s one shining priority is holding onto her fat salary.
Yes, I saw her fake contrition on TV. And you’re right. Her sinecure, funding and false public image are all she cares about.
And whoever down voted you is a sheep shagger or dump truck.
Whoever down voted that video blows Hamas jihadis for free.
I know this is a bit off subject but every time I hear that phrase “taken out of context” I think of Islamic Imams and Clerics using that to defend certain parts of the Quran. I would like to hear how, kill the Jews where you find them and the nonbelievers, would be out of context other than murder them.
Islamopithecines are like their fellow traveler lefties with that “out of context” crap. Whenever you hear them say that you know they’re dissembling and lying.
“The German university students were among the earliest groups to back Hitler. The intellectuals were among his regime’s most ardent supporters. Professors with distinguished academic credentials, eager to pronounce their benediction on the Führer’s cause, put their scholarship to work full time; they turned out a library of admiring volumes, adorned with obscure allusions and learned references….
The root cause of Nazism lies in a power that most people ignore, disparage—and underestimate. The cause is not the events hailed or cursed in headlines and street rallies, but the esoteric writings of the professors who, decades or centuries earlier, laid the foundation for those events. The symbol of the cause is not the munitions plants or union halls or bank votes of Germany, but its ivory towers, what came out of the towers in this regard is only coils of obscure, virtually indecipherable jargon. But that jargon is fatal.
“[The Nazi] death camps.” Notes a writer in the New York Times, were conceived, built an often administered by Ph.D.’s.”
What had those Ph.D.s been taught to think in their schools and universities, and where did such ideas come from?” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America”
The cause of Nazism was Hitler.
Yeah, thx gave such a superficial ideological analysis, as usual. Most analysis traces it back concretely to the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression, and such, which paved the way for Hitler.
Yeah, Adolph stewed about that Treaty from it’s signing till his conquest of France, I reckon. And you’re right, the conditions of the time made it possible for him to seize power but it was his evil mind that conceived of Nazism.
Does “calling for genocide against Jews violate the codes of conduct”? Let’s remove all “context”. Does calling for genocide against _____ violate the codes of conduct? Name another ethnic group. Any other ethnic group. No?
So it’s only against Jews that calling for genocide depends on “context”. Funny how all three of these women used the same words. Almost As if they had collaborated in the answer.
The absolute and final degeneracy if liberalism is now visible for all to see. These people are worse than cowards. They’re flying air cover for the bigots on their campuses because they share the bigotry.
Students: get as far away from these places as you can. Shake off the dust of your shoes when you leave. “It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment”* than for Harvard, Penn, and MIT.
*Matthew 10:15
Stefanik did ask Gay if genocide of _ was acceptable. She used “African Americas (blacks, derp) as an example, as Greenfield noted. Gay refused to answer “yes” or “no” of course.
Indeed it is only Jews that calling for genocide depends on “context.” And either they collaborated on that dodge, which is likely, or they used it because it’s a fallback of Douchebagocat scumbags whenever confronted with their misdeeds or crimes. Well, Jews and MAGA supporters. Those MASA (Make America Suck Again) definitely want to kill us Americans who love our country and hate our government and “educational” institutions.
So we need anymore reason o totally cut off all funding for thee Universities and Collages run by the left? Time to cut off their funding by 100%
And the fellow Leftist woman head of University of Pennsylvania who also testified and danced around the issue is currently trying to de-tenure the brilliant Prof. Amy Wax (who is suffering from cancer) because she dared to write an essay praising “bourgeois values” and observed that blacks in her classes, who were mostly admitted to her university with considerably lower objective qualifications than others admitted, somehow tended to cluster at the bottom of her classes academically. Quelle suprise. (sarc.)
I watched Stefanik grill those university Deans on TV. All incompetent women inveterate liars and reprobates, I noticed. Even “woke” fanatics noticed, although they would never admit it because they’re ALL liars for their cause, too. As ALWAYS with Dirtbagocrat lefties, especially when on the stand, they refused to answer simple “yes” or “no” questions and instead spouted stock pablum intended as sophistry, but they failed at that, too. Sophistry is well argued and convincing but their lies were completely obvious.
Yes, they approve of anti-Semitism and the genocide of Jews. – AND THEY SUPPORT HAMAS. Their words and actions prove it beyond any attempt at refutation by lefty Douchebagocrat scum.
And oh yeah, all three are women not because of their competence but because of left-wing misandry, which is a rank form of bigotry. They’re obviously incompetent as educators and corrupt as administrators.
We all know colleges and universities have degenerated into assembly lines designed to produce “woke” fanatics who dutifully support the Douchebagocrat party and the further degeneration of America. That’s irrefutable at this point. They’re anti-scholarship and anti-intellectual, not to mention evil and full of shit. MIT is supposed to be a university of science and technology, for God’s sake!
Anybody here who wants his or her mind blown, please take a look at the syllabi of Harvard, Penn and MIT. It won’t take long and every American needs to know what our publicly funded parasites are up to when they charge parents a King’s ransom to indoctrinate their youngsters in “woke,” anti-white, anti-American and anti-realty doctrines.
As you wrote yesterday, Muslim lives matter, Jewish lives don’t. If it was anti-Muslim speech they were talking about, it wouldn’t be “context dependent.”
So if a student wears a T-shirt that says “From the river to the sea, Israel will be free,” on the front, with a map of Israel including the muslim occupied territories as Israel, and “Exterminate hamas and their supporters,” on the back (I’d love one for myself, we’re good? How about one with “Mohamed was a war monger, mass murderer, slaver, rapist, child molester, and should be canceled?”
An organization that would fire someone for stating a biological fact, especially an expert in the field, isn’t going to be even handed about anything. Luckily this is the information age, and anybody in the USA can educate themselves.
One of the college presidents said the anti-Semitic remarks would be bullying and harassment if it became action. That is not what the question asked. That is not the standard used in these colleges for bullying and harassing others. The action after calling for genocide could be genocide. Wearing a sombrero on May 5th or a team sweater with the wrong logo is treated as a more serious offense in universities than what these presidents were asked about.
How about finding out who is Supporting and Financing Hamas
The “it depends on the context” excuse also has the flaw that, who decides on the context? The left can argue ad infinitum about the context, of whatever the topic is.
I am from the Commonwealth of Massholes. If their (Harvard in particular) industry fails to support or undermines the Commonwealth why should they enjoy tax free status? With large numbers of foreign students and teaching of progressive ideals what is the benefit to tax payers? These subsidies from tax payers should be withheld.
And all federal funds should be withheld from most all universities. Hillsdale and Liberty are good universities but I don’t know if there are any others. Even MIT is corrupted by “woke” insanity, retardation and evil, and it’s supposed to be a science university!
Lez Magill was just forced to resign, ha haw!
My youngest son is fond of his newfound mantra which he uses in all situations in which he finds himself:
“Clarity is kindness.”
I am astounded at the power of that simple thought. Leftists have taken away all clarity with their special word meanings and have created a world in which “kindness” is obedience to leftist evil and madness.