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The rule of thumb for scandals is that you can wait them out unless there are criminal charges involved or the scandal is so extensive that new stuff will keep dropping all the time. That’s what was happening with Harvard President Claudine Gay.
As more instances of plagiarism kept popping up, Harvard was facing an extended reputational disaster with no end in sight and possible legal exposure if a student punished for plagiarism were to sue over double standards.
But instead of dumping her, Harvard allowed her to resign, for the usual reason of avoiding further distractions, while retaining an academic post and her $900,000 salary.
There was probably a better reason for removing her from any academic position than from the presidency. College presidents aren’t necessarily models of academic integrity or even academics. There’s a bigger problem with a faculty member with a history of plagiarism than a president.
A serial plagiarist may not be good enough to be president of Harvard, but can still hold an academic position.
Does she go back to her old position as a Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean? Probably not. Harvard is likely to create some sort of semi-honorary vanity position for her. And that takes us right back to where we started.
Can an alleged serial plagiarist hold a prominent position at Harvard? Apparently, the answer is still yes.
That’s one of their favorite tricks: having them resign to get the heat off, but letting them keep their salary.
Like in “LA Confidential,” everything is just for show.
But I am outraged that a supporter of the genocide of Jewish human beings was not fully removed. The plagiarism is separate and important but also a distracting issue. And after scoring a 900K salary she whines “ racism.” How can the rest of us get some racism like that?
Yes … but it’s been this way since the Vietnam era …
… we can quibble about the details, but the communists took over the universities …
… and they’ve been disintegrating ever since.
Most of us focused on the measurable ‘intangibles’ like basic skills, history, etc. …
… but anti-Semitism was always there for those willing to see it.
… albeit some of us might not have noticed since we were too busy celebrating the demonization and gaslighting of other types of Americans …
Rush Limbaugh used to say of liberalism: “Failure is a resume enhancer.”
Unlike Republicans, Democrats protect their own. To expect a different outcome here is to expect the sun not to set tonight.
Not sure what planet you’re on but given former President Trump’s “it will be wild,” the immigrants “poison our blood,” and calling Nikki Haley “Birdbrain”–that’ll help Trump’s standing with women voters–, Republicans often do protect their own.
Maybe Trump throwing Pence under the bus for fulfilling his Constitutional duties isn’t exactly “protect[ing] their own.”
Ignoring the 100+ police officers injured on January 6th would certainly constitute “protect[ing] their own.”
Over 100 LEOs were injured during the Antifa/BLM confrontation in front of the White House, shortly after George Floyd’s death. That’s when they set fire to a historic church and tried to storm the White House grounds, leading Secret Service to take Trump to the bunker. But that “insurrection” has dropped into the memory hole, and few of the miscreants suffered any consequences.
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has so warped your judgment that I could spend an hour dissecting your post; however, let me confine myself to the most obvious victim of Republican neglect: Donald J. Trump himself! If ever a Republican deserved the support of his fellow Republicans (I speak here of Republican office holders since Republican voters overwhelmingly support Trump), it’s Trump, the target of three coup attempts disguised as impeachments, endless lawsuits, and most sinister of all, multiple attempts to imprison him for the “crime” of opposing the Democrat Party.
All too many in the GOP are perfectly willing to throw Trump “under the bus” – a metaphor that should be used with care. Trump didn’t throw Pence under the bus (meaning to abandon him out of mere convenience), nor did Pence have any particular Constitutional duty to rush to ratify massive ballot fraud. I’ll agree the power of Congress to inquire into the validity of purported Certificates of Election is debatable, but I think the implication of your view, namely that Congress must rubber-stamp the fraudulent claims of Democrat Party operatives that the Democrat Party Electors have been duly elected themselves, is untenable.
All that superfluous bleating, but I guess sheep are gonna sheep. Baa!
She needs to check that “privilege!”
Her predictable playing of the race card is a gift that will keep on giving for those of us who recognize affirmative action is definitely not just trying to get all qualified candidates to apply.
To be “inclusive,” Harvard should offer the job to Carol Swain.
Naw, Karine Jean Pierre. She’s a black, female, a lesbian, an immigrant, she has no academic credentials of note, and no academic plagiarism since she has no writings. She does lie a lot but, with the Left, that’s a resume enhancer. Perfect fit. Just what Harvard wants.
Hire a Haitian to replace a Haitian.
I know nothing about how University Presidents are picked. I assumed some group such as a board of regents interviewed several and elected someone for that position. After looking it up I was surprised to find out only one person at Harvard was responsible, after supposedly reviewing some 600 applicants.
They picked her from a computer program. Zero people picked her.
Getting free stuff for doing nothing. Some things never change.
Depravity and psychopathology and corruption and stupidity are endemic among the academics.
Gay will go on record as having the shortest tenure as President of Harvard. I guess decent hardworking people can take heart in that. As for the $900K salary she gets to keep, that’s corruption with a shine on it.
Gay is just disgusting. Absolutely no humility or self awareness, loud and falsely proud. Can you imagine her claiming racism as the cause for her downfall? These people have lowered every standard for human behavior in this Country.
900,000 Smackers for teaching a class. Nice gig if you can get it 🙂
You’re assuming that she’ll have to teach again. Maybe not. She might just get an office and a meaningless job title, where all she has to do is show up…and maybe only once a week, or less. If she actually does have to teach, the subject and content of her classes would likely be worthless fringe garbage, as befits her laughable academic history.
Almost $1,000,000 for being a bigot? She should be FINED $900,000!!!
“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
And too many people seem to confuse professional outlook and considerations with their personal likes and dislikes. Speaking as a retired public school teacher,
I knew some principals who gave poor ratings to teachers who did a
great job educating their assigned students. Those teachers did not “suck up and kiss butt” to that principal. Or maybe the principal was jealous of the teachers’ successes.