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“The evil that men do lives after them,” wrote William Shakespeare; “the good is oft interred with their bones.” If this has ever been true of anyone in the long history of the human race, it is true of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the jihad group Hizballah, who was killed in a bombing of his Beirut bunker on Friday. Nasrallah is dead and his group is decimated, but the evil men do does indeed live after them. The ill effects of the long career of Hassan Nasrallah will reverberate for a long, long time.
Nasrallah shared his Iranian masters’ hatred for the U.S., as he made abundantly clear as far back as 2002: “Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute…. Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, ‘Death to America’ will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: ‘Death to America.’”
This was not just empty braggadocio. That same year, Salim Boughader Mucharrafille, a Mexican national of Lebanese descent, was sentenced by a Mexican court to sixty years in prison for smuggling people into the United States, including Hizballah operatives. Then on November 19, 2003, a Lebanese Muslim named Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, who lived in Dearborn, Michigan, was indicted for conspiring to “knowingly provide material support and resources” to Hizballah. The indictment identified Kourani as a “member, fighter, recruiter and fund raiser for Hizballah.” Kourani was, it said, “a dedicated member of Hizballah who received specialized training in radical Shiite fundamentalism, weaponry, spy craft, and counterintelligence in Lebanon and Iran.”
Investigators found audiotapes in Kourani’s Dearborn home containing statements such as “You alone are the sun of my lands, Nasrallah! Nasrallah!…your voice is nothing less than my jihad.” “We offer to you Hizballah, a pledge of loyalty,” said another tape. “Rise for Jihad!…I offer you, Hizballah, my blood in my hand.” Kourani had entered the United States illegally on February 4, 2001 by crossing the Mexican border hidden in the trunk of a car.
Kourani was not singular. In September 2007, Texas Homeland Security Director Steve McCraw gave a speech to the North Texas Crime Commission in which he revealed that Hizballah operatives, as well as jihadis from Hamas and al-Qaeda, had been arrested crossing the Mexican border into Texas. This has continued. Much more recently, in March 2024, NBC News reported that “Border Patrol agents stopped a Lebanese migrant at the border near El Paso, Texas, earlier this month who claimed to be a member of Hezbollah and that he was going to New York and was going to try to make a bomb, a Customs and Border Protection official confirmed Monday.”
Hizballah operatives who made it into the U.S. have been patient. Thomas Fuentes, the FBI’s special agent in charge of the International Operations, said back in 2007: “they want to maintain a low profile by engaging in criminal activity [but] not direct attacks….They’ve not been enthusiastic about doing it on US soil because of the attention and reaction that would occur.”
However low profile they tried to be, some Hizballah operatives inside the United States could not keep their activities concealed. In July 2007, the Treasury Department shut down the Goodwill Charitable Organization (GCO) of Dearborn, Michigan, for funneling money to Hizballah. It called the GCO “a Hezbollah front organization that reports directly to the leadership of the Martyrs Foundation in Lebanon” and explained that “Hezbollah recruited GCO leaders and had maintained close contact with GCO representatives in the United States.”
2007 was a long time ago. Have all those Hizballah operatives left the U.S.? Will the killing of Nasrallah lead them to give up their activities and leave the organization. The answer to both of those questions is “Unlikely.” Hizballah operatives are still in the U.S., and will make themselves known when the time comes to do so.
Meanwhile, they are stepping up activities in South America. Oil Price News noted in August 2024 that “Hezbollah’s sizable but overlooked presence in Latin America poses significant risks. It gives the militants access to lucrative illicit economies along with the ability to strike soft targets in a region lacking robust counter-terrorism capabilities. In the wake of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s fraudulent electoral victory, Hezbollah will expand its South American presence as Iran ramps up support for the murderous regime to counter stricter U.S. sanctions.”
Hizballah is not in Venezuela because it is deeply interested in Venezuela. It is in Venezuela as a stepping stone to get to the United States. We will, unfortunately, quite likely be hearing from this group again.
One day he will be in the place when the Real Great Satan is and there wont be 1000 Virgins either
I assure you his demonic possessed soul is in hell now awaiting the JUDGEMENT
When we die we go to one of two places – Paradise or hell awaiting JUDGEMENT
I suspect if someone is wicked enough to go to hell , they won’t gain YHVH’S forgiveness and pass JUDGEMENT into eternity.
After the JUDGEMENT there will be no more hell and no more Paradise – we either make it to the 3rd and final earth age – aka – eternity or our eternal life will be snuffed like a candle flame.
We who make it to the 3rd and final earth age most certainly don’t want someone who was a mass murderer to rapist in human life – that stain will always be on them – this is one of the tests of human life.
We are in this situation because of the fall of lozrfr-zatan and YHVH wants to eliminate this threat to occur again!
Bada Boom Bada Bing Shamus Humus
You’re wrong. There’ll be 5000 virgins! But they will all look like Rashida Tlaib!
BREAKING NEWS: Netanyahu speaks to The Iranian People. He also mentioned them during his UN speech. That Israel is not against the people of Iran. Today, “The Persian People.” He’s signaling for them to overthrow their government… and he’s going to help. SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!
“The only power that can knock the dam down… IS THE WATER BEHIND IT!” SC
Steve Jobs famously said, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”
Israel has conducted an operation that killed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.
For over three decades, Nasrallah has been Hezbollah’s leader and symbol, and has continued to plot attacks against Americans, Jews, other non-Muslims, and even Muslims who do not share his views. The death of Nasrallah marks a most significant achievement by Israel in the effort to defeat Hezbollah.
Amazing what the Israelis can accomplish when they cast off the yoke that the current chickenshit administration is trying to tether them with.
Trump survived his assassination attempt, while higher echelon islamist enemies didn’t.
Liberals are weeping & wailing over so much good news of good guys winning. (The “Squad” traitors are currently inconsolable.)
I was just now listening to a podcast of former Navy SEAL Mike Ritland interviewing a former Delta Force Operator who mentioned something I never heard….
He said regarding Saddam Hussein’s inner circle…. that “anyone who was in close proximity or touched him, touched his food, such as valets and other servants were all Christians”(paraphrased)… going on to say that Saddam never trusted Muslims because they’ll kill you just because that’s good for their God… whereas Christians have a different understanding of what pleases God.
Islam truly is a type of cancer on the human race. And Oncologists will tell you that either zapping it with radiation, cutting it out surgically, or bombarding it with chemicals are the only known cures.
bombarding it with chemicals
this is my favourite method of addressing this sort of problem. the more chemical energy released per nanosecond, the more I like it. The ability to be deployed from a safe distance for the one applying the method, the better, in addition.
I want to applaud Israel for their latest victory in eliminating the majority of Hezbollah’s senior commanders as well as the brilliant exploding pager tactic, and wish them more good fortune in the days to come.
Hear, hear! 🍻🇺🇸🇮🇱
Israeli patriots finally cast off involving this back-biting administration, and the consecutive successes resulted.
If “Heels up” Harris cheats her way in the Oval Office, Bibi will need to continue leaving the Oval Office out of the loop (or use the low-octane bitch to inadvertently help him misdirect, as she’d certainly share any conversation with Hezbollah.)
Tell us you didn’t really say it:
you mean, you are in favour of feeding “disinformation” to Camelnose in the hope/certainty she will be quick to “spill the beans” to your intended target audience?
beep beep beep … BOOM!
I was at the terrorist org CAIR’s website to see what the terrorists had to say about their co-religionist’s introduction to his 72 virgins. There was none. Their biggest concern is that colleges are getting prepared to deal with the one year anniversary of the muslim attack on Israel that broke the ceasefire that had been in effect.
They…..like Democrats…..want dead Jews. And lots and lots of them.
Nor do islamist thugs care how many of their children are sacrificed as human shields to do so. (The press doesn’t care either as long as they can lie about it.)
a bit of cultural clarification on the “seventy two virgins” thing:
the word we translate to “virgin” is the arab word “houri”. this is the root word of our not too genteel term to describe a female who sells the use of her body to anyone tendering the desired fee.
In the meantime, the Mullahs are LAUGHING THEIR ARSE OFF!
“We find new leader, then another, another, and another. They puppets anyway.”
Eliminate the Root of all Evil… until then… another and another and another!
That works for me. March on through their population of “males for hire” until the only ones remaining are clueless fourteen year olds…… all those older with even a sniff of intelligence and ability will have gone ino hiding, transferred out to some remote sandlot in the Aussie Outback, or gone “dark”. And the quality of “leadership” from the remaining “pool” of candidates will be so low as to be worse than useless.
the one absolute truth upon which I WILL continue to stand is this one”:
“our God reigns”.
Actually, the jihadist members of Hezbollah according to the Quran Hassan should blame or condemn the Israel Defense Force of their jihadist chief Nassan Nasrallah, Allah the god of Islam , if to be blamed and condemned of Nasrallah is dead.
To explain this in a more detailed way, it that if the jihadists of Hezbollah as well as other jihad-minded Muslims really feel that him being killed in those Israeli airstrikes is “a tragedy and even a disaster,”
Since they believe in the Quran , they should then acknowledge and recognize that It isn’t the Israel Defense Force that is to blame or is responsible for the death of Nasrallah but Allah , the god of Islam and the Quran to blame and responsible for Nasrallah being killed.
When getting down to basic Quran theology which is the Quran based worldview the one who is really to blame and is responsible for the is the god of Islam ,Allah. For according to the Quran Allah had sent “disaster” being killed.
For the Qu ‘ran teaches in Surah 57:22. “No misfortune [disaster] can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree [Qu ‘ran ] before [in eternity ] We [Allah] bring it into existence: that is easy for Allah.”
Therefore according the Islam’s “holy book,” the Quran the Islamic god, Allah, is guilty for the death of Nasrallah. Therefore, the all the members of Hezbollah and other Muslim terrorists should blame Allah for the death that jihadist chief .
The elimination that vicious jihadist “top dog”, Hassan Nasrallah,” of Hezbollah by the Israel defense Force was needed to be achieved for practical, important reason.
In other words, it was a necessary thing to do. For he was a dangerous malice-filled and horrendously wicked and death inflecting man and would continue to be so if he wouldn’t have had been terminated.
All the many deaths of so many that Nasrallah was responsible for came back down upon him hard in a literal blast. That jihadist chief finally got what he really deserved.
Well, this may serve as evidence that the old saying is a valid statement. Which is what goes around comes around.”
The jihadists of Hezbollah in their deluded , dangerous and violent murderous Islamic mindset cannot be reasoned with. In other words, they will not respond to the language of reason of logic.
The hard terrible reality is that that only language that they will understand is that of a strong power of military might. Therefore, that’s who they should be dealt with.
As Thomas Jefferson had , so wisely ,written “With every barbarous people…force is law.”
It had also been, rightly, said, “Half- measures in war is folly and madness.”
The government authorities and officials of the State of Israel have a duty and responsibility to use pre-emptive strike against that belligerent and hostile vicious and murderous jihad entity Hezbollah to ensure the safety security and lives of the people who are citizens of that nation.
Therefore, the extermination of that dangerous malicious and murderous chief of Hezbollah was an action of self-defense.
As the fifth President of the United States, James Monroe, rightly and wisely, in a speech had declared, “The right to self-defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals.”
As for the extermination of that jihadist chief of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, it’s “Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
A sure thing about islamic terrorists and all islamists for that matter:
They always falsely accuse others of what themselves are. It puts people on the defensive, it’s psychological terrorism.
Real Satan worshippers falsely accusing others of being Satan.
Real genocidal oppressors for 1,400 years falsely accusing others of the same.
Real invaders and destroyers of many nations and civilizations, falsely accusing their victims of doing the same.
the befitting description of hell once you enter it is one of wailing and gnashing of teeth . ” wailing ” because you have been duped , ” gnashing of teeth ” because you are angry . it goes on for eternity which is fitting for rejecting christs message the gospel . he will be assigned a special place in hell with no virgins . plus he wont know if any of his cohorts are there sharing the eternal horror . there is not a more appalling cult in this world than islam and untold millions will end up there because of mohammed . once you are in hell there is no purgatory , its permanent and no getting out early for good behaviour .