Fox News reported Thursday that “an ally to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., runs an organization that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says has ‘provided a platform for anti-Semitism.’ University of California at Berkeley instructor Hatem Bazian is a Tlaib ally and donor who is also a co-founder and professor at Muslim liberal arts school Zaytuna College. In 2006, Bazian founded a controversial, advocacy organization named American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which has featured Tlaib at events.”
Hatem “Hate ‘em” Bazian is, essentially, a Professor of Jihad, not in the sense that he teaches about the concept, but that his entire academic career is a jihad, a jihad of the pen, designed to accomplish essentially the same goals that other jihadis are trying to attain by different means: the advancement of Islam and Sharia. Bazian is a Professor of Jihad in other ways as well: he is head of a group with multiple ties to the jihad terror group Hamas,
IPT News reported in May 2017 that AMP was set up as a “ruse” by former officials of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) and the American Muslim Society (AMS) after those two organizations were “found liable for an American teen’s death in a 1996 terrorist attack” and ceased operations, claiming to be unable to pay. IPT adds: “A subsequent criminal prosecution found that other defendants in the original lawsuit, like the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) and the United Association for Studies and Research, were part of a Muslim Brotherhood-created Hamas-support network in the United States called the Palestine Committee.”
Even the ADL, which has largely morphed into a smear group targeting conservatives (including those who are pro-Israel), noted that the AMP “promotes extreme anti-Israel views and has at times provided a platform for anti-Semitism under the guise of educating Americans about ‘the just cause of Palestine and the rights of self-determination.’”
Despite all this, Fox notes that Tlaib was “the ‘guest of honor’ at AMP’s annual convention in December 2019 and months earlier in July delivered a briefing organized by AMP to over 70 people. The Michigan Democrat also addressed AMP’s Palestine Advocacy Day delegates in April of 2019.” Also, “in March of 2013, AMP put up a billboard accusing Israel of engaging in ‘apartheid’ against Palestinians.” Tlaib and her far-Left Muslim colleague in Congress, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) “were featured as speakers for a virtual AMP event in November 2020, and both congresswomen attended the same pro-Palestine conference as Bazian.”
If Rashida Tlaib were a conservative and had an associate so multiply linked to hatred and violence as Hatem Bazian, she would have been hounded out of Congress long ago. But these kinds of associations are just fine with the political and media establishment. And in these days of a thoroughly corrupted and politicized academic environment, Bazian has all the respectable bona fides: he is “a co-founder and Professor of Islamic Law and Theology at Zaytuna College, the 1st Accredited Muslim Liberal Arts College in the United States. In addition, Prof. Bazian is a lecturer in the Departments of Near Eastern and Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.”
Researching and documenting “Islamophobia” doesn’t mean that Bazian keeps track of louts harassing innocent Muslims. No, Bazian is essentially a professor of Sharia Enforcement: he uses the smear propaganda term “Islamophobia” to stigmatize those who dare to note how Islamic jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims. Anyone who notices that the jihadis’ motivating ideology is Islamic to the core has already been or soon will be added to Bazian’s list of “Islamophobes”; the objective is to make everyone too frightened of this stigmatization to speak out, so that no will will dare utter a word and the jihad can advance unopposed and unimpeded.
Bazian has engaged in other kinds of thuggery as well. He has openly called for an intifada, a violent uprising, not in Israel only, but in the United States as well. And regarding supporters of Israel, he has declared: “We need to harass them.”
In a sane society, Hatem Bazian would at very least be under investigation for ties to jihad terror activity, and would be a prime candidate for deportation. Instead, he is a respected professor at a prestigious university, and a close associate of an influential member of the House of Representatives. He is thus a prime example of how our academic institutions have lost their way, deserve no public funding, and are in radical need of reform. But as the presence of his friend Tlaib in Congress shows, those who would take needed action against our corrupted universities and colleges are themselves just as compromised.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins―Revised and Expanded Edition. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.
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