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Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden, has been notorious for years as a particularly dangerous place for people who don’t happen to be Muslim. Now comes the news that it’s not terribly safe for dogs, either. More on this in a moment. For now let’s just point out that this makes sense, given that the creatures who, in the Western world, are known as man’s best friend are, in Muslim societies, considered unclean.
Those of us who’ve been attentively following the Islamization of the West, of course, have long been familiar with the Muslim disdain for canis familiaris. Years ago, when 9/11 was still a relatively recent atrocity and when we were all just starting to learn what it meant to have large numbers of Muslims living in the Western world, there were educational headlines like this one, in the Norwegian newspaper VG: “Cab drivers refuse to take dogs.” That particular story, which dates back to 2004, was about a blind woman in Oslo named Grethe Olsen who was turned away – for “religious reasons” – by no fewer than 21 cab drivers in a row because she was accompanied by her guide dog, Isak.
In 2007, Reuters reported on the same problem, which had begun to affect taxi passengers at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport: Muslim drivers belonging to the Twin Cities’ ever-burgeoning Somali community were refusing to take would-be customers “carrying liquor or accompanied by dogs” – including guide dogs. In response to these refusals, the Metropolitan Airports Commission issued new rules specifying that such drivers, after a first offense, would lose their cab licenses for 30 days and, after a second offense, would lose their licenses for two years. (As it happens, the requirement that cab drivers agree to transport guide dogs to and from that airport is still in effect.)
In 2012, the Dutch newsweekly Elsevier reported that tension between Muslim cabbies and guide dogs was on the rise in the Netherlands; a year earlier, the Dutch news site AD had profiled a woman who, at Schipol airport, took twenty minutes to find a cab driver willing to put up with her lap dog, which she was carrying in a handbag. In 2017, PJ Media’s Hugh Fitzgerald mentioned Muslim cabbies who turned away guide dogs in Toronto and Saskatchewan, and the BBC reported on Muslim cabbies who did the same thing in Britain. A 2010 article in the Daily Mail noted that not only were British Muslim cabbies turning away guide dogs – British Muslim bus drivers were actually ordering blind people with guide dogs off of their buses. In 2016, several cab drivers in Drammen, Norway, denied a ride to a woman who was desperate to take her dying dog to the vet’s; in the same year, a newspaper in Trondheim, Norway, told the story of a local blind man whose guide dog kept getting rebuffed by Muslim cabbies.
In most places in the Western world, it’s illegal for cab drivers to refuse to take blind passengers with guide dogs. But the issue hasn’t gone away. In 2022, NRK reported that Norwegian Muslim cab drivers, despite all the media attention and official regulations, were still routinely refusing to transport blind people with guide dogs. Indeed, if anything, things seem to have been going from bad to worse for a good many years. “More and more Muslim taxi drivers in Brussels are refusing to take dogs, even guide dogs,” reported a Dutch news site back in 2011. In 2015, a cab driver in Stuttgart told an interviewer: “Years ago, only about 50% of drivers refused dogs. Of the Muslim drivers I know, 100% refuse dogs. We have around 500 cars on the road every day, and a maximum of 50 take dogs.” As of 2019, the situation in Stuttgart hadn’t changed. And a 2019 report from Hamburg told the same story. Ditto Innsbruck, Austria, same year. When, in the wake of the Innsbruck story, Le Monde deigned to take up this politically incorrect topic, its reporter, one Assma Maad, loftily dismissed the notion that the refusal of cab drivers to transport guide dogs could possibly have anything whatsoever to do with Islam.
If journalists like Maad are quick to deny the Muslim angle, others are quick to side with the Muslim position. After a Dutch news site stated in 2014 that cabbies in Amsterdam were turning away guide dogs, a Reddit-like Dutch-language discussion site was flooded with self-professed non-Muslims who insisted – believe it or not – that respect for a Muslim cab driver’s religious beliefs should take priority over a blind person’s transportation needs. (Well, that’s one way to lose a country.) In some places, to be sure, the introduction of alternatives to taxicabs has proven to be a useful workaround: a 2021 article explained that thanks to Uber, it was now possible for residents of Amsterdam and Rotterdam – where drivers of old-fashioned cabs are overwhelmingly Muslim – to get from point A to point B with their dogs.
It should be underscored that the dogs-are-haram thing isn’t just about taxicabs. Last October, Rahul Gandhi, a member of the Indian Parliament who is the son and grandson of prime ministers Rajiv Gandhi and Indira Gandhi, made headlines in his native country after he gave his mother, Sonia, a Jack Russell Terrier puppy. In a YouTube video, Rahul, who belongs to the Congress Party, introduced the newest member of the family to the world and announced that its name was Noorie. Hysteria ensued among Muslims in India. Mohammed Farhan, head of a political party that goes by the initials AIMIM, maintained in his own YouTube video that since Noorie is a common name among Muslim women, giving it to a dog was an insult to Muslims.
A couple of weeks earlier, another dog-related story had roiled Muslims in Nigeria. In the north central state of Kaduna, an Islamic cleric, Abubakar Sani, took the occasion of the naming ceremony for his newborn son to slaughter two dogs with the intention of serving their remains as a celebratory meal. The news outraged some of his fellow Muslims, who furiously stormed his residence on the grounds that dead dogs are every bit as haram as live dogs. After this home invasion was quelled by police, a journalist spoke to Sani and one of his students, Ismail Abubakar Rijana, who took opposite sides on the question of whether or not the Koran permits the consumption of dog meat.
The journalist, in an admirable effort to get to the bottom of this profound theological question, also consulted a “renowned Islamic scholar” named Sheikh Ahmad Gumi, who patiently explained that while “The Prophet (SAW [i.e., sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, or “peace be upon him”]) prohibited the eating of all animals that hunt or have canine teeth, which dogs have,” there exists a school of thought in Iraq which teaches that eating dog meat is, well, icky, but not explicitly forbidden. Nonetheless, as far as Gumi was concerned, the facts were clear: “the Prophet (SAW) forbade eating dogs, so…people don’t eat dogs here.”
All of which brings us – finally – back to Malmö, where, according to a February 13 report at the website (citing a story in the regional newspaper Sydsvenskan), “more than 160 cases of dangerous dog food have been reported to police.” These cases “involve bread rolls or other food” containing shards of glass or sharp bits of metal obviously intended “to harm or kill animals that eat them.” These deadly foodstuffs have been strategically placed at various locations in downtown Malmö where people are in the habit of walking their pups. One dog owner interviewed by Sydsvenskan spoke of having encountered, and disposed of, about 20 such bread rolls in the vicinity of Malmö’s city hall.
This Malmö story is no fluke. In 2011, Soeren Kern wrote at the Gatestone Institute website about the “deaths by poisoning of more than a dozen dogs” in the Catalonian city of Lérida, where during preceding months “residents taking their dogs for walks” had been “harassed by Muslim immigrants opposed to seeing the animals in public.” Kern noted that “two Islamic groups based in Lérida” had recently “asked city officials to regulate the presence of dogs in public spaces so they do not ‘offend Muslims.’” Because of this Muslim hostility toward dogs, “50 local residents” had “established alternating six-person citizen patrols to escort people walking their dogs.”
If there’s any good news on this front, it’s this: in at least a few small, presumably secular corners of the Muslim world, dogs are no longer haram. In October 2022, Africa News reported on Vetwork, a veterinary network, founded in 2019, that operates in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates and that received its start-up funding from “Egyptian and Saudi investors.” The company’s founder, a vet named Fedy Azzouny, noted that “pet ownership began to rise” in these countries “because of COVID and the influence of what we watch online. In movies, you see protagonists owning pets. Also, online influencers always have pets and we get influenced by that.” And among these pets are dogs – which, “formerly a rarity,” had, during the previous decade, “become a common sight” in Cairo.
“The culture has changed in the Arab World,” Azzouny maintained, in what might modestly be described as something of an overstatement. Africa News noted that “some well-respected Egyptian religious scholars” had recently issued fatwas “arguing that dogs were not unclean and owning them would not undermine a Muslim’s piety.” Sounds like a start, anyway. One interviewee, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, a political science professor at Cairo University, theorized that pet ownership in that part of the world “reflects the desire of rich Egyptians to stress their social identity and stand out from the rest of the people by imitating certain western lifestyles that are not common in Egypt.”
Well, more power to them. May their attitudes catch on among their coreligionists in the West. Especially the ones in Malmö. Then we’ll only have to worry about forced marriages, car burnings, random knifings, machete attacks, explosions, gay-bashings, honor killings, “grooming gangs,” the cold-blooded murder of apostates, Hamas-style massacres of Jews, and sundry acts of mass jihadist terrorism of the sort we experienced in New York and Washington on 9/11, in Beslan and Madrid in 2004, in London in 2005, at the Boston Marathon in 2013, in Paris and San Bernardino in 2015, in Nice and Brussels and Berlin in 2016, at the Manchester Arena and in Barcelona in 2017, in Oslo in 2022, and so on.
Grifter Joe’s administration left losts of dogs behind; just not in cages. But hey. Joe was in a hurry for his speech, and the loyal canines were slowing him down. (Sleepy was in a hurry to make a 20th anniversary speech.)
All those dogs either starved or were shot on the tarmac.
Irony is that those loyal service dogs had more smarts & dedication to this nation, than Sleepy ever even thought of, but to be fair, the insecure idiot has never thought much of anything . . . other than himself.
Sorry that Sleepy’s eagerly planned 20th anniversary 9/11 speech didn’t go as planned.
(Only thing Sleepy ever pulled off successfully was being a tool for others. Xi sends his thanks.)
Muslims are evil people. The “milk of human kindness” does not flow through their veins.
“…..since Noorie is a common name among Moslem women, giving it to a dog was an insult to dogs.”
Mohammed ordered all the black dogs of Mecca killed shortly after he had all the male Jews of Medina killed and he forced the 17 year old wife of the leader of the community to marry him on the same day as she was forced to watch the beheading of her husband because he and the community would not recognize him as a prophet and would not join his newly formed “religion”. He certainly was the world’s most perfect man and Muslims are required to emulate him.
That’s because he, like most muslims was scared of dogs.
You may have a point here.
He does. Fear 0f dogs is common in the Near and Middle East. Not Indonesia though, because they’ve lived with dogs for thousands of years there.
They, the dogs, are considered very dirty so eliminate them is the solution.
The dog rejected his romantic advances. Thus full of anger & hate, ordered all dogs now be seen as forbidden. Islam is
a perverse death cult.
Muslims really are a miserable bunch.
I once had a cat named Caesar, and I didn’t worry for a minute about offending Italians.
I assume Caesar,s name never resulted in a dressing down.
Rimshot! 🥁🇺🇸
(Everybody wants ta get into the act! 😎)
there cant be much left that doesnt offend them in the infidel world . islam , a miserable death cult with miserable adherants .
Interesting, isn’t it, that the filthiest creatures that walk on their hind legs (I won’t call them “people” or “humans”) consider DOGS to be “unclean”?
To vile Muslims who despise God’s wondrous creation, the dog –
may Dog Piss Be Upon Them.
anyone ever poll dogs 0n their opinion of moslems?
A lifted leg would probably be the response.
They hopefully will attack the genitals with vigor.
That poll would be ruff going.
They’re actually, like their ideal man, scared of dogs. My cousin lived in Turkey and whenever we visited we would walk his dog and the locals would run a mile. They were genuinely scared, it was not about cleanliness at all.
Nevertheless, “unclean’ is mentioned in their sacred books.
Thanks for making me laugh. Good one.
Someone should tell PETA about this although not pet is safe from PETA and their stupid philosophies they were sued for stealing a families little dog and having it putdown
1st neighbor: “I had to shoot my dog.”
2nd neighbor: “Was he mad?”
1st neighbor: “He wasn’t happy.”
Bruce may well have found the answer to our prayers, buy a dog and frighten them.
But they’re not “colonizers” nor “oppressors”.
Was not Odin protected by a wolf?
A new business opportunity: A Swedish cab company that caters to dog owners. Cabbie loves Doggie Inc. Eff the Muslims. It’s not their country anyway. Perhaps it’s time to leave and go back to their s-hole countries.
And fock the politicians that brought these inbred thugs to our shores – always with disregard & contempt for the native citizens.
Perhaps it’s way past time to line ’em all up against a wall.
I suggested years ago that, as part of the “vetting” process for new immigrants from countries with cultures that might not assimilate, a dog be present in the interview room. Dogs are a good judge of character. If the dog didn’t approve, that was a bad sign for them. And if they couldn’t accept a dog, then we’d be wise to reject them. Lots of others interested in coming here. We can afford to be selective.
Dogs would give suspicious immigrants and the country a pause.
That would require Swedish men de-feminize their country and yank it from their Leftist sociopath politicos.
This from cultures who wipe with the left hand and must be paid by their governments to use a western-style toilet.
They are so numerous as to make the toilet rules because a full house beats a flush.
After 9-11, I took CAIR up on its offer of a free-of-charge Koran. The passage, 4:34 addresses the permissibility of a husband hitting one of his wives. The footnote to the passage indicates Muslim scholars disagree about the meaning. The footnote states that some scholars suggest the hitting is only to be symbolic, and I quote, “as with a toothbrush.” Some “stuff” you cannot make up.
But before you hit them, you should first “foresake them in bed.” Remember Wokesters, all cultures are equal.
“.. hitting one of his wives’ – only one? What about the others?
In England, the idiotic courts ruled that muslims be given welfare for EACH wife.
Welfare had been limited to one check per inbred family.
In a free country a private business owner has the right to refuse anyone his service or product for any reason whatsoever.
Just as a in a free country a Christian bakery has the right not to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding.
Freedom of association also means freedom not to associate.
But a truly free country would also be a predominantly rational country and would not allow a mass invasion of Muslims into its borders.
A truly free country means a country of Laissez-Faire Capitalism and selective immigration not a socialist welfare state with open borders.
Private racism or bigotry is not a legal, but a moral issue—and can be fought only by private means, such as economic boycott or social ostracism.
And how do you think the Muslim will react to “economic boycott or social ostracism.’
Way to keep that empty head of yours in the clouds.
Agreed, but a Christian would NEVER leave a blind woman behind.
If you incorporate the corollary of “rights” into your thinking, it would help you avoid the category errors and straw men that plague your thoughts. It would make your philosophy more rational and defensible, and help avoid the category errors and straw men that plague your thinking. It is a common liberal mistake to consider rights without DUTIES, and thereby to create myriad new rights that are really not rights at all.
For example, there is no DUTY to bake a cake. There is no DUTY to provide service. There is a DUTY to provide for oneself and one’s household, but no RIGHT to have it from another via government coercion.
It is not perfect, but I believe it would help you.
When “The Man Who Knew Too Much” was being filmed in Morocco in the 1950s, actress Doris Day refused to continue working until something was done about the cruel treatment of animals on the film shoot. Even camels, donkeys and horses are treated in a way that would be illegal and outrageous in a non-Islamic country.
They keep their livestock in appalling conditions in Dubai which is as close to westernised as any Middle Eastern country. If they act this way, consider how Afghanistan behaves.
Proverbs 12:10: A righteous person has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.
Make jokes if you like, but, know that Muslims are at war with anyone not them. Dar al Islam never assimilates into Dar al Harb. “Peace” happens when Dar al Harb is over run, defeated, and converts to the dangerous superstition that was encoded by a known killer.
“… Johnny Ringo is obviously an educated man,.. now I really hate him.” – Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer)
Few understand that these religious injunctions were written in blood… kind of a blood fatwa.
Never compromise, just dominance and submission.
When Muslims claim “Islam” means “peace” it’s peace through submission to allah. And war or sky-high birth rate is how they make people submit.
Also unclean in Islam is sweat that is generated by sexual activity. It didn’t stop the 10/7 rapists, nor stop them from receiving a hero’s welcome from their admirers.
Back in about 2004 I worked on a renovation project at the Kansas City airport. At the airport there is a parking lot dedicated to parking for the taxi cabs that are waiting for a customer. The city of Kansas City put in toilets and foot washing basin in the small building there. The airport police officer told me that the city had to cut down the decorative shrubs around the parking lot because the moo slim cab drivers were going into the shrubs and crapping instead of using the toilets. No word on if they were using toilet paper. You guess is as good as mine. I suggest don’t shake hands with them. Oh and Salami Lick Um
Rather than cut down the decorative shrubs, they should have planted Poison Ivy.
Right on and nettles
They would have gotten a lawyer to sumac.
Given the sanitary conditions in muslim countries, I doubt whether muslims are qualified to differentiate between ‘clean’ and ‘unclean’. For the rest, the horrific cruelty of these peoples toward animals is well-known – not to mention their unspeakable cruelty toward humans. I know, they are not the only ones on earth, the difference being that anywhere else, barbarism is condemned whereas islam mandates and glorifies it.
But if the Swedes don’t mind living with them, it’s their privilege.
And their cruelty to animals. The millions migrating over our southern border are leaving their animals (mostly dogs) that accompanied them there and creating a lot of suffering for those animals, also.
My suggestion: Build a wall around Malmö to save the rest of the country.
Then shell the place into rubble.
Something we should have done to Falluja, instead of sending in Marines to get killed.
Take it from Montgomery Burns: Release the hounds!
These degenerates need to be stripped of citizenship and deported back to the sh@T holes they were excreted from.
Western civilization will not survive this invasion of primitive barbarians. They have only our destruction in mind.
No one has ever said it better than Churchill with his retrograde comment. If not stopped, Islam will drag humanity back to the Stone Age.
You must read this:
Read the entry under “The Arab Case, 1945” on February 14th. It is statement of King Ibn Saud to President Roosevelt aboard the USS Quincy.
Jihad is evident in the form of these examples of the imposition of sharia in these countries — it is a top priority of all observant Muslims.
Unfortunately, every small incremental victory for Jihad is another nail in the coffin of civilization.
Tell me again of the many great benefits to the Western World that has been gained from having islam and its sheep infiltrate into Western societies because I seem to have missed that article.
islamis is the new nazism…
I trust a Dog before I would trust a muslim.
I have heard somewhere about the possible reason that the loathsome “prophet” of Islam hated dogs. It’s because Muhammad and his followers were essentially, at their core, thieving brigands who attacked others (caravans, tribes, and then of course entire nations ). Thus were they at the beginning of their noisome history, and thus they are today. These people, who have no positive contribution to society, only care about taking from others.
And what animal, beloved by all normal human societies, has as its essential function to warn humans of the presence of evildoers, thieves, and scoundrels, who are scheming in the night to harm their masters? The dog, of course. The dogs would set to howling and warn their masters of the presence of evil. Of course Muhammad would hate them.
And how very characteristic of Islam that its founder, contrary to all normal human custom, loathed man’s best friend.
Dogs can sense evil spirits.
Muslims can’t have that.
Look anyone straight in the face and say: “You’re insulted?” “Well, when you grow the hell up you won’t be anymore.”
When it was going t o Grammer School back in the 1960’s someone was poisoning dogs for a month or more then it just stopped and they never found out who it was