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The scales have fallen from the eyes of Henry Kissinger. He was a signatory in 2015 to a letter that urged Congress to pass legislation allowing more Muslims from Syria and Iraq — claiming to be refugees — to be admitted to the United States. Now he looks at Europe, where millions of Muslims have been allowed to settle, where they batten on the benefits provided by those generous welfare states, and sees how they have spread the virus of antisemitism that they brought with them when they arrived. Kissinger was shaken by the murderous antisemitism that was on display this week in the pro-Hamas demonstrations that Muslims and their willing collaborators took part in in many European cities. More on Kissinger’s new understanding of the Muslim threat can be found here: “Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, October 13, 2023:
Henry Kissinger: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts”
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) October 12, 2023
Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake,” and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea [sic] isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.
“Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.
Kissinger spoke of groups of people now in Europe “of totally different culture and religion.” He didn’t use the word “Muslim,” but it is obvious whom he was speaking about, and now he admits that it was a “grave mistake” to admit so many of them; there are now tens of millions of Muslims spread across Europe. Their violent demonstrations in support of Hamas terrorists have put on full display the moral abyss between Muslims and Europeans, It’s not only antisemitism that Kissinger worries about, but the anti-Infidel worldview that already has made life so difficult for the indigenous non-Muslims in Europe, now forced to share their towns and cities with those — Muslim migrants — who hate and despise them almost as much as they do Jews.
Speaking to Politico in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on Saturday, longtime kingpin of the globalist movement Henry Kissinger walked back his previous position on the importance of keeping Western nations open to refugee flows and said the events of recent days showed nations had gone too far. He told the publication observing celebrations in German cities in support of Hamas is “painful” to watch.
Kissinger said: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.”.[i.e., promotes Islam]
Europe should give “unconditional political support for Israeli action” now the terrorist attack has happened, Kissinger continued, and not least because in his view European states have a vested interest in making sure no precedent is set for raids and mass taking of hostages from Western nations is set. He concluded: “Israel must vindicate its sovereignty in that area, and that it cannot permit Gaza to return to a state where it could emerge, take thousands or a large number hostage, kill thousands, and then live in that condition side-by-side with Israel.
“I would say every European nation has the same interest because the same attitude might erupt in the direction of Europe.”
Kissinger has finally realized that the war against Israel is not one over borders, but rather, over the very existence of the Jewish state. And he now grasps that the same jihadist impulse can be found, though it has not yet reached Hamas-like violence and depravity, among the Muslim populations in Europe. As Kissinger says, Israel has to “vindicate [make absolutely clear] its sovereignty” and to ensure that Hamas is crushed, so that in Gaza there will be no possibility of returning to the status quo ante bellum. Israel in Gaza is battling the same Jihadist annihilationist threat that the rest of the West will face in the future from its own population of Muslim migrants; Western solidarity with Israel in its war should now be firmly expressed.
While hostage-taking raids on Europe may seem far-fetched, they are not without ample historical precedent and match other warnings about the very high-consequence risk of the tactic coming to Europe’s shores.
Kissinger’s comments on the “grave mistake” and danger presented by mass migration creating alien power structures within Western nations are a considerable shift from his previous positions, which he long acknowledged were influenced by his own experience as a refugee from Nazi Germany going to America in the 1930s….
As a refugee from the Nazis, Kissinger was reflexively favorable to all those wanting to be admitted to the U.S. as refugees or, rather, all those who claimed to be refugees. This was a colossal error on his part, based on his ignorance of Islam and his dreamy belief that all refugees were essentially equal in their ability, and willingness, to assimilate. He did not distinguish between a Muslim coming from Syria or Iraq and a Christian coming from Mexico or the Philippines. It has taken him many decades to grasp the nature of Islam, and the threat posed by Muslims.
Kissinger in 2015 urged Congress to take in more Muslim migrants because, in his tortured logic, that would show that the United States had nothing against Muslims and, so he dreamily believed, this would lessen the appeal of ISIS. But ISIS’s appeal was unaffected by how Infidels treated Muslims. ISIS didn’t care if Infidel states treated Muslims well or ill; its goal was to destroy all of them, and to create a world where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere. Kissinger wanted to admit Muslims into the U.S. so as to head off a “war between Islam and the West.” He failed so singularly to understand that nothing the West can do will win permanent Muslim favor; if the West were to allow the Muslims to destroy Israel, that would merely whet, not sate, Muslim appetites for still more Islamic victories over Infidels. That war, or jihad, has been waged by Muslims against the world’s non-Muslims for the past 1400 years. When the Western world admits Muslims into its midst, that does not change the Muslim imperative to conquer, by demography or by war, the Infidel lands and peoples. Allowing more Muslim migrants into our countries simply swells the size of a dangerous fifth column.
Kissinger, who has always fancied himself a master of geopolitical realpolitik, was an innocent about the texts and teachings of Islam, unaware that waging jihad is a permanent duty for all Muslims. Now he seems, at the age of 100, to recognize that he was wrong on the subject of Muslim migrants, and that the Western world, too, was wrong, in admitting Muslims who for the most part do not wish to, and are unable to, integrate peacefully into the societies of Infidels who are, Muslims are taught, “the most vile of created beings.”
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, on the matter of Muslim migrants, signals Henry Kissinger at long last. He has a lot to answer for, as do all those other cosseted soi-disant “brilliant thinkers” in their chanceries and think tanks and consultancies — the people belonging to the political elites of Europe who ignored Islamic history and theology, and admitted into their midst tens of millions of Muslims who may yet be the agents of the civilized Western world’s destruction.
Algorithmic Analyst says
What did Bill Clinton say … “We believe even in deathbed conversions.” 🙂
don says
Political philosophy by persons not affected by such remains a major problem to the nations living with stupid ideas. The apology is about 20 years late, but is instructive in that such fools should not be listened to. Generations will suffer because of dumb ideas foisted on gullible politicians. Japan has it right. Don’t let anyone in!
VOWG says
I used to think an old man’s realization was funny, as an old man I now see that many have realizations too late in life. He has done his damage.
John MacKenzie says
Poor Henry, he must feel the flames of hell snapping at his sagging buttocks. That’s why he’s hung on to life so bloody long.
The Retired Viking says
Proof that only the good die young.
Rose says
He’s more than a little late with his supreme knowledge.
Intrepid says
*“Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.*
Poor Henry K. He recently turned 100 and now, after a lifetime of failure, he finally has seen the light. Maybe we shouldn’t have let all these Muslims into the west. Maybe he has finally recognized that as a Jew, his own life is in danger. Can’t have that now, can we.
He is among the last of the Deep State cold warriors who gave us every foreign policy disaster in the last 60 years. It is impossible to calculate the amount of blood on this guy’s hands. He has played footsie with the Communists and the Muslims his whole life.
fsy says
He’s been denying his Jewishness for his entire adult life. He hasn’t seen any “light”, only perhaps a bit of visceral fear.
roberta says
He is the oldest and best example of a ”government expert”
The Retired Viking says
Or, one of the world’s oldest pr0stitutes.
Blackdog says
Henry is just another idiot. He was brought in by Nelson Rockefeller in the 60’s and thought to be intelligent by his accent. It makes you wonder about the intellectual acuity of his group of followers if he is brighter than they. “They” still run the show. OUCH! We actually pay them to breed and undermine us.
“and they created a desert and called it peace”
Justin Swingle says
Alleged Getaway Driver in Fatal Texas Police Shooting Had Previous Deportation, Cartel Ties
The alleged getaway driver in a fatal police shooting in South Texas had previously been deported and had ties with the Gulf Cartel in Matamoros, according to court records obtained by Breitbart Texas. The shooting incident led to the death of San Benito Police Department Lieutenant Milton Resendez.
Thomas Collins says
I remember when brzezinski became NSA…I thought, here’s the replacement for Kissinger. Brzezinski’s now been dead for six years, and Henry’s still kicking.
Ed Snider says
Kissinger, throughout his long and disastrous career, has essentially been AOC with an IQ, the source of countless flat out stupid campus lounge ideas that seem brilliant until they fall flat on their face in the real world. He’s also a damn liar. Today he casts himself as the savior of Israel during the Yom Kippur war. The truth is that he told President Nixon to let Israel bleed so that they would be more malleable after the war. It was Nixon, tagged unfairly as antisemitic, who is quoted as saying, “I won’t little Israel be harmed on my watch, Henry. Send them everything (all the weaponry) they want.
Eva says
I didn’t know that about Nixon.
Seems that perhaps he was one of the better ones?
teachem2think says
Both of them actually detested the J-influence. See “the tapes.”
Snuffy Carter says
it’s true – Nixon saved Israel during the Yom Kippur war with our U.S. military equipment.
But with respect to America, Nixon started the decline of our country by taking our dollar off of the gold standard and by opening the door to China – and now, 50 years later, America has reaped what Nixon had sown – $33 trillion national debt, $2 trillion/yr budget deficits, and U.S. manufacturing jobs moved to China.
fsy says
The cynics say that Nixon saved Israel in October 1973 as a distraction from the deepening Watergate scandal. We will never know his real intentions in this world, but his actions speak for themselves.
I was visiting Israel in the summer of 1974 (I live here now since 1978), and I watched Nixon resign on TV in the living room of an Israeli family. They couldn’t stop crying like babies.
Barbara says
Why anyone would listen to him, much trust anything he says is stupid. He betrayed out POW’s left behind in Vietnam. He believes the foot soldier’s only worth is cannon fodder. They are to stupid and ignorant to be worth anything.
Snuffy Carter says
Bobby Garwood (Viet Nam POW from 1965 to 1979): “amen to that, Barbara. Henry got the Nobel Peace Prize for ending our Viet Nam war and for bringing “all” of the POW’s home in 1973 – but Henry never admitted to America that POW’s like me were left behind after celebrating his 1973 POW Homecoming party. Henry must have soiled his pants when he saw me return to America six years after his homecoming party.”
Ruckweiler says
For all his supposed “genius” Kissinger has done this country no good. Admiral Zumwalt in his book “On Watch” mentions that he heard him speaking of America as, in essence, on the downslide in the ’70’s.
Brian Rockford says
The UK took in incompatible cultural communities because the capitalists wanted labour on the cheap and the communists wanted revolutionaries on the cheap. Popular opposition was opposed as “racism”. So objecting to Deobandi mosques in an English suburb or market town was equivalent to lynching Blacks or gassing Jews. “Mistakes” have consequences – for people other than those who make them. Kissinger’s little-known essay on Spengler’s “Decline of the West” makes tragic reading today as the western world collapse under that earlier German’s warning of a combination of “race war and class war” against us.
teachem2think says
Precisely! Spengler’s “Decline of the West” were the books he suggested to Nixon on their initial meeting. ALL of these disgusting globalists need to be chastised publicly but it will never happen.
Snuffy Carter says
U.S. professor Carroll Quigley also wrote a book “Tragedy and Hope” in 1966 where the professor spilled the beans on the existence of the new world order and their plans for America. Quigley was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but not a member of their inner circle. When Quigley mentioned the CFR’s inner circle plans for global governance in his book, the inner circle went into shock – this was not to be public information!
Eva says
So it’s taken kissinger 100 years to work this out, whereas some of us could see it in our twenties (maybe even earlier for some).
And that’s what they call a ‘genius’?
Fred A. says
I have no respect for Henry Kissinger because he has made a lot of mistakes. Its time for him to retire from public life. I knew a long time ago that a diversified society does not work. He just realizing that now at his age.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Kissinger is a German Jew who fled Hitler’s Germany. He should have known better.
Jim Daniel says
No contributor has addressed the quintessential issue of attempting to save the west short of Muslim genocide.
The President of Hungary is either a geopolitical genius or elevated pragmatist for his policies of protecting his countries borders from the Middle Eastern hordes?
The West and Europe can accept the Muslim presence as a fait accompli or for survival set about planning for the removal of Muslims in some Humanitarian fashion, which will be a genocide minus the gas?
Realists might set up a modified form of Dhimmi or begin learning Sharia. History will note the proclivity of Muslims for procreation and the great intellects of the west for their neo-baboon accomplishments.
Verneoz says
“Henry Kissinger’s About-Face: He Now Warns of Muslim Migrant Danger.” Kissinger has had no “scales falling from his eyes.” He is a globalist who is far disconnected from the American people and what goes on in the real world. He is what the World Economic Forum represents. Kissinger should be simply ignored. He is no longer relevant.
John Blackman says
kissinger would allow the germans to have gas ovens right up to the moment that they shove his miserable body into one , some jews never learn as they now reap their own stupidity in listening to feckless joe and the left and their woke military . they need to erase gaza , unfortunately the hostages will suffer because of israel and americas duplicity .
Jerry Gros says
If we would only listened to Rabbi Meir Kahane none of this would have happened. He was right and Henry Kissinger is still wrong. Moshe Dayan was also wrong giving the mosque to the Arabs.
Ron Wasserman says
Between Muslim immigration to the US and the mass ignorance of history and world affairs among America’s younger generation, Israel will face an existential danger. When Arab/Muslim Americans outnumber American Jews, the influence of the later, both politically and societally will be trumped by the former. Israel must prepare for the eventual by reaching out to other powers, America cannot be relied on for assist indefinitely.
sue says
It’s difficult to be sure down here at cannon-fodder level. but I have felt for a while that I have been hearing the screeching of brakes as the Movers and Shakers try to put us into reverse. Why not listen to our loving Creator, the God of Abraham, instead? He loves us, wants nothing but the best for us, and is the very Source of wisdom.
Domenic Pepe says
The wealthy, elite, and political scum that run most countries are comfortably and safely ensconced in their own world.
They do not care about anything but maintaining their wealth and power.
In America they do not care about its working and middle class flesh and blood citizens.
Mexico is the enemy of US citizens and the politicians do nothing about it.
Mexico invades the USA with millions of illegal aliens, and murders more than 100,000 US citizens every year,
and the politicians and elite do nothing about it.
Mexico is the enemy of America and US citizens.
ProudPagan says
He was a signatory in 2015 to a letter that urged Congress to pass legislation allowing more Muslims from Syria and Iraq — claiming to be refugees — to be admitted to the United States…
It’s an ugly fact that jewish individuals ánd organization are prominent promoters of immigration from the third world