I’m assuming here that The Washington Post has not already ruled the Muslims who blew up the Istanbul Airport to be self-hating gays infected by America’s culture of homophobia.
It turns out, Omar Mateen, the Orlando nightclub shooter, also wasn’t a self-hating gay, despite media excitement over that rumor. The FBI has now run down every alleged gay partner of Omar’s, searched his phone and computers, and the alleged gay lovers either had the wrong guy or were lying, and there’s no evidence he was on any gay websites or apps.
As a Muslim immigrant explained in a curbside interview videotaped by Tony Vera at the Los Angeles International Airport recently — before she was arrested — that’s what we do, we bomb people.
With impeccable timing, three days before the Istanbul bombing, the liberal Guardian (UK) ran an article sneering at Brexit supporters for wanting out of the European Union before Turkey became a member and the door was thrown open to unlimited migration from this Muslim country that shares a border with Syria, Iraq and Iran.
The article by Liz Cookman was titled, Turkey, the Brexit bogeyman, is not so different from the UK.
Liz had a lot of fun with the Brexit-supporting ninnies, so relieved that the Turks are no longer coming. She referred to Turkey as the country whose people Britons are apparently petrified of, despite the fact that it turns out Britain and Turkey are not so different after all.
One way they’re a little different is that Britain has fewer Muslims on hand to blow things up. The attack this Tuesday, which left dozens dead and more than 100 wounded, is the seventh major terrorist bombing in Turkey so far this year, with a total death count in the hundreds.
Thank God Hitler didn’t claim Mein Kampf was a holy book and the Fuhrerbunker a mosque.
Western governments have devoted incalculable resources to developing some diagnostic test other than Muslim to predict terrorism. As the New York Times reported earlier this year:
What turns people toward violence — and whether they can be steered away from it — are questions that have bedeviled governments around the world for generations. Those questions have taken on fresh urgency with the rise of the Islamic State and the string of attacks in Europe and the United States. Despite millions of dollars of government-sponsored research, and a much-publicized White House pledge to find answers, there is still nothing close to a consensus on why someone becomes a terrorist.
I have a possible indicator! M-U-S-L- …
After the July 7, 2005, London subway bombing by Muslim terrorists that killed 52 people, the British MI5 undertook its own highly sophisticated study, examining hundreds of cases. But the UK’s security agency discovered that terrorists are a wildly diverse lot. They worshipped at a variety of different mosques, for example.
Some terrorists were very religious Muslims and some barely practicing. Most were men, but some were women. There were young and old terrorists, highly educated as well as uneducated, some loners and some married with children.
So, according to MI5, the predictive power of every factor is very low — other than: Is a Muslim.
The researchers claimed their work would challenge the stereotypes about who becomes a terrorist, but it pretty much confirmed mine.
Republicans who are furious with Trump for proposing that we hit the pause button on this one category of Third World mass immigration have nothing at all to say about the census report this week showing Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act has so transformed the country that a majority of babies born in the United States today are not white.
The only thing Republicans can do is denounce Obama for not using the words radical Islamic terrorism. (As long as they brought up Words Politicians Refuse to Use, when will the eunuchs work up the nerve to say illegal alien, anchor baby and amnesty?)
Obama is a hapless fool, but what is so special about the words radical Islam? Maybe it’s not radical Islam. Maybe it’s just Islam.
The reason Republicans obsess over Obama’s language is that they can’t go on TV and say nothing, and no one but Trump will say anything useful. To wit: Let’s stop dumping a million Muslim immigrants on the country every year, some percentage of whom we know will commit mass murder.
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