The numbers are as shocking as they are undeniable: American high school students are more ignorant and ill-equipped than they have been in decades or more; in fact, it’s likely that their abilities are at their lowest level ever. The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday that “average scores on the ACT [American College Testing] college admissions test dropped to their lowest in 30 years, revealing more evidence of the pandemic’s alarming impact on American education.” But it’s not just the pandemic. This is the result of the wokeification of the American public school system. Far too many teachers are spending their time filling their students’ heads with trans and Critical Race Theory nonsense instead of giving them an education. It’s dereliction of duty on a grand scale.
The Free Beacon added that “the average composite score for the class of 2022 was a 19.8 out of 36, according to a report released Wednesday, falling under 20 points for the first time since 1991. This year’s graduates endured the effects of the pandemic for three of their four high school years.”
The pandemic wasn’t even close to being the only thing they endured. In Georgia, PJM’s Chris Queen reported in August, “Gwinnett Schools are now adding gender propaganda to the mix with what one group calls ‘inappropriate gender lessons’ on school-issued Chromebooks that parents can’t access when logging into their children’s accounts on other devices.” In San Juan Hills High School in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., teacher Danielle “Flint” Serio has an entire “queer library” in her classroom. And down the road at Madison High School in San Diego, a teacher has defined “fascist” with words including “Trump,” “white,” “Christian,” and “heterosexual.” The Republican Party, this sage wrote on his classroom whiteboard, “is a fascist organization that no longer fits the category of a conventional Democratic Party.” In a rural, conservative school district in Minnesota, the ninth-grade curriculum includes a book that features explicit rape scenes.
The same kind of indoctrination is taking place in public schools all over the country. And so it is no coincidence at all that “of the ACT-tested graduates, 42 percent failed to meet any of the four ACT College Readiness Benchmarks (English, reading, math, science). Last year, 38 percent of students did not meet any of the benchmarks.” English, reading, math and science? Come on, man! That’s so 2005. Students today have to learn about far more important matters, such as how they can change sexes, and how they’re inherently racist (if they’re white) or perpetual victims (if they’re black). They have to learn about how the Founding Fathers were racist slave owners who deserve only to be execrated and despised.
That’s a lot to pack into one school day. It simply leaves no time for students to devote any attention to learning to think critically, or to express themselves effectively, or to solve challenging problems. What our schools are turning out today are indoctrinated, unthinking lemmings who will accept what they’re told and act accordingly, and simply aren’t equipped to do much of anything else.
ACT CEO Janet Godwin said this about the catastrophic decline in test scores: “The magnitude of the declines this year is particularly alarming. We see rapidly growing numbers of seniors leaving high school without meeting college-readiness benchmarks in any of the subjects we measure.” The Associated Press, however, looks at the decline and sees (surprise!) racism: “The results offer a lens into systemic inequities in education, in place well before the pandemic shuttered schools and colleges temporarily waived testing requirements. For example, students without access to rigorous high school curriculum suffered more setbacks during pandemic disruptions, Babington said. Those students are from rural areas, come from low-income families and are often students of color.”
The reality, however, is that it’s precisely this obsession with race, and all the rest of the Left’s agenda, taking precedence in schools over what they should be teaching about that has caused this problem for students of all races. The public educational system has become a system of far-Left indoctrination, a scandal which is failing an entire generation of young Americans. But any politician who considers tackling this problem has to reckon with taking on the teachers’ unions, and most haven’t yet shown the courage to do that.
And so our nation’s schools are turning out a generation of indoctrinated imbeciles. In fact, that appears to be the goal.
Angel Jacob says
The dumber they are, the easier they are to brainwash and control.
maria says
Kick out all those communist pro muslim teachers and choose new well qualified teachers
Suzanne says
Where do you think all these new well-qualified teachers are going to come from? All the colleges/universities have been indoctrinating students for years.
No Name says
It’s not just commie pro-muslim teachers; it’s ALL teachers in public schools around the country!
My granddaughter is in 3rd grade and they JUST STARTED doing spelling words half-way thru’ October. Mind you, these spelling words are three- and four-letter words that they already learned in 1st grade!! And the math? Multiplication? What’s that?! Oh, so rounding and two-number adding is ‘new’ in 3rd grade and needs lots of time spent on it!
Hell, no! I don’t THINK so!! Pull those kids out of public schools. Put them in private schools or homeschool them. Public education should be renamed public indoctrination because that’s all it really is!
The CCP owns JB says
On January 10, 1963, The 45 Communist Goals to Takeover America was read into the House Congressional record (Appendix, pp. A34-A35).
Among them was Goal # 17 which directs the following:
1. Get control of the schools (K through college). Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Progressive (Communist) propaganda.
2. Soften the curriculum (dumb down the students). Instead of math, reading, science, basic civics and The Constitution, divert their attention and time with propaganda that divides Americans such as race, envy (rich vs poor, the “haves vs the have-nots”, “Diversity”, “Equity”, “Tolerance”, “Inclusion”, white privilege, global warming, gay and transgenderism, climate change, and identity politics– All are dog whistles for Cultural Marxism).
3. Discourage the teaching of American history or distort it. The less they know, the more easily they can be manipulated… This is why they are destroying statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Christopher Columbus and renaming historical landmarks. They are purposefully trying to erase our culture and history.
4. Get control of teachers’ unions and associations… Done.
Vladimir Lenin: ‘Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.’…
We are already at least two generations in.
No Name says
Kasandra says
This is the intentional consequence of the incorporation and teaching of Brazilian communist Paolo Freire’s theories of “critical pedagogy” into virtually all U.S. teachers’ colleges. (Wikipedia refers to him as a “Brazillian educator.”) Freire’s theories were spread into U.S. teachers’ school’s by Canadian/American communist Henry Giroux. Among other things, Freire believed that teaching standard academic subjects simply prepared students to replicate what he believed to be the existing oppressive structures of society. Instead, he believed, the purpose of schools should be to install in students a critical consciousness to prepare them to be revolutionaries who would overthrow those structures. What is currently happening in education is no accident. Our students haven’t become less intelligent. It is the result of a deliberate effort to repurpose the entire educational system for political ends. And that’s why Johnny can’t read or do basic math.
internalexile says
“A deliberate effort to repurpose the entire educational system for political ends.” Indeed. This is not just competing ideologies. It is evil.
Lightbringer says
If Johnny could do basic math, he might start putting two and two together and getting four. If Johnny could read, he might read things that would make him think and question what he is being taught. So we can’t let poor Johnny learn these skills, since they might make him unhappy. Can’t let that happen, can we?
TRex says
Dr. James Lindsay over at has done a tremendous amount of work exposing Freire, Giroux, Marcuse and others influence on education in the U.S. There are numerous audio and written pieces describing how the Marxist agenda has been introduced into and embraced by many of our colleges and universities. (One piece I found most disturbing is how there is no “escape” by enrolling students in “private” schools.)
In reply to Maria’s comment above about hiring other than Marxist indoctrinated teachers, I can only say good luck with that.
Gypo O'leary says
See: Replacement Theory
Wallace says
There are a lot of parents who don’t give a crap whether their kid gets an education at all. most do, but there are a lot of them that just simply don’t care
Keith41 says
Being a retired teacher, I can tell you we started dumbing down education years ago. Drugs has some to do with it, but making sure ‘some groups’ pass has a lot to do with it. AND when you add the trivial nonsense being taught……
Greebo says
This is why people can be duped into believing that someones credentials means they speak for science instead of following scientific method.
That is why they can be duped into taking untested injections of radically new technology that may sterilize & kill them instead of noticing that politicians are dictating the medical treatment physicians are allowed to give to people & that there was NO way they proved that the injections were effective or safe.
That is why politicians can claim that CO2 is a danger instead of REQUIRED for ALL life on earth (required for ALL plants to grow & feed us) & that government must CONTROL all energy use or it will different this time when temperatures & CO2 reach higher levels as they have been in earth’s past when the planet was more lush than it has been in a long time.
Dumbing down US education has paid off big time for the Communists. They can tell us anything & the majority will vote for it.
ginjit.dw says
Is supposed to be a ” news flash”? Look at the people that are “teaching” these kids. That is a big part of why these kids are failing. Imo
Lightbringer says
Thomas Sowell wrote some years ago that “education” majors tend to have the lowest board scores of any students in their given universities. Probably lower than football players. So we’ve got dumb bunnies getting their teaching credentials, dying their hair purple, and learning to screech as well as teach. And they’ve got your children if you let them. For G0d’s sake, get your kids out of public (and many private) schools and let them spread their wings and learn something for once.
11bravo says
BINGO! This IS evil, and will take forever, or a revolution of our own to ake the public education system back. The scores will continue to go down – unfortunately.