There are limits.
Maybe not to Hillary Clinton’s ego or her drive, but to the willingness of her donors to pour hundreds of millions into her war chest, or on Dem operatives to work for her on a campaign that would end their careers.
There is zero momentum for a Clinton campaign and Hillary knows it.
That doesn’t mean she isn’t running, despite her latest denial. Politicians deny running all the time. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand denied running when she wanted another turn in the Senate, and then turned around and ran, and the media shrugged and said, “Oh that Kirsten.”
But there’s no conventional path for Hillary to the nomination. She would have to battle for black voters against Harris and Booker, not to mention Biden, who would probably out-perform her. Her demo of Upper East Side and Marin County is better at bringing in money than votes. And even they’re not that stupid.
That leaves a last ditch effort. A long shot.
The only pathway is if Biden stays out of the race, Kamala Harris underperforms and falls out of the top 5, Beto O’Rourke flames out when voters learn he’s been wearing blackface for five years straight, and the race comes down to Bernie Sanders, a manic depressive Cory Booker who can’t stop chewing on his tie, and some guy no one can even believe is up on the stage.
Meanwhile Howard Schultz looks to clean Bernie’s clock.
Then suddenly, Hillary Clinton can ride to the rescue and lose for a third time.
But I don’t think that one’s happening.
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